Saturday, January 20, 2018

Sunday Post #229

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
It's been cold and snowy here all week again, but we're supposed to warm up this weekend. The sun is out though as I write this (Thursday afternoon) so that's something. At least it melts the ice. I read a few books this week, including What Alice Knew and I'm in the middle of The Extinction Trials. I've also been watching Electric Dreams on Amazon Prime and taking a break from Longmire to watch Godless on Netflix. And Riverdale returned this week.   

Last week I reviewed The Birthday Girl and The Young Queens. Both were great. This week will be The River at Night and my review for The Woman in the Window will be along soon. Short version: they're both great!          

The Birthday GirlThe River at NightThe Woman in the WindowThe Extinction Trials (The Extinction Trials, #1)

Song of the week 


Image result for 4:50 from paddington book cover


What Alice KnewThe Vault of Dreamers (The Vault of Dreamers, #1)


I've been wanting to rewatch Catching Fire ever since reading the books. This is the bomb. 


  1. What Alice Knew has a mysterious blurb! The husband, the choice -- all of it, sounds sooo intriguing!

  2. Both your new books sound so good! I am very curious about What Alice Knew! I can't wait to see your thoughts on that one, Greg!
    I hope the milder temps will stay for the duration of the weekend! It's colder here these days, there's snow on the closest mountain, which is beautiful, but yeah. I'm ready for some sun!
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. I do too, I need some sun! And thanks- they both were quite good :)

  3. It was cold here too. I am over winter. I am excited to see your review for The Woman in the Window. Have a great week!

    1. I liked the woman in the Window. And yup, I am SO over winter.

  4. I really need to sit down and just watch a few films...My dad bought me the new version of It on dvd so I might be looking at that tomorrow...

    1. Watching movies is good- especially new DVD's!

  5. I'm looking forward to your review of the River at Night. And it was interesting to see what Stormtroopers do on their time off! Have a great weekend, Greg!

    1. The River at Night was quite good. And I enjoyed that stormtrooper video too!

  6. I'm waiting to grab The Woman in the Window from my library. Glad to hear it's great!

    1. I think you'll like it, it had atmosphere and a nice twist. :)

  7. What a great list of books that you have! I've watched Catching Fire but I personally didn't enjoy it, especially Part 2.

    1. Aw sorry to hear you didn't like Catching Fire. I know Mockingjay was in two parts, how did you feel about that? I personally wasn't crazy about them splitting them up!

  8. I loved the Hunger Games, books and movies. Hope you're having fun with them. I have What Alice Knew on my "wish" list to look out for. I read The River At Night last year, very good one. I just started The Woman in the Window last night. I think it will be my kind of read!

    1. I liked The Woman in the Window, good stuff! And The River at night was too. And I just read the Hunger Games books so I now want to see the movies again. :)

  9. I can't wait to read your thoughts on The Woman in the Window. I've been eyeing that book for a while now and keep hearing great things.

  10. You just brought me back to high school/college with Under the Milky Way. I loved The Church!

  11. I really enjoyed Woman in the Window! And it was 50 degrees today here. I know it won't last but I was really happy!
    Jen Ryland Reviews

  12. Oh, I love when all the crappy snow and ice gets melted! It's supposed to be moderately warm here, and I can't wait for it to go away ha. Crap now you are making me want to rewatch CF-MJ (because I didn't love the first as much hah). When I put Ex Machina in my DVD player, the last thing in there was CF, actually- so I mean, it's handy for a rewatch!

    Curious about your upcoming reviews, because they both do sound interesting! And I am really hoping you like The Extinction Trials, it looks so good! Love the song choice, too- it's new to me but quite catchy!

    The Torch reminds me (shocking, I know) of The Dead Zone, where the Brooklyn Bridge and such are in the sand. ALPHA beta test is somewhere that I could spend a few days, I think. Especially with those...Idk, mini-monkeys? They can be pets!

    1. I feel like Catching Fire might be the best one? And now I want to rewatch too!

      The Extinction Trials starts out very YA-ish, which... I know it's Ya, but still. I'm not very far along but hoping it picks up. That map though and premise... I'll slog through a lot for that! And glad you liked the song! One of my faves...

      Ooh the dead Zone. Yes please. And yes ALPHA- have no idea what that name is- but it looks very nice.

  13. I was super impressed with Godless, and liked the story line. mostg of the snow has melted here as well, and it's pretty much 60 degree weather for the next week or so. Hugs...RO

    1. I'm one episode in to Godless, will probably watch more soon. And glad your snow is melting- I wish our would!!

  14. So glad your recent reads seem to all have been fabulous for you! And I'm so happy you loved Catching Fire!!! It's my favorite book & movie from the trilogy. <3 Happy reading, Greg!

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

  15. It's been cold and windy for California, but I'm sure not as cold as where you are. Glad to hear you enjoyed The River at Night and The Woman in the Window!

    I read all the Hunger Games books but only watched the 1st movie. Must finish the series someday. I think I even bought movie #2. :/ Happy reading, Greg! :)

    1. The weather seems to be wacky everywhere! And both of those books were really good. :)

      I only read THG recently (loved 'em) but I had seen the movies before, which is the opposite of how I like to do it. But it did make me want to #2 again- which I feel like might be the best one?

  16. Man, that Darth Maul is badass! And the art piece before that one, The Torch, reminds me a lot of The Last of Us video game for some reason. Or maybe I just associate a rundown overgrown city ruin like that with post-apocalyptic settings and zombies...

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Isn't it though? I loved it! And yes, same- anytime I see a ruined, overgrown city I think mutants or zombs or something. :) And I've never played that game, but sounds fun??

  17. It's been too hot here, I'd gladly trade for some snow. Have a great week!

  18. Hi Greg, if you liked The Hunger Games and Catching Fire, you will like Scythe, at least I hope so. Anyway I enjoyed the cold weather this week. I went out for my daily walk with just a sweater sans coat! Enjoy the rest of the week!

    1. That's good to know! And yay for warmer weather!

  19. Glad to hear you had a wonderful reading week. I hope this week is the same, Greg. Have a wonderful week. ❤️😁

  20. Wow! You sure read a lot of books this week! Have a great weekend!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  21. SOme interesting books for you, I saw them around. happy reading!

  22. Catching Fire <3 Maybe when I finish rewatching Potter movies..

    Happy reading and watching :)

  23. I know I've said it before but I love everything you include in here! The art and pulp covers are so cool.

    I'm gonna check out your reviews, and I'm excited to read yours on The Woman in the Window!

    -Vani | Off-Color Lit

    1. Thanx! Glad you like 'em! My review for woman in the Window should be up soon. :)

  24. Greg, you have been killing it with the music selections lately! :) Under the Milky Way takes me back to the late 80's - not long out of high school, working all day, going out at night, what a time.

    Cinna. :(

  25. Sometimes it is very "dangerous" for me to visit other blogs - way too many good books are presented *smile* Thanks for sharing your reads. Guess some of them will go on my wishlist.

    Best wishes
    Vi @Inkvotary

    1. I know the feeling! To be honest I get most of my new book ideas from blogs, I don't even ned to visit the bookstore anymore.

  26. I want to read The Woman in the Window. I'm glad you liked it. I can't wait to read your review.

    I haven't reread or rewatched Hunger Games in a while. I may have to do that soon.

    Have a great week!

    1. The Woman in the Windoe was good- atmospheric and fun.

      I may need a Hunger Games rewatch too! :)

  27. I am glad you are going to get a warm up! We had snow then a warm up and it's supposed to last for a few days! I am glad to hear that you liked A Woman in the Window, I have been hearing good things but it worries me cause the last book I read where everyone else liked I didn' I am patiently (sort of) waiting for my turn at the library for this book. I am #12...sighs.

    I need to check out the new Riverdale since I wait till it's on the CW app. The commercial for this one seemed a bit strange.

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

    1. It's not much of a warm up, but I'll take it! We're supposed to be back in 30's and 20's this week *sigh*

      Riverdale was weird this week!

  28. Sucks the weather has gotten cold again fingers crossed the warmer weather did arrive over the weekend for you. Looks like you got plenty of reading done this week though that's a crazy number of books! I'll be interested to see your thoughts on The Vault of Dreamers as it's been on my TBR for a while. Happy reading.

    1. I know! I'm about over winter. I did read a lot this week- kinda nice for a change. :)

      I can't wait to get to Vault of dreamers.

  29. Want to swap weather? lol it's been really warm and humid here the past few days, I am so over it (and I assume the worst is yet to come, this summer has been very weird).

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Sure! Ha ha I would love some warm weather, although yeah humid is not fun. :) Why can't we have a happy medium??

  30. All your books sound good, especially What Alice Knew. It has been warmer here this weekend too thankfully. Enjoy your week and happy reading!

  31. I love your posts that combines everything that you did and that too in all formats of entertainment. Good going.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  32. It warmed up here a bit, not much. We still have a lot of snow. I was happy that Riverdale is back on. Hope you enjoy your books and have a great week!

  33. How is Electric Dreams? The billboard looks intriguing. I hope you guys get some warmth over there. I know my mom has been freezing. Lord knows I don’t miss Michigan winters. Have a great week!

    1. Electric Dreams is okay so far, I've watched three episodes and one was really good, the other two were okay. A mixed bag. :)

      And I hear you- Michigan winters are not my favorite thing!

  34. I loved The Woman in the Window, too, and I'm curious about What Alice Knew.

    I'm also eyeing The Young Queens.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  35. Ugh, I'm really regretting not picking The Woman in the Window for BOTM this month. Everyone's raving about it! I also forgot Riverdale was back this week, oops...I usually watch it on-demand the next day, so I can miss the start and end of mid-season breaks.

    1. I liked The Woman in the Window a lot, hope you get a chance to read it soon! And Riverdale yay! Although I wasn't crazy about this weeks episode...

  36. My daughter is a fan of Riverdale so I will make sure she knows that it is back on netflix. The weather here has been up and down. Area schools were closed on Tuesday for the cold and it is t-shirt weather today. Crazy! Have a great week!

    1. Riverdale's episode this week was a little lackluster, but it's nice to have the show back. And yes the weather has been wacky... I'm ready for spring!

  37. You need to let me know what you think of Godless because I have that on my list of things to watch. I still need to binge Riverdale but I am stuck on Hawaii 5-0 at the moment.
    We also had a warm up, it's gorgeous today but of course tomorrow it's suppose to be cold again.

    I hope you have a fantastic week, Greg! Happy Reading!

    1. Thanks Michelle! I'm only one episode into Godless, and while I thought it started a bit slow, I'll probably continue. How are you liking 5-O?

  38. Oooo, how did you like The Vault of Dreamers? I thought book one was just okay but the next two books were better, especially book two. Happy reading, Greg!

    Have a wonderful week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I haven't read Vault of dreamers yet, but soon! Can't wait actually :)

  39. I like the look of The Extinction Trials, Greg - and I hope the weather warms up for you. We are having lots of rain and wind, but at least no snow - yet! Have a good week.

  40. Did you get your warmer weather this weekend? We got a tad bit of rain one night, but the promised rain the next day never came. Oh well. I did get to sleep in this morning though, which was nice.

    What Alice Knew sounds like it will be really good! I hope you enjoy it.

    My daughter's got me hooked on Just Add Magic, an Amazon Prime show. I'm a sucker for magic.

    I hope you have a great week, Greg!

  41. I really enjoyed the stormtrooper video! Glad the weather is starting to warm-up - have a great week, Greg!

    1. Glad you liked it! And yes bring on the warm weather!!

  42. The River at Night and The Extinction Trials both look incredible!! I can't wait to see what you think of them! Great art, as always! I especially like The Torch. Have a great week :D

  43. That's some very cool Darth Maul fanart! Hope you got some warmer weather for the weekend! We hit a low of 29 here in FL last week, and it might as well have been -29 because this former northerner isn't used to those temps anymore, LOL.

    1. I thought so too!! And 29??? That IS cold for FL!!!

  44. Hope you don't get the next cold front.
    I've been seeing good reviews for Woman in the Window. The Extinction Trials looks goo. Love the art. Thanks for sharing. Happy Reading!

  45. Sounds like you had a good reading and TV week! Hopefully you will get some of that warmer weather soon!

  46. How's Godless? I finally have to catch up with Riverdale! Hope you have a great week :)

    1. Godless is okay so far, I've only watched one episode. started a little slow but I think it's going to pick up. :)

  47. Godless and Electric Dreams look like they'll be good.

    Thanks for sharing!

  48. Wow, I remember Under the Milky Way - I loved that song so much. I still super curious about The Extinction Trials but I can't get it on my Kindle and I'm hesitant to pay full price when I haven't heard a lot about it. We've had warmed temps too and in fact, it's supposed to be 65 here today - CRAZY!

  49. So many great books this week. I love The Torch image. I'll have to add Electric Dreams to my viewing list. Hope the weather holds a little longer.

  50. Sounds like you're on a roll with the good reads. It finally warmed up here this weekend and rainy today.

  51. I've been meaning to read an Agatha Christie book for awhile now, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I can't decide if I should start at the beginning or just pick the one that sounds the best.

  52. The Extinction Trials certainly has an eye-catching cover. I have Kendare Blake on my TBR. I'm enjoying The Black Witch right now. Do you ski or snowboard during this season? We had rain late last night and it's still drizzly today. I'll be pulling on my trusty Hunters to keep my feet warm and dry when I run out to Costco. Have a good Monday.

  53. Nice assortment of books. Our snow melted a little and the road ice mostly melted off just before a new round of snow and ice. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  54. Some satisfying reading and viewing it seems like so always counts as a good week.

  55. Can't wait to see your thoughts on The Woman in the Window! I've requested it, but haven't heard back yet. Fingers crossed!

    What do you think of Godless? I had such high hopes for it but ended up hating it. So much for it being a female dominated show, too - the men got the storylines and lines!! I don't get it.
    Anyway, are you enjoying it?

    1. The Woman in the Window was quote good. I hope you get it!

      I've only watched the first episode of Godless, but already I was a little bored? I wanted Dockery's character to be a badass (and maybe she still will) but they al;ready seem to be fixating on the bad guy and the fugitive guy, so I can see what you're saying. I might continue? Not sure...

    2. Yes! Bored! I was bored for literally the whole series, lol ;) And yeah, I know what you're saying about Dockery. She does get more badass, but there's still too much fixating and romance in my opinion. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts when you've finished it!

  56. I think I will rewatch The Hunger Games series too! And I love that Agatha Christie cover!

    What Alice Knew sounds like a great mystery thriller. Definitely sparked my interest.

    Cheeky Lines

    1. I've been having fun with the Christie covers! :) And a HG rewatch does sound pretty cool!

  57. It's been snowy here lately, but also sunny :) it makes for a nice mood when it's bright like that.

  58. Curious about Electric Dreams! Though I have so many shows I am behind on that I shouldn't even think about it.

  59. I was literally just telling my husband that I needed to rewatch Catching Fire - I hope we both get to watch it soon!

    Have a good week Greg!

  60. We had the warm up weather as well. As of today, all snow is gone. Well, except the piles that are sitting off to the slide.

  61. I am four episodes from the end of Longmire. Finished S2 of Stranger Things and loved it. Now, I gotta find another great show to watch. Have a great week.

  62. It’s cold and snowing here, too. I’m glad you read some great books. Reading is about all you can do when there’s snow outside. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  63. Love the cover on Birthday Girl. And so glad it's warming up. Whew! Hope you're having a good week!

  64. It was cold here too for some time, we even ended up with snow again. But Sunday and Monday were in the 60's...I just want a normal sane weather pattern back!

    I hope you have an awesome week Greg!

  65. I'm pretty excited to read The Woman in the Window. We have snow coming tonight. Ugh! Thank you for stopping by my Sunday Post, and the kind words.

  66. I like the cover of The Birthday Girl. Sounds good too. Our weather warmed up. Warmed up enough to have a tornado warning. Yay us. LOL. Hope you are having a great week.

  67. Ooo, Agatha Christie! I need to read more of her. Happy reading.
