So I thought I would discuss this a bit because it's kind of fascinating. We relate to fandoms so differently now than in the past, with social media and the internet and the 24/7 entertainment news cycle. There's shipping now and Twitter wars and the whole diversity/ SJW debates. How do you feel about headcanon? Do you have a fandom or interest where your own view differs from the official canon? I think having a canon of one's own can be a bit comforting. If you hate the new Star War movies like I do, you can take refuge in the fact that the three original movies are still there, and can be enjoyed regardless of what Disney is doing now. In my mind of course I have my own version of what happens after Return of the Jedi, and I like mine better!
What I'd really like to do is generate some discussion on this, and also start off by sharing some headcanons of my own. Let me know what you think in the comments!
Star Wars
I'm not a fan of the new Star Wars movies, so in my headcanon they don't exist. Some of the deaths of major characters that have happened- nope. While I may not have my own extensive history worked out, I have ideas where those characters would go, and they don't correspond with Disney very much. They track more with the old Expanded Universe stuff, initially at least, but I don't subscribe fully to that either. And that's alright. It works for me.
The 100
Bellarke is canon to me! Because of course. :)
The Lord of the Rings
Now here's an example of a canon that I have no issues with. Tolkien's world is perfect to me as is, probably because no one else has written in that world. Often (but not always) once other people start playing in the sandbox, you soon have disagreements about whether they understand the setting, or share the creator's vision. Luckily that hasn't happened with Tolkien, other than the films.
In my headcanon Clone Club gets together every Friday night for dance party weekend.
Orphan Black
In my headcanon Clone Club gets together every Friday night for dance party weekend.

BELLARKE FOR THE WIN. *high five* I love them, and the show better make a romance happen!
ReplyDeleteYES!! So true...
DeleteI generally like to stick to canon. It's totally cool whatever other people want to believe, but I stick to canon. There are only a few exceptions.
ReplyDelete#1 - I've gotten more into reading HP headcanons and seeing the fanart and stuff, and I've started shipping some people lol.
#2 - Frozen, the movie. There's also a book, which I've read, from Hans's and Anna's POVs, but it legit felt like they just shoved in all the fan theories about Hans and mushed them together in ways that didn't even feel natural, so I've stuck to my own headcanon for that one. I even wrote it all out years ago to share on Tumblr or something, but it got so long, and I figured no one would care, and now the movie has come and gone, so really no one would care lol. But yeah, I have my own headcanon for him and why he acted how he did.
And you're right, it is really fascinating how we relate to fandoms now with all the social media!
I imagine there are a lot of HP heandcanons! And Frozen- that actually sounds pretty reasonable, I mean some times they just screw up the franchise, right? And we have to mentally fix it. :) But I think your version would be fun to read, if you ever get around to it.
DeleteBellarke, nothing else matters to me and I'm a lesbian, so you'd think I'd be shipping an entirely different couple but I just feel Bellamy's struggles so much.
ReplyDeleteI used to write a lot of fanfiction when I wanted my own canon to be different from the real one!
Lol Bellarke is the best!!
DeleteI've only recently "discovered" fan fiction, I knew about it but actually read my first recently, and even wrote one for Star Wars- would love to read yours!
LOL - Orphan Black! Hugs...
ReplyDeleteI know, right???
DeleteI'd never heard of headcannon before this post so it's safe to say I don't have any part in it! I just read the books, watch the TV and films and don't pay any attention to what others are inventing or thinking or shipping or whatever.
ReplyDeleteYeah some of us get more carried away than maybe we should...
DeleteWhat an interesting concept and the first I've heard of it. I have to admit, I love your Orphan Black idea. If we both wish for it, think we can make it happen. I miss that show so much.
ReplyDeleteI know! They need to be a weekly occurrence...
DeleteI really don't like believing things until they're there and official, but there are a few that I'm okay with and support, especially if a series/book ended with an open ending and I need to assume things for closure. XD I read a lot of Percy Jackson books and approve of most headcanons for that series. ;)
ReplyDeleteHa ha right? I get that, I used to be pretty canon loyal but now I am more open to imagining my own endings or canon.
DeleteSorry, this is Kari's comment, above. It used the name of an extinct blog of mine somehow.
ReplyDeleteYou just made me realize how much I'm missing Orphan Black!
ReplyDeleteI know, I love love that show!
DeleteI take canon as fact, but I still ship people just for fun - mostly with Harry Potter because I've read fan fiction of HP for YEARS, even while the books were still coming out. So yeah, I'll totally ship Harry/Draco. :)
Ha ha I think a lot of people do. :) And I normally would too, it's only recently I've let myself go with my own headcanons a bit.
DeleteWell to be fair I think headcanon is a lot more obscure. :) I just got thinking about it of late.
ReplyDeleteI agree about Tolkien, thank goodness they don't have other authors playing around there! And Terry Brooks- you know his early work definitely emulated Tolkien, to put it mildly. I loved his books as a kid. As an adult they don't do a lot for me, but in fairness I haven't read his recent stuff either, so I'm hesitant to say. I will say I met him at a book signing once and he was super nice.
Fun topic but I don't think I do this. Not now anyway. Or maybe - but in the way that you don't acknowledge the new SW movies. I don't get obsessed with shows anymore so if I don't like where it's going I just stop and don't really care where they take it.
ReplyDeleteI used to be really into shows like Buffy and Lost and dozens of others but I don't think that was as much of a thing back then. I waas very emotional about them lol but there wasn't a way to get with other people to discuss as easily.
Karen @ For What It's Worth
It's definitely more intense now w/ fandoms. I mean good grief there are Twitter WARS half the time about some of this stuff! Kinda crazy :)
DeleteI don't think I am that much of a fangirl to worry about this that much...but I get what you mean...especially with television shows that change staff/cast and shift directions like Gilmore Girls and The West Wing, where fans argue about which seasons count....
ReplyDeleteYes good point. Staff changes and cast- that can definitely set up camps over which seasons are valid!
DeleteTo chime in on the Brooks issue...admitting I have only read about 2/3 of his work...need to get back to that someday (and by the way-despite Brooks signing off on the The Shannara Chronicles I so do not give them any credit) but anyway...I lost my thoughts. I was just going to say, that I definitely think Brooks is worth a go...but if you are not sure about the original trilogy, I think he also lists his books in Chronological order (vs order published) and that may be a way to start with some of the books that read older.
ReplyDeleteI've never thought of headcanon UNTIL two things events:
ReplyDelete1. Disney uncanonized the Star Wars EU.
2. JK Rowling canonized The Cursed Child.
Until these to events, I would've gone along with headcanon as it's just fans opinions but not what's going on. I'm usually okay with what happens via the official sources. I'm Team Edward, Team Peeta, I'm okay with how Allegiant ends, etc.
But, I'm pretty miffed that the Star Wars EU is no longer canonized because there was some damn awesome stuff in that universe! And, I am not okay with The Cursed Child. It does not fit with the other 7 books AT ALL. It undoes the 3rd books completely, which happens to be my favorite one. I will never accept The Cursed Child as canon. NEVER! Also, if Rowling has Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny get divorced so Harry/Hermione can be a thing, then I will turn into Annie Wilkes in Misery and make Rowling change everything back the way it was!!! (I may be a little passionate about this subject.)
Disney un- canonizing Star Wars EU was huge. I didn't even know the term headcanon then but that got my attention- and people were SO mad! Which I understand. Same here- until recently I didn't even realize I had my OWN headcanon, so to speak!
DeleteI agree BTW. To just un- canonize it wholesale was problematic, especially since (in my opinion) the new stuff isn't exactly compelling! And is that actually a thing- the Ron/ Hermione and Harry/ Ginny thing? Ack I can't imagine!
This was so fascinating to me, as I have never been a real fandom type. I am familiar with all the worlds you discussed, but I have never been entrenched enough to get to your level of discussion. I was thoroughly entertained, though.
ReplyDeleteI think you're smart, once you fall down the fandom rabbit hole ha ha it's hard to climb out??
DeleteI feel like I have a couple of headcanons, but none I can really think of right now? I mean this isn't really a headcanon (or maybe it is), but when a video game company completely ruins a series (COUGH ASSASSINS CREED) because they have no idea what they're doing? In my mind the third game in the series never happened :)
ReplyDeleteAnd hahah of course you're talking about the 100. Is Bellarke really canon though? I thought they were never getting together. I'm always hearing about the 100 from Shannon, I can never escape it.
OR THE MASS EFFECT 3. Ok I'm done sorry I got excited for a bit.
DeleteJesus Val, NO Bellarke is not canon! Yet, I mean. No one knows how it will end of course. Book Bellarke was canon from close to the beginning though if that helps. But no one takes what the book says seriously, so back to "nope, not yet, maybe someday, why the hell isn't it April yet!?"
DeleteWatch the show, come to the dark side, and you won't have to ask these questions. Just saying.
DeleteI never played Assassins Creed?? And it looks pretty badass. And oh my gosh you guys- see this is exactly my point? We take our fandoms, um, kinda seriously. lol Bellarke should be canon, frankly. Like what if an asteroid hits and they haven't established that , yet? They should just get it out of the way, avoid any confusion, and then they can have them fight and get us primed for them to break up (kidding, Shannon!!) Or they get married and then one of them disappears for three seasons and has to be found- you know, the usual. See it'll work???
DeleteThat's a big nope for me regarding what happened to a certain character in The Force Awakens, lol. I'm thinking that maybe I should just come up with my own headcanon for how ASoIaF will end since who knows how long it's going to be until we get more canon.
ReplyDeleteYes , in MY headcanon *laughs* that did NOT happen. But then lots of things didn't happen lol.
DeleteThis is my favorite post ever because Bellarke and Clone Dance Party. I suppose one day we WILL find out if Bellarke is canon, which they had better be. It's like how Kierlos is my headcanon and always will be. (I am so salty.) And how I don't hate the idea of a Deacon/Jennifer situation. It's extra weird for The 100 because IS it even our headcanon? Jason HAS said that their relationship is the heart of the show, plus if we DO get Bellarke, then it will have been clear that they WANTED our minds to go there all along. Hence the trickiness.
ReplyDeleteCurrently, my headcanon is Murven. My headcanon is also Garza and Zoran and Helios still being alive in the art supply store. That last one is probably going to remain a headcanon though :D
Yes what if they make us wait too long and then the world ends or something? And Bellarke is still hanging out there unconfirmed? They should straighten up and establish it!!! Get w/ the program people. :)
DeleteAnd yes Kierlos. Jennifer/ Deacon would be awesome? I mean they go well together. they both have that edge. urven *nods* you know I think you've got me talked into that. the more I think about it, the more I like it. Garza and Zoran yup. And Helios! Wonder horse lives!
This might be an unpopular opinoin, but I feel like head cannons are what makes fandom great. It's what makes fandoms fandoms. It's the whole point!
Oh man, how can you NOT like the new Star Wars movies?!?!? They are soooo epic!!!!! lol! - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
ReplyDeleteI think Brooks is probably worth a go too- having said that I'm not familiar with his latest stuff- but his books are certainly not bad. And I agree starting w/ the newer stuff might avtually be the best way to go!
ReplyDeleteI'm not a huge fan of head canon but that's mostly because I've never really gotten that into fandoms. I mean there are lots of shows/movies that I love but it kind of just stays with the original material. I think that's why I've never really understood Tumblr! Great question!
ReplyDeleteNot really into fandoms but I wonder if fan fiction counts? I love Jane Austen and Sailor Moon fan fiction. If it's done well, then I'm alright with it. :) ~Aleen
ReplyDeleteI have only seen the first season of The 100 and I remember that being a big deal then too...
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the 100, and I am totally down for Bellamy and Clarke to get together. Have you read the books?
ReplyDeleteI am really hesitant to watch the newest Star Wars movies.
ReplyDeleteI was just DMing with Annemieke about how the discussion of Dumbledore not being portrayed as gay in the new Fantastic Beasts movie revealed a group of fans who do not consider anything JKR has said about the wizarding world, after finishing the books, on Pottere or in interviews, canon. I didn't know there was a fans who thought that way. I don't understand how that is any different from her writing a prequel or sequel.
Yep yep yep, Bellarke is 100% a thing in my headcannon. Maybe it's because of how much The 100 fanfic I've read, but I really can't think of them any other way! Weirdly enough, I don't have headcannons for any other fandom...I think it might be because I feel very strongly that those two should be together, yet it seems like it'll never happen? Whereas my other ships feel much more possible even in cannon, if that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteHa, I just started watching The 100 and wondered if a Bellarke pairing was in the offing...
ReplyDeleteAs with fanfic... I don't care for headcannon either. 😐
ReplyDeleteWow so Bellarke aged well.... 🫠 (At least we have Beliza!)
ReplyDeleteIts 2024 and Rings of Power happen. There goes LOTR world being scrawl up. To me ROP does not exist as canon. Its just a poorly made fan fiction.