Tuesday, July 18, 2017

River of Teeth

River of Teeth (River of Teeth #1)

This one just wasn't for me. In spite of the awesome premise and the moody cover, I just couldn't get into the story. It's about a group who get together for a caper (it's not a caper- it's an operation) into the swamps of Louisiana to clear out the feral hippos that are making a mess of the place. Winslow Houndstooth has a contract from the federal government to do this, and he assembles a crack team of mercenaries- like him they all have secrets or other agendas- but Houndstooth himself has another reason for going into the marsh. He wants revenge against the man who wronged him.

This is a novella so there's not a lot of room for character development, but even given that there's a romance that feels way rushed. I didn't really care about any of the characters that much, and for a book that is billed as having lots of hippo mayhem I didn't see that much. Sure there's a bloody encounter here and there but this was mostly talking. I read it to finish it but I wasn't ever really wowed by the story.

A big part of the appeal here is, of course, the crazy hippos. They're wild and pretty dangerous, and the wranglers ride hippos themselves. Apparently there was a plan to introduce hippos as an alternative meat source in the 1890's but it never went far, so the author is going from a historical seed of truth, and taking it in a different and violent direction. I just never connected with the story. If this appeals to you I would say give it a shot, as your mileage may vary, but it just wasn't my thing. 


  1. This book still is hilarious to me. I love that it even exists, though I am sorry it didn't quite pan out (is it wrong to say I'm not necessarily surprised?...). Either way, bravo for reading about crazy feral hippos! LOL XD

    1. I know right? Just the premise is hilarious!

  2. I love the premise and it sounds like so much fun...I mean I don't know if I can resists feral hippos. LOL
    sherry @ fundinmental

  3. Well that's disappointing. I'd want some real hippo action I think. I'm liking the cover and set up but, yeah, meh when you just don't care about the characters.

    1. The cover is awesome, and yeah hippo action! I needed more... :)

  4. Don't promise hippo mayhem and then not deliver! lol

    For What It's Worth

    1. LOL! Exactly. There was a little, but I was expecting more.

  5. Yeah! I agree with Karen. Where's the hippo mayhem. Sorry it didn't work for you. Better luck with your next read.

  6. Oh, man. That cover is pretty fantastic. I'm sorry the book was a bust.

    1. It wasn't bad. Not my thing. but yeah that cover...

  7. That threw me too. I get the why of it but it constantly took me out. I'm not gonna read on either.

  8. You nailed it, I think. I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars because it had an excellent premise, but overall it was too short for the characters or any real story to develop. I will be reading the next book though, to give the series a chance to grow on me.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I would say three stars too, I think that about right. Excellent premise, but too short for what was going on. I hope you like the next one!

  9. I mean... you can't have a book about freaking hippos and then not have any hippo action! That doesn't seem right. It's almost worse since it's a novella? Like, since you know there isn't going to be a ton of room for character development, at least make the hippo stuff really crazy. Sad. Sorry it didn't work out for you, but great review, now I know not to waste my time looking for hippo shenanigans where there aren't any.

    1. Right? I mean there was some hippo action but not enough, I didn't think. Then I got to wondering was I being unreasonable wanting more? I mean it's only a novella. But there was just too much talking and too many different agendas and I wanted killer HIPPOS!!!

  10. Ooooh, bummer! I still plan to read this at some point, but I'm sad to see it didn't work for you. I thought there would be a lot of hippo mayhem. I'm glad to have more realistic expectations.

    1. It has some, but not enough? I would say try it though if you're interested, I've seen other reviewers really like it. Wasn't for me tho.

  11. So many mixed feelings about this. I knew it was a debut, and novella length, plus the first in a series, so I wasn't expecting too much. My imagination got me going though and I enjoyed it. I'm hoping for more and will try the next book too. I can't let go of the hippos:)

    1. I'm glad you liked it more than I did. I think a lot of people did, it just didn't work for me for some reason.

  12. I am sorry, byt I am rolling right now. Hahaha. You get a big gold star in the middle of your forehead for reading this book. It is interesting that it is partiality based in fact, though. :)

  13. ah yes it happens, I have some like that as well

  14. Hmm I've got doubts about this one now. I hate dumb romances and more chat than action. If you promise hippo mayhem you need to deliver y'know? Disappointing that there wasn't enough. Characters sound pretty meh! I'll read the sample I have but doubt I'll read more if there ain't much hippo carnage!

  15. Oh so sorry, Greg. I know it's awful having to finish a book we don't like and enjoy. I hope your next book is way better. Awesome review, as always. :)

    1. Thanks! And this wasn't bad, just not my thing. :)

  16. I'm sorry it didn't quite work out and I have a feeling it's really not the book for me but the cover is so intriguing!

  17. I remember seeing this somewhere else because I the whole hippo thing stuck with me. lol. Too bad it was a disappointment.

    1. Hippos- what can go wrong?? Especially hippo mayhem. But there wasn't enough...

  18. Oh no I'm sorry it didn't work for you :( I can't stand rushed romances, especially, and it doesn't sound that great either.
    Hope your next read is more enjoyable!

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. Thanks Amy. It wasn't a bad read, just not my thing.

  19. That's too bad, Greg. Who knows, I may still try it.

    1. I would say give it a try. If you're interested, because I know I've seen reviews that liked it. It just wasn't for me.

  20. That's the problem I have with novellas, there's usually not enough time for me to get invested in the characters and Things often feel rushed. The words "hippo mayhem" are cracking me up with though LOL. You definitely don't find a lot of books about that. Sorry it was disappointing in that regard.

    1. Hippo mayhem. Could have been so awesome. And to be fair there is some, but I expected more. And yeah the novella length definitely affected how I felt about the characters, there just wasn't enough time to feel for them the way I think the author wanted me to.

  21. Ha ha no doubt. Hippo meat? ewww...

  22. That's too bad it didn't work for you. It does sound like it had a lot of potential and that cover is nice and moody! And the whole thing with the feral hippos sounds original. Too bad you didn't connect with it and it felt a bit rushed. Some authors can really write shorter stories well and other times they just end up feeling rushed, which is a shame.

  23. Oh no, what a bummer! I'll admit, as gimmicky as it is, I'm super intrigued by the feral hippo angle. There's something about this novella that makes me think of the house hippo PSA that used to run on Canadian TV. You should totally watch it if you haven't seen it!

  24. That's crazy about the plan to introduce hippos. I had no idea but I'm super glad it never happened. There's a enough craziness out in the bayou - wild hogs, alligators, cranky mosquitoes, etc - the last thing we need are feral hippos! That's really too bad that the execution didn't live up to the premise. Hate it when that happens. It feels like such a waste.
