Saturday, July 15, 2017

Sunday Post #203

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

So last week was interesting. The week itself was fine, but last weekend we lost power- and internet- several times. Last Thursday storms rolled through, downing trees and lots of people were w/o power. Not us though. We had power all day Friday until about 7:00- then it went out. Poof. They quoted three days to restore. 

Well it only took about a day but before and after the outage the internet kept going down as well. I blogged a little on Saturday, woke up Sunday to... no internet. Like for the third time in three days. Not sure what's going on, but internet service has been awfully spotty lately. 

So I mentioned last week that I got some ARC's from ALA courtesy of It Starts At Midnight and one of them was One Dark Crown. So I started that bad boy this week and... finished it. Wow. Same with The Secret History of Us.    

What else did I do. Let's see, I reviewed Ivory and Bone and will have Obsidian and Stars this next week. I posted a Jon Snow discussion post (Game of Thrones is back on Sunday) and I also shared some flash fiction- On The Run Part III.  

Ivory and Bone (Ivory and Bone, #1)Obsidian and Stars (Ivory and Bone, #2)

Song of the week



A Map for Wrecked GirlsThe Secret History of Us



  1. Wow, some really great content here! I love that cover of Heart's Barracuda! (Which other Heart songs would you recommend? :) Sadly this is like the only Heart song I know, thanks to Guitar Hero hahah!) Also, internet problems are like.... the most frustrating things to deal with ever, in my opinion. Hope this week serves you better!

    Cass @ Words on Paper

    1. I love Heart! I would say Magic Man and Crazy On You are both killer. :) Guitar Hero definitely resurrects a lot of old rock music!

      And I agree about internet- so far so good!

  2. I have been lucky enough to be spared the weather atrocities other areas have been experiencing. I cannot believe the rains some people are being hit with. Whoa! Glad to hear you like One Dark Throne. I got a copy at BookCon and can't wait to read it. I loved the first book, so I am excited.

    1. That's good! And I know- some areas need rain and others are getting slammed! One dark Throne was pretty good.

  3. Over here we keep getting warned that energy reserves are low and power cuts are coming. We've been told this for several years now and I think people have stopped listening. I've got alternate light and cooking sources plus extra warm clothes and furry blankets just in case!

    1. Really? Yeah people do tune it out after a while- until it happens! Sounds like you're prepared!

  4. That must have been so frustrating with the power and internet issues. I a s excited for Sunday and the new season of GoT! Have a great week!

    1. It was pretty frustrating. And yes- only a day to go!!!

  5. Glad your power wasn't out too long! I hate unexpected power cuts, though.
    Really love those photos you've shared, thanks :)

    Looking forward to your review of One Dark Throne! Have a great week :)

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

  6. How do you find these really cool pics? To answer your question Greg - no, I do NOT want to be scared. (lol) I am, however, looking forward to seeing Atomic Blonde because it just looks like a really neat movie. Remember many years ago, when everyone was worried about losing power so we couldn't watch television? Wow, things have surely changed. I feel your pain when it comes to losing Internet service. It just seems like when we want to not use it on your own, it's ok, but the minute someone or something restricts us from using our Internet, we pull out our hair. (lol) Sure hope things are working much better now. Hugs and Happy Saturday/Sunday!

    1. Well I spend a lot of time on Pinterest lol, and Artstation or wherever. I actually try to be really picky what I pick, since there'so much art out there. And I agree- something about not being ABLE to use it makes it worse!

  7. Ahh, I can't wait for One Dark Throne! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

  8. Oh, no! We had a day with no internet the weekend before last. This family had no idea how to cope. LOL.

    1. Ha ha same here. You'd think the world was ending.

  9. A Map for Wrecked Girls looks interesting. My kids think it is the end of the world if there is no internet!!!! On a side note, ONE MORE DAY FOR GAME OF THRONES SEASON & PREMIER!!!!!!

    1. Same here! Like what do I do nowww???? And yes- tomorrow! GoT- are you ready??

  10. really nice illustrations there! happy reading!

  11. Zygote looks interesting.

    We had the internet problem a few weeks ago. It would come back for 1 minute then go back down. So frustrating!

    For What It's Worth

    1. Zygote was kinda scary lol. And yes I don't know WHY the internet keeps cutting out- I wish it would quit!

  12. Sucks about your internet. I just watched that South Park where the internet wasn't working that was like Grapes of Wrath. Have you seen it? I still need to read Three Dark Crowns, but I've heard good things. Happy reading!

    1. Yeah- and Three Dark Crowns was good, I may have liked the sequel more? A little fast moving. Thanks!

  13. Oh, I hate when the power goes out, especially when I really need or planned to do things online like blogging! We had some bad storms last Friday but thankfully, the power at my house didn't go out. The movie theater was not so lucky.


    1. I know! We had bad storms too. Oh no the theater went out? Yikes!

  14. I hate when the power cuts out like that! We get really bad ice storms every other year or so and it snaps the power lines and leaves us without power. At least during those we can just cover up with blankets to keep warm. In the summer, there's really no way for you guys to cool off. Hope you have a good week!

    1. Yeah that is such a pain. And it is the worst when it's super hot and there's no AC! Like how did I live before AC???

  15. I am telling you, Michigan as a whole needs to get its shit together. This is not okay. In seriousness, does your internet provider say anything about this nonsense? Because you should be getting a discount or something, frankly- you pay for a service that they randomly do not give you. I'm pissed on your behalf, because we all know life without internet is rude and wrong.

    Anyway. I am glad you liked the books! And my fingers are still crossed for A Map for Wrecked Girls- I think I am purposely putting it off in case it's prettier on the outside?

    I also think, based on the space sleep thing, that I should probably go to space to sleep. So calm, so relaxing. And yes to the stars! I mean, until Jaha tries to cull you, then all bets are off.

    1. Ha ha Michigan is whacked. And Comcast- more whacked. Seriously though they're like no help- I call em and can barely understand the person. Not to be all like THAT, but come on a language barrier does NOT help. Luckily I'm so patient lol.

      You know I've been putting off Map too- although I won't for long. So far I'm doing good with those ARC's- 2 for 2!

      I kinda love that ambience! I mean I know it's just like background humming or machine noise/ whatever but it is kinda relaxing? And imagine having a porthole to see the stars? As long as some asteroid didn't hit it. Or yeah Jaha.

  16. I've been meaning to check out Kendare Blake's new series, but I figure maybe I should finish her other series I've started first :)

    I also love that underwater metropolis pic! I'd love to see more like that if you find any more interesting artwork!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Ha I know the feeling! So far I'm liking this series, book two was actually quite readable.

      And I loved that art! Something about being underwater, watching whales go by and having a whole city under there- the people looked a little squiggly in that one but otherwise I loved it!

  17. It's rainy season here so there's a chance of a thunderstorm pretty much every afternoon, but they've been really intense lately. We've lost Internet at work a couple of times but thankfully I haven't lost my connection at home yet, LOL.

    GoT tomorrow night- WOOHOO!! I dropped cable TV a couple of months ago and just subscribed to HBO through PlayStation Vue, and I'm crossing my fingers that all goes smoothly tomorrow with the live stream!

    1. Losing connection at home is no good! Work on the other hand lol...

      I remember last year HBO NOW (which I use) crashed because of demand, and Twitter erupted. I hope this year they'rte ready. :)

  18. We have been without power and internet for an extended period of time on several different occasions. I do okay without power but really miss the internet. Hopefully, your outages are behind you. Have a great week!

    1. Me too! And thanks- it's no fun. :) Although I have to admit it's more internet for me too than the power in general. I'm pretty spoiled that I've never had to go without for too long, but some people around here were down for days.

  19. I can't even imagine being without internet/wifi for more than a day. That is so sad because I can clearly remember when my family and I had dial-up... how far we've come. I hope your service returns to its usual quality soon. In the meantime, happy reading!

    Have a lovely weekend, Greg. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I know, when they quoted three days I was like seriously?? Especially since we went down AFTER the outages.

  20. Love your art this week. I'm a sucker for any underwater worlds, so cool!

  21. Oh, I hate power outages! Yours was out for a long time, too, wasn't it? Of course, I think anything over an hour or two feels like forever.

    Your new books look tempting. The Secret History of Us caught my eye.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  22. As always, I keep scrolling up and down to see everything on your post. Great shares, Greg! And some nice books too. We had no power loss but internet was iffy for a couple of days. I'd be typing away and then...nothing, Ugh! LOL

    My Sunday Post

  23. Sorry to hear about the storms, Greg. I hope everyone affected will recover soon. Enjoy your books and have a wonderful week. :)

    I love the pictures!

  24. Ah, internet outages, soooo frustrating! Some really interesting titles there - really like the cover art on the Eshbaugh titles. Enjoy.

  25. Man, I hate it when internet connections go wonky. I hope your internet gets better!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  26. Your storms and power outage ... ditto. Exact same thing happened here, so I was moving around trying to find candles etc! And it was at 7pm!! Sounds like you had a couple of great reads this week.

  27. Spotty internet sounds awfully frustrating! Love the 39 Steps cover - I remember watching the movie years ago. Have a great week!

  28. Wow, sounds like a bad weekend! I'm sorry, it sucks that you didn't have any power or internet! At least you got a lot read! Have a good week, and happy reading! :)

  29. Charlize Theron has had a lot of movies lately

  30. We had to change our Internet provider as it kept dropping do you live without it (said in a panicky voice!)

  31. I like the underwater scene. I have always wanted to either stay overnight in one of the tank tunnels at an aquarium, or stay overnight in one of those underwater hotels. My son thinks I am crazy on both counts. Ha ha.

    Yikes on the power outage. At least it didn't take as long as they thought it would to fix. We had some flash flooding yesterday. I am thankful it was just flash. We have been having horrible internet service, too. I hate having a housecall because around here the cable repair guys hint so hard for a tip, they might as well come right out and ask for one. I don't even know where they got the idea people are supposed to tip them. They are repair men, not delivery boys. Ugh.

    I finally got to your posts for this week. Your story installment was fabulous. There had better be more. :)

  32. What a nightmare with the weather/power/internet issues! It's awful when power goes out because it turns out I really rely on electronic things all the time! A good power outage once in a blue moon is great for sitting with the family and actually speaking, but only occasionally. As for internet troubles, that's worse, at least when the power goes out you know there's nothing you can do, with the internet it's like it's tempting you with what you can't have.

  33. I am glad you didn't get any real damage, I can handle being without power and internet for a few days as long as I have a home to use them in. :) The storms this year have been really bad. :(

    We had a little rain this week but mostly it's been hot.

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  34. The power problems have finally settled around here (hopefully), internet on the other hand, hasn't been perfect. The picture of the door with the dragon is my favorite this week

  35. So sorry to hear about your power and internet issues. That is really frustrating! I really a little too much on electronics, so I get frustrated with that kind of stuff easily. lol. I always love the artwork you post. So beautiful, and interesting. My husband has been counting down the days until Game of Thrones starts. lol! I saw a quick little behind the scenes clip from Charlize Theron's new movie with her doing stunts and stuff. She is really amazing!

  36. Oh sorry about the power problems! I hate when the power goes out. Its fairly common here in the summer with storms and such, and its so hot. So having no AC and no internet is terrible! Hopefully there are no more storms your way this summer.

  37. Three days, ouch! Hope you had your reading devices charged for that weekend, lol!
    The 39 steps looks like suuuuch an amazing cover! Doesn't look pulpy at all.

  38. You guys in the middle of the country seem to be having the worst storms. I hope it lets up for all of you. We haven't seen anything crazy and no power outages. Glad your power can back on. I am so behind on Game of Thrones, I know it starts today? or soon...I need to catch up but I'll wait for it to be over.

    It's on my list and I will get to One Dark Crown this year. I have time now to get to it possibly.

    I hope you have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

  39. I hope your Internet is back to normal soon. I hate power outages. My lights flickered but I didn't lose power. The library did have to close early on Thursday as our power went out and wasn't expected to be back up for several hours. I got to go home half an hour early :)

    I have The Secret History of Us on my TBR pile. Glad to hear you liked it. I hope to get to it next week.

    Have a great week!

  40. Sorry to hear of your internet issues - I'd rather no TV than no internet, these days... I love the look of all three books you had this week and as ever, the pics you have featured are awesome. I love Underwater Metropolis... Have a great week, Greg. My Sunday Post -

  41. Oh gosh, no internet would drive me crazy. I'm more dependent on it than I care to think about, haha.

    I can't wait to hear your thoughts on One Dark Throne. That has been on my TBR for a while now.

    Hope you have a great week!

  42. Oh boy, yes Game of Thrones comes back today. My mom is completely obsessed with it (which is probably my fault, tbh), and I still haven't watched it haha oops :P
    She's like all freaking out but then doesn't want to spoil me and it's kind of hilarious.

  43. What a pain about the internet and power :( I hope the power outage was short enough that you didn't have to worry about food spoiling and such. We had a power outage about a year ago that lasted 4 days and since it was summer (in TX) we had to go stay with friends. But we lost a lot of food as a result.

    Thanks for the reminder about GOT, I need to activate our membership on Amazon - HBO, right? I only turn on premium channels for shows we watch. Can't justify the cost most the time!

    Have a great week!

  44. This is the time of year we go through power and internet outages all the time. Living on a mountain is beautiful, but trees like to fall and take lines down with them. Enjoy the new books, they look great!!!

    Jenea's Book Obsession

  45. Oh, that's the worst when the internet keeps going off! I don't know about you, but I always forget how much I actually use the internet in my day to day life until it goes off (although I did live in a flat for six months with no internet, and it was the worst!)!
    Have a good week! :)

  46. We got really lucky with the storms in our area and we weren't hit very bad. It was touch and go with some serious tornado watches/warnings for about a hour, but we escaped. My Mom and Grandpa who live about 25 miles away didn't have damage but were without power all night. I hate storms and their unpredictability. I don't know how we ever survived without the internet. Can't wait for GoT tonight. Winter may be here but at least the wait is over!

  47. Sorry to hear about the storms and the internet problems. I hope it get better soon. I get so irritated when the internet isn't working properly.
    I can't wait to see GOT!
    Have a great week!

  48. Our internet is spotty even at the best of times forget about when it storms. So frustrating! Love the art, have a great week!

  49. That Tomb Raider Cosplayer is amazing!!

  50. I'm so excited that GOT is back. I plan to watch the EST showing in case I want to watch it again when it airs here. LOL! Plus, The Strain returns.

  51. I am sorry to hear you lost power and then your internet was spotty. I really dislike it when internet doesn't work, there so many things I need internet for. The covers for that Ivory and Bone series look pretty! I'll have to read your review for that next.

    Greta pictures! I like the one of the underwater complex. the idea is really cool, but also a bit creepy, being surrounded by so much water.

  52. Oh my gosh! That totally sucks! They predicted storms for us all week but by the time the systems crossed the state, they had fizzled out. We were all kind of hoping for rain (not big storms!) just hoping it would cool things off. I cry without internet. I am almost embarrassed to say I really miss it when I can't use it! I have been known to use my phone as a hotspot so that I can use my laptop. :)

    All of your books look great, as usual. :) Hope this week is a better one!

  53. I'm sorry about the storms! I didn't have wifi for a few days this week for no reason - an international conspiracy? :D Amazing artwork as always!

    1. That's it! A conspiracy... I like how you think. :)

  54. Sorry that you lost power! I mean, we all joke about how losing the internet is the worst, but really, losing power so much worse. Glad they at least got it running sooner than they predicted.

    1. Yeah it kinda sucked, but three days woulda been worse so I can't complain. Well I can ha ha. And losing all the power is worse because you can't anything!!

  55. Wow you had an unusual week! Losing power and the internet would drive my family crazy lol. Our internet has been spotty lately too and I don't know if it's the heat. Good to hear you didn't have to be without for too long. I can't wait for GOT tonight!! I hope this is a good season. Have a great week Greg!

    1. Yeah it drove us crazy too! :) Luckily it didn't last too long, although that the longest we've ever been down.

      Did you watch GoT tonight? It was pretty good?!?

  56. I'm DYING to know what you think of ODT---I want to read that one immediately, but I keep having other priorities pushing it out of the way!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I LOVED it, maybe more than the first one, and can't wait to talk about it when more people read it.

  57. I freak out when my Internet is down, which happens rarely. But then something strange happens. I suddenly feel I have so much free time to do things that get pushed aside because I'm constantly connected. And there's no guilt because I cannot control when the Internet will be back. LOL

  58. Hope the power this week is set and stable for you. One Dark Throne is catching my eye this time around. Happy reading.

  59. We have the worst power cuts in the middle of the summer and monsoon season- so right now! The generators usually get everything back up and running but one cut is always followed by a few shorter ones- so essentially we waste a full hour trying to reconnect to the Internet and get the ac's back on!

  60. Power cuts are a fact of life here - we just work around them. Enjoy all your reads and have a good week.

  61. New books to check out! Yea!!! You haven't been to South Africa have you? We have something that is called load-shedding. Yes, that means that you have to share your electricity and while you share, you don't have any. That was a constant..... Better at the moment.

    I love your pulp cover for the week!! Although I haven't read The 39 steps. Yet.

    Have a good reading week Greg!

  62. Oh how frustrating! Our internet did that for a spell last year. About drove me crazy. Glad yall didn't have to wait the full 3 days for your power!

  63. You're internet sounds like mine. But we don't need storms here for it to go down. Glad you didn't get hit too bad from the storm.

  64. I have to admit, I'm unreasonably excited about seeing Atomic Blonde. And I'm so glad you posted that clip because I probably would have missed it otherwise!

  65. So sorry energy is fickle in your part of the country because Mother Nature is not happy; how inconvenient and irritating. So what do you do when you have no Internet/power? My girls are currently addicted to Bop It! and Uno. My little one has whupped her older sister, having the highest score of like 42 so far. I've played it w/her where you can pass it to another person. It's fun and full of great laughs.

  66. That storm was crazy. We lost power for hours, it came back on and then was gone again for 3 hours. Our tree is still standing but leaning so we will have it removed before it falls over. It will hit our neighbors house if it falls. I am so behind on GoT. We didn't have HBO for two seasons. Hope your are having a great week.

  67. Love that cover for The 39 Steps! Good thing your power was restored so much sooner than expected...

  68. Oh NO!!!!!! Power cuts and Internet outages! That's never good.

    Oh gosh! You got One Dark Throne! IS IT GOOD??? WILL I LOVE IT???? :) I can't wait to read that one.

    1. I think you will love it?!? I thought it was better than the first one!!!
