Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Top Ten Things That Make Me Want To Read A Book


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week we're looking at Ten Things that make me want to read a book. This is kind of a fun topic as it makes us look at exactly what we like (and don't like) in a book- the tropes that we love (or drive us nuts) etc. So here are ten ideas that at least make me curious, whether I actually pick up the book or not. :) 

Time Travel

Dinosaur Beach


Six Wakes

Dystopian/ post apocalyptic

The 100 (The 100, #1)

A killer twist 

The Girl from the Sea

Portals to other places 

Through the Door (The Thin Veil, #1)

Mythical creatures w/ small towns

Siren (Siren, #1)

Badass boarding schools

Sanctuary Bay

Off the grid 

End of the world

All We Have Is Now

AI stuff

Image result for alex and ada covers


  1. I like post-apocalyptic and dystopian books as well. Some of them get a little repetitive, but I always enjoy reading them.

    1. I'm always up for post apoc and dystopians too!

  2. Yes to End of the World! You know that is one of my favourite things! I can't get enough of apocalypses...or should it be apocalypsi...? I like the cover for Wilders. Nice list!

    1. Yes you read a ton of those! If I need suggestions I'll just mosey on over to your place and check out the recs... :)

  3. Great list! Portals to other places are pretty great. I don't read enough of those type of books.

  4. Well you know I avoid time travel lol, but clones and AI can definitely be interesting! And of course I also like dyst/post-apoc. Still need to try some more cyberpunk this year though!

    1. Yes I do ha ha but I'm with you on cloning and AI. And post apoc/ dystopians are always welcome. :)

      I'm trying to find more cyberpunk too!

  5. I love me some time travel stories. Portal to other places sounds way cool and a killer twist is something I love. Great list!!

    1. Me too! Time travel for the win. And a good killer twist always gets my attention.

  6. I love your list! I love killer twists and time travel. Fantastic list!

  7. Great list! I'm such a fan of books that have boarding schools in as well! I'm not even really sure why, they're just so intriguing! Killer twists are something I'm always looking for as well, I'm normally really good at guessing twists before they come though so I'm often disappointed :(!

    1. I love a good boarding school book, especially if there's a sinister angle. And killer twists. I'm so- so at figuring them out, if it's kinda obvious I do but sometimes I'm wrong. :)

      And thanks!

  8. Boarding schools get me every time, lol!

  9. I've never read book about clones before but I love boarding schools/academies!

  10. I love a great twist in the story! I'm really good at guessing the end of a story, so I love it when they completely surprise me. Great list! I didn't even think of a few of these. Boarding schools could be a lot of fun too! Great list!

    1. Twists are the best, especially when you don't see em coming. And boarding schools...

  11. I love stories with a good twist - it seems like so many books these days are marketed with that, but there are some that live up to it. I also like end of the world stories, or books about disasters.

    1. I do too. It's all the rage now right? But sometimes they pull it off... and end of world stories too...

  12. You are right, killer twists are awesome. However, I think so many books jumped on the Gone Girl bandwagon (and I didn't really like that book) that when I see the comparisons, I shudder. Nice list!

    1. Yup. I do too. And if a book is original and can pull it off I love it!

  13. I love a killer twist! Always gets me intrigued. :-)

  14. Hell yes to alll your list! I love all of it especially Dystopian/ post apocalyptic, portals, badass boarding school, AI and Mythical creatures.. AND YES to anything End of the world!

  15. I have no idea what makes me pick up a book these days. I've been through so many slumps the past few years that my reading tastes are all over the place now.

    For What It's Worth

    1. I read a lot more widely than I did before blogging, so I get that.

  16. Oh, these are all so great! I especially love time travel stories, dystopians and mythical creatures in small towns. Also clones and badass boarding schools!

    1. Time travel is awesome for me, especially if they can pull it off. Dystopians *yup* and mythical creatures... definitely.

  17. I think Rolling in the Deep is the only Mira Grant that I have not read! I need to get that! I had a really hard time with my list. I completely forgot dystopian and that's my favorite genre!

    Great list. Awesome book covers too!

  18. Mythical creatures in small towns! Badass boarding schools! Off the grid! Those are all awesome. My favourite? Girl dresses up as a boy for Important Reasons.

    1. Ha ha that's a good one! And I love me some mythical creatures and off the grid stuff... :)

  19. Time Travel and twists made my list this week too! I also like your idea of the portals to other places. Love the book covers you chose this week! My Laws of Book Attraction.

    1. Thanx! I always love a good time travel story...

  20. We have some very different taste! I know you're not a big Doctor Who watcher but see if you can find the episode Blink. It's all about time travel and it messes with my head! I don't read nearly enough bordering school books and off the grid has been appealing to me more and more lately!

    1. I think off the grid has been appealing to me too, or maybe it's just the aftereffect of reading City of the Lost! And I will definitely look for that episode! Thanks for the recommendation, it sounds fun. :)

  21. Some great things on this list. I seem to be grabbing a lot of fantasy assassin type books lately.

    1. I always like those. I know there are some recent assasin books in fantasy that I've missed, I should look into those.

  22. I'm currently reading City of the Lost (via audiobook) and it's really good! I agree with a lot of these, small town settings and supernatural creatures are great. I haven't read many books with clones, though, and I find them super scary. :D Imagine being cloned and replaced and nobody notices it's not actually you walking around.

    1. City of the Lost I loved! And I agree clones can be freaky. If you want to read a good clone story that's like a murder mystery too try Six Wakes.

  23. My audiobook this week is set in a boarding school. It is an interesting way to bring a disparate group of teens together outside the classroom, and give them more freedom than they would most likely have at home. Mythical creatures are always awesome too, and time travel, and portals. There is so much to love out there.
    Sam @ WLABB

    1. Agree. And that sounds like an interesting book. I like the possibilities that boarding schools offer too. Mythical creatures are always a draw...

  24. Great picks, Greg! Time travel will often make me give a book a deeper look, as will portals to another world. (You can blame the first on Heinlein and the second on C.S. Lewis.)

  25. Mythical creatures w/ small towns is such a great trope, though I generally prefer in in TV as opposed to books (Stranger Things comes to mind). I love a good dystopian/post-apocalyptic read though.

    1. I haven't read a lot of mythical creature/ small town stories but I'd like to find more. And Stranger things was awesome! I still enjoy a good dystopian/ post apoc too!

  26. Off The Grid and Killer Twist will always hook me too.

    1. Same here. Off the grid is actually kind of new to me, but City of the Lost was awesome.

  27. Time travel stories get me every time too. Thing is though, they can be so hit or miss! I've read so many, but I can only think of a few I've truly enjoyed. Doesn't deter me though, I keep trying! :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Time travel CAN be hit or miss, so true. It seems like for every good one there's several bad ones. :) But I'm the same, I'll keep trying.

  28. While it will probably not be a surprise to you that I have not read any of these, I must say many of them belong in a category I completely left off my list - beautiful covers. Some of those are simply gorgeous! Interesting list!


    1. Thanks! There are so many good covers out there...

  29. I adore time travel books! I think everything on your list sounds great but I don't think that I have read any merfolk or AI books.

    1. I do too. And I've only read one or two merfolk books, but I enjoyed them and need to find more!

  30. The best is a twist that you didn't know was coming. Which basically means a non-famous book with a twist. Otherwise you're sitting there watching The Sixth Sense or reading Gone Girl and even though you don't know what the twist is, you're waiting for it to happen.

  31. SO many of these I agree with! Definitely anything dystopian/post-apocalyptic, time travel, end of the world, and twists, so much yes! I need to read more about clones, starting with Six Wakes of course.

    1. I LOVE dystopian/ post apoc (big surprise I know!) and time travel always get me. End of the world and twists *nods* And dude you HAVE to read Six Wakes. I think you'll love it??

  32. Great list! Love the covers for some of the books.

  33. Because I've been into a lot of suspense novels lately, I can definitely appreciate the twist that you didn't see coming. Great topic! Hugs...

  34. Good list! I need to read more portal fantasy, I'm really in the mood for it lately. <3

  35. Oooh, portals to other places fascinates me as well, going all the way back to when I first read The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Great list!

  36. Time travel and boarding schools are two things I always love to see in books - and I didn't even think of them!

  37. That is a great list! I like the portals to other places and mythical creatures in small towns too.

  38. I love that you added books! I can't do Time Travel for some reason it confuses me but Killer Merfolk would be awesome!

  39. Time travel and boarding schools - some of my favorites! :)

  40. Huh, you just added a few books to my tbr list again :) I love portals and time travel as well. I wish I was able to write it but I feel like I'd just make a mess of things haha!

  41. Great list, Greg! Time travel has definitely grown on me over the years. I am likely to look closer at a book with time travel in it nowadays. And absolutely yes to mythical creatures and portals into other worlds.

  42. I love time travel. A genre/concept that is probably further fueled by my love of Doctor Who, which is such a visually appealing and interesting show that it probably helps when I read books with this concept.

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Greg. :)

  43. I've read time travel books but I've never read the rest in the list. I need to spread my reading wings. Awesome list, Greg. I'm not familiar with almost all of them but I'm curious. :)

  44. Yes, yes, yes to this list, except for the merfolks, haha. I can't seem to get into mermaid books (but maybe if they're killer merfolks, I would be!). But I'm a totally sucker for time travel and clones.
