The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date
The weekend before Christmas! Is everyone ready? I am, sorta. I've been binging Travelers all week and finished season three. Let me just say... wow. As usual they blew it out of the park. That ending though... please let there be a season four. Everyone pray for a season four. Honestly. Pray.

In other news... oh yeah. Christmas. I'm ready! Sorta. I'll be out of town for part of it so I may be scarce for a few days, but I'll be around as much as possible. Blogging is a cruel master after all and demands much of us. I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday- Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
I also finished Fire and Blood. 700 pages of Westerosi history- it's not the Winds of Winter but if you've ever pondered how some people know all that stuff about the Targaryens and whatnot- well now you can too. It's fun too picking out all the GRRM-isms as well- you know, the turns of phrase and the like that he is known for- not to mention by now familiar themes. I'm even thinking of doing a post on life lessons from Westeros. I'm also reviewing each episode of Travelers- that will be going on throughout the week- and have a few holiday tags on the way too.