Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Top Ten Books If Your Book Club Likes X


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week's topic is Top Ten Books If Your Book Club Likes (historical fiction, YA, or whatever). I decided to go with thrillers/ suspenseful reads, because I like a good twisty story and I think it would be fun to discuss the following books with a book club. Not that I'm in a book club, but I kinda wish I was. So... here are my picks. 

 The Woman in Cabin 10

Gone Girl

The Incident on the Bridge

Big Little Lies

The Girls in the Garden

The Blue

City of the Lost (Casey Duncan, #1)

The Girl from the Sea

I think all of these are great for discussion- there's twists and turns, plot surprises, the kind of stuff to get a conversation really flowing. And it would be a lot of fun to compare notes and see what other people think. 


  1. Oh yeah these types of books are great to discuss. I would totally add Hex to your list just to see what other people have to say about what happens and how people respond (and how that compares to how people respond to things in real life).

  2. I haven't read any of these yet, but they are all on my TBR list. The Woman in Cabin 10 and Big Little Lies sound really good. Hope to get to them soon.

  3. There is so much possible discussion with Gone Girl. I want to read a few others on your list too!

  4. We didn't discuss Big Little Lies as a book group but all of us loved it when we read it on our own. I suggested The Girls in the Garden to my book group but it wasn't picked. We read Before I Go to Sleep by S.J. Watson and Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight. Some of my members like dark thrillers and some of them hate it so we don't read that many.

  5. A good twisty story sounds great for a book club. When you're not sure what actually happened, or there's room for different opinions, that's when the discussion can really get going!

  6. I just grabbed that Kelley Armstrong book from Book Outlet. I love her writing and can't wait to get into this one. Have you read the Cainsville books? They are awesome, but of course I think that about most of her stuff. I need to get The Woman in Cabin 10. You know what I remember most about Gone Girl? Hating EVERYONE except the sister. That book drove me insane, but you are right, it does garner a lot of discussion. Great list Greg!

  7. I've been in a couple of book clubs and one did Gone Girl and it was such a fantastic discussion. I haven't read The Woman in Cabin 10 yet (just checked - I'm number 10 in line) but I can see how that would be great based off of In a Dark Dark Wood. All of these are books I've been wanting to read and I think a story with lots of twists and turns would be so perfect for a book club discussion.

  8. Liane Moriarty has been very popular with my neighborhood book club!

    Here's my TTT: https://4thhouseontheleft.wordpress.com/2016/11/01/top-ten-tuesday-top-picks-for-a-read-the-world-book-club/

  9. Excellent list, Greg! I've read Gone Girl and City of the Lost (received the 2nd title in that series the other day) and own-- but haven't read yet-- The Girls, The Woman in Cabin 10 and Big Little Lies. Thanks for reminding me of the hidden treasures lurking on my other Kindle :)

  10. I don't usually read a lot of mysteries or thrillers, but I've heard so many good things about pretty much every book on this list! I'd love to try them someday to broaden my reading horizons a bit :)

  11. I tend to recommend this type a lot for my book club and we've read a few on your list! Great for good discussions!

  12. Some of these books sound good. Never hear of any of them before.
    My TTT.

  13. The Woman in Cabin 10 and Gone Girl are a couple of my favorites. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  14. Great list! I loved Gone Girl. I need to read a lot of these. First, I need to get to The Woman in Cabin 10 already!!

  15. Great choices, Greg. My book doesn't read thrillers, but I've read a couple of these on my own. Still need to read The Girls in the Garden.

  16. I like a good twisty story too. I must check out some of these! Great list, Greg!

  17. oh man I totally need to read more of the books up there. I read City of the Lost and loved it.

  18. I haven't read any of these, but I love that you chose twisty books because you're so right, those would be the perfect ones to discuss in a book club. I mean, online we don't truly *discuss* books that much, and we're trying not to spoil things, etc. But the books with crazy twists and turns are usually the ones I want to actually talk about the most!

  19. Ooh, this looks like a great mix of books for a book club discussion. I love this week's TTT topic! Thanks for the recs, Greg!

  20. I love thrillers and agree that plots with lots of twists and turns make for fun discussions. The Woman in Cabin 10 is already on my TBR, but I see several more on here that I'd love to read as well, especially City of the Lost. Great topic!

  21. The only one on that list that I've read is Gone Girl, but I'm adding most of them to my Wishlist, LOL! I actually just received an ARC of The Woman in Cabin 10, so I'm looking forward to that one. I agree, these books would be fun to discuss at a book club!

  22. I really want to read The Woman in Cabin 10. I've heard good things and it sounds like such a good thriller.

  23. The City of the Lost was amazing. Plenty of suspense in an isolated setting like the Yukon, what more could I ask for? I even liked the dash of romance :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  24. I do not read a whole lot of fiction anymore, but you have some very intriguing titles on your list. I have been debating on reading Gone Girl FOR-EV-ER. I will get to it someday.


  25. I LOVE Thrillers!!! I'm always looking for the ones that can completely fool me and leave me feeling completely dumbfounded. Like Gone Girl. That one really made me wonder how in the hell someone thinks of characters like that??? Also, The Incident on the Bridge sounds great. And Big Little Lies has been sitting here waiting for me to read it for MONTHS. I gotta get on that. Good list!!

  26. I do love the look of the Armstrong book - I will have to go and check that one out.
    Lynn :D

  27. Gone Girl kind of intrigues me because of the movie, but I also think it sounds a little "too creepy" for my reading tastes! Great topic - who doesn't love a good thriller?!

    Thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland.

  28. I love suspense but can be very picky about them at times. The cover for The Girls in the Garden is gorgeous.

  29. You wouldn't find me in this book club, but I love a lot of these covers. :)

  30. I have been dying to read the Woman in Cabin 10 so can I join this hypothetical book club? Gone Girl would of course have plenty to chew on:).
