They sought new worlds...

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.
This week is a topic about changes in our reading life. Hmm... since I started blogging my reading tastes (and habits, I guess) have changed dramatically. I've discovered so many new genres and books I never would have tried. So let me try to break this down...
1) Author Relationships
Like most book bloggers I get offered ARC's and books in exchange for an honest review, and one of the great things about this hobby is getting to know some fabulous people who just happen to be authors!
2) General fiction
I've always been a fantasy/ SF person mostly, and now I read so much more widely. A prime example, which I know I've mentioned before a zillion times, but Big Little Lies is probably a book I never would have tried, and I loved it.

3) European graphic novels
I highlighted some favorites last week, but since getting ComiXology (and largely due to blogs) I have discovered an entire world of comics and graphic novels I hardly knew existed. Some of my favorite stuff right now is coming out from Soleil, Dargaud and various other Euro publishers.

4) Twitter?
Okay so maybe Twitter is a mixed blessing lol but seriously- I love it. Even though I've been terrible about keeping up with it or posting lately, I love connecting w/ other bookish fans there.
5) Comments
The best thing ever. Seeing comments on a review or blog post means connecting with other bloggers and friends and is probably the most rewarding part of blogging, honestly- not just getting comments, but the interaction (and yes I've been trash at replying lately, but I'm trying)!!
6) Discussion posts
I love a good discussion post, whether on someone's blog or even if I come up with one I like. Kinda like above with comments- it gives us all a chance to hang out and stuff.
7) I read more books (except when slumping)
I say that because I just came out of a super slump where I hardly read anything for like two months. Sure I got through some graphic novels but I've read two books in the last week that I wanted to read literally two months ago! But yeah, in general I read a ton more now, because ALL the stuff.
8) Readathons and whatnot
I mean, right now we have SciFi Month happening, holiday readathons, and just so many different bookish events going on at any one time. The blogosphere is just a wonderland of bookish activities and honestly- I love it.
9) Goodreads
Okay this is funny I know since I am TERRIBLE at updating Goodreads, but there are so many groups and stuff going on that if I had the time I would be there all the time. I love Goodreads- I just need to make some time for it.
10) Favorite books
Yay I made 10! Okay this is redundant probably but some of my favorite books have come about because I've started blogging, and it's kinda scary to think that maybe I never would have discovered these.

I never visit Goodreads any more. At least, not in comparison to what I used to do (which was pretty active). In blogging, you have to "cut" some things in order to balance blogging (which does require a LOT of time) with life. But I do love comments (chatting with readers and/or bloggers) and like you, for me, much as I love discussion posts, it's just getting the words written. :)
ReplyDeleteYou were way more detailed in your changes and I feel like I need to go back and rewrite my whole post!
ReplyDeleteGreat list Greg! Yes to book discussions, readathons, and goodreads! It's so much fun connecting with other readers :)
ReplyDeleteLindy@ A Bookish Escape
Goodreads is my blessing and curse. I like the reading challenge and the book tracker, but man does it hurt my TBR list. That thing is almost 1,000+ books long! :) Comments are a definite highlight for me as well.
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing to get to know some of the authors better through social media and interaction.
ReplyDeleteInteresting list!
ReplyDeleteI think the interactions in blogging are one of the best things also... Not only with fellow bloggers and like minded readers, but authors too as you say. Linked in with the interactions are readathons & bookish events - there are so many (something for everyone!) and add a fun element to reading that I definitely previous didn't (with themes & taking yourself out of comfort zone). I love how book blogging makes reading such a sociable thing.. If that makes sense!
Sorry to hear you've been in a reading slump! I hope you're reading a lot more that you want to be reading soon. Readathons are one of my favourite things about the book blogging world. Great list!
ReplyDeleteInteraction with other readers and authors has been one of the biggest changes for me as well. Before I started book blogging I didn't realize what a huge community of book lovers and readers was out there.
ReplyDeleteI used to NEVER read adult fiction or mysteries and not that is mostly what I read. Crazy huh?
ReplyDeleteTwitter is a good book resource if you stay away from the fights! I have to make myself NOT get involved when I see comments that hack me off!!! I use Goodreads to update my TBR and track my reading, pick books for challenges etc but I have no time to really do groups and stuff now.
ReplyDeleteI love that half your list involves talking to more people, making relationships and joining in on things. It's great.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: https://thewordyhabitat.wordpress.com/2019/11/19/10-changes-in-my-reading-life/
I love your list. Connecting with authors and other bloggers is one of my favorite things about reading now. Mr. Barb isn't a big reader. He shows interest in what I'm reading sometimes but not on the whole. It's nice to have people to chat with that are as passionate as I am. And yes, comments make my day as well!
ReplyDeleteI don't really join the groups on Goodreads, since it is technically a Social Media, probably the one I use the most, there are still pockets of cesspool, and I have been "shamed" for not viewing something the way the majority has for book discussions in the past, so now I just avoid the groups and use the site to search books and find new bloggers.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore
Great list! I love Goodreads too. It helps me keep track of what I've read, and I've found a lot of books to read there too. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteI use Goodreads mainly for keeping track of my read and TBR piles, and unfortunately I don't use it much to interact with other readers. Honestly, I'd rather blog hop and leave comments on the blogs I love!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you were on Twitter. How cool. My username there is TorontoLydia.
ReplyDeleteAnd getting to know authors is a very fun part of being a book blogger.
I honestly feel like I've met more bookish people through Twitter than my blog.
ReplyDeleteGreat list, Greg! I can't believe I didn't add Twitter on my list but that's so true. It's still a struggle sometimes being on there (or trying to be on there) but it definitely is happening more often; and it really is a mixed bag lol
ReplyDeleteMy TTT post
I think meeting authors (on Twitter, at least) is an outstanding recent change. I was surprised when one author actually remembered me!
ReplyDeleteI'm sad I missed this TTT. I love the topic and your answers. TWitter is a hellhole but I cannot stay away, lol. As for Goodreads, I do my best to update but there are never enough hours in the day.
ReplyDeleteI know the feeling, when I first start blogging, I used to only blog about romance books and I feel like I have come a long way since then. Now my reading taste is so different and I love connecting with other bloggers and trying new things.
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome that you've opened yourself up to more genres now. Maybe that will continue to expand in the future.
ReplyDeleteI love bookish twitter. I think the key to twitter is sticking to books... Some 'channels' can get too mean and stabby for my liking.
ReplyDeleteGetting to know authors is the weird part about book blogging. It's like, authors are the 'famous' people in the book world and you're just chatting away to them, like they're real people. 😮
It'd be like watching the Avengers then having a polite twitter gab with RDJ over what kind of tea he likes... Totally weird. But I like it.
Everything about reading has changed for me. Starting with the fact that I didn't used to read much at all. I forced myself to read ONE book per month!
ReplyDeleteIv'e gone through genre changes, had great experiences at conferences. Got all kinds of cool arc's and stopped taking arc's lol
It's always changing and evolving.
Karen @ For What It's worth
The interactions I have via Twitter, GR, or blog comments are all new to me. The only time I got to discuss a book was in my high school English classes. Now, I can usually find someone, who has read the same books, and I love being able to discuss with them.
ReplyDelete#2 - I also have been reading more widely because of blogging. Although I'm not a book blogger but book blogs certainly influence me to read more widely.
ReplyDelete#5 - Yes, comments are the best thing about blogging, without them, blogging would be a very lonely experience.
#6 - I also love a good discussion post but I have not come across that many interesting ones lately, maybe I should read more new blogs, although my almost 300 blogs on my reading list is a bit much.
#10 - That's true for me too. If I haven't been reading book blogs, there would be tons of books I would not have found out.
I often thought of becoming a book blogger but I don't think I have the knack for it but I am glad so many people do.
Have a lovely day.
I definitely read more genres now, too - it helps that I'm coming across all these new books I'd never heard of on other blogs!
ReplyDeleteI definitely gave you the side-eye when I saw Goodreads on here 😂 But in seriousness, I definitely agree with these! I was so ridiculously picky about what I read, what I *thought* I liked, and it turns out I was so WRONG. I didn't think I liked sci-fi until I started blogging, for goodness sake! So yep, can definitely relate. And absolutely agree about all the bookish people! I didn't know we all existed until I got involved with this nonsense!
ReplyDeleteI'm right there with you on most of these! I love that I'm able to meet authors much more frequently and Twitter has definitely been a wonderful discovery!
ReplyDeleteGreat list. I love all of the social media aspects of the bookish community too, even though I suck at most of them, lol.
ReplyDeleteI found European comics fairly recently and find I love them too. I wish I knew where to get more regularly. They are a little different from American fare and I love that. ������������
ReplyDeleteI agree. It's great to connect with authors about what they've written, and even their everyday lives via reviews and social media. Speaking of Twitter, I'm on there, Facebook and Instagram probably way more than I should, but because of my addiction to pop culture and topics for trivia, I can't seem to help myself, Gorgeous Greg.(lol) Love, love, love discussion posts so much. Hugs, RO
ReplyDeleteI mostly went through your list agreeing and going: Yes, Exactly, YESSSSS -- but not in that order lol
ReplyDeleteI agree with your list, though I am not reading graphic novels or comics. But other than that, your list says it all *smile*
ReplyDeletemore readathons is a great point! That is true for me too.
ReplyDeleteI love participating in readathons and the like. I certainly never did anything like that before I became a librarian. Now that I am retired I have more time for those kind of activities. I enjoyed your list.
ReplyDeleteHahaha-- I love this list, Greg. It's obvious that you connect your reading strongly to your blog! Interestingly enough, I haven't noticed this with many of the other bloggers I follow. Reading begets blogging, not the other way around. :)
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of readathons (#shamelessplug) -- I'm hosting one next week for Thanksgiving! I love participating. It's so much fun to connect with other bloggers this way.
Ha, love the that first cover!
ReplyDeleteGoodreads is great, but mostly to update my books and keep track. That is what I use it for
Author relationships is a great one. Meeting authors at signing and events is fun, but forming a one on one connection is pretty amazing. There's one author in particular that contacted me a year or two ago for a review and we really clicked. She now sends me every new release and is just such a sweet person.
ReplyDeleteBlogging has introduced me to so many books. It’s forced me out of my comfort zone, and I’ve found books I loved that I probably wouldn’t have picked up in my pre-blogging life.
ReplyDeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I can relate to so many of these changes! Comments are such a positive change in my blogging life over the years--it's so fun to interact with people (and don't worry, I've been so bad at keeping up with replies and commenting lately, too!). And ditto on reading more--I look at how much I read before my blog versus after and it's crazy how having a little direction and/or awareness of what I want to read and what's coming out provides me with so much more to read! And it's also helped me branch out into trying new genres and types of books as well. Glad to see so many great changes for you!
ReplyDeleteGreat list! Blogging got me into twitter too haha Right now I am kind of obsessed with Spark Notes and Incorrect Cruel Prince twitter accounts 😂😂
ReplyDeleteWhat??? You love Twitter??? LOL this is my least favorite social media!
ReplyDeleteI do love discovering new books from reviews by other bloggers. I discussions and comments are great aren't they? I used to spend a ton of time on Goodreads but I don't think it is as user friendly as it used to be. Great list!
ReplyDeleteYes, Greg, you are terrible at Goodreads, ha ha. I would love to connect with you more over there. 👍✨
ReplyDeleteI'm laughing over your "Twitter?" thing because RIGHT?? Anyways! I hope you get to a place where you can make time for Goodreads and what not, because it is such a fun site! Also, yesss to Big Little Lies!!! Adore the book and the show so much. What a fantastic story.
ReplyDeleteBlogging is awesome-sauce! Especially if people are passionate about books, ofc!