Saturday, October 15, 2016

Sunday Post #164

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

We're definitely into fall now, the temps have cooled way down and it really feels like October. Which I love! The leaves falling and the sky at night- just an awesome time of year. The month is half over and it's been fun seeing all the scary readathons and different things going on in the blogosphere. I really enjoy the seasonal variations in reading as a blogger- and I got to thinking about that this week. So a discussion post was born- are you a seasonal reader? that post should be coming up soon. 

 Otherwise it was a good week. I'm on Pinterest now and that's just... yeah. Regular readers know I like to spotlight art on my Sunday Posts and guess what Pinterest is full of. Besides everything. Yup... art. So I disappeared into the wilds of Pinterest for hours this week. The big news this week too is the new trailer for Star Wars: Rogue One. I've included it below- let me know your thoughts. 

My review of Replica will be up this week. And The Wanderers and Fear The Drowning Deep aren't far behind. And... last but not least- Heather at Random Redheaded Ramblings, La La in the Library, and I did a triple review of Omnia, a really cute MG/ YA book. This was a blast and kudos to Heather and La La for being TERRIFIC review partners- I hope you get a chance to read the review on one our sites. 

Replica (Replica, #1)The Wanderers (The Wanderers, #1)


Image result for blonde baggage


Dead Girls Society


Happy October  


  1. It still doesn't feel like Autumn where I live! It's awfully hot and I love Autumn so that's a shame. Looking forward to your review of Replica! And that pulp cover is just amazing!

    1. Aw I hope it cools off a bit for you. We're getting cool here now...although it was nice today. Replica should be up this week... I'm just finishig it up.

  2. I'm enjoying the fall weather too. I'm sure my fall is warmer than your fall, but for here in Texas, it's still cooler and I don't like too cool! Lol!

    Your cat is too funny - great picture with the head through the blinds! So I'm not really a star wars fan, I don't think I've even seen all the movies. I did see the last one though and while I thought it was only OK I do like that Stat Wars seems to have finally truly found feminism! And that preview makes me think they might like it and keep embracing it. So a definite plus for me :)

    Have a great week Greg!

    1. Yeah I imagine your fall is a bit warmer than mine. We're starting to really cool. And that cat is crazy! He's always getting into some trouble.

  3. I really liked the Star Wars trailer. I'm excited about the movie, Felicity Jones is a really good actress. I hope the baby will cooperate so we'll be able to go to the movies once it starts playing here.

    I love autumn, even if it's gloomy and foggy and raining outside. Sure it's harder to find activities for kids but it's such perfect reading weather! And the nature is beautiful.

    The cat pics are nice! :) Have a great weekend!

    1. I love that trailer. Trying not to get my hopes up but I think it looks really good. I don't think I've seen Felicity in anything so she's new to me, but I can already tell I like her.

      I like autumn too, there's something about this time of year. and yes, even when the weather takes a gloomy turn, there's something about it. And of course a good excuse to read. :)

  4. I love Autumn, even if it doesn't seem the same here as back East. Had my fill of Pumpkin Spice, now I've moved on to Hazelnut coffee, lol.

    And Charlie Brown... loved the Peanuts Gang since I was a little kid in the '60s-- the books, dolls, movies... I still watch The Great Pumpkin and Charlie Brown Christmas specials when I can, even though my kids are grown :)

    Those dwarf maps-- are they artwork or from an actual book or game? I saw you put one up last time also. Interesting.

    1. Yeah I overload on pumplin spice lattes this time of the year! And the Charlie Brown gang have always been a favorite- I just like that world.

      The maps are actual game maps for role playing games- there's a few artists out there who come up with them and then people use them. I wanted to spotlight a few since I think these in particular are well done.

  5. It's been very chilly going to the bus stop this past week but then it's supposed to almost 80 on Monday. Gotta Love IT! Really been enjoying the featured maps.

    1. I imagine! It's been chilly here in the AM too. We got warm today but it's been cooler, and supposed to keep on...

  6. I'm super excited for Rogue One! I'm loving that the new Star Wars movies have more diversity than the previous episodes.
    My cat is also a shades-sabotager, but he likes to paw down one section to poke his head through, not get tangled up completely in them. I think he worries I might leave him there for the neighbor cats to look at and mock if he got stuck. ;)
    ~Litha Nelle

    1. I am as well! This one looks very diverse, and very good too!

      That's funny, it's amazing the cats will do to get their way! :)

  7. Iron Fist looks really good. I can't wait to read your Replica review. I almost picked it up Wednesday when I was at Target.

    1. I hope you like the review when it's up. Should be later in week.

  8. Love the futuristic pic. I'm surprised it took you this long to end up on Pinterest! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I do too. and I know- it's amazing I wasn't on Pinterest sooner. Although maybe it's good- it's taking up a LOT of my time now. :)

  9. Oh of course Greg, Pinterest would be great for you as you're really visual and have a good eye. Whereas I only go on there when I need something specific! Like where to put fairy lights. Or what to do with a drinks trolley. (Or something equally urgent!)

    1. Pinterest is like I don't know a very good site for me. As long as I have a LOT of time to kill. There's everything there- and absolutely yes, if you need to know about a drinks trolley I'm sure there's stuff there. lol so true!

      Hope you have a fabulous weekend. :)

  10. Great cat pix! And I love Charlie Brown...I can still hear my little kids (from way back in the day) singing along to the cartoons.

    I love fall, and today we even had a little wind. The leaves are covering my patio, and I'm afraid to go out there, as I have such allergies. I'll wait until the wind dies down.

    Enjoy your books and shows...and thanks for visiting my blog. Today I started watching a Netflix show called Luther, and I'm liking it so far.

    Did you ever watch The Fall? There's a new season coming on October 29.

    1. Thanks! I love Charlie Brown too- something about that world, even as an adult I love it. Nostalgia probably...

      Glad you're getting a little fall! We had some wind today too, and the leaves are just starting t skitter around. Luther I haven't seen, but I've seen it on netflix. that's the one with Idris Elba right? I don't think I've seen The Fall.

  11. The weather sounds so nice and pretty! Though I'm content with my warm weather over here.

    "guess what Pinterest is full of. Besides everything." Lol. That's accurate. I can't tell you how many times I've lost hours of my life to that website. But you're right, I do come across awesome art sometimes! I also sometimes lose hours of my life on Deviant Art marveling at how talented people are and how beautiful their artwork is.

    Haha to the cat's head in the blinds! Too funny.

    1. Just so you know apparently you CAN still see all the reviews on Amazon by using the filter, so if you want to start posting there, go for it lol.

    2. Yeah I go back and forth. I love the cooloff, and the fall stuff, leaves and all that, then it gets really cold and I bitch about it for 6 months lol. Never happy. :)

      Ha ha Pinterest is the bomb. And a serious time sink. But hey all my art is there lol and other stuff. I wasn't sure if guys really pinned, you know, but (and that's probably sexist) but I'm finding all kind of stuff.

      Yeah that cat is crazy. And that's good to know -thanx- I may start posting over at amazon as I've been wanting to for a while.

  12. I used to watch that Charlie Brown movie every year, but I haven't in a while. Did you like Replica? I've heard fabulous things about it, but I'm still waiting for my library to get it. Have a good week, and happy reading! :)

    1. I am actually finishing Replica, it's been an awful reading week. Other than a few minor issues I am liking it. I hope you get it soon? And I love charlie Brown!

  13. You need to share your Pinterest link. Omg, those peanuts did they stick all over the cat or what. I hate those suckers, at least it wasn't the little balls. Enjoy the cooler temps and new books :)

    1. Actually they didn't stick too bad, stupid cat. He's trouble with a capital T. Ha ha fun though. My Pinterest link is

  14. Pinterest is a deep, deep well of time-suck. Enjoy! Have a great week :)

  15. So far, I've been able to stay far, far away from Pinterest, Greg. And I'm still digging my heels in :D I'm glad you found some art you enjoyed, though :)
    I ordered Replica last week, too... only to have Book Depository tell me they won't be able to deliver it to me for some reason, so they reimbursed me *sad*
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  16. Pinterest is awesome right?! I love it.. Lots of bookish stuff, but also lots of great wedding stuff. I'm definitely a fan!
    The weather is also changing here.. I've been wearing my winter coat for over a week now. Brrrr
    Have a great week Greg, and happy reading!

  17. I am surprised you still have window blinds with cats in the house. Ha! I gave up on that a long time ago. I am keeping my eye out for your The Wanderers review. We need to do another triple review for sure. Have a stellar week. :)

    1. I know, it's amazing the cats haven't destroyed them! The Wanderers review will hopefully be up next week sometime, my reading time has slowed way down. :( And yes, I'm game anytime to do another triple review. That was really fun.

  18. Oh Pinterest can suck me in big time. So many things to look at. I am reading Replica now but not too far in. I am alternating chapters so I actually don't know how far in I am!! Love the cat pictures. I love Charlie Brown and the seasonal specials and so do my kids. Have a great week!

    1. Pinterest is just... man I can't believe how much stuff is there. And I'm reaing replica the same way... I'm glad I went the alternating route because it's like seeing the same thing from a different perspective, and I'm liking that. It does make it hard to know where one is at though!

  19. I love Pinterest. For awhile I was on it every day. I use it for craft and program ideas for the library and I pin lots of recipes I never make :) One of my friends has boards devoted to art and all these amazing photos.

    We definitely had fall weather here too but it is warming up again so I haven't put my T shirts away yet. Thanks for sharing the Charlie Brown clip. I'll be watching my DVD soon. I liked the new Rogue One trailer too.

    Cats do love boxes and looking out the window. Sometimes my sister's dogs will tease the cat because they get to go outside and Kitty does not. It's always fun to watch them.

    1. I've seen some amazing boards. I can see where foods would be fun- I've been in the mood for Asian food and I feel like pinning every good recipe or pic I see!

      Loved the Rogue One clip!

  20. I hadn't seen the new trailer for Rogue One, so I'm excited that you included that in your post. I'm getting more and more excited about it! And I always lose so much of my day when I go on Pinterest. There's so much going on and my ADD loves it. lol! Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you have a great week!

    1. Ha ha you too. And that Rogue One looks awesome- I can't wait to see it!

  21. Pinterest....too addictive! I have been reading good things about Replica and want to read it. Have a good week!

    1. I'm liking Replica so far. And Pinterest- addictive is a good word! I think I'm hooked!

  22. Missouri never really knows what it wants to do from having ice on the car windows one morning to it going back up into the 80's and we could have one day in the 90's then back down to the 70's. :) I am good with that though but I know others are

    It seems like Netflix is really on a comic kick and Iron Fist looks pretty good, so I guess we shall see. I wasn't a huge fan of their version of Daredevil and Jessica Jones what I have seen was kind of boring, so I don't know. (I never read the comics so I wouldn't know how accurate they are or anything.)

    Rogue One looks okay but I have never been a huge Star Wars fan and now that they killed off my favorite character and only reason for watching I am not that enthused about it, but my watch it on DVD.

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

    1. The weather's kinda similar here. Cool in the morning (we did have some frost) then 70's and hot in the afternoon. Schizophrenic weather lol. Netflix is hitting the comics pretty hard. I wasn't a huge fan of Jessica Jones but I like that they're making them, and Iron Fist was already a favorite so I'm hoping they do a good job with it?

      Rogue One looks better to me than some of the other SW stuff, and if you're referring to Han- yes!!! I hate that they killed him off and I won't even watch that movie again because it's so irritating!

  23. This weekend the weather was perfect until I found out Tuesday and Wednesday it's going to be 81...seriously!!! I want to take the AC out of the window and can't until it stays cold.
    I can get lost of Pinterest for HOURS! I love to look up food...I love food. :) They do have a ton of really nice pictures to look at.
    I saw part of the Trailer for Star Wars but I still need to see the new one. No one in my house likes it, really have no idea why I still live with them ;) I will watch it one myself!
    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

    1. Yes- we're supposed to warm up next week too, until it cools back down at the end. Make up your mind people!! Ha ha and Pinterest- I love food too and since I've been in the mood for Asian lately I keep wanting to go there and drool over all the chinese food pics. lol

      Ha ha about Star Wars if you're referring to The Force awakens I didn't really like it either *ducks* but a lot of people did so I'm in the minority. But I LOVE the look of rogue One it looks more like Star Wars to me- I don't know why!

  24. I LOVE It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! I try to watch it every October; it's a much as a tradition as A Charlie Brown Christmas. :D

    1. That's a great tradition! I love the whole Charlie Brown world with Snoopy and all the rest. So fun... it's like a slice of childhood you can always revisit.

  25. Loved the new Rouge One trailer, saw it a few days ago. Really looking forward to the film coming out!

  26. I'm interested in seeing what you thought of Replica. I've been avoiding it because of the hype and the many different ways you can read it. It just sounds time consuming. Oh, and I can't wait to see what you thought of Fear the Drowning Deep! I still love that cover so much!
    I've been putting off watching the new Rogue One trailer until the hubby can take a moment to watch it. Star Wars is really his thing, though I've always loved it as well.
    Have a great week! :D

    1. I'm enjoying Replica, it took me a bit to get into it but once it gets rolling it's pretty good. I'm reading it the alternating chapters way, and that's working for me even though I feel like I'm flipping back and forth (and I am, I guess). It's a risky move on her part to write a book that way, but I like different and so far it's worth it.

      I hope you like the Rogue One trailer when you guys see it- I thought it looked great!

  27. We are having an unbelievably mild and sunny autumn this year, though the leaves are turning and starting to fall. It's been wonderful... I love your images as ever, Greg:). The deepsea mermaid is fabulous - have a great blogging and reading week:)

    1. That's great. Our fall has been mild too I guess, we've only had one real frost so far. The leaves are just starting to turn and fall here too.

      Glad you liked the mermaid image. I thought it was very mysterious (and a bit chilling).

  28. Yay for Pinterest! It's my absolute favorite though it's so easy to fall down the rabbit hole there. Rogue One is talked about pretty constantly around here. Everyone is so excited! We've also been watching a lot of It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown because that's another big favorite. Looking forward to your seasonal reading post! I always mean to be a seasonal reader but am not so good at actually making that happen. Have a great week!

    1. Pinterest is something. I just keep finding new stuff there, I can tell I'm going to have a lot of fun (and lose a lot of time!). And I'm pretty excited for Rogue One too, in a way that I wasn't for Force awakens. Maybe it's just a new cast of characters that is generating the excitement.

  29. Wow! Awesome photos especially of the weapons! I hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Catch you over @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and check out my new book meme Book Photo Sundays!

  30. Ah, Pinterest. I'm a bit better now than I used to be about spending hours on it. I think you just have to overdo it at first! My current fave is the mock pulp covers with librarian themes.

    That is a powerful and menacing mermaid! Wow!

  31. It definitely is an awesome time of the year right now. I love how the leaves are starting to change colors and the cooler weather is nice too.

    I love Pinterest, I get a lot of my recipe ideas from there. It's filled with inspiration for almost everything it seemed. But it's also easy to get lost there for hours, so i try to limit the time I spent there.

    Your cat is adorable! It's great how it sits there just watching outside, not caring at all his head is right through those things!

    That dwarven mine maps is very elaborate, nice! Have a great week!

  32. It's easy to fall down the rabbit hole in Pinterest. Glad you're enjoying the site. It's a little cooler here as well, even though I feel like today is a little on the warm side. I'm glad that I don't have to have the air conditioner running anymore.

  33. Oh pinterest is such a time suck!! I have lost hours of my life on that site! The cat pictures are adorable!! Have a good week!

  34. I am a seasonal reader. Though I jump the gun when It comes to the Christmas. I've been reading Christmas books a lot lately. They all seem to come out about this time of year. I'm reading an interesting book for halloween.

  35. I am a seasonal reader. I've always been one, but since I've been reviewing, that's changed because I need to read some of the ARCs during those seasonal times. I'm hoping to get back to seasonal reading, though. Have a great week!

  36. Oh man Pinterest is a time bandit. Many a wasted hour devoted to that site lol cute kitty cat btw ;) ~Aleen

  37. I'm not really a seasonal reader. Weather wise, I struggle with early Spring & Fall because my apartment has either heat or air but not both. So I get too hot in Spring & too cold in Fall until the landlord makes the change.

  38. Oh my, what is it about cats and blinds? Mine destroys our binds!

  39. Ooh, my Star Wars loving heart was very entertained by Star Wars Goes Rogue. And seriously, what is it with cats and blinds? My cat doesn't get his head stuck in them but he goes after the cords endlessly. One of these days I half expect to see him go swinging by the window like Tarzan, haha!

  40. I am digging this weather!! And I am absolutely a seasonal reader. I have a tough time reading a book set in the winter or cold when it is hot out, and vice versa. Looking forward to that post!

    LOL at the cat in the popcorn - looks like he/she is swimming!

    And Pinterest is my guilty pleasure time suck.

  41. Laughing at the cat with the head through the blinds. Only a cat!! I am on Pinterest but don't spend too much time there, would never get any reading done. I want to sample a Juliana Gray book as I only recently found out she is Beatriz Williams. Have a great week.

  42. I love the picture of your cat -- too cute! Mine have a tendency to do that too, especially when they see a bird.

  43. Pinterest can be just a black hole for me - I go in looking for one thing, and stumble out hours later with ideas for tuna casseroles, diy interior design, and booklists of new picture books for STEM education in elementary school. ;)

  44. I love your Peanuts/Snoppy references this week - I've been a big fan from childhood.
    I am an all seasons reader, though if I really had to choose, it would be winter as there is nothing better than being snuggled up in bed with a great book listening to the rain fall on the roof.
    I'm looking forward to your review of Replica.
    Have a great week Greg :-)
    Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews

  45. Your cat is so adorable and thanks for featuring Snoopy - He's one of my favorite cartoon characters - well, him and Scooby Doo. While I don't have a cat (although we do feed the neighborhood one from time to time) I have a dog who is obsessed with birds. He's actually torn down a curtain watching one!

    1. Thank you. That's funny about your dog (well I'm sure it wasn't funny when it happened, but you know) and my cats do the same- especially the one. If she sees birds or squirrels she about goes nuts. Snoopy and Scooby are both great- good memories. Mystery Machine!!

  46. I am looking forward to reading Most Extraordinary Pursuit as well. I love Beatriz Williams (a.k.a. Juliana Gray), so I am excited to check it out. Your cat is adorable! I hope you had a great weekend.

    1. I have never read Beatriz Williams but have heard good things. And I love cover!

  47. Oh Greg, I am hopelessly addicted to Pinterest and waste time there the most out of anywhere else online LOL! Welcome to ADDICTION. LOVE the kitty pictures ♥ and Fall, just like you do! It's the best :D It was the first time I saw the new Rogue One trailer looks good but I've learned not to get overly excited by trailers...sometimes they end up being the best bit about the movie hahah! Have a fantastic week!

    1. Ha I can see myself spending a bit of time on P as well. And fall IS the best. You're right about the trailers, I want to like that movie (after not liking last years) but I better not get my hopes up too high...

  48. A triple review! That sounds awesome. I can't wait to check it out. How does that work? Did you buddies read the book too?

    Kitty is super cute this week! ;)

    Have a great one!

    1. Well Heather read it first, and raved about it, and LaLa I think suggested we all review it. I happened to see it was only 1.99 so that made it easy. :) Her and I read it and combined our thoughts w/ H's, and it all worked out.

  49. It feels like autumn where I live today! It's actually raining. A little, but it's wet outside, nonetheless. I am envious of your fall weather, Greg.

    Your cat! Haha! I can see why you like the mermaid picture--it is good.

    I look forward to your discussion about seasonal reading. Have a great week, Greg!

    1. It's supposed to rain here too, and we're getting a cooldown after hitting the 70's today! Wow. I hope your weather cooperates. :)

  50. Ya for October and cooler weather and beautiful leaves. Love the cat in the packing peanuts photo! Pinterest can be a black hole...

  51. Aww, your cat is just the cutest! :)
    I love the whole 'seasonal reader' discussion topic, so I'm looking forward to reading that! Have a good week :)

    1. Thanks! I hope you like the discussion post when I finally get it posted. :)

  52. Cats are certainly entertaining! And I loved that mermaid pic. :)

  53. Ooo... I look forward to your seasonal reader discussion post. I hope you have a great week, reading and otherwise!

  54. Oh yay! I definitely need to check out your review of Replica! Wonderful fanart as always, and that cat is cracking me up! XD

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

  55. You know, it started to feel like autumn here, but then the temperature jumped back up to summertime averages... I'll take it though!

  56. I honestly don't think I'm a seasonal reader. Although I don't really like to read Christmas types of stories unless it is that time of the year. And Pinterest, I love it, but it does suck you in for so much time! Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post earlier! I need to get back to check out your Cover Characteristic posts!

  57. Awww. Love the kitty in the box. lol. Yeah, we are into fall here too. The leaves have become beautiful this last week. I really like the cozy feel with blankets and the fireplace. :)
