Saturday, October 1, 2016

Sunday Post #162

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Well this week has been cooler, it's definitely feeling like fall now. The leaves are turning and starting to fall, and I love how crisp the nights and mornings are. I had a nice week of reading and have now scheduled things out for November-  amazing! With October here I'm thinking about fall readathons and stuff and deciding which to do but haven't decided yet.  October looks to be busy though. 

Discussion posts are coming back- I've got a few scheduled starting this Wednesday. Going forward I'll have discussions up more or less until I run out of ideas. There's also some cool tags going around and I did a few of them, now I just have to schedule them.  

This week I had my thoughts on Nerve and I hope to get to Replica as my next read. The Stranger Things tag should show up this week, and I've got a Creatures of the Night tag coming up in mid- October. Is it me or have tags exploded lately? Still there's some good ones... so what do you have planned for your weekend?  

NerveReplica (Replica, #1)

And I need this game- it looks awesome! 

And I'm listening to



Replica (Replica, #1)Dead Girls Society


I love this scene from Point Break

And this one too- one of the best foot chases ever? Note the moment at 1:53 when Bodhi throws a dog at him and he kicks it- PETA would have someone's ass if they did that today. 


  1. Happy reading and have a nice weekend

  2. I LOVE that last picture! Definitely puts me in the mindset of October and Halloween!
    And I can't wait to see what you think of Replica! I haven't read any reviews on it yet but I really want to read the book! I love Lauren's writing!
    Have a good weekend Greg!
    Emily @

    1. I do also! That pic just sets the tone for the whole month, and I love staring at the details. Especially that cloud streaked sky in the distance! I'm hoping to read Replica as I'm very excited about that one!

  3. Oh, that bottom artwork-- wow! I stared at it for several long minutes to take in all the detail :) Sounds like you've been keeping pretty busy with your blogging, and that's great. Wonder what Hobbit Tales is about-- off to check it out (my eldest daughter is heavy into tabletop gaming now).

    1. Isn't that great? I saw it and I was like oh yeah- that sums up
      October for me. And I have been busy... if I can just stay ahead. :)

  4. I'm so excited that the weather is finally turning cooler. I'm ready for fall to start. Did you hear that they're remaking Point Break? I'm interested to see how that goes. It feels like an odd movie to choose to remake.

    1. I am too. It's been raining here and the soft rain- along with the cooler temps- is really nice. And I did hear about the PB remake- I think it already came out? I didn't see it though- I refuse!

  5. I'm more surprised by how many challenges and memes etc there are popping up. I'd like to participate in more but I tried a Top Ten Tuesday recently and there were so many participants it was really overwhelming! I think it's also that the US market (in blogging etc) is so much bigger than the Aussie one so it's almost impossible to choose whose posts to read when there are hundreds there!

    1. Top Ten has gotten so big! I hear ya. I've been doing it lately and I seem to gravitate to the same blogs, more or less, people who seem to read the same things. I try to try new ones as well but there's only so much time.

  6. I am reading Replica right now. I am enjoying it. How are you going to read it? Are you going to alternate characters? I am reading one character at a time. I am started with Gemma.

    1. I'm going to alternate I think, after reading an interview with her it seemed like the way to go, although she said you can enjoy it any way. How are you liking it??

  7. I really hope to get to Replica soon too! There are so many good books to read lately!!! Love the October pic!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Thanks, and I'm hoping to get to Replica soon.

  8. Ooo, Nerve! I had the original hardcover (signed too) years ago, but gave it to a friend because I hadn't read it and wasn't planning on reading it. I don't regret it, but I wish I had at least read it! But that's okay. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a lovely weekend, Greg. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. You know, I didn't realize this was published a few years ago. I guess I thought it was more recently, although with the movie I guess I should have known. To be honest I wasn't blown away by it, although I do want to see the movie. :)

  9. It sounds like fall is coming your way. My daughter found a brown leaf the other day and was so excited. Meanwhile the trees in our yard remain as green as ever and show no signs of wanting to give up their leaves . . . I look forward to your discussion posts. I'm terrible with coming up for ideas for those types of posts. I feel like every subject I come up with has been talked to death. It's fun to see what others come up with though.

    The picture you shared of the futuristic house really caught my eye. I'm not sure why. I wouldn't mind living there.

    I hope you have a great week, Greg!

    1. It is- feeling like fall now. There haven't been too many leaves falling yet, but it's starting. And the crisp morning definitely signal fall! I'm the same way with discussions- It can be hard to come up with new topics, and so many have been done.

      I love that futuristic house and would definitely live there!

  10. Ooh, I'm loving The Cars's been a while since I listened to them.

    How great that you're getting some fall weather...I'm loving the taste of it that we've had.

    Great visual art!

    I have never read Lauren Oliver, but I'm curious. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. I love the Cars! And the fall weather is nice... I'll take it!

  11. I hadn't heard of Nerve until the movie. It sounds interesting but these kind of movies/books dissapoint me too often. Have a great week Greg.

    1. Yeah I was pretty disappointed by Nerve. :(

  12. It's been feeling a little cooler here too. Not when you go outside midday, but at night I notice I sometimes don't even need to turn the AC on since it stays cool enough.

    I have a tag done too that I just have to schedule, but I don't think I'm gonna do the creatures of the night one. I always just talk about the same books, and no one's ever heard of them anyway.

    But yay for more discussion posts! Those are always fun :-)

    1. Looking forward to seeing what tag you're doing, there are so many right now. I'm gravitating toward spooky stuff a bit. I hear you though, sometimes I have a favorite book that no one else cares about and I'm like "where's the love?" I did see The ferryman Institute in the bookstore yesterday though and thought of your review, which I read a few days ago.

  13. It’s starting to look like fall here too. I really like it. It feels so much more cozy and I can’t wait to curl up on the couch and read with a blanket wrapped around my legs. It’s still a little too warm for that.. But I still like to do it! LOL!!

    Yesterday evening I had to work, and today we have two birthday parties.. So not a lot of free time for me this weekend.

    Have a great week Greg!

    1. Fall is just so relaxing. You have a busy weekend- hope you find a little time to read or relax. :)

  14. Its finally cooler here as well. Although, this week its back up into the 80's (which feels hot after low 70's!) The Lauren Oliver series looks so good!!! Enjoy your week!

    1. Same here- the warm weather keeps coming back but I can tell fall is coming. The nights are pretty cool...

  15. Yeah we have our fall weather here now too. The leaves haven't really started changing yet though. Awesome job getting stuff scheduled into November! I hope to get to Replica soon. I am excited for it. Have a great week!!

    1. I'm surprised myself! And the leaves aren't completely turning yet here either (although farther north they are), but you can see it in some of the trees.

  16. Everyone's talk of cooler weather is making me so excited for Fall,even if I can't really experience it myself yet. I keep going outside every morning to test the temp in hopes that it will be slightly cooler but it's always just extra humid. :(
    Ooooh, I really really like that last artwork! It's lovely!
    Have a great week! :)

    1. Still humidity ? I hope you get a break , we've had some cool mornings and evenings and it's been nice.

  17. If crisp means COLD then yep my mornings are pretty crisp I don't like it, but the nice weather in the afternoon is nice.

    I am blaming you for me weakness of getting Dead Girls Society, I thought I seen it on your ;) It really sounds good so hope you get a chance to read it soon!

    Have a great week!
    Weekend Review

    1. The mornings have been great here but yeah if you don't like the crispness it probably doesn't feel that way! Ha ha hope you like dead Girls Society- I'll take the blame (but only if it's good)!

      Have a great week too!

  18. The weather has been fantastic here. I am loving the cool mornings and chilly nights. My husband HATES it. It makes me so happy! :)

    How are you reading Replica? I want to read it but haven't decided how to read it yet. I might alternate chapters because some reviews had said it was slow and I thought alternating might help with that.

    Did you watch Stranger Things? I don't think I LOVED it like everyone else but it was pretty good. I am looking forward to the next season.

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

    1. Yay for good weather. I love the cooler weather too, even though I got sick a week or so ago. Changing seasons always does it...

      I'm going to read Replica alternating chapters. I saw an interview with Lauren Oliver where she said you could read it either way and enjoy it but she thinks it works well to alternate chapters, so that's what I'm going to try.

      I did see stranger things. I thought it was good, I didn't think it was all that and a bag of chips like some people but I liked it enough. I think I agree with you.

  19. Congrats on scheduling posts out through November! It is such a satisfying feeling to be ahead. Have a great week.

  20. Oooh posts scheduled until November! Way to go! I was way ahead with blog posts but then Harry Potter Month made me fall behind cause I used up all of my saved reviews while I was rereading the series. It was totally worth it though :D Even though now I'm seriously behind on my blog and everyone else's >.< The leaves have started to change colours here too and I love it! October is my favorite month ♥ I can't wait for more discussion posts^^

    Oh and that futuristic house is EPIC. LOVE it. And that last picture is perfectly October to me too!!

    1. October is awesome! I love all the fall stuff. And that house- I WANT it! Looks so futuristic... I love it when the leaves start to turn, and it gets spooky and windy and all that at night ha ha!

  21. All the Rhaegar and Lyanna love OMG *sobs* I love them so much!

    1. I know, right? We need the truth- what really happened? I think they went off... :) We haven't seen much of them on the show...

  22. That last picture is so beautiful! I keep going back to look at it. Love it! It has been cooling off a bit around here too, but we have had so much rain! I want to go pumpkin hunting but it seems to be raining every weekend. I hope you have a great week!

    1. I love that pic too, especially the sky in the background. And all the pumpkins... looks so spooky or something. It's been raining a ton here too.

  23. I can't stop looking at that last picture! So pretty!! Replica sounds like a unique read. Looking forward to that one!

    And yes...Cooler weather! I so love this season!!! Have a great week Greg!

  24. Love that last pic. I'll be scrolling back up to look at it again after i type this comment. It's feeling more like fall here too with cooler nights and less humidity. Leaves are starting to fall and now the fun begins. I let a tree grow by my pool and it sheds so many leaves. A lot of work to get them out. I'm willing to pay that price to enjoy shade in the pool and a lovely tree. I love to look at trees. Enjoying all the different shades of green and how different the shapes of the leaves are. Nature is a wonder:) Have a great week, Greg.

    My Sunday Post

    1. So true. I love this time of year... and the leaves falling. I can imagine leaves in the pool would be a drag, but yeah it's worth it. :)

  25. I scrolled back up to the picture. LOL I counted seven jack-o-lanterns and four bats, with a possible fifth in the distance by the left tower. And is that one figure a reaper?

    1. I didn't even notice that! And I've been staring at the pic lol. I'm not sure but now I'm going to count bats ha ha. That pic is so atmospheric I should make it my wallpaper until Halloween.

  26. I love the sound of the Lauren Oliver book. I've only read one of hers before but did enjoy it. I am looking forward to leaves changing here too. It is so pretty but never lasts long enough.

    1. True, I love fall and the changing leaves and wish it would last longer. Not looking forward to the cold that wil come after, either. I've only read one LO book too- hoping this one is good!

  27. Very excited for Replica! Probably going to read it next after Crooked Kingdom! Also, really love doing tags so more tags seems great to me!
    My Sunday Post

  28. Yay for fall! I am so excited for October and fall in general. I love hard cider and I make myself wait for October to drink it - I think tonight I might have to have a little. :)

    I like that last picture as well! Reminds me of my gaming days!

    1. Mmm hard cider lol works for me. I love fall too, all the stuff. Cider (hard or otherwise) sounds pretty good, along with some farm donuts or something.

      I didn't know you were a gamer! I used to play but not so much anymore. And yes that pic is very evocative!

  29. Happy reading! As always a great post, love the artwork. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you, I saw that pic and I thought October! So fitting.

  30. Love the weather at this time year, the last vestiges of summer sun, and the crisp air. That last picture, so good!

    1. I agree, great time of year. and is that pic awesome or what?

  31. Hi Greg! Still looking forward to your views on Replica so I hope you get to that one soon. :)

    I'm sad that the TV series of GoT is wrapping up - it's inevitable but I guess I wanted to be able to read the books alongside. I'm kind of giving up on that though! Watchers on the Wall reported Gendry's return though so I'm interested to see how that plot line follows through...

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. Hi Di! I think my review of replica will be up on 10/20. I know that seems far off, but finding room in my schedule is getting tough (I think I've over scheduled). I'm reading it this week and if I can post it quicker I'll try.

      Same here with GoT. I was hoping to finish the books first or at least concurrently, but yeah THAT's not happening. Nice to hear that Gendry is coming back- he's been rowing for a while lol. I wonder where he'll show up. Back when I was reading the books before the show I kinda wondered if him and Arya would ever end up together...

    2. I think Baratheon's are definitely going to play a part in things to come (in the books at least). Martin has been keeping track of a lot of Robert's bastards and almost EVERYTHING he writes about is important so..... The TV show I think is taking a different route to the same place with obvious restrictions due to the fact that it is a TV production, but I think (I hope) we should come to similar conclusions.

      Any thoughts on what is to come?

    3. I've noticed that too. I've kinda hoped Myranda Royce would play a role, I liked her in the books. Or maybe I'm thinking Mya Stone... I get those two mixed up. I agree with you about the show, they have to cut so much. I think Sansa's story will be a lot different in the books. I think Euron is going play a big role- see the blog Poorquentyn at Tumblr if you want to read a cool theory called the Eldritch Apocalypse. It's an eye opener. And the last we saw at Wall you have Melisandre there and an angry giant- so shit may hit the fan when we get back there.

  32. Another fan of that final picture. Such a great combination of charming and menacing. And as for Hobbit Tales--you have just solved the annual dilemma of what to get the grown nephews for Christmas. Thanks!

  33. The temps here dipped into the 70's but they will be back into the 80's this week. We really don't get fall until after Halloween.

    Have a great reading week!

  34. I'm eager for the fall weather to arrive. It's one of my favorite seasons. Enjoy our new books, and have a good week!

  35. We're having cooler temps and fall weather too. Aside from the rain we have been getting, its been nice. October is looking like a busy month for me too. Have a great week!

  36. Doing some reading or should I say catching up. I took on a couple ARCs that release on the same day...oops lol Hope you have a great week!

  37. I am so excited for Replica, it looks so good, I'll definitely need to keep an eye out for your review! Thanks for visiting me, have a great week!

    Stacey @The Bookish Loner

  38. Our weather has been hot and cold. It's slowly staying cool so I hope we had the last of the heat. There are some read-a-thons coming up that I hope to participate in. Replica sounds really good and is on my TBR. I hope you enjoy it. Have a great week Greg!

  39. As ever, your artwork is one of my highlights of the Sunday Post meme:). The last one, in particular, is lovely. I'm not such a fan of autumn, but then our winters tend to be long and miserably wet and cold and our summers a whole lot cooler than yours. That said, this autumn has been fabulous, still warm and sunny with marvellous berries dripping from the bushes, though the leaves are now thoroughly on the turn. I've been horribly behind with my review schedule all through September. Oh well, maybe I'll have a chance to catch up during October. Have a great week, Greg and enjoy this autumn:). This is my Sunday Post

  40. The fall weather sounds fantastic; I wish the weather here would realize it's October and not still feel like 100, lol. That's so awesome that your posts are scheduled so far ahead! Looking forward to your upcoming discussion posts!

  41. I love crisp mornings and evenings. I like the sound of your upcoming discussion on When do you review? so will have to take a peek when it publishes.

  42. I got sidetracked visiting the posts I missed last week on your blog and forgot to comment on this one! Thanks for the heads up on the Hobbit card game. I am going to show it to my son. His friends have a weekly board game/card game night and are always looking for new ones to try. Have a fabulous week. :)

  43. I just signed up for Dewey's 24hr readathon. I've never really participated in a 24hr readathon before, but I've been wanting to. This'll be my chance to see if I can do it.

  44. I have that Juliana Gray Book -- looks good.

  45. Wow! Congrats on having things scheduled out through November! I have a plan through November, but scheduled? Nada so far. That'd why I need blog ahead!

    Speaking of the conclusion of game of thrones, when does it come back on? Do you know? I'm thinking it's a spring release only, right?

    Have a great week Greg!

    1. Thanx! I think Game of Thrones comes back in summertime next year- it normally comes back in the spring but they're delaying it til summer.

  46. *sigh* Tom Sizemore in the day was AWESOME!!! I had no clue he was in Point Break (and he was cute - who knew he could look cute?!?!) Drugs are bad, bad news...

    Has it been raining non-stop over there? It's been over here and it's kind of nice :) No apple picking, tho :( We tried to go to Uncle John's in Lansing on Thurs but, yeah.. rain!!!

    Have a great week!!!!!

    1. Tom Sizemore was the man! I loved some of his roles- did you see him in Strange Days? Awesome.

      It's been raining a lot, yeah. It wasn't bad today though- cloudy but it got warm. I love the orchards this time of year!

  47. With leaves falling and crisper weather, you know autumn is here to stay! It sounds like you've got a good schedule ahead of you - planning ahead eh. I've been doing the same this month, what with undertaking blogging every day in October!

    I hope you enjoy your upcoming reads, and have a great week!

  48. You sure know how to pack a post. Yesterday and today has had isolated showers, something different for us East Bay residents after having 70's to 100 these past days. We'll see how the weather goes. Last year it didn't turn cold until November 1st. I'm actually wearing a handknit beanie and a handknit cowl today. I have cleaning to do again after our Harry Potter dinner for another party - the tween's 12th. She's having some BFF's over.

  49. Wow...I wish I could be organised enough to not be writing my posts the evening before I want to post them, let alone scheduling them a month in advance...sigh...

    Loving that artwork!

  50. I love the October mindset image Greg, I just want to be in that picture. I am anxious to see what you think of Dead Girl Society. Have a delightfully bookish week!

  51. I love the sound of your weather, it is just perfect, enjoy :-)
    October sounds like it is a busy one for you. I hope you manage to make some choices in the readathons you are going to participate in. They sound like fun. I love the book of the new Lauren Oliver book, I think I shall have to read it based on the stunning cover alone!
    Have a great week :-)
    Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews

  52. The futuristic house looks better than most McMansions that's for sure. But all I can say about the final picture is "No way!" I'm not afraid of heights per se, but there are no rails or anything.

  53. Hooray for October! I can't wait to see your Stranger Things tag. I saw someone do that one and it looked like a fun one to do. Maybe I'll eventually do it myself. šŸ˜œ

  54. Nice pictures! The future house looks cool but I'm having trouble with the perspective; it seems big enough to be a hotel rather than a house. The hobbit game looks interesting, too. I'll have to see whether Robin wants to try it.

    Your weather sounds lovely. Here in Virginia it has cooled down to the low 70s (maybe even high 60s this week), and a few leaves have fallen, but they haven't really started turning colors yet.

    Now to check out your top 10 villains post!

  55. I am happy with the fall weather here as well. I am looking forward to see what discussion posts you have planned.

    That picture of the futuristic house looks nice! Have a great week!
