Saturday, October 8, 2016

Sunday Post #163

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This has been a busy but good week with temps in the 70's for the most part. It's been cool in the evenings and mornings though and definitely feels like fall. More trees are starting to turn and leaves are falling- October has its own beauty with the fall colors. The air is crisp and cider and doughnuts are definitely on the menu. There's a place not too far away that has the best doughnuts this time of year- I think I need a box.

Reading hasn't been too bad although I'm back on Netflix- a lot of new episodes have arrived so I'm catching up. I had a discussion post this week on When Do You Review and next week I'll be talking about Nostalgia Reads.  

Otherwise this week kinda went by fast after a slow start. I read Replica this week and should have a review up soon. And I think The Wanderers will be my next read. I just saw this week that The Pack, a follow up to The Wanderers, is due in 2017. 

Best wishes to anyone impacted by the hurricane down in Florida or anywhere else. I hope everyone has a great weekend.  

Replica (Replica, #1)The Wanderers (The Wanderers, #1)Fear the Drowning Deep

And I'm listening to...



Dead Girls Society



  1. I love fall! It's cooler at night so I sleep really well, and nature shows us a symphony of colors before it all falls down and winter arrives.
    I just ordered a copy of Replica this morning. I am very curious about it, and I sure hope you enjoyed it!
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading (and Netflix-ing) ;)
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. I feel the same way about sleeping in the fall- love the cooler temps!

  2. I have Replica now and it's so beautiful! Definitely excited to read it soon! Love those pirate images. Did you see the trailer for the new Pirates of the Caribbean film?
    Clare @ Dual Reads

    1. I wish I had the physical copy! I'm reading the e- version... I did see the trailer, and it looks good?

  3. I wish our leaves would start to turn here. I feel they should have already. I love cider and doughnuts. They have the best apple cider donuts at the apple picking place near us. I might have to get some now!! Have a great week!

    1. Cider and doughnuts are best! And once someone mentions them then I have to have them, so I understand. :)

  4. Have a nice weekend and happy reading!

  5. I look forward to reading your review for Replica. That one is on my TBR right now. Mmm, I tried cider doughnuts for the first time last fall and can't wait to head back out to the mountains to pick apples this year and get more of those incredible doughnuts.

    1. It should be up soon. Isn't it amazing how doughnuts can be so good? I don't know what it is but this time of year helps. :)

  6. We were a little farther north for a few days this week and I really enjoyed the 70s and low 80s temperatures! We're back in the high 80s but I don't think it's going to last much longer. Love the art you shared this week. The one with the pirate ship seen through the cave is amazing. Have a great week!

    1. Isn't that a cool pic? I saw it and I was kinda awed by the moss and jsut the green of it. Sounds like you guys had a nice getaway, glad the temps cooperated.

  7. I'm very excited about Iron Fist coming to Netflix! I've been quite pleased with their Marvel shows so far, especially Jessica Jones. This is going to be awesome :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I agree, and Iron Fist is a personal favorite so I'm really looking forward to it.

  8. I need to get myself on Netflix here. I know I keep saying that and I need to get my act together but (frankly) I'm tired of doing stuff. My brother had talked about coming up to see my new house in a couple of weeks and I'm hoping he does as I think I'll ask him to sort it out. I think I've mentioned before I have an older TV (no Netflix app) so need an Apple TV thing to hook it all up. I guess buying that would be a help!

    PS. It's started to get warmer here - almost 30C days... *sigh*

    1. It's always a pain figuring that stuff out... I do like Netflix though just for the sheer amount of shows they have. It beats cable for me, although I don't know what the Australian version is like.

      Getting hot? Wouldn't it be nice if we could just have a happy medium for a while??

  9. I love that image of Rivendell! Such a pretty place, I wish it were real. I'm curious about Replica, though I have not had good luck with the author's books in the past.

    Have a lovely week, Greg. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I do too! I like that version of it... but I can look at Rivendell images all day ha ha!I'd love to go there.

      Replica is okay so far, not blowing me away yet but I'm hoping it picks up.

  10. It is definitely feeling more like fall here, too, although the temps still go up and down. Not as hot as it was, though.

    Loved the movie The Girl on the Train.

    I have been mostly absent from Netflix this week, but I did start with one episode of a new-to-me show, Shameless.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I'm so glad to hear Girl on the Train was good, I definitely want to see it.

  11. I am curious to see what you think of Replica. No fall foliage yet, despite the cooler temps. Knock on wood our A/C has been off all week. We did have a few soggy days though. We are continue to watch the Exorcist, but nothing else new. Have a lovely week Greg:)

    1. You too! It rained here to a bit, and we had soem nice weather. And some not so nice. Definitely fall. I have mixed feelings on Replica so far, not bad just not stellar. Writing the review should be interesting.

  12. Mmm cider and donuts, that sounds amazing! I haven't had either of those in a long time. And the 70s is perfect weather!

    Enjoy all your new Netflix episodes, and I'm still waiting for that review for The Wanderers, haha. Have a great week!

    1. Cider and doughnuts are amazing this time of year, and this place over here has the best! I'll get like a box of doughnuts and a jug of cider and I'm good lol I love 70's, if it could stay that way all year round I'd be happy. :)

      Review? What review?? Oh yeah... it's coming. Eventually. :)

  13. Love the artwork, especially Rivendell. Have a great week :)

  14. Ooooo I want to watch Evolution. I ned to read Replica, but I haven't been in the mood for it. I hate when that happens with review books. I want a doughnut too!

  15. October is definitely a beautiful month. I love all those gorgeous colors on the trees and the cold mornings.
    I’ll check out your discussion posts this week. I definitely would like to do more myself.
    Have a great week! ;)

  16. I can't wait for the leaves to change here! (Really, I just can't wait for snow, so I want to hurry fall along!). Have a wonderful week!

  17. They told us fall was coming here last night. It's early morning and I haven't looked yet. Fingers crossed.

    Have a great reading week.

  18. My goodness, I was scrolling through this and couldn't go past the mermaid picture. It's haunting.

  19. I love maps and the pirate and mermaid pic...awesome! Have a super Sunday, Greg. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  20. I love fall! We had a warm snap this past week with temps back in the 80s minus the humidity of summer so it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Looking forward to cooler temps this weeks.
    I love that picture of the pirate cove! It reminds me of Peter Pan for some reason. Hope you have a great week! Happy reading :)
    My Sunday Post

  21. I'm looking forward to your review of Replica as I am interested and have read one other book by the same author which I enjoyed. I haven't been on Netflix but have been caught up,with other new shows like west world and designated survivor.

  22. As ever, the artwork you chose blew me away - the picture of the stranded mermaid is disturbingly poignant and beautiful. I'm very intrigued by Replica - as you say, the physical book is the preferred option, but I'm guessing it won't be cheap. I'll be fascinated to see what you make of it. Hope you have a great week, Greg:)

  23. The days have been nice here but it is down right cold at night and in the early morning and I don't like

    Netflix sure is on a comic book hero kick it seems! Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and now Iron Fist. :)

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  24. No trees turning yet but the weather has dropped quite a but today it will be in the 50's all day but it's raining. Nice day to stay inside and read :)

    I am debating whether to read Replica during the 24 hour or wait until next week, I really, really, want to read it.

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

  25. Oh man, you're reading some awesome books! I can't wait to see what you think of Replica and Fear the Drowning Deep! Both of those are on my TBR! The art you shared is so gorgeous! Enjoy your Netflix time! :P

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  26. I'm loving everything on your post today, Greg! It always takes me a while to get to the comments section. LOL I actually found some cider doughnuts! Yummy:)

    My Sunday Post

  27. How did you like Replica? Will be curious to read your review. :)

  28. I look forward to cider all year:) we alsogot some coller weather as well so that's always a plus. Have a great week.~Aleen

  29. I am beyond excited for all these Marvel shows coming to Netflix. I have to finish Luke Cage. Iron Fist! I forget his origin but I remember the costume. I got Dead Girls Society too. I'm hoping for the best.

    I was randomly thinking of mermaids yesterday. I wanted to read a book on one.

  30. Yum those doughnuts sound so good :) I'm trying to catch up with Longmire on Netflix, but first I have to catch up on my regular shows so I don't get too far behind. LOL Have a great week!

  31. I love all the images you post. Art! It just gets me! Have a great week :)

    Stacey @ The Bookish Loner

  32. It feels a looks like fall here too, it's nice. I enjoyed your discussion post this week! I saw it yesterday and stopped by to leave a comment. Looking forward to your post about Nostalgia Reads! I really like that last picture with the forest and all the green. I hope you'll have a great week!

    1. Thank you! I hope the Nostalgia post is good. and I liked that pic...

  33. I read The Wanderers. I am curious as to what you will think. Our weather has been rainy, but pretty much the same as yours temperature wise. I need to check and see if we are going to be affected by Matthew. I thought it had gone out to sea, but my cousin in North Carolina got hit today. They are all okay tgiugh. We seem to either have cider or doughnuts, but never at the same time. Ha ha. I need to remedy this by Halloween. Have a wonderful new week. :)

    1. What did you think of the Wanderers? I'm hoping it will be good- Heather liked it if I recall (think that's where I saw it) but I've seen mixed reviews too...

      I hope the hurricane doesn't come anywhere your way!

    2. I didn't care for The Wanderers. Ha ha. In fact, I think I DNFed it. XD

  34. Fall is my favorite ♥ I hope you're enjoying it! Summer was particularly humid and I don't handle muggy that well so I'm thankful for cooler temps :) Those Pirate pieces and the Middle-Earth art are fantastic! Hope you have a lovely week my friend and happy reading! xx

    1. Fall is my favorite too. I love summer but not the mugginess. I liked those too. You have a great week!!

  35. I'm looking forward to your review for Replica. This is on my TBR and I see there is different ways of reading this book. After watching The Iron Fist promo I told my husband we need to get caught up on the Netflix shows lol. Hope you have a great week Greg!

    1. Iron Fist is awesome! Well I hope the show is anyway I'm looking forward to it maybe the most of all of them.

  36. I love donuts year-round, lol. We are supposed to FINALLY get some cooler temps this week, which I definitely hope happens because I'm so over hot and humid all the time, especially since it's already October!

    1. I can take donuts pretty much anytime too lol. I hope you cool off soon. I don't taker the humidity well...

  37. Oooo, you got Fear the Drowning Deep. I just read that so I'll be curious what YOU think. I like the pirate picture, too! It reminds me of some of the huge paintings you see in museums. The girl on the front of the dingy, so cool!

    Hey! You have a button! I shall grab and eventually add to my blog roll :)

    1. I can't wait to read it. What did YOU think? I've only read one review but it was enough to convince me to get it. And yes I finally have a button- Shannon at It Starts At Midnight did it on the fly lol for a post! Go Shannon :)

  38. Tell me where these awesome donuts are if it is not Post Family Farm! :o) Always on the lookout for delicious donuts! LOL My morning walks have been beautiful with the trees turning red! Love the changing colors. Have a great week.

    1. It is Post Family Farm! You guys go there too? Love that place! Their cider and donuts... yummy.

  39. I'm really looking forward to Replica - can't wait to see your review! I hadn't heard of Evolution before, but that trailer looks good!

    1. I want to see Evolution. with my luck it won't come here, but I hope to see it!

  40. I really do want to read Replica - hope you enjoyed it! I need to catch up on various shows, but I'm so bad at watching TV sometimes. I just can't focus. Plus, I go to sleep early during the week most nights.


    1. I get so behind on TV... I have a zillion shows I want to get caught up on. Will it happen? I don't know... :) And Replica is pretty good!

  41. All your books have really interesting covers! It's a great time of year to be watching Netflix. Doughnuts sound amazing.

  42. I love fall colours too, although of course Spring here, just admiring the blossom on a neighbors tree! Every so often I think about getting Netflix but so far have resisted!

  43. I have missed reading your posts! I am playing catch up now but I'll be nosing around your blog this week to catch up what I missed and of course to see your thoughts on Replica - you've given nothing away here. ;)

    Chat soon!

    1. Thanks! Replica's coming... eventually ha ha. I think I'll have it up next week... I'm just having trouble finding a day to slot it into! So far I'm liking it... :)

  44. Let me know if you start something good on Netflix. I will need something new once I finish Luke Cage.

    1. I liked Marcella, if you haven't seen that one. It's a Brit cop show, more a detective thriller. Have you watched Continuum? Love that show.

  45. Fall is my favorite season, Greg, because I love the cooler temps, the fall colors, and pumpkin everything. ;) Cider and doughnuts sound wonderful as well so I hope you picked up a box for yourself! Good luck with your Netflix watching and reading. :)

    1. I like falltoo, there's just something about it. I was out today and the trees are turning all the colors- yellows and reds, it's getting nice. And the cooler temps- don't hurt either! And I did get some pumpkin spice donuts- they didn't last long around here! :)

  46. The Wanderers looks good to me, unusual. As always, I enjoy your artwork selections :) I'd like to find a cool Pirate-themed book to read if I could.

    Have a good week ahead, and enjoy your Fall weather. Hands down my fave season, though I don't get to enjoy it out here. Enjoy your new books.

    1. I am conflicted on The Wanderers, I'm going to read it (next) but I've seen both raves and harsh reviews from bloggers I trust. So who knows?

  47. Looking forward to your review of Replica - I've been seeing that title around a fair bit lately. New episode releases always grab my attention on Netflix.

    I hope you have a great week - happy reading!

    1. I've been seeing Replica around too- and am almost halfway through. Thought I'd be done by now, but things came up. Should have a review next week.

  48. I am looking forward to cider and doughnuts as well! We are heading to the orchard this Saturday - one of my favorite things we do all year. This place we go just started making hard cider too, I am also looking forward to a few tastings. Lol.

    I really want to read The Wanderers, and Dead Girls Society!

    Have a great week, enjoy those doughnuts!

    1. Cider and doughnuts are the best. Hope you guys get lots of goodies at the orchard! And hard cider- yeah have a few ha ha!

      Hope your week is great!

  49. It's been downright chilly in my apartment in the mornings. After such a hot summer, it's a bit of shock to have it turn colder so early (for here).

  50. I am so loving the cooler fall weather! I need to get ahold of Replica and read it, it just sounds so good! I always love all the pictures and maps you share. I like that you're coming up with your own cover characteristics. I may do the same for November ahead of time, because I'm trying to get my posts done ahead of time as much as possible so I can participate in National Novel Writing Month. Hope you have a great week, and thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post!

  51. The weather sounds perfect your way and the mention of doughnuts got my stomach going! Enjoy :-)
    The Dead Girls Society looks interesting - catchy title!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and have a great week.

    Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews

  52. I love that pirate themed image... looks awesome!
    We're starting to warm up down here in Aus... but we've had a lot of rain, so there's a lot of flooding around.

  53. Those Middle Earth paintings are so evocative and beautiful - makes me want to pick up the books again!
