Monday, May 26, 2014

Top Ten World I'd Like To Visit

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This is Top Ten Freebie week so my topic is... Top Ten Worlds I'd Like To Visit. 

The big kahuna of course is... Middle earth. Seriously, for fantasy fans... who wouldn't want to go there?    

The Fellowship of the Ring (Lord of the Rings, #1)

Next up for me... Narnia.  

The Voyage of the "Dawn Treader" (The Chronicles of Narnia, #3)

There's something about Narnia... the lamppost, the mythical creatures, the sense  that children can go there but adults often cannot. It would be nice to visit Cair Paravel and gaze out over the sea...   

My third choice would be Westeros, from A Game of Thrones. Why Westeros, you may ask? After all, the place is nasty right? Well yeah... but think of all the sights to see. 

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)

Dinotopia: A Land Apart from Time

DinotopiaI like the concept of the Victorian explorer finding a land where dinosaurs and people coexist.  

The Star Wars universe.    

The 100 Acre Wood of Winnie the Pooh fame. Probably the most relaxing place on this list... I could hang out at the Big Stones and Rox, or maybe the Bee Tree (as long as you don't mess with their honey), and of course Pooh's house.  And isn't there a bridge around there somewhere? 

Peanuts Treasury

Emilie and the Hollow World (Emilie, #1)

Emilie and the Hollow World was a fun YA fantasy about a girl who stows away on a ship and finds herself on an expedition to the hollow world. The thing that I liked about this world was the merpeople and their city- the way it was described, I immediately wanted to go there. Here's a link to the first chapter on the author's website. My review here

Lost Horizon

The mythical valley of Shangri- La, where people live in peace and have extended lifespans. A hidden valley in the Himalayas and a place of refuge from the outside world...  

So what are your picks?   


  1. Ooh, there are so many worlds on this list that I would visit in a heart beat. Middle Earth? Narnia? The world of Star Wars? Sign me up! The 100 Acre Wood would be so much fun to visit too.

    1. I know, I had a lot of fun coming up with my list. Especially Middle Earth... I think that would be the first place I'd go. :)

  2. It would be amazing to visit Narnia! 100 Acre Wood would be so cute too. Great list!

    1. I agree. To wander around Narnia and just see the landmarks... thanks for stopping by!

  3. Oh, cool list :) I'd add Robin Hobb's world for sure, but you've pretty much covered the basics.

    1. Oh, that's a good one I didn't think of. The Duchies... and the Mountain Kingdom maybe. Great one!

  4. Middle Earth is definitely the big kahuna. :)

    1. Yeah I think so too... just so many places there to visit. Could spend years... :)

  5. Great freebie topic :) I agree with you on these, especially Narnia and Middle Earth! The only one missing is Terry Pratchett's Discworld-that would be the coolest world to visit :D

    1. Thanks Finley! I don't do the TTT very often but when I saw a freebie... :)

      I have not read Pratchett but a lot of people seem to really like his stuff, so maybe that's a hint I need to give it a try.

  6. great picks! I would love to go to Westeros, albeit being a bit scary there. :D Should be amazing nevertheless. Narnia would be on my list, too. I have yet to read Emilie and the Hollow World and LotR (I know...). Planning to this summer :)

    1. Hope you enjoy them! LoTR is fun although the first book can be a little long to get through, especially the first one where they describe everything in the Shire in excruciating detail. :) I appreciate it now but when I first read those books as a kid the first one bored me...

  7. No way would I go to Westeros! I don't think I'd last long...

    Nice classic picks here. The Hollow World looks interesting too - love that cover!

    1. I think I'd want a well armed convoy if I was going there. :) The Hollow World was a fun book...

  8. Thanks Heidi. I agree with you, get rid of the bad guys and then I'll visit! :) And there were some great ones I left out or didn't think of, darn it! LOL.

  9. Very cool idea for your top 10 this week! I would love to see dinosaurs myself, but don't know if I'd go to the Dinotopia, or just back to those times. Debating if I'll do a Top 10 post today or not. Depends how much time I have when I get home tonight and finally get everything ready to go to BEA tomorrow!

    1. Thanks Lisa! I would love to see dinosaurs too... Dinotopia the show was really bad, but the books are kinda cool. Some nice artwork.

      Have fun at BEA!

  10. Nice list. There's a few I'd like to visit here as well. One fictional place I wanted to visit when I was a kid was Moominvalley. It always seemed like a fun place!

  11. I would love to be in Middle-Earth or the Star Wars Universe, though I would probably never stay in one place too long. I'd want to see it all!

    I like that image of Jamie much better than the show. The guy in the show reminds me of a younger Gilderoy Lockhart from Harry Potter.

    1. Me too, I'd like to rotate through all those universes and spend a bit of time in each! But ME and Star Wars- maybe spend a little time extra time on those. :)

      Yeah I think that pic is MUCH more Jaime LAnnister than the guy on the show. Not that he's bad- he just may not be bad ENOUGH LOL. Course we know Jaime's misunderstood... :)

  12. I'd like to tootle around Coruscant providing I could have Chewy - he makes everything better. I'm definitely with you on Middle Earth as well. Rivendell would be spectacular but probably not have the warmth of Hobbiton.

    1. I agree! Two totally cool places to go... Coruscant would be cool (aircar please) and Middle earth... yeah how awesome would that be? :)
