Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sunday Post #45/ It's Monday. What Are You Reading?

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

Wow, what a week. It's been a rollercoaster ride of sorts with lots going on, and only some of it reading. We're so busy right now and I've been working out of town, so finding reading time has been difficult. The next few weeks might be a little touch and go with reviews, but I have some good books I want to review and lots of fun stuff planned.     

I mentioned last week that I started playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. There hasn't been a lot of time for it but when I have been able to log on I have to say- it's been fun. It's kinda addicting... :) 


  1. Wow, enjoyed the Lucy trailer....thanks for sharing. I will probably have to wait for Game of Thrones on Netflix, as I'm too far behind. It seems to be a popular show.

    Enjoy your week...and here's MY WEEKLY SUNDAY/MONDAY UPDATES

    1. It does look different, doesn't it- I thought so too? Game of Thrones is the same for me- I haven't seen all of them yet don't like getting HBO just for that show so don't feel the need to see them right now.

      You have a great week!

  2. It's been a rough week over here too! Seems to be the trend this week (seeing lots of other bloggers talking about their crazy week's on their Sunday Posts). Here's to hoping we all have a much calmer week, this week!

    1. I agree! Not sure what it was about last week but I'm ready for things to calm down a bit too. Let's hope this week is a good one! :)

  3. What was it about this past week...all I can say is I'm glad it's over! Here's to a better week and lots of reading time on the horizon!

    My recap:

    1. I don't know, but I'm glad it's over too! And reading time- I could use some of that. I'm going to forget HOW to read at this rate... :)

  4. I have to go back and watch George on Conan, GoT has been so good, I finally got all caught up. I read your comment that you are behind and you must must must catch up :)

    Sorry your week was so busy! Hope things slow down so you can get some reading in!
    I took some time this month to read as much as I can so I have a ton of review to post next month but now I am behind on writing them lol oops :)

    Have a great week Greg!!!

    1. Isn't that funny, sometimes it's reading time and sometimes it's a backlog of reviews- always something LOL! I didn't see the whole GRRM segment but I did see some of those clips- I should watch the whole thing.

      I have a bunch of reads I need to get to- I my just have to get through a few and make myself get caught up! :)

  5. Legacy of the Clockwork Key sounds good! And the Cosplay pictures are funny. My daughter is making her cosplay for Comic Con so we are trying to figure out how to make her staff (it's a really fun process). I hope you get to see Godzilla. We haven't watched it yet but a lot of our friends like it. Have a great week!

    1. I think so too, and need to read it. I thought I would have by now but I just can't seem to get much reading done lately. Kinda irritating! :) But hopefully I'll have a review up soon for it! That sounds like a lot of fun preparing for Comic Con. Some of those costumes are so elaborate you can tell people put a lot of time into them...

  6. Lucy trailer looks pretty interesting!
    I have been meaning to read Shattered for ages, but just haven't got around to do it. Maybe during the summer holiday :)
    Have a good week!

    1. I thought so too, I'm really curious about that movie. Shattered has moved up my list now that it's out here, my next read since I've been waiting a while for it! :)

  7. Hood and Shattered both look interesting. Enjoyed the clip of GRR Martin on Conan! It's hard to believe his old computer still runs.

    1. I know it, but maybe it's a good thing. If he were to lose the manuscript we might never see the next book!

    2. Jenna and Greg, I've read the Hood series by Lawhead. I'll be interested in reading your review, Greg, when you are done reading it.

      Have a good week!

    3. Thanks Terri, I'm looking forward to reading it.

  8. I hope this week is calmer for you and have more time for reading and for playing Star Wars. Hood looks interesting, Robin Hood was always one of my fave stories. I'm looking forward to X-Men Days of Future Past; I hope it's good.

    1. I do too, things have been hectic lately. With summer coming maybe my reading time will increase. Hmmm... maybe. :) Not a great time to be taking on a (time consuming) game but it's just fun. and looking forward to trying Hood also.

  9. My week's been filled with reading for the RaT, I've loved it. :) Thanks for sharing. Here's my Sunday Post

    1. I did a readathon and liked it a lot, really should do another one of these days. Sounds like fun! Hope your week ahead is a good one too!

  10. I had a rough week (month) so far, but hope you and I and the rest of us have smooth sailing this coming week :) Hood looks really cool to me. I have a soft spot for anything Robin Hood. Enjoy SWTOR-- my daughter and son-in-law used to play it and enjoyed it also. Have a good one.

    1. Me too Rita! Are you all moved? I'm sure you've had your hands full ... I've always liked Robin Hood too, and have thought about this book for a while, finally decided to get it.

  11. Sounds like you are busy - are you going to continue to work out of town? Thanks for the George RR Martin video, nice not only to see him, but also to hear him talk. he sounds like a very witty and intelligent person. He's got a point and I bet he is more productive with his DOS machine.
    Have a great week and Happy Reading.
    My Sunday Post is here

  12. We're hoping to catch Godzilla in theaters on the 31st. It's looking like it might be pretty good. Hope this week is a good one for you!

    1. I think it looks good too, although I've heard he doesn't show up until later in the movie and I'm a little concerned about that. The special effects look rad though!

  13. I'm not a GoT fan but my husband is and my oldest (19 - I'm not letting a child watch the show!)has been binge watching it in a crazy attempt to catch up. They went to see Godzilla this week and enjoyed it. Lucy looks interesting definitely - it doesn't seem like I've seen Scarlett Johanson in anything in ages. I hope your week next week is a little calmer!

    1. Thanks Katherine! Yeah GoT is definetly not for kids, good grief. :) Glad they liked Godzilla, I'm hearing different things. I think Lucy looks kinda good too.

  14. I haven't got much reading done this week either. I am considering checking out some of the star wars games once we've seen all the movies. I started playing Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction on my playstation 3 again this week, I once bought the game back when I just got my ps3, but never got very far in the game.

    1. There are so many good games it's hard t keep up with them all. If you like the Star Wars movies you could try The Old Republic- it's free to play and is fun. I love hearing all the sound efects, the aircars whizzing by overhead and the thrum of lightsabers everywhere. I'd be playing the crap out of it if I had the time. :)

  15. I'm looking forward to reading your review of Stoker's Manuscript. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I should have it ready to go later this week...

  16. I'm reading a lot of people having very busy weeks last week, must be something in the water. I hope this week settles down for you.
    Here's My Sunday Post

    1. I've been noticing that too as I make the rounds... hope this week IS better For all of us... LOL. Thanks for stopping.

  17. I enjoyed the Mackinac Island video as we are no making the trip this year. ;o( Love the clip clop sounds! Hope this week is not as busy for you!

  18. I look forward to seeing what you think of Stoker's Manuscript! I've been so busy I've yet to finish the second Ice and Fire book, so I'm also halfway through season 2 of GoT. Maybe I can wake up early and just binge read one morning. I love SW: The Old Republic, and it is definitely addicting. I have a bounty hunter character who is mostly dark side, so it's probably way more fun than it ought to be. :P I hope you enjoy your week and hopefully we both get some down time.

    1. Hope you enjoy Clash of Kings. One character I really liked in that book was Davos, he really grew on me and he's one of the few low born types in the story. Just a regular guy. Arya's story is good too although she does do a lot somewhat redundant traveling, seems like.

      Bounty hunters sound cool, I'm running a smuggler and I've been doing both light and dark side- I know you're probably supposed to go one way or the other but I've just been kinda going with my gut. :) I think it's definetly more fun if you mix it up a bit! Here's to down time!

  19. I always look forward to your Sunday Posts every week. We get to talk Geek! Godzilla disappointed me but next week = Xmen.

    1. Thanks Angela! Yes we do... I saw Godzilla tonight and it sucked! Big time... I saw your review earlier and I wish now i would have skipped it. Total waste... you were right the big G was hardly in the movie!

  20. Lots of news in your post, and the trailer for Lucy was great, first time I've seen it. Must check out what Expiration Day is about, dystopian?? Hope your week is a little calmer. Enjoy your reads :)

    1. Thank you, I liked that trailer too and am curious about that movie!

  21. Enjoyed the trailer for Lucy. That's the first time I've seen anything for it. Hood and Expiration Date have interesting covers. I'll have to check those two out and see what they're about.

    I hope this week is calmer for you and that you're able to get some more reading and game time in. I really wish I could play games. I am an awful terrible! Well...except Pac Man...the original one...I can play it. :)

  22. Still have to start the Slated books. They look so good. I am so much in love with the cover for Legacy of the Clockwork Key. Hope you have a great week!

    1. The SLated books are very good, at least the first two- haven't started the third one yet but that's next up! And I like that cover too, just seems very atmospheric.

  23. I love Mackinac Island. :) I love going there in the summer and walking around the island, especially really early in the morning before anyone else is up. We are going to the U.P. this summer, and I am hoping to make a stop in Mackinac as well.

    I can't wait to see the new X-Men movie!!

    I used to play Star Wars Galaxies - I was a huge gamer for a while. :)

  24. I hope things calm down for you a bit this week. It's so rude when life gets in the way of our reading time!!

    1. I know, isn't it though? :) The nerve of it all!

  25. I want to read the Game of Thrones series before I watch it. Since they are all so massive, it might be a while. Check out my week here. Happy reading!

    1. They are massive books, no doubt about it. I've read through them a few times but I got started on them years back, well before the show. The show has made them SO popular now I know lots of people are fans and don't even read the books! :)

  26. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you have a good week. I haven't heard of the movie Lucy, but it looks interesting.

    1. Thank you Whitney, and I agree about the movie- not sure how it will be but the trailer looks interesting!

  27. I was not fond of Godzilla at all, unfortunately. I will be doing a review later today, should be up soon. I had high hopes but was really disappointed... I have seen some people liked it though, so it's up to individual taste I guess.

  28. Sounds like life has been pretty busy! Hope you find more reading time this week to get to all those great books. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    1. Thanks JoAnn! It's shaping up to be another busy week, but I'll sneak some reading in here and there! Hope your week is a good one.

  29. Have you seen the animated parody site Howitshouldhaveended for Game of Thrones season 1? I love how they rewrote the end of The Phantom Menace and Hunger Games.

    1. I have not, but I wil be checking it out. Sound like fun!

  30. I'm interested to see what you think of Expiration Day.

    And I hadn't heard of Lucy but the trailer caught my interest. =)
