The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
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So I ventured onto Facebook this week and that didn't last long. Don't get me wrong, I have family and friends on there, but I stopped using it a few years ago for the most part, and re- engaging didn't really... change my mind? The political stuff, to be sure, but also the misinformation? I mean, sure, Twitter can be a mess too, and any social media really, but at least with Twitter I have the book community and bloggers, right? I realized I like my book blogger friends a lot more. There are still people on there that I care about, and love reconnecting with, but as a platform... I just can't do Facebook anymore.
The news this week here in Michigan are the floods. Two dams breached and serious flooding happened near Midland, which is right around where I grew up. You can see some of it here.


Here's another look at the flooding. The green structure is the rooftop of the Farmer's Market and at about 40 seconds in you can see the Tridge (local landmark- basically a tri- bridge) surrounded by flooding.
The news this week here in Michigan are the floods. Two dams breached and serious flooding happened near Midland, which is right around where I grew up. You can see some of it here.

Song of the week


I’m with you on Facebook! For me, I just use it to get updates from my school and work. Whenever I actually go on there to see what my friends are posting, it’s just a whole lotta chain messages and misinformation about COVID. Someone literally posted the other day that black tea is a sure cure for the virus and that we should all repost and spread the word. (If only it were that easy, haha!)
ReplyDeleteI’m sorry to hear about the flooding! I hope things get resolved soon.
I saw the news about Michigan and was hoping all was well with you. Still, this is quite devastating to so many people, add to that the COVID -19, and I'm sure it's a nightmare for so many. I'm on Facebook, but not as much as I used to be. I use it to see what's going on, but I mainly use it these days to see what other planners are doing, a few blogger buds and garage sales/marketplace. My son is 35 and when he met his soon to be wife, they made a decision to get off all forms of social media. I have a friend who famously forwards all those things that seem like a chain letter to me(lol) He sent me one once and I promptly told him that it was deleted and to waste his time sending me any more.(lol) Happy Weekend and stay safe! RO
ReplyDeleteHoly Moly! That flooding is scary! I hope people are safe, and that the flooding will stop soon!
ReplyDeleteI wish you a wonderful weekend, Greg. Stay safe and healthy, read a good book, and watch a cool show :D
Those videos of the floods are awful, I hope you and your family/friends weren't affected. And I'm strangely addicted to Facebook at the moment, although I know it's a huge time suck. Sometimes I can't bring myself to do anything but scroll mindlessly through it...
ReplyDeleteI've been watching news coverage of the floods, how devastating!
ReplyDeleteThe footage of the flooding is just heartbreaking. So many damage and devastation.
ReplyDeleteI'm very rarely on Facebook (or any social media, actually) but FB in particular just seems to be a breeding ground for the crazies spouting extreme crap. I just can't.
Hope you're doing well. Those floods in Michigan are crazy scary. It always amazes me how much damage water can do.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, aren't people dealing with enough right now without natural disasters? I hope you and yours are safe and well.
ReplyDeleteI think I stopped going on facebook during the last election. I didn't have time to mute the world. I have even stepped back from Twitter lately, because the daily quarantine lectures are getting on my nerves. You can't sit there condemning people, who want to work, saying they are putting peoples' lives at risk, and then share a post about how happy you are that your Starbucks is open. The baristas are people too, you know. I am definitely on social media less these days, but hey, you tried.
Sorry to hear about the flooding. There's been quite a bit of that where I live too. And I'm on Facebook, but I still mostly pay attention to a limited section of my friends/family on there. LOL I'm on Twitter and Instagram more often though, I'd say.
I heard the news about the Michigan floods, hope everyone you know is safe. And I'm with you on Facebook. I only visit a one or two pages, all from places in my community just to keep up to date on what's going on. Honestly much happier these days staying off social media :)
ReplyDelete~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum
The dam breach is pretty scary! On top of Covid these poor people! I'm not really on Facebook much. I try to post book stuff on there, but I don't have any real life connects on there. Just bookish stuff. I'm on Twitter more, but I'm not even on that much either.
ReplyDeleteI'm much happier interacting with people on our various blogs and avoiding the toxic rubbish on social media! I've stopped watching the news here as every channel spends all its time with left wing journalists attacking the government every minute. I'm sick of it and have switched off! Much more time to enjoy my favourite films instead!
ReplyDeleteI only use FB for my blog. The private FB is kind of sleeping. I heard about the floods on CNN. It is awful. Hopefully the water will go back soon but I know that with that the problems aren´t solved. Oh my ...
ReplyDeleteI understand your feelings on Facebook, Greg - I am on there to keep in touch with family and friends who live far away, but I do find I have to ignore over half what is on there! I am also so sorry to hear about the flooding - I hope it won't take too long to go down and people can start clearing up.
ReplyDeleteI hope the coming week is a happy and safe one for you. 🙂
I so agree with the issue with FB cuz I feel the same. I usually schedule my blog posts and move away ASAP. I love blog friends and bookstagrammers are nice too. FB is a pain and I have ditched it despite my family and friends being active there.
ReplyDeleteBlogger just booted my comment, so I'll just say... have a great week! ��
ReplyDeleteYes - I mostly go onto FB to keep tabs on family and fellow authors, and I am rubbish at keeping my FB page updated. So sorry to hear about the flooding - the damage looks devastating... I hope you have a good week, Greg.
ReplyDeleteYes, FB. I struggle with it because it is the only social media platform some of my family uses, but man does it highlight some major problems -- misinformation for sure. Yikes about the flooding. Stay safe!
I really only use Facebook for coyer. Every time I go down that dark hole it gets frustrating. Twitter's too much for me though, I don't really engage there either. I kind of do Instagram, mainly just don't social media.😂
ReplyDeleteThat flooding is so awful, how close is it to you? Stay safe!
I am so that way about Facebook too. I think I am done with it!
ReplyDeleteThat flooding is so horrible. I was just in Midland in October with my friends and it is so sad to think about that great town and its people under water and losing their homes. :( Especially now, when our homes are our safe places. :(
I heard about the flooding in Michigan, that is very scary, stay safe.
ReplyDeleteYea, I try not to get onto Facebook too much and I muted a few friends and family members on there so I don't have to see the political and terrifying covid posts. One acquaintance of mine just re-posts all scary horrible bad covid news. Enough already. I am social media free a few days a week and it helps.
Enjoy your week ahead and happy reading!
I heard about the Michigan floods and immediately thought of you and of several authors in or from Michigan (Jim C. Hines, Stephanie Burgis.) I feel for the people of Midland and other towns and counties affected by the flooding. It's even more difficult to have to deal with a natural disaster in the midst of a pandemic.
ReplyDeleteAs always, I enjoyed the art you posted, but I was surprised that this time my favorite is the least fantastic. Or maybe that's not so surprising; comfort and calm (like the scene in "Study") are pretty important right now.
Facebook is a big mess. If it wasn't for my blog, I wouldn't even have an account.
ReplyDeleteOMG Greg! I had heard about the flood but didn't see any pictures so far! These poor people! And the road! Now about social media, that's why I love Instagram so much: I have a community of bookstagrammers there so we talk ....books like here on the blogs. Usually less drama (i won't pretend there is none!)
ReplyDeleteThe floods are scary, and in the middle of the Pandemic! Adding another thing to stress about. And you guys had 45 visiting a factory there, while not wearing a mask!
ReplyDeleteI like the visuals here...especially the one called "Study."
Thanks for visiting my blog.
That flooding is serious stuff- so sorry. I mostly join Facebook groups that share similar interests and no political stuff. I've found some very interesting groups! I like to see photos of family and friends, but I've started to delete anyone that uses FB for his/her personal political platform everyday!
ReplyDeleteI feel you big time when it comes to Facebook. All I realize every time I visit mine is that I have nothing in common anymore with the friends I grew up with and that their politics makes me want to have nothing to do with them. I'm awful at social media all around, but I definitely prefer the people I follow on my book twitter and my bookstagram when I do feel the need to interact awkwardly, lol.
ReplyDeleteFacebook is It has made me reconsider my thoughts on some people. Yikes! The flooding in Michigan is insane. It rained all week here in Ohio, but we didn't have anything like that happen!
ReplyDeleteI have a lot of the same friends on Twitter and FB. There are a few that will do one platform and don't do the other. More family is on FB than Twitter but I find myself on Twitter a little more than FB these days.
ReplyDeleteI mostly stick to following author pages and am part of some reader groups on Facebook, which is why I like it. I try to avoid the political and misinformation stuff. That's scary with the flooding. I hope you stay safe!
ReplyDeleteI unfriended about half a dozen ‘friends’ on FB this week, I can’t deal with the conspiracy/Trump nutters. My Twitter is all about the bookish people, but I downloaded TikTok this week and fell down the rabbit hole.
ReplyDeleteI hope you stay dry, wishing you a great week
I like that last one, it looks so here
ReplyDeleteI still go to Facebook, but Twitter can be just as bad especially when it comes to political stuff. Blogging is the best way for me to go right now :) Hope you have a great week and stay safe!
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of Facebook or Twitter. I use Facebook almost exclusively for a few groups I'm a member of that are connected to homeschool and the messenger part but that's about it and I've had to stop Twitter completely because of the drama overload. That flooding is crazy! There's something so scary about water. I hope you have a great week!
ReplyDeleteThose floods are scary. I hope your family is okay. I feel the same way about Facebook. I created my page after I graduated from high school so I could stay in touch with my classmates. Now I no longer want to be friends with those people. Some of them are awful. Have a good week!
ReplyDeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I don't surf facebook much but I have it for messenger more than anything and for bookish things like COYER (Clean our your ereader) facebook groups about books are my thing. I don't get on twitter
ReplyDeleteI heard about those floods and thought about you being up that way! Scary!
Stay safe and happy reading!
Week in Review
I feel so bad for all those dealing with the flooding, and during a pandemic at that. We have some flooding on the west part of Montreal too but not as bad as there. Montreal is after all an island. Enjoy your reading this week!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry hear about about the flooding.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same about Facebook. I feel I don't have anything in common with my high school or college friends anymore.
Beena @ Beena Khan
I keep telling myself I am going to give up Facebook. I don't spend much time on it anymore for the same reasons you state, other than the groups I belong to (mostly groups of readers). I enjoy those too much to completely cut ties.
ReplyDeleteI heard about the flooding in Michigan. So terrible on top of everything else.
I hope you are doing well. Stay safe and well. Happy Reading!
Facebook is a mess, I mostly go on there for family and the videos. I have a few friends that always share animal videos and I basically live for those cheering me up. That flooding in Michigan is crazy! I'd not seen that, but then most UK news is very much focused internally lately and I'm avoiding the news so maybe I should be surprised. It looks horrible though. Honestly, 2020 is not the year.
ReplyDeleteFacebook drives me crazy! I look at it so that I can keep up with family and see photos of the kids in my family but it is otherwise rather useless. The flooding in Michigan is terrible. It seems like there is enough going on the world right now that things like floods shouldn't happen. Have a great week, Greg!
ReplyDeleteI lasted about two minutes on FB this morning. I went on to wish my stepmother a happy birthday and saw that her daughter was organizing a brunch for her! And she was talking about how happy she was to have had her mother for 91 years. Good grief. I do not understand people!
ReplyDeleteI'm rarely on Facebook either. If it weren't for getting the kids' school information there, I probably wouldn't go there at all.
ReplyDeleteOh that's right! I forgot you lived in Michigan. I assume none of that affected you?
ReplyDeleteI stopped going to FB years ago. I occasionally go on to look up a business that doesn't have a website but I try not to venture further than that. It's downright scary finding out what people you thought were friends are capable of saying.
Karen @ For What It's Worth
The flooding is just horrible, I feel awful for all those impacted by it.
ReplyDeleteI feel you with FB as you know. I hate it so much. I still have an account but I don't even know WHY at this point? A couple times a year, I find myself lurking, but even that isn't fun! It's just like, a good reminder of why I don't use the thing. Love the pictures as always! I am especially drawn to the Lighting Test one, I could live there!
"Two" dams breached? Oh wow. As if Covid wasn't enough...
ReplyDeleteI tried Facebook once and I hated it. Sure, every social media can be toxic, but I think Twitter's character limit puts a little more restraint on people maybe? And like you, I found my niche there, so it's heart-warming to login and connect with my bookish friends 😃.
I've been joining a lot of book-specific FB groups which makes FB much more bearable.
ReplyDeleteI heard about the dams, it's awful!
I'm not on Facebook much either. It was sort of fun at first to catch up with people who I hadn't seen in many years, but I definitely don't want to dwell there. I much prefer my bookish Twitter.
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Facebook is tough for me. I love and hate it at the same time. I feel ya.