Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sunday Post #139

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Another nice sunny week (for the most part) and a good reading week. I feel like I'm caught up now with most of the shows I've been watching, and I did some writing this week as well so it was a busy week. I also put up Part 2 of Trust Issues - you can find that here.  


And I'm listening to... 




It Starts At Midnight has a Bookish Movie Reviews Allegiant

Readers in wonderland talks The Pros and Cons of Mood Reading


  1. I love all the film noir type vintage style cover books you post every week - especially their tag lines! The one for your book this week is pretty awesome actually - "She had a wicked past, and no future". I can just hear that said in Bogart's voice.

    I love Emily Blunt and I can't wait to see what she does with that role. I didn't particularly like that book, the main character drove me crazy, so I am excited to see how one of my favorite actresses portrays her, and if I like the character any better after. It would be weird if I liked the movie better than the book this time!

    1. I know, are those great or what? I love those old covers, and yes the taglines are great. Sometimes hilarious! They're fun to look for. :)

      I'm a fan of Emily Blunt too, and I may see the movie just for her. My feelings were similar towards that book, I was pretty disappointed with it, so yeah. :)

  2. I'm ridiculously excited for the new Jason Bourne movie - even though they said they wouldn't make another one. I wasn't a fan of the other Bourne with Jeremy Renner. As always, I adore the fantasy/sci-fi artwork you share every week and this week is no exception! The Star Wars one is amazing ♥ Oh and I NEED to watch Black Sails!! Happy weekend Greg :)

    1. I am too- love those movies! Except for the Renner one, like you said. I thought that one sucked. :)

      Glad you like the artwork, and if you watch Black Sails let me know- it's a fun show!

  3. Yay for more Seanan McGuire coming up!
    Now I'll be listening to Tonight Alive all day! And that Audi commercial is so good.
    I think I need to start watching Black Sails too.
    Hope you're having a good weekend, Greg!

    1. I know, looking forward! And Tonight Alive is a great band...

      Hope your weekend is a great one!

  4. I'm not sure what I think of The Girl on the Train commercial. It looks like they're really making it look like Gone Girl though I do need to try the book again. I love the look of the Jason Bourne and that Audi commercial is crazy good! Have a great week!

  5. Love the pulp cover, it is making me crave some of the dime store mysteries my grandmother had in her library. I haven't watch the Girl on the Train clip, so I will do that now. Have a splendid week :)

  6. Those pulp covers make me giggle! And I'm looking forward to Girl on the Train, hopefully they won't mess it up. I'm not 100% sure that it will translate well to the big screen. And I haven't heard of Black Sails but I'm curios now so I'm going to look it up! Have a good week Greg.

  7. Aw crap, there's already a trailer for Girl on the Train? Damn, now I need to avoid it and finally read the book. Soon! Have you been watching Orphan Black? I forgot the new season started.

    1. I did start Orphan Black and am liking it a lot. It's a lot creepier so far and they're back to the whole Neolution thing. Gotta check it out!!

  8. I lost my comment :(
    I really need to read Girl on the Train before the movie comes out. And I have to say I'm actually happy about it becoming a movie - I love reading contemporary novels with my classes, and then watch the movie and discuss differences with them :)
    I also need to catch up on Orphan Black, I love that show!
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading, Greg.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Orphan Black is starting out really good, it's creepier this season (is that possible??) and I'm really liking it this time out. I wasn't a big fan of Girl on the Train but I will see the movie- i like Emily Blunt.

  9. I don't watch the same shows as you, but you reminded me that I am so very not caught up on mine lol. I'm still completely frazzled and behind ever since my other computer broke. But yay sunny weather!

    Enjoy your Seanan McGuire book :-) I'm sure I'll start the series eventually... lol.

    1. I'll definitely read the next book in this series, and may keep on with all of them. I tried another UF series and I like these better. Hope you get caught up on your shows. I'm having trouble keeping all mine straight- and I used to never watch TV. Too much sci fi on now tho. :)

  10. I really liked The Girl on the Train, so I'm interested in seeing what they do with the movie. Have a great week :)

    1. I wasn't a huge fan of the book but I'm curious to see where they go with the movie, so fingers crossed. :)

  11. Yay for nice weather!! Here too which always puts me in a better mood. Love being outside. I am pretty pumped about The Girl on the Train. Excited for it to come out!

    1. I know, right? I hope the movie is good... :)

  12. I still feel like like the trailer for Girl On the Train looks better than the book actually was but I guess we will see. I really want to start Black Sails would have to watch during my reading time and if I get hooked... Well, let's just say I avoid TV shows these days for a reason. :)

    1. I wasn't a huge fan of the book so it's very possible the movie might be better. And I know what you mean... TV can definitely interfere with reading, although Black Sails is pretty good. :)

  13. I am really curious about the movie version of The Girl on the Train. I didn't read the book but I might like the movie. I don't watch Black Sails but I have started watching Outlander season 2 on Starz. I liked the first episode but didn't care for last week's. I am considering resubscribing to HBONow to watch the premiere of Game of Thrones season 6 tonight.

    1. I was not a big fan of Girl on the Train, but I do kinda want to see the show. I like Emily Blunt so that's interesting casting. And I got HBO Now too for that very reason! :)

  14. Sounds like you had a good week Greg. I love that ‘The Girl On The Train’ trailer. I definitely need to read that book before the movies comes out. And a new Jason Bourne movie.. Sigh.. I love those movies!!
    Have a great week Greg and Happy Reading!

    1. I love the Bourne movies too- they're some of my favorites. I've been waiting for them to make another one! And I hope Girl on the Train is good.

  15. Oh wow, a movie for Girl on a Train and I haven't even read the book yet..yikes, I need to get on I always love your pulp fiction cover pics. :)

    Happy reading,
    Week in Review

    1. Thanks! I read Girl on the Train and wasn't crazy about it- but I think the movie might be good.

  16. I still haven't seen Black Sails, but it is on my (very long) list of things to watch! I definitely need to see Girl on the Train too, but I never did read the book... I'm not sold on the new Jason Bourne movie, but we'll see if it works out! Have a great week!! :D

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

    1. I like Black Sails, it's a good pirate show (and there aren't many of those!) I hope you like it if you get to it.

  17. Love the artwork - it is all fabulous, but I particularly like the Star Wars offering. More Dev Harmer goodness is always welcome! I have uploaded World of Fire onto my Kindle, but haven't yet got around to reading it, though I loved World of Water, but then I really enjoy James Lovegrove's writing:). Have a great week!

    1. This was my first time with Lovegrove, and I was impressed with World of Water. I quite enjoyed it. And the sneak peek at the end really has me curious for the next one!

  18. Cool to see you picked up Silicon Dawn! I do hope you enjoy it. :)

    I've not watched Black Sails. I did catch the opening to one episode not to long ago and it really caught my attention, but being I've not watched any of the previous shows, I turned it off. I would like to see about watching it though. How many seasons has it been on?

    Have a great week!

    1. I think I saw it on your blog and and that cover caught my eye! And I liked it. I'll probably read Silicon Man too.

      Black Sails just finished its third season. I've seen the first two but not the third yet. I don't have Starz and amazon doesn't have them. At least not yet.

    2. You did! I'm so glad you liked it and looking to read the next one. :D I'm hoping to pick it up in audio too.

      Third season... Hmm. I might be able to get caught up on it on Demand or something. I'll have to look. :) Thank you!

  19. I loved The Girl on the Train trailer...great cast, I think. I enjoyed the book...but I think I'll like the movie better. That seems to happen for me with those "unreliable narrator" stories.

    Thanks for sharing...have a great week. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Yeah Girl on the Train was funny for me- I wasn't crazy about it but I do want to see the film.

  20. Ah, I need to read part two! I'll do that soon, I have it bookmarked. ALSO, that Audi commercial is great xD Have a great week!

    Here is my Sunday Post
    Molly @ Molly's Book Nook

    1. I love that commercial! And I hope you like Part 2...

  21. So glad Matt Damon is back as Jason Bourne...Also thinking I need to read The Girl on the Train before the movie comes out. I might be the only person on the planet who hasn't read the book. Have a good week.

    1. I am too... I was hoping they would do another Bourne with him in the role. And for what it's worth I didn't think Girl on the Train was that good... but of course that's subjective. I hope you like it if you read it!

  22. That Star Wars Lego model is awesome! Wish I had the patience to build like that, lol. Thanks for stopping by the blog the other day, and hope you have a great week! :D

    1. Isn't that a trip? I think it's neat how people put those things together... amazing. :)

  23. I suppose I had better finish the Girl on the Train, I started listening to it as my Audible trial but I just cant do audiobooks!

    Star Wars lego is just brilliant, I wish I had a big basement like Will Ferrell has in the Lego Movie so I could put my future collection in.

    Force Awakens was great but is also just episode 4 with better CGI!

    Have a great week!

    1. I know, that's what irritated me about Force awakens. I hate to be the scrooge but I just didn't like that movie! I hope you guys liked it though. :)

      I just saw a plot leak for Ep 8 and it sounds... awful. It's probably fake but it worries me... after all I saw the plot leak for Force awakens like a year before, and it turned out to be right almost to a T.

      I have a hard time w/ audiobooks too. And I wasn't crazy about Girl on the Train- but I will see it as I like Emily Blunt.

  24. Sounds like a very productive week.. and with sunshine, too. What's not to love? Thanks for the link to the mood reading post. I try to stick to a schedule for book club and a few review books, then throw in whatever I'm in the mood for to balance it out. Seems to work for me. Hope you have a good week!

    1. You too JoAnn! I enjoyed that post, and hope you do too. I'm a big mood reader so it got me thinking. :)

  25. I can't decide how I feel about The Girl on the Train's trailer. What's with all the sex? It's not Fifty Shades. I have so many TV shows to watch so I haven't got around to Black Sails yet. Eventually.

  26. Glad to see you had a good writing week! I'm having to avoid your posts about The 100 at the moment but hope you're enjoying it! I think I mentioned I'm watching Vikings - which is a newie for me.

    Am keen to see the newest Bourne movie when it comes out. I liked Matt Damon in the role and was a Robert Ludlum fan once upon a time!

  27. I loved your discussion post again this week. I left a lengthy comment. I would love a robot companion, but a non-human looking one. I loved the second installment of Trust Issues, as well, and linked it in my The Sunday Post. Keep them coming. Our weather turned a bit chilly just as I was ready to have Sebastian turn the boiler off. I hate paying to heat water that is only waiting to be used. I think tonight is our last night in the 30s so maybe next week I can do it. Have a wonderful week. :)

  28. I love the Pulp covers you share! I've been reading a lot of science fiction recently. Remember now how much I enjoy it. I never used to like Damon until I watched the Bourne movies. Now he's become an actor to watch. Loved him in The Martian.

  29. Oh nice! I didn't know that they were making a movie of The Girl On The Train.

  30. Love that cover for Silicon Dawn! And love your writing! I read Trust Issues Part 2 and really enjoyed it! More, please!

    I'm going to have to make a note about Black Sails now, because the trailer really caught my attention.

    Thanks for sharing everything! Looks like it was a great week for you! Enjoy the coming one!

  31. Love the Lego! Wish I could catch up with my favourite shows - it's too embarrassing to mention which series of Mad Men I'm on!

  32. Sun and a good reading week, not much more you can want! I have not watched Black Sails but I do know I hate seeing a fav series come to the end of its season.

  33. I haven't heard of Black Sails before - I assume it's not on Netflix?
    The trailer of Jason Bourne looks really promising. :)

  34. I love the sci-fi theme in the books and posts you have going on at the moment

  35. I will look for Girl on the Train movie. The book was compelling.

  36. You Can't Catch me sounds very intriguing. I hope you enjoy reading this week.

    My It's Monday! What Are You Reading? post.

  37. I look forward to stopping by your blog on Monday's now because you post such great art! And I'm pretty darn excited for The Girl on the Train movie. Let's hope it does the book justice :). Happy reading week!

    Jessica @ HDB

  38. So I had to call some of my son's over to look at those pictures of the medical frigate from The Empire Strikes Back that is made of LEGOs. My boys LOVED it so thanks for that. :)

    Happy Reading!

  39. I love the pulp covers you feature. I have to admit a cover can sometimes discourage me to buy a book but the ones you feature I would definitely grab a copy. I saw The Girl on the Train trailer and that's not how I imagined the character to look like. They picked someone too pretty lol but I'm curious to see how the movie is. I hope you have a great week!

  40. Glad to hear it was a good week reading and weather wise. And that's neat you got caught up on all your shows. I like that sci-fi artwork you shared in this post! I hope you'll have a great week!
