Monday, April 11, 2016

Cover Characteristics # 23

Cover Characteristics is a meme by Sugar and Snark- every week a characteristic is selected and we post 5 books with that week's theme.  

This week's pick-   Bathrooms Forests

This week I'm going rogue and doing a different topic. I've been wanting to do forests for a while and I've seen a few covers that I've liked, and it seems like a popular element of fantasy stories. 

The Great Hunt (Eurona Duology, #1)Origin (Corpus, #1)Alpha & Omega: Call of the Hunt (Alpha & Omega, #0.5-3)

I love the melancholy nature of this one, the sense of sorrow, along with the dress and the dark woods behind. I think this one is actually my fave.

I read this a year or two ago about a girl who has to enter Faerie to rescue her brother. It was okay.

The Great Hunt (Eurona Duology, #1)

Nice cover, gets my attention.

Origin (Corpus, #1)

This one's interesting- not a favorite but not bad either.

Alpha & Omega: Call of the Hunt (Alpha & Omega, #0.5-3)

I like the purple and the crescent in the water.

I like the snow. This is just a nice cover.

This one catches the eye. Plus the blue butterfly.

I like this one with the white background and the wolf as well. Looks like a tangled thicket and a dangerous place.

This was a good book and I always did like this cover. 


  1. I like the forest theme way better than the original! All of these covers are gorgeous and so eye catching. I think Stray is my favorite. I love that little pop of blue in all the dark spookiness.

    1. Yeah I wanted to go with something different. It's a pretty flexible meme. :) I like Stray too. Whenever I see that one I like it- and you're right, the blue is a nice touch.

  2. Great topic! I love the forest idea! All of these covers are great! I have only read Fallen, but I will need to check out the rest of these!

    1. Thanks! I've been wanting to do it, so it was a good time.

  3. I think The Great Hunt is my favorite of these. I really liked Fallen's cover until I tried reading it, now it bothers me...funny how that happens. :P

    1. I like both of those. Funny how reading a book can definitely alter your perception of the cover. :)

  4. I have heard of Shiver. Hope it's a good one!

    1. I haven't actually got that one but it fit the theme. :)

  5. Glad you went rogue this week! Forests in covers tend to look so nice.
    The cover for Fallen always makes me stop but I still haven't read it. The Great Hunt is another one I've noticed before! It's a really nice cover. Shiver looks really good too. Those might be my top three.
    Can't believe I haven't read any of these though!

    1. Me too! I like that cover a lot, and the great Hunt too. that one always catches my eye. I've only read a few of these... :)

  6. Forests are definitely trending right now. Great cover picks!

    1. Thanks, a good cover with forests seems to get my attention!

  7. I am curious to see what everyone else comes up with for bathrooms, but it wasn't my topic. :)

  8. Great idea, going rogue! I didn't think of it and just skipped this week. Bathroom covers sound like a big turn off!

  9. Oh I love forests in general and I like seeing them on covers. the first one to come to mind is The Lost City by Kelley Armstrong, the paperback version that I had a forest on the cover and the book also mostly takes place in a forested era.

    I've always liked the Fallen cover, that melancholy and gothic feel of the cover is really well done. I've never read the book though. The alpha and omega cover is pretty too, I especially like how their shapes are reversed in the water where she is wolf instead of human and he is human instead of wolf. Great list of covers!

    1. Ooh I remember that one, it does have a nice cover. That would have been a good pick. :) I agree, those two are both nice.

  10. This is a good topic :-) I skipped this week because I had nothing for bathrooms. I was planning on doing another Photoshop post, but then I ended up not getting any new stuff done and I was too tired to put a cover post together last minute lol.

    Anyway, I do seem to like forests on book covers. If I ever get my book written, I actually envision the character being in a forest on the cover. I like all of these to be honest, but I think my favorites are Fallen, Towering, and The Darkest Part of the Forest.

    1. Yeah I had to do something different. Forests just came to mind so I went with it. :) How's the Photoshop going?

      Forests can add a lot to a cover. I like the misty look, kinda like Alpha and Omega, and Fallen has that dark look going. I think all three of those are great, Falle is my favorite but Towering is nice too. And I like Shattered a lot.

      Are you writing fantasy?

  11. Dystopian...ish actually. But the character kind of spends a lot of time in the forest even though, now that I think about it, it's not particularly significant lol.

  12. #1 I would have skipped on the Bathrooms theme as well.
    #2 Great cover picks!! I looooove the After the Woods and Fallen (also my fave) covers. Those books are great as well. :D

  13. I can see why you wanted to cover forests - they really are quite prominent in covers of late and you've featured a great variety of them.

    The cover of After The Woods as well as Shiver both catch my eye as the forest element has been used in a somewhat different manner.

    I could not even think of a book with a bathroom on the cover. Haha!

    Reading With Jade

  14. Good picks! And much easier than the bathroom topic! But you can check out my bathroom picks.
    Check out my covers.

  15. I like going rogue, I approve. (Plus, who wants to see bathrooms, really?) I LOVE The Great Hunt's cover (and it fits well with the story, bonus!) and After the Woods is fabulous too. And The Treachery of Beautiful Things is one I hadn't seen before, but SO pretty! These are such great choices, I don't think I dislike any of them!

  16. Fallen has such a lovely cover. Too bad the book was such a dissapointment. I have to say that I am drawn to all of these covers except the Shattered one.

  17. Love this theme. Covers with forests on them are my weakness. Stray looks fantastic. I also really love that one for the Patricia Briggs book.

  18. Wasn't the original prompt bathrooms? Ha ha! All I could envision for that was a lot of dead bodies in bathtubs. Forests are much nicer, but then again in books a lot of characters end up dead in the forest. ;)

  19. I love that you went rogue! I love that cover of Shattered - never seen it before.
    Thanks for joining in last week :)

    Sugar & Snark
