I was tagged by JJ at This Dark Material for the Sunshine Blogger Award (thanks JJ!!) and these are always fun, plus the questions this time are awesome, so here we go.
2) Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you
3) Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and and write them 11 new questions
4) List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post
JJ's questions
1) You have the opportunity to ask your favorite author one question, and the have to tell the truth. Which author do you choose and what do you ask them?
I would ask George RR Martin if Sam has the Horn of Winter. And if so is it going to bring down the Wall? Wait that's two questions! Oh and where is Ben Stark? Okay that's three, but if we drink enough maybe he'd answer all three??
2) What is one book you hid from your parents when you were younger?
I don't know if I ever had to hide a book? They didn't monitor my reading in terms of what I selected, not that I picked bad stuff- it was mostly fantasy- but maybe they would have looked askance at some of my roleplaying game rulebooks?
3) If you could try the cuisine of any fictional world, which one would you choose?
I'm curious what the food is like at Cair Paravel.
4) Who is your favorite fictional detective?
Hmm... I'll go with Anarchy Jones from The Country Club Murders.

5) Which Winnie the Pooh character are you most similar too?
Ooh so I asked people I know and they all said Pooh Bear. So yeah... I guess that's it. Someone said I'm like a happy, silly bear so okay! And honey.
6) What accessories do you need when you read (drink, blanket, music, etc)?
Tea/ wine occasionally. Music once in a while (usually background ambient stuff).
7) What is one book you read just because you liked the cover?
The Shark Club.

8) Which fictional character do you wish would write a memoir?
Ned Stark? Gandalf?
9) What is your favorite animated movie NOT made by Disney?
My first was The Incredibles. But I'm also partial to Finding Nemo and Tangled. But... my favorite would be a toss up between The Secret of NIMH and Monsters vs. Aliens.
10) Pencil or pen?
11) Polka dots or stripes?
I Nominate
Jasprit and Rachel at The Readers Den
Suzanne at The Bookish Libra
Anastasia at Read and Survive
Clare and Ann at Dual Reads
Michelle at In Libris Veritas
Verushka at pop.edit.lit
Lindsi at Do You Dog-Ear
Sam at We Live and Breathe Books
Angela at Musings of a Literary Wanderer
Danya at Fine Print
Feel free to disregard if you don't want to do this one or don't participate in tags/ awards.
My Questions
1) Do you have a favorite bookstore and if so which one is it?
2) Do you have a favorite artist?
3) Name the best movie you've seen this year
4) What is your favorite animated movie (I liked this question of JJ's)?
5) Name a movie that made you cry/ affected you emotionally as a child
6) Off world colonies have been established- would you start a new life on another world or stay on Earth?
7) A future you comes back and says the only way to stop an apocalypse is for you to take someone out. Would you do that?
8) Favorite music?
9) Snoopy or Winnie the Pooh
10) Artificial intelligence has been developed to the point where you can have self- aware robot helpers. You can customize yours to be just a tool (like a toaster) or it can self- aware/ possibly have feelings. Which setting do you pick?
11) Pizza! What toppings do you get?