Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sunday Post #132

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Another quiet week. It snowed again midweek and looked like a blizzard initially but then it tapered off. Got a good bit of snow though. Supposed to be in the 50's next week and we're into March now, so it has to get nice soon right? In cat news, the stray has been a bit friendlier and is coming by more or less regularly now. I have food and water out pretty much 24/7. I don't actually think he's a stray- he's pretty clean and I wouldn't be surprised if he's someone's indoor/ outdoor cat. 

This week I reviewed a graphic novel Alex and Ada Vol. 1. Then I got Vol. 2 and reviewed that one too. Kinda spur of the moment. Vol. 3 will be up next week.

Alex + Ada, Vol. 1Alex + Ada, Vol. 2

I'm listening to...



Rebel Bully Geek PariahThe Incident on the Bridge 


Rebel Mommy Book Blog reviews Pivot Point.  

Molly's Book Nook shares some things that drive her bonkers in books


  1. I think we got that snow yesterday. Looked like it was snowing a lot but nothing really stuck thankfully. Glad the cat is coming around regularly even if it isn't a stray. Can't wait to see what you think of Rebel Bully Geek Pariah. Thanks for the link back :) Have a great week!

    1. I think Rebel bully is my next one, so hopefully it's good. :)

  2. Fed up of snow, fed up of crap weather!

    I like the sound of Alex and Ada, I love the Saga graphic novels so will look out for these ones.

    Love the TWD pic, just watching it just now, catching up on series six episode nine which is rather graphic (for a change) so far!!

    Have a good week!

    1. I am too. And Alex and Ada is pretty good- I hope you like them if you get a chance.

  3. Pulp cover = too funny! Home is the Sailor, oookay. I love seeing these old covers; they adorned the spin shelves in newspaper stores when I was a kid.

    Nice artwork for Kushiel's Dart. I read about half of that book, but it was a bit out of my comfort zone, a bit too graphic and violent towards women. Though I know many enjoyed it, so I'm not judging.

    The Incident on the Bridge should be interesting-- look forward to your thoughts.

    1. Aren't those covers a trip? I'm enjoying finding them, and getting a good laugh too. Kushiel's Dart I've never read, although I've heard things... not sure it's my thing but I love the artwork.

  4. I really liked the Alex + Ada Vol. 1 and people seem to prefer the second one overall, so I really hope I love it too. That scene were Alex introduces Ada to his friends was hilarious!

    The 100! Love that show. But it also makes me really can always tell someone's about to get killed when one of the main cast smiles. Clarke continues to be one of my favourite characters on TV, but I wish that she could catch a break!

    1. I've really enjoyed Alex and Ada... kinda sorry to be done with it. I would have liked to see more of the characters and the world was interesting, but I guess better to stop when the story is done then drag it out.

      I love Clarke, and agree. She can't catch a break. Did you see the last episode a couple nights ago? Hello... that was kinda crazy at the end!

  5. We had snow yesterday and got really excited but it was all gone by lunchtime! I am slightly worried about how physics are working in that cover for Home is the Sailor!

    1. Yeah I know what you mean- some of those old covers are, um, interesting!

  6. I am so glad there is no snow here...I don't even go to see the snow an hour away from here...LOL. I used to enjoy it. Now I like being warm.

    I am curious about The Incident on the Bridge.

    Great videos! Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Yeah snow's overrated! And to think a few months ago I was going on about how I wanted snow... got over that in a hurry!

  7. You do realise you're teasing me with these references to The 100 which won't be out on DVD here in Oz for some time... I can kinda see why people illegally download stuff. I wouldn't do it (though have friends who do!) but I get why it's tempting!

    Hope it warms up for you and cools down for us soon!

    1. I know, I absolutely hate it when a show is on somewhere else and we don't get it. So aggravating! In this day and age everything should be available everywhere dang it! LOL. I get why it's tempting too.

      Hope it cools down for you too- just enough to be comfortable!

  8. We've had just super grey weather here. Just as I start getting used to it being warm it drops to freezing. Not a fan! You're tempting me with the Alex + Ada graphic novels. They look really interesting. I refuse to watch the new Star Wars stuff! I haven't even seen this latest one yet! I'm not good at keeping up with moves. Have a great week!

    1. I hope you give Alex and Ada a try! It's interesting... and I hear you about star Wars. I just got over the hype for the last one, why am I contributing to the next ones hype? LOL.

  9. s stray cat?? oh I don't even like nice non stray cats :) :)
    but the weather.. leave it to New England to drive you nuts! 50's and snow in a three day period
    oh noooo Greg!!! you tricked me with the Episode VIII Video!! :( NOT NICE!! LOL

    1. Yes! He's been coming around a lot! You don't like cats? :)

      Sorry about the video LOL. I watched it too and I was like, that's it??? More! Although I wonder if that's actually part of the movie...?

  10. I love The 100. And that pulp cover is awesome. It's sunny and warm here. Spent Saturday outside reading and getting my outdoor office situated. Got a sunburn!

    My Sunday Post -

    1. Sunburn? I am so jealous. I would love some sun right about now... :)

  11. We avoided snow and today it is suppose to be 68 wahoo! Meanwhile a neighbor two streets over is wondering why their cat isn't eating..LOL I love the pulp cover and I still need to see the new stars war movie *hangs head*Have a lovely week Greg!

    1. Ha that could be true! I thought of that... wish I knew where he was going! 68- awesome. I would take that. I need sunshine!

  12. I'm not sure why, but your cat story reminds of this story I read somewhere about a dog wandering into some person's house and then just taking a nap, and it kept coming back each day, and eventually the person found the neighbor who he belonged to and found out they had a whole bunch of kids, and the dog just needed a break to rest somewhere quiet sometimes lol. Glad you're enjoying your graphic novels, and that art you shared is gorgeous!

    1. LOL that's awesome! Dog just needed a rest... this cat is a trip, he comes regularly but then maybe won't show up for a day or two, I don't know if he's a stray or not. Can't figure out where he goes but he seems to have a healthy appetite... :) I did enjoy Alex and Ada and now I just have to figure out what to read next.

      I haven't read that book but I saw the artwork and had to share it.

  13. We are supposed to get rain early this week. I hope it's true. And I hope it stops by Tuesday so that Wednesday will be clear. It can rain again anytime after. If only I could control the weather. Haha

    I think I'm going to watch The 100 next--after I finish Haven. I want to see what all the fuss is about. :-)

    I hope you have a great week, Greg! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  14. We also had some snow on Friday. At least.. It snowed all day and in the end only a tiny bit stayed lying on the ground.. The next morning it was almost completely gone. But.. We had snow!!! LOL!!

    I have never read a graphic novel. Sounds and looks like a lot of fun but they don’t sell them here a lot. I definitely need to give graphic novels a try sometimes.

    Have a great week greg ;)

  15. they're new to me but I hope you enjoy them. happy reading!

  16. I like the covers of the graphic novels and the panel you put up is very funny. I used to listen to "Music from the Hearts of Space." I think that is what it was called. It was on on Sunday evenings. As always your pulp covers are great.

    Hope you have a good week, Greg.

  17. I hope the snow goes away soon and you get warm. It's been pretty nice here which makes me worried that March will go out like a lion. :( We have been known to get a foot of snow on the first day of

    Happy reading!
    Week in Review

  18. We got one day of rain! Yay! hahah

    I've been wanting to read Rebel Bully Geek Pariah, so I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on that one!

    Hope you have a great week!
    Here is my Sunday Post
    Molly @ Molly's Book Nook

  19. Yes, woke up to NO SNOW and was thrilled! Hopefully it won't wait to come by tomorrow! Even though it has really been a mild winter, I am so over it all! I am ready willing and able for Spring!

    I read your review on Alex and Ada and it convinced me it's time to give this series a shot. Thanks! Love the cover of The Incident on the Bridge! And love Magellan's beat. Thank for sharing it all! Enjoy your week!

  20. We only received a dusting of snow, but it got really windy and then turned super cold again for a couple of days. We are also supposed to get 50s here, too, next week. I really enjoyed your Top Ten Tuesday post last week. Have a wonderful week. :)

  21. We got snow on Friday and it was weird after such a warm week. March is always a weird month but I am hoping next week will be better since I saw we might be 70 by Wednesday. I love the cold but I just want to open the windows and air out the house.

    I am surprised that cat isn't chubby :) I am glad he is a friendly cat. If he gets closer you should attach a note to his collar and ask if he's someones cat. They probably don't even know their cat is hanging with the neighbors.

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

  22. Yay about your stray kitty friend!! Boo about the snow! :( That graphic novel is new to me, but it definitely looks intriguing! Enjoy your new books! The Incident On the Bridge sounds interesting! And OMG I'm so excited for Episode 8!! Have a fantastic week! :D

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  23. I really need to get back in 100. I made it to Season 2 because of Amazon but as I don't ever watch real TV I have yet to watch anymore but that is all people have been talking about lately!! lol Have a great week! :)

  24. I usually breath my 'end of winter' sigh of relief around March 15. There's almost always snow after that, but spring is on the way. I'm pretty happy to be out of the snow belt this winter though :)

    Alex and Ada looks good. I'm about due for a graphic novel!

  25. Glad to see The Cat has returned. At least you know it's alright. Sorry to hear about the snow. This should be the end of it, right?

  26. I love your pulp covers, so fun! Have a great week :)

  27. You got a lot of snow this year, here still no snow. The Alex and Ada books look good! I might have to see if I can grab a copy.
    I am glad the cat is becoming a bit friendlier and that's interesting it might not be a stray, hard to find out where he lives probably. I hope you'll have a great week!

  28. Love the pulp covers, that's such a nice idea!
    Maybe I need to start watching the 100, it looks pretty interesting.
    Have a good week!

  29. Aw, the cat is totally playing you. :D lol - That image of Tara from TWD. That was funny. I'm a couple of episodes behind on The 100, but I'll probably catch up some time this week.

  30. I am hoping that last week's snow storm is the end! This week will be warm but rainy. Like this cat mystery! The last episode of The 100 was amazing. Can't wait to see where it goes.

  31. Yeah we were expecting that blizzard too but it tapered off just like in your neck of the woods. My parents love feeding stray cats, but they ended up having a whole colony in their backyard at one point so they had to stop. My dog is still trying to get our older cat to play with him but she won't have any of it. Nuh-huh...never a boring moment in our lives, eh, Greg?

  32. We have just had a stray cat around too, I thought it was wild but my niece picked it up (big animal lover) and patted it etc. So now my Dad who lives 5 doors up is feeding it. Someone I think must have just left it or they moved and the cat didn't. It has been adopted and looking a little healthier! Send snow, dying in our heat!!

  33. We had grey skies all week and now we are finally getting rain. It's supposed to rain all week which is good since we need the water. I liked your review of Alex and Ada. I have to get a copy now. Have a great week!

  34. Glad you didn't have a blizzard even if you had snow. Hope it warms up for you soon. Nice that the cat is being friendlier. (I just had to push our cat off the computer - it is her friendly visit time. :-))
    I listened to the beginning of the music and I will listen to more another day.
    I'm glad that you enjoyed your reading this week.
    I'll check the videos a bit later have some laundry to go hang up!
    Have a great week!

  35. We will warm up this week, bye bye snow, at least for now. The graphic novel looks interesting.

  36. I think we all need to make a petition for spring to truly show up, Greg. We have sun today, but it's really cold out. I'm not going to complain about the sun, though, I can't remember when I saw it last.
    Have a fantastic week and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  37. Zodiac Station looks great. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading

  38. I'm from Canada and we got so little snow this Winter that I'm actually bummed out about it! All the big storms that were supposed to hit ended up missing us completely which NEVER happens around here. I like snow, I like to ski and snowshoe but I think I only got out to do so 2-3 times! Oh I'm glad the cat is still stopping by and getting friendlier :) He could be someones or he could have been someones and lost never know with outdoor cats.

    That Star Wars teaser is as cruel as the ending for TFA XD And I love ambiant music so thanks for sharing that!! Have an awesome week Greg! xx

  39. Nice week for you.

    I like the looks of The Incident on The Bridge. :)

    ENJOY this week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  40. We had our first warm day today - it was so nice to walk outside in the sunshine with the peanut.

    I agree with Heidi - I am glad you are taking such good care of the cat. Strays make me sad. :(

    That graphic novel looks fun! I think I will try to find it and give it a go!

  41. I didn't think I would love The Force Awakens as much as I had, so I'm looking forward to Episode VIII.
