The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date
Snowpocalypse has thankfully faded into the mists of time- or last week anyway- and it's a little more sensible around here now weather- wise. My cat shows no further interest in venturing outdoors- gee I wonder why? And I've been getting book mail so life is good. We still have snow however. I read Watcher in the Woods and it was a good time to read about murder in the Yukon- with snow gently falling and the wind swirling through the branches. Good atmosphere. The bad news is- Travelers is canceled at Netflix. How can they do that? Don't they understand? There's so much more we need to know...

The Bookish Games are over! Team cult won and this game was full of surprises. You can read the after game notes here. @bookishgames.
This past week I posted a discussion - Cloning Yea or Nay?- and loved all the responses. I also reviewed Here and Now and Then- time travel goodness!- and got a few British Library Crime Classics. I may review some of these, and on Monday will be Book Beginnings #4.
This past week I posted a discussion - Cloning Yea or Nay?- and loved all the responses. I also reviewed Here and Now and Then- time travel goodness!- and got a few British Library Crime Classics. I may review some of these, and on Monday will be Book Beginnings #4.