Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.
This week is Top Ten books I meant to read in 2018- but didn't. Unfortunately there are a fair amount of these, I could probably make a list twice this long. But here are the ten that come to mind, that I need to get to- one of these days.

I was looking forward to this one so much- what is my problem???

I've been meaning to read this forever seems like.

A new Liane Moriarty book usually gets my immediate attention, but the end of the year was hectic and I never got to it.

Now granted this only came out a short time ago... but I haven't read it as quick as I thought

Why have I not read this yet???

At this point the sequel will be out before I get to it!

Wildcard also made my list of books I meant to read in 2018 but didn't. I think some of the more tepid reviews I saw might have cooled my anticipation, but I still really want to read it for myself. I hope in 2019 I can finally fit it in.
ReplyDelete~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum
Nine Perfect Strangers and Watching You look amazing. I definitely want to read those! Hope you enjoy them when you get to them.
ReplyDeleteMindee's looks visually REALLY interesting but other than its cover being familiar, I'm not sure I've read anything about that one. I did read Marie's Wildcard but have as yet to read Jenna's contemporaries, which hopefully I shall remedy in 2019. :)
ReplyDeleteYou need to read The Cruel Prince, it's so good.
You still haven't read Watching You??? I was waiting on your opinion before I went ahead - you know how I am about that fiction stuff ;)
ReplyDeleteI've heard great things about the Holly Black book. I hope you get to it in 2019. My TTT Books I meant to read last year
ReplyDeleteI need to read Nine Perfect Strangers. It looks fabulous. My TTT
ReplyDeleteI am waiting on wildcard to get to my library...
ReplyDeleteI really need to catch up on Marie Lu and Holly Black's books. Here's my TTT: https://dinaratengri.com/2019/01/books-i-meant-to-read-in-2018-but-didnt/
ReplyDeleteWild Card, Wild Bird (do you have an aversion to wild things?), and Love & Luck were all really, really good. You and I are both guilty of not reading Lies You Never Told Me, but I hope to fix that one in the near future.
ReplyDeleteStrange New World does sound like a good read.
ReplyDeleteHere is our Top Ten Tuesday.
I still need to read Brave New Girl, but I had anticipated bingeing that one since it's a duology. LOVED The Cruel Prince though and cannot wait to read the sequel...once I get caught up on other things...
ReplyDeleteHope you get to read these sometime soon!
Here's my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
Great list! The Cruel Prince made my list this week, too, and I feel like I should have Onyx & Ivory by now as well. I hope you manage to get to these in 2019!
ReplyDeleteYou have good taste in books, Greg. Honestly, I want to read all of these titles, too.
ReplyDeleteThis is my Top Ten Tuesday post.
I really enjoyed The Cruel Prince! (Although the series seems to be all cliffhangers so far, so it's possible waiting until the the rest of the series is out would make that easier...)
ReplyDeleteI just requested Watching You from the Library. I should get it soon because I got the last copy. It is large print lol!!!! I enjoyed Love and Luck and Nine Perfect Strangers.
ReplyDeleteI haven’t read any of them either. The good thing about having the sequel come out before you read the first is that you can binge on them! 😁
ReplyDeleteI need to reserve The Wicked King from the library. I really want to read it even though The Cruel Prince was almost a DNF or me. It did pull up in the end and make me curious. I'm kind of shocked you haven't read Nine Perfect Strangers yet. I know you really like the author.
ReplyDeleteWatching You sounds like a really interesting read. I enjoyed The Cruel Prince regarless of that rocky start it had. Great list, thanks for sharing! Hope you get to enjoy all these books this year.
ReplyDelete@ Bookish Treats
I missed out on Wildcard as well. Soon!
ReplyDeleteI really need to read some Liane Moriarty, let alone her latest books. Too many books and too little time.
ReplyDeleteHere's my Top Ten Tuesday.
I still haven't read The Cruel Prince... Must get to that this year...
ReplyDeleteI haven't read any but I wantto try Holly Black!
ReplyDeleteI haven't read any of those.
ReplyDeleteI still need to start the Warcross series. It sounds awesome and I have no idea why I haven't read it yet. Hopefully this year! :)
ReplyDeleteI just reread The Cruel Prince and it was just as good the second time around. Hope you get a chance to read it soon.
ReplyDeleteI REALLY need to read the first Holly Black
ReplyDeleteI also have wildcard on my list. I've heard really good things about The Cruel Prince, I just haven't picked it up yet. I'm nervous that I won't like it.
ReplyDeleteTina @ As Told By Tina
The Cruel Prince!!! You have to read!!
ReplyDeleteso many books, so little time!
ReplyDeleteI really hope you read The Cruel Prince soon! I loved that one!
ReplyDeleteWellllll I still have to read a Marie Lu, Rachel Vincent and Holly Black book so you're ahead of me lol! I hope you love this when you end up picking them up! :)
ReplyDeleteJen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog
"At this point the sequel will be out before I get to it!"
ReplyDeleteI feel this so much 😂 I've got a whole bunch from last year I'll have to catch up before I can read the sequel(s).
I've heard really good things about The Cruel Prince, but I havent read it yet either
ReplyDeleteThe Cruel Prince and Wildcard were both some of my favorite books from last year (the Wicked King was really good too). Hopefully you can get to them soon (although that can be easier said than done).
ReplyDeleteI meant to get through a bunch of those as well. The Holly Black especially. Where does all the time go?!
ReplyDeleteWildcard almost made my list but I ran out of room because I failed so much! And same with Onyx & Ivory! I DID put Strange New World on my list because I don't know why I haven't read that yet- it's pretty short too. The problem is, for some reason we aren't allowed to just read books all day, because of things like "responsibilities" and "bills". Honestly, they're at fault here.
ReplyDeleteGreat post and great list of books I also have a book by Marie Lu as well on my TTT post I hope I can read her book soon. Thank you so much for stopping by my TTT post Greg.
ReplyDeleteOoh, Wild Bird was so good! I still have to read Nine Perfect Strangers, too.
ReplyDeleteThree of these are ones I've wanted to read as well.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many books on my list that I meant to read last year. Hope you can get some of these off your list Greg.
ReplyDeleteI remember you talking a lot about Nine Perfect Strangers. I hope you can get to it this year😁
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I didn't get to the Liane Moriarty book either. It seems like the more excited I get for a book, the less likely I am to actually read it anytime soon, lol.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to read Wild Bird, too, but now I don't remember why. 😯
ReplyDeleteYeah, I could have made a list that was three times this long at least. There are always so many books I want to read!
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I have a few books like the Rachel Vincent book. They look so good and I know I'm going to read it but by the time I do there will be at one more book added to the series. Both the Liane Moriarty and the Lisa Jewell are on my TBR. Hopefully we'll both get to them in 2019!
ReplyDeleteWatching You and that Marie Lu series are on my list too. There were a ton of books I wanted to get to last year and didn't manage!
ReplyDeleteOnyx & Ivory has such a cool cover!
ReplyDeleteThe year might have turned, but these books don't run away, I'm sure you'll manage to read them in 2019 :)
Ronnie @ Paradise Found
GREG! So many intriguing titles on here. I really hope you get to them all and enjoy them. That Rachel Vincent book has always intrigued me--or rather, her books in general have.