It's Memorial Day weekend here in the US and I'm looking forward to a nice long weekend of parades, reading and binging. It was a pretty good week here although it rained a lot and it never got that warm, but with the unofficial start of summer this weekend it has to get nice soon. Right??? I only read one book this week, I've been back to binging on Netflix, but some new books came out that I'm excited about so hopefully I can get started on 'em this weekend.
I watched Suicide Squad this week (finally) and liked it. SyFy launched the entire third season of 12 Monkeys last week as a weekend binge so I've seen the whole season now. It's a really good show that not a lot of people are seeing? Oh and The 100 wrapped up this week with an explosive (!) finale - between that and 12 Monkeys my nerves were all ajangle. And... I posted my review for Refuge for Masterminds (School of Unusual Girls #3) this past week and the author relayed some background on one of my favorite scenes.

Song of the week

I really do not know why everyone was hating on S Squad, I liked it too
ReplyDeleteI did! I didn't think it was bad at all...
DeleteIt is nice outside right now but the rest of the weekend is supposed to be yucky. I hope the summer weather comes soon! I have been on Netflix a lot too this week. I like that last picture. Have a great week!!
ReplyDeleteWe had beautiful day today- it's about time!! Hope you have a great Memorial Day!
DeleteYay for watching Suicide Squad! I haven't seen it yet and I'm kinda hesitant to, but I do really want to see Robbie as Harley Quinn.
ReplyDeleteHaha that dream sounds awesome!! I look getting weird and wonderful dreams :)
Hope you have a great week ahead!
Amy @ A Magical World Of Words
I hope you like Suicide Squad! Margot Robbie KILLED it as HQ. Loved her!
DeleteWe're supposed to have bad weather here all weekend, so I'll be using my long weekend to read and binge watch TV as well. Enjoy your weekend!
ReplyDeleteOh no, hope it's not too bad. Binge away... :)
Deleteoh man, I miss watching 12 monkeys :( have not seen it since season 1 but with the kid, it's been hard to get a catch up on any shows recently.
ReplyDeleteThe game of thrones trailer and Valerian totally gave me the chills. Looks so good
Oh it gets better every season. 3rd season was crazy!!
Deletehave a nice wekeend and happy reading!
ReplyDeleteYou too!!
DeleteDreaming is something I look forward too, my dreams are like films sometimes and I love it when like you, you can vividly remember them! I saw Suicide Squad last weekend for the first time and nah, not for me I thought it would be brilliant but it was nope not for me. Harley Quinn was awesome though! Have a great holiday weekend, we have a bank holiday here in the UK so I have Monday off so this means more reading too!
ReplyDeleteHey Heather! My dreams have been bad lately so it was nice to have good one! lol and yay for long weekends! Sorry you didn't like Suicide Squad but Harley WAS great!
DeleteI'll happily give you the heatwave that is plaguing me at the moment! Suicide Squad looks interesting-one of the many things on my list that I never seem to find time for. Ah did you enjoy the GoT trailer? How awesome does it look!!!
ReplyDeleteHa ha we got warm too today! Suicide Squad was pretty good- not a great movie but Harley Quinn was AWESOME! And yes the GoT trailer looks fab!
DeleteI actually got Refuge for Masterminds this week, which was neat! I just need to read the first two books... That's great that you got to see Suicide Squad - I haven't seen it yet but I remember my supervisor loving it. Any dream about France must be good, eh? I want to go to France someday!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend, Greg. =)
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Yay hope you enjoy it! I thought it was quite good. And Suicide Squad is not bad- Harley Quinn was great.
DeleteI'd love to go to France!
Suicide Squad rocked! Or maybe just Harley Quinn rocked! lol I did like her. Dude you need to watch 12 Monkeys- it's wacky!
ReplyDeleteI know right? France and instant connection- it's all good from there. :)
I'm curious about Valerian because I really love the actors in it, especially Dane DeHaan but I don't know! I'll be curious to see what people think of it. Glad you liked Suicide Squad. I thought it was fun - and I loved Harley Quinn! Margot Robbie was great.
I'm hoping Valerian will be really good. Cara Delavinge has me curious even though I know a lot of people don't like her. And yeah I liked Suicide Squad- I mean it wasn't fantastic but after bad reviews I didn't think it was that bad really. And Harley WAS awesome. Katana too.
DeleteAw, that sounds like a nice dream! Mine are often nowhere that coherent! The basis sounds like it could make for a good short story or something too :) And glad to hear you enjoyed Suicide Squad, I still haven't seen it...
ReplyDelete~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum
It was different- and fun! After a bunch of bad dreams it was fun to have a good one. I hope you like SS if you see it. I mean don't expect a fabulous mvie, but it's fun.
DeleteIs it just me, or does the last picture remind you of The Berenstain Bears tree house? I mean, except for the fun underground stuff, cause I do not recall boats under their house. I think it will have to get nice soon. But by nice, I mean it will go from 60 and raining to like, 103 and stifling, because I think that's how it works now?
ReplyDeleteI really need to start watching another show soon. So many of these are on my to-watch list. But if I'm honest with myself... I'm probably going to rewatch The 100 first. I also keep forgetting that it's Memorial Day weekend! Hope it's a good one for you :D
Totally (and the Berenstain Bear had an AWESOME house). lol And yeah maybe a cave w/a boat would be more exciting than my rather standard basement?
DeleteI hate that transition from cool to stifling hot. Can't we just get a month or two of nice 70's, no humidity, you know? It always just seems to go right to hot.
Of course you're going to watch The 100 first! Priorities after all... and it IS the best show, let's be honest. But then you should watch 12 Monkeys so we can discuss. Unless you hated it, in which case I'd be like oh and sheepishly hide.
Hahha I LOVED the Berenstain Bear house. Let's be real, a tree house was always going to be superior ;) And YES. I want a basement with a boat instead of just like.. a basement that is damp.
DeleteI would LOVE a month or so with just... nice weather. I guess the plus of super hot is more swimming!
I told myself I was going to watch a new show. I did. But then I loaded Netflix and... well, you can guess what I did. Restarted The 100. BUT I think 12 Monkeys is going to be the first thing I do start (I can do both, since I have EIGHT MONTHS to rewatch The 100), we shall definitely discuss! I am sure I will like it! And if not... well that's okay too :D
My son insisted I get around to watching Suicide Squad and we had a blast. Makes me wonder why many people didn't like it. I'm seriously behind on The 100 so waiting for Netflix to add new episodes now that this season is finished. Been binging on Bloodlines and Longmire.
ReplyDeleteHave a great holiday weekend and more happy dreams:)
My Sunday Post
I know, I thought Suicide Squad was fun kinda. The new 100 episodes should be up on Netflix pretty soon, I think.
DeleteYour dream sounds like something out of a romance novel! Maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you it's time to pick one up. ;) Have a good week!
ReplyDeleteI know, a few people have said that and when I went back and re- read it I was like... I kinda see that. :) It's not usual for me to remember dreams so I had to share that one...
DeleteI'm excited the GOT is getting closer! Love the trailer. That's a nice dream, much better than the scary, or upsetting ones that I usually have to deal with!
ReplyDeleteYeah a lot of my dreams have been scary or just depressing lately, so to have a fun one that was upbeat was kinda nice!
DeleteOh my! The GOT trailer makes me wish July to come sooner.
ReplyDeleteI know!! July where are youuuuu??
DeleteWait, there is another season of Orphan Black???! I thought it was over. Wow, that's good to know. Well, I hope your dream comes true, you'll have to book a flight to Paris! I love the treehouse map. I wouldn't mind living in it myself. Have a fab new week. :)
ReplyDeleteYes! This one is the last and it starts mid July. I think anyway... I'd love to go to Paris ... that dream would have been perfect when I was, say, 21 or 22...
DeleteThere are parades this weekend? Lol I never know what's going on with what holidays anymore.
ReplyDeleteHaha that sounds like a great dream! France, romance, friends, food and drink, what more could you want?
Hope you enjoy whatever books you start this weekend!
Yes! Get thee t a parade! Ha has just kidding I know not everyone likes parades. I often skip 'em but every once ina while they're fun.
DeleteI know, France right? It surprised me (I mean, I wouldn't normally share a dream because who cares) but this one was so different, I thought why not? Most of mine have been dark lately lol.
Hope you have a great weekend too!
I loved Suicide Squad after watching it a week back it really made me want that start reading some graphic novels. I think 12 monkeys would be something I would like it will have to check it out. You dream sounds awesome like a great contemporary summer read lol have a great week.
ReplyDeleteI liked Suicide Squad and while I haven't read any of the GN's I've heard some are good. I'd like to see more Harley Quinn. And 12 Monkeys is fun!
DeleteI know, after re- reading it I thought I should write a story about this!
Hm, I didn't hate the Squad, but I didn't like it too much. Lacked the spark for me. Although it was cute!
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't a great movie, by any means, but I went in with low expectations and actually thought it was alright. Strictly average.
DeleteYour dream sounds like the plot to a romance novel!
ReplyDeleteI know, it kinda does doesn't it? Not my usual sort of dream but it was different and fun.
DeleteMy husband enjoyed Suicide Squad, I didn't hate it but I just thought the "villains" weren't as mean as they should be.
ReplyDeleteThat dream is great and maybe a romance novel in your future? From the mans POV?!?! :)
Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!
I definitely thought the villains- who were supposed to be awful- were actually like heroes just a little darker. So yeah even though otherwise I liked it. If they were REALLY bad they wouldn't really help anyone right ? ha ha
DeleteNo romance novel writing for me ha ha but I could see it the basis of a romantic suspense or thriller, if I was ever so inclined...
I love having memorable dreams like that. I always end up writing them out as a sort of short story. Sounds like you need to make plans with friends. Maybe you'll meet someone special (if you haven't already).
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that last artwork. Reminds me of a picture book series (Mr. Postmouse) that shows the inner workings of different animal homes.
Have a great weekend! :)
I don't usually remember my dreams but this one was so fun it almost had me laughing when I woke up- maybe that 's why I remembered it. And it's not really relevant to me now but yeah if I would have had that dream at 21 or 22 maybe I would have thought about booking a trip to Paris lol...
DeleteI love that pic to and imagining the inside of the tree house.
That sounds like a good dream. I can never remember my dreams but I often wake up thinking I want to remember them and as soon as I spend too much time thinking on it it's gone. It's like the more I try to remember the more I forget.
ReplyDeleteWhenever you mention the shows you've been watching as well you remind me of all the shows I've been meaning to watch and haven't. I am so behind on The 100 for no apparent reason and I have had 12 Monkeys on my to watch forever and haven't so I may binge with the last couple of days of my long weekend.
I never remember mine either (at least not usually) but this one was memorable, I think because everyone was laughing and so happy in it!
DeleteI know, there are so many shows. I have a few I obsess over lol and The 100 and 12 Monkeys are two of those. I hope you like 12 Monkeys if you try- give it a few episodes because it may seem like a standard SF but it gets twisty pretty quick.
Well that's a great dream! I wish I had fun and memorable ones. Most of mine just involving me failing exams haha.
ReplyDeleteNetflix is such an obstruction to reading. I just got Hulu myself a couple of weeks ago and I'm binge-ing like 5 shows. I'm a grad student, I don't have time for bingeing haha! I'm curious about Valerian though I have to say I'm not a big fan of Cara. It looks fun though but maybe I'll wait for it to be out on DVD.
I hope you have a good week, Greg! Happy reading and take care!
Thanks! I usually don't remember mine, so I had to share this one!
DeleteI love Netflix, but don't have Hulu, And I am curious about Valerian. I know a lot of people aren't crazy about her...
I want to watch Suicide Squad. It's been a while since I went to a theater. Hopefully this week. There are some movies I've been planning on watching this week.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, what a sweet dream, Greg. I never remember my dreams. I used to remember when I was younger. Maybe there is science that can explain it. I'm curious about it too.
Enjoy your reads and have a wonderful week. :)
Suicide squad was fun! Not a great movie but go in with low expectations and you'll be fine. :)
DeleteHave a wonderful week!
Hope you get summery weather moving in soon! Though of course we complain about hot weather, and then months later complain about the frigid weather, lol.
ReplyDeleteYour dream is telling you that when you least expect it you'll meet someone special, for a friend or more. Be open to it. Dreams usually have a nugget of truth in them.
Nice haul of books. Refuge for Masterminds has a nice cover and sounds good to me! Enjoy...
I hope your weather improves - we have had a lovely warm week and this week-end was supposed to be properly hot, but we keep getting rain showers. Oh well - it could be worse. It could be really cold! Have a great week with the TV watching and the reading - thank you for the clip of the abandoned space station, as I loved the music:). My Sunday Post -
ReplyDeleteNow that's a tree house I could get into. I'm seeing One of Us is Lying everywhere and really want to get my hands on it. For some reason, it strikes me as a good summer read. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.
ReplyDeleteThe weather has been pretty iffy here, too. I actually enjoyed yesterday's rain... stayed indoors and read all day - it was heaven! Hope you enjoy the holiday weekend!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing dream! I have found myself immersed in some really colorful dreams in the past few months. Dreams that mix past and present in interesting ways. Yours sounds like a novel, with such a great premise.
ReplyDeleteLove that tree house.
As you mentioned, the characters of Bloodline have definitely gone dark...and while I've never liked Kevin (he is disturbing in so many ways!), I had hoped he was on the road to recovery. Ha!
I am most disappointed in John and Sally. But Meg doesn't surprise me, as she has always been a little off center.
Enjoy your week! Thanks for visiting my blog.
LOL! Awesome dream! I like to write down my dreams in a little notebook so that way I can remember them and possibly use some of those dreams for a story script or something like that.
ReplyDeleteHere’s my Sunday Post!
Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!
Have a really great Memorial Day weekend! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Girl Out of Water in particular!
ReplyDeleteMegan @
You too Megan, thanx! I liked Girl Out of Water...
DeleteI really enjoyed Suicide Squad and I wasn't expecting to. Don't get me wrong, I'm a DC girl but I adored Christopher Nolan's Batman and after being underwhelmed by Batman V Superman I didn't have the highest of hopes but ended up pleasantly surprised - Harley really steals the show don't you think?
ReplyDeleteI had NOT see the trailer for Orphan Black but WOAH. Things look INTENSE :D I can't wait!! Thanks for sharing ♥
Have a great week Greg! x
Hey Micheline, I did too. I went into with low expectations and thought it was good. And yes Harley TOTALLY stole the show. She was awesome.
DeleteI am looking forward t omore Orphan Black. :)
I heard about RiME when Lindsey Stirling did a music video for the game-- it looks really interesting! And since it's out on about the only console I own (PC ha) I might check it out
ReplyDeleteMy Sunday Post
Ooh I didn't know Lindsey Stirling did a video on it. I love her videos! And yeah I'm PC only (other than WiiU which I guess is obsolete now) and I'll probably get it soon.
DeleteWhat a cool pic of a treehouse, and that dream is wonderfully romantic, and I loved that you shared it. I've been binge watching some cooking shows and finally caught up on Gotham which is a great series. Hope your week is fab! Hugs...
ReplyDeleteI loved Suicide Squad! I don't get people who were hating on it. I especially liked the soundtrack!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great week!
Funny how some dreams stick with us and others don't at all, right? I've been seeing stuff about Rime around these past couple of days. I'm surprised my son hasn't mentioned it to me yet. He's pretty much obsessed with video games.
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
We were supposed to have a very rainy weekend but so far that hasn't happened so I'm glad. It's graduation weekend here as well so I'm sure lots of people were thrilled that we didn't get the thunderstorms predicted.
ReplyDeleteI have been trying to cut back on TV watching so I can read more. I have a huge stack of library books as well as review books I want to get through. Today I was hoping to finish my book for book club but then I started watching Netflix...
I was excited to see the new trailer for GOT too. I'm sure it will be a thrilling season.
Hope you have a great week and Happy Memorial Day!
Our weather needs to get the message that it is almost summer. It was beautiful, but want it a bit warmer. We were able to attend open houses in between the few raindrops we had today. Haven't yet watched The 100 finale. Hope to get to it when the family leaves tomorrow. Have a great week.
ReplyDeleteOrphan Black is one I want to get into soon. Yay GoT! Looking forward...
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen the 12 Monkeys tv series but I love the film. I'm getting ready for Armchair BEA this week. Come see what I'm reading.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic dream, you wouldn't have wanted to wake up! Have been thinking of joining Netflix although we don't get as many shows as you do. Shall ponder a little further on it!
ReplyDeleteOK, I think that dream just needs to be turned into a book! :-)
ReplyDeleteA few people have said that! I guess it might be a good suspense or romantic suspense...
DeleteHysterie and One of us is Lying both look great. I hope you enjoy your books!
ReplyDeleteMy It's Monday! What Are You Reading? post.
All I've been doing lately is binge watching shows on Netflix too, books haven't been holding my attention much lately, despite being so behind on my ARC copies! I hope you have a great week Greg!
ReplyDeleteGreat dream! I have What She Saw on my soon to read list. And don't you love that GoT trailer?
ReplyDeleteIt was memorable! And yes that GoT trailer definitely has me awaiting the show!
DeleteI could never remember my dreams so vividly! But what a great dream. In Paris at a cafe...surrounded by women. Greg, is romance missing in your life?? LOL
ReplyDeleteI don't usually remember my dreams that vividly, but it was so funny the way it turned out it stuck with me! I know, right?
DeleteHope you're enjoying the long weekend! :D Ahhh, the GoT trailer! I have a love/hate relationship with GoT trailers because I love ANY hints about the upcoming season, but they make me even more antsy for the season to start already, LOL!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait! We are getting closer. Are you recapping this year? I think I will- looking forward to talking GoT with ya!
DeleteI'd be more than happy to send you some of our FL heat lol
ReplyDeleteThat's a cool dream!
For What It's Worth
Send it up! Although on second thought you might get a little hotter than I'm used to. :) I love FL but in the summer... maybe not. :)
DeleteI actually managed not to binge-watch Netflix this week but that's all going to change soon because Orange Is the New Black season 5 is releasing in less than two weeks. There will be no showing restraint!
ReplyDeleteThat's great! Willpower! But yeah the right show will break down will power quick...
DeleteI've had a lot of rain and cooler temps as well. I'm trying to remember that I will be wishing for this weather when we are having 90s and no rain for weeks later in the summer. Check out what I've read, am reading, and will read this month.
ReplyDeleteThat's true, I'll be doing the same thing :) when it's humid and muggy out.
DeleteWow - your dreams are better than some of the books I read!!
ReplyDeleteHappy summer :)
Jen @ YA Romantics
Ha ha it was definitely a different one! And it stuck with me whereas usually I forget my dreams. :)
DeleteYour mentioning the unofficial start to summer reminded me I wanted to take Mouse to the park today to welcome in the summer at the water pad. It was off all last summer because of the drought. I'm glad it will be on again this summer--it was missed last year. Oh well. We had a lot to do today and there's always another weekend. We ended up watching the West Coast Thunder ride through the neighborhood--what my daughter would call a motorcycle parade. It's the big Memorial Day weekend event here in town, I guess you could say. Hopefully your weather will clear up some now that summer is on its way.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great dream! I tend to remember my dreams in bits and pieces, but quite vividly. My husband, on the other hand, never remembers his.
Don Pendleton is a name I haven't seen in awhile. My dad was a big fan of his books back in the day, and I really got into another lesser known series of his when I was growing up. I wrote to Pendleton when I was a teenager and he wrote a wonderful letter back. This was back in the day before authors were so available online or via e-mail. Seeing his name again brings back memories. :-)
I hope you have a great week, Greg!
WE had a great day today! Sunny and not a cloud in the sky for the parade/ air show this morning. Glad you got to see the Thunder- sounds fun.
DeleteIt was an unusual dream, for sure. Had to share it. :)
Don Pendleton -I never read any of his books but I knew the name, I remember when these were on the shelves. And how nice that he wrote back- some of the authors back then I think really did love to get correspondence, and were quite good at writing back!
ok ok you convinced me! I'm watching it :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't watched or heard of Suicide Squad or 12 Monkeys (except for the 80s movie?) anyhow, I'll have to put those on my list. I've started watching Longmire, and I'm enjoying it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic dream! Meeting a woman you're interested in and having that meeting in France?!! Perfect. I hope it was Paris because seriously, that is a place to fall in love! Better dream to remember than zombies hunting you and you just barely running away with your life, because that's a dream I've had not long ago and remembered with terrifying detail! I guess I've read and watched too many zombie themed stories, lol! :) Hope you had a fabulous holiday weekend, Greg. Sucks to go back to work tomorrow. :(
Suicide Squad wasn't great but it was okay, you know? 12 Monkeys is a fun show. I did watch the first episode of Longmire and liked it- I need to get back to it.
DeleteIt was a memorable dream! I think the thing that clinched it for me was the laughing part- laughing when we saw each other, and then later w/ friends. I woke up and almost laughed in real life because it was just so positive! And I agree. Paris, right?
A zombie dream would be pretty terrifying, I would think! I don't read or watch a LOT of zombie stories but I do watch the Walking Dead, and it's amazing that show doesn't give me nightmares! lol Hope you had a great weekend too! Why do the long weekends go by the quickest??
Whoa, what a good dream! My dreams are rarely that cool, or that coherent, haha. Maybe it'll inspire some flash fiction for you, Greg! Sounds like it could make for a good short.
ReplyDeleteI watched the first few episodes of 12 Monkeys when it first came out and I really liked it, but for some reason I never carried on with it. Clearly I need to change that ASAP!
Cool dream Greg! It certainly was memorable and a good one!
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOSH - that GOT trailer... I have chills from watching it. I'm so excited and so apprehensive at the same time! EEEE!
Also: THIS!
What a sweet dream Greg. I love feel good dreams like that. :)
ReplyDeleteI was kind of weary to watch Suicide Squad because of the reviews, but really that's never stopped me before.
Hope you're having a great week! ~Aleen
We had some really warm weather here lately and I already have enough of it, lol. I hope you had a good long weekend.
ReplyDeleteDreams sure can be strange. I usually remember one or two each night.
I hope you had a great week!