Friday, May 12, 2017

Sunday Post #194

This week wasn't bad although I could still use a bit of a warm up. It's been pretty quiet around here for the most part. And with summer approaching I've been thinking about getting up north and visiting some favorite spots. There's a place I like to go at one the lighthouse parks where the water level rises and falls quite dramatically from year to year- and since I haven't been there for two years I'm anxious to see what it's like. It's at the tip of a peninsula and when the water is down you can walk way into the bay and just be surrounded by water. Pretty awesome.  

This week I'm doing something a little different. I'll be posting a flash fiction on Monday rather than the usual Cover Characteristics or review post. It's inspired by this image over at DeviantArt and I had fun putting it together. As flash fiction it's not very long, but I love imagery like this that can excite the imagination. Other than that I have reviews for Girl Our Of Water and... whatever else I get to.    
Girl Out of WaterGone Without a Trace

Song of the week 



What She SawOne Of Us Is Lying



  1. Hope you get to go up north! That sounds so awesome :)

    Enjoy those books - happy reading for the week ahead!

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

  2. Hey! It's SATURDAY!!! But good for you, early bird catches all the worms or something like that. Very cold here in SA this weekend.

    Like your new arrivals!

    What is flash fiction?

    1. Hey it IS Saturday! But I always post it early...

      Flash fiction is very short fiction usually a few hundred words or maybe a thousand at most (the definition varies). I'm just using it to describe short things I write the actual word count is not super important to me.

  3. I must admit I've never been a fan of flash fiction...just too short to get my teeth into so I never read it. Good luck with it though! I do have some short story prequels that I need to get reading though. I need to get my tbr moving in the right direction again this month and next. Have a great weekend!

    1. It is very short and my experience reading it has been mixed. I have enjoyed writing it though!

  4. You always find such cool pictures! They're definitely intriguing, I can see how it would inspire you to write something.

    1. Thanks! Some of that out there art definitely inspires writing!

  5. Can't wait to read your flash fiction, Greg! I was interested in your SF story you were sharing on the blog awhile back.

    Several of your new selections have caught my eye and are going onto my wishlist now.

    Thanks for letting me know about Bloodline season 3--yay! Can't wait to see what the family is up to now. Enjoy your weekend. - Rita

    1. Thank you! I had fun writing that earlier story and this is something different.

      Can't wait for Bloodline! And welcome back Rita!!

  6. It could use to warm up over here too. I think next week it might but not sunny. Can't seem to get both at the same time!! Interested in seieng your review for Girl Out of Water. Have a great week!!

    1. We finally got some sunny nice weather. And Girl Out of Water was interesting- my review will be up Thursday.

  7. It is just starting to really feel like we are on the way to summer in my area. I am so ready for it. I am looking forward to you flash fiction post on Monday. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you, I hope you enjoy it! And I'm glad it's starting to get summery there :)

  8. I hope you get to go up north. It sounds amazing! We're trying to figure out what to do this summer and have a couple of ideas of places to go exploring. Can't wait! Looking forward to your flash fiction Monday. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you! And I am looking forward to getting up north. I hope you guys find some great spots this year. :)

  9. Ohhh north and the lighthouse park sound so nice! I love places like that- wish there were some around here. I need water in my life right now, honestly. Walking into water everywhere sounds like heaven. I miss it.

    I won't lie and pretend I didn't see Becca looking at the apocalypse with those NASA images, which means I clearly have problems. I LOVE the Exploring the City one! The bus makes it so eerie, I love the vibe! The Simon Stalenhag pictures are gorgeous- the level of detail is amazing, though I could live without the snow hahah.

    1. Water is awesome and we're pretty blessed here to have lots of it- the Great Lakes are pretty awesome.

      Ha ha love it! Frickin Becca lol. And I agree about Exploring the City- kinda creepy with everything grown over. And yes those other pics were kinda creepy too in their own way at times!

  10. It's honestly so cold here! I hate it! I want those 80-90 degree days that one should expect in May, in this area! -_-

    I had no idea that there was going to be another Stranje House novel! I have the first two but I've not read them yet. Maybe a binge-read is in order!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Greg. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. 80 sounds pretty good. :) Although we did get some nice 70's today...

      Yes there are going to be 5 Stranje House books I think. This one is from Lady Jane's view. I think it might be the best of the bunch.

  11. I don't think I ever read flash fiction so I'm curious! Your favorite peninsula does sound like a great place to visit! That would be inspirational for me! I would like to write after being there 😊

    1. Well I hope you get a chance to stop by! Nice to see you BTW, it's been a while. How have you been?

      That spot is very inspirational and I often do want to write after being there.

    2. hahah sorry I posted with the wrong google account! LOL SO DORY OF ME! I thought you knew I'm dragonfly!!! I had message you in GR about it :) I just couldn't keep up with my book blog AND my family blog so I decided to make my family blog a book blog too :)

    3. So I have been around your blog! Just not as Daniela :) I love your blog :)

  12. That place up north looks like a wonderful getaway. I love lighthouses. Enjoy!

    I am very excited that Season 3 of Bloodline is coming...and I am interested in your books, especially What She Saw and Gone without a Trace.

    Great images, too. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. It is beautiful there.

      And I'm looking forward to Bloodline!

  13. That's cool! I'd love to see that. There's something like that in Bar Harbor, Maine. The water gets low and you can walk across to the island. Ah, love the NASA images. My laptop background is Earth from space with night view.

    1. I love it when the water is shallow like that and you can go way out! Ooh that sounds like a way cool background...

  14. The lighthouse park sounds cool! And it's fun to switch things up on the blog sometimes. That's a neat image, I'll be sure to check out your flash fic!

    1. Thanks! And yeah that lighthouse park is awesome... I love being able to go WAY out. I'll take pics if I make it there this year. :)

  15. The huge difference between high and low tide was something that really took me by surprise when I was in Jersey years and years ago. I hope you'll be able to go up north soon, and that it will be warmer for you.
    Flash fiction is fun! I can't wait to see what you came up with.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  16. I know nothing about flash fiction but it sounds awesome. I'll come to check out yours this week.
    I hope you enjoy all the books you're currently reading and planning to read, Greg. Have a wonderful week. :)

  17. The lighthouse park sounds fantastic, and it's always fun to have summer adventures. I think the title for One of us is Lying is fab! Makes me want to read it.

  18. I'd love to go to the sea myself.. went last year at about this time.

  19. I have been seeing girl out of water everywhere I need to check it out. All the imagery you show is always stunning. Have a great week

    Megan @reading away the days

  20. Yeah Bladerunner. It undeniably looks good but I don't think Ryan Gosling is the actor to make this work. Unfortunately. Sighs. I'm hopeful and dissappointed at the same time.

  21. I can't wait to read Refuge for Masterminds. Should be fun! I hope you get the opportunity to go on that trip. Looks like a cool place. I am happy we are going to have warmer weather this week. About time!

  22. I like the idea of Flash Fiction. Great pics, enjoy your books Greg and the week ahead!

  23. That spot is gorgeous! I hope you get to visit soon! What She Saw looks really interesting! I hope you enjoy it and all your new books! Those pictures are incredible! Thanks for sharing :D

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  24. It has warmed up a bit here but we are still getting rain and I am so done with it. The next few days look sunny so I am excited! :) It looks like you are still in the thrillers a bit there, I need to check them out cause from the covers I see at least one that I

    Happy reading and have a great week!
    Week in Review

  25. Some interesting new books for you there! Happy reading!

  26. Blogger ate my previous comment. :(

    So quick recap:

    Excited for a new FF and love the inspiration image.
    Will be looking for your GOOW review.
    Thanks for the NASA link. Bookmarked.
    I adore the Stalenhag art!
    Have a wonderful new week. :)

    1. Agh blogger! And thank you- hope you like it. Girl Out of Water should be up on Thursday.

      You have a great week too!!

  27. We watched about three eps of Bloodline and then got preoccupied. We should get back into it!

    1. Bloodline's kind of slow moving but I think it's worth it in the end. Definitely a slow burn though.

  28. What did you think of the Blade Runner preview?

    We had a washout of rain yesterday but no complaints because were in a drought.

    For What It's Worth

    1. You know I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm a little leery of harrison Ford returning, to be honest, but to be immersed in that world again... should be neat.

  29. We're waiting for a warm-up here, too. Fingers crossed we get it mid-week.... have a good one! :)

  30. Oh that picture of the peninsula looks lovely! I hope you get to go! I love the pictures about the lights in the world. I always find those kinds of maps fascinating! Have a great week!

    1. You too! And I loved that- when I saw it I had to share it.

  31. I hope you have fun at the peninsula when you decide to go!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  32. I love that picture with the little boy in the snowsuit. It reminds me of something that would be out of a Stephen King movie/novel. Hysteria looks great and I'm hoping to read One of Us is Lying soon as well. Have a wonderful week Greg!

    1. I know- some of those pics are borderline creepy. It's like different from a lot of stuff I have seen.

  33. Refuge for Masterminds looks like a good read. That 3-D art is amazing!

    Hope you have a great week! ~Aleen

    1. Refuge for Masterminds was fantastic! I already read it but am waiting for next week- release day- to review it.

  34. That place sounds fascinating, Greg. Once, during a hurricane, our bay emptied of water. It was so strange and scary. Great images as always. Blood Tide looks like a good one.

    My Sunday Post

    1. That would be scary. Had tornado warnings but have never been near a hurricane. And it is an amazing spot!

  35. I hope you get to visit the lighthouse park. I don't know why, but I love the look of lighthouses. It was an interesting career for those back in the day manning them. If there's a lighthouse anywhere near where I vacation I usually try and go on a tour. You'll have to share your pictures if you get up north, Greg. :)

    Oooh, Bladerunner looks so good! I had no idea they were making another.

    1. Lighthouses are so beautiful, and it is fun to think back to what it must have been like, to man them. Such a lonely existence in some ways, but crucial as well? I will definitely take pics if I go this year- it's a beautiful area.

      And I was surprised to see another Blade Runner too!

  36. I love those snowy spaceship pictures. Also, I’ve always wanted to see a lighthouse up close. We don’t have much use for them in Colorado, so I’ve never been to one. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Yeah I can't imagine there's too many in Colorado! I hope you get a chance to see one or tour one sometime. Michigan has quite a few thanks to the Great Lakes.

  37. I hope you can get away for a bit this summer! That's always nice.


  38. What amazing snow photos, I always love snow photos! The beach where the water comes in to surround sounds really interesting, hope you get up there.

  39. Your proposed trip sounds wonderful. I hope you get a chance to go. If you do, take lots of photos!

    I had a great week of reading and a fun mother's day. Come see what I'm reading now.

  40. What a picturesque place to take a holiday break, it was nice to hear you are heading into the warm weather. Its a shocker here today weather wise, very rainy and windy. Winter is almost upon us. Lucky it held off most of the mothers day weekend.
    I am loving your selection of psychological thrillers, thanks for sharing and have a great week!
    Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews

  41. We're going through a heat wave, unbelievably hot for mid May. What She Saw looks amazing!

  42. Bloodline is amazing, isn't it? What She Saw is on my list too. I love areas with dramatic tide differentials -- hope you make the trip.

    1. I love Bloodline, something about the atmosphere of it- love the Keys locations. And while it can be a slow burn I'm very looking forward to S3.

  43. I live close to the southshore river in Montreal and love biking along it in the summer. Water is so peaceful to look at. I hope you end up going to your favorite spot up north. I keep seeing Kathleen Baldwin's books on your blog and it really makes me want to give them a try.

    1. I agree, water can be so relaxing. And restorative too. I hope the flooding has abated somewhat in your neck of the woods.

      And I can say Kathleen Baldwin's books are a lot of fun. I'm really enjoying the School for Unusual Girls series, and she sent me an ARC of the third one and I love it!

  44. I thought Gone Without a Trace was an interesting and unexpected read. I hope you enjoy it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I thoguht it was interesting too, a little slow for me at times but the twist was pretty wicked!

  45. Your plans sound like a lot of fun. This is the east coast? I have never heard of flash fiction before; I will have to Google it. We are slowly warming up this week to a weekend of 90's. Oh boy, will we be making use of our house fan. Gonna look up that Refuge for Masterminds. Have a good Monday.

    1. This is the Great Lakes actually- I'm in Michigan. And flash fiction is just really short- anywhere from a few hundred words to a thousand or so.

  46. Beautiful view! Yeah, the weather here has been unseasonably cool but I'm not complaining!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. Thanks. I hope you warm up soon, we finally got close to 80 today.

  47. I hope you get a chance to go up north!

    I love that NASA video. It's amazing how the world lights up at night. I wonder what the world would have looked like 100 years ago at night. Would a satellite have been able to see gas lights? Which cities would have had enough electric power to show up from space back then? Fascinating stuff!

    1. Thanks Kate! I should make it up there if all goes well. :)

      I know, it's amazing. It would be VERY interesting to see 100 years ago. I bet very few places would show up! And even now I'm surprised how isolated the little islands of light are in some places.

  48. I've never heard of these books but I absolutely love the covers!

  49. Sometimes quiet weeks are nice. I could use one. lol. I haven't done a flash fiction in a long time. It got hard when we had to stop picking and posting the images as the rights of the images was coming to the surface at the time.

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Melissa. I've only done a few flash fictions but I've enjoyed them, and I love discovering and sharing some of those artists over at Deviant Art.

  50. Your lighthouse visit sounds nice!

    Oh man on that map Detroit is like a solid blurb of light. :( We've been talking about moving in a few years somewhere less populated, like up north or west side more, that map kind of makes me really want to go for it!

    All of your upcoming reads/reviews look great!!

    1. Isn't that interesting? I think it's amazing how many places are DARK. Like virtually no light. You can really see where the population is!

      I hope you guys find a great place if you ever do move. I grew up on the east side and now am on the west, obviously, I'd like to move to Traverse someday but the winters are tough up there. And I like being by a city. It's nice over here because of the beaches. :)

  51. Thanks Heidi! Those pictures are kind of a trip aren't they? :)

  52. If you end up going up north to the peninsula you should totally take another picture and compare it to your shot from 2013! I bet things have changed quite a bit since then, but it's probably still very beautiful. :)

    Those NASA images are so cool. Two of my favourite art pieces in my place are geothermal images from NASA that I had blown up and framed - they look like abstract paintings!

  53. I do hope you get to go up north again - that spot sounds awesome!

    I love all the images this week - very cool! Particularly Exploring the City - that one sparks the imagination right there.

  54. It got really warm really quick yesterday but not complaining. Really like the cover for Hysteria and the inspiration image.

  55. This post has just BLOWN ME AWAY!! All that AMAZING art!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! Those GREAT trailers!! (Although the original "Blade Runner" movie is not one of my faves....)

    And that song, "Northern Lights"!!! OMG. I CANNOT stop listening to it!! I kid you not. I went to YouTube, found it, and then embedded it into my blog's sidebar! What a GREAT discovery!! I LOVE EDM music!! Now I'm trying to find this song on Amazon so I can put it on my phone. Not having much luck, though.... :(

    And oh, before I forget! The books. Yeah, they somehow got lost in the shuffle, lol. Well, none of them are familiar to me, so on to Goodreads I will go!

    I've already read and commented on your flash fiction. Yeah, instant LOVE!!

    Thanks for sharing!! Have an AMAZING weekend, Greg!! Live long and prosper, and may the force be with you!! <3 <3 :) :)

  56. Here it's only gotten warmer since this week. I hope you get the chance to visit that spot this year!

    Those light maps are interesting! And thanks for sharing all that pretty artwork! I always like seeing the artwork pictures in your Sunday posts :)
