Saturday, April 2, 2016

Sunday Post #136

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This week it's been sunny and nice (well sorta) but definitely better than last week. I started one book, am still reading another, and The 100 is back so that's always a good thing. And I won a $5 Amazon gift card at On Starships and Dragonwings.  

I read Discount Armageddon this week and my thoughts on that will be up on Thursday. I also posted a flash fiction story this week- you can read that here. That was a lot of fun to write. The image that inspired the story can be found here (I'm including this because I had the wrong image linked up for a while on Thursday). I enjoyed doing it and may have to do another soon. 

Tuesday I'll be talking about time travel and on Wednesday I'll be recapping The 100 (this weeks episode got a lot of buzz on Twitter). 




Random Redheaded Ramblings reviews Zootopia. 

Melissa Lee's Many Reads reviews the first Nancy Drew book

Hidden Staircase talks about The Lost Art of the Road Trip

Forever Amber talks about The Best thing About Being a Full Time Blogger


  1. Yay for better weather!! We have had a yucky rainy week here. Congrats on the gift card!! Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

    1. Thanks Grace! It's snowing here today- and yesterday it was great! Typical... :)

  2. Hey! I'm sorry I'm late (I'm just now catching up after my vacation), but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday!! Hope it was fantastic!

    I love that picture of the well - very cool!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Thank you! No problem at all- hope you had a great vacation. :)

      I thought that picture was very cool, I saw it a couple times and thought I'd share it. :)

  3. I'm a little jealous that you've read Discount Armageddon lol. I have to see if they have it on Hoopla or Overdrive for my library so that maybe I can read it soon. Though I kind of really want to own it so that I can have that cover, haha.

    You had the other picture up when I read your story---this one does make more sense lol. And it's gorgeous! Seriously an amazing picture.

    I don't know what to do for Cover Characteristics!!! I was going to do snow globes because I thought I had a whole bunch of awesome covers... but it turns out I only have five. And I refuse to post without ten lol. So I don't know what I'll be doing.

    And congrats on the gift card :-)

    1. Same here on the cover. I need a physical copy of that- I kinda like all the covers on this series actually (and I'm glad it's a series). I think you'll like it, it's fun. :)

      I was so pissed when I saw the wrong image- and here I thought I had all my ducks in a row. Oops! Yeah this one makes a little more sense! I saw it and just thought there has to be a story here somewhere... :)

      I don't know what's going on with that meme! There's like no topics going forward- should we make our own lol? I like to shoot for ten too. I was thinking maybe steampunk, but I haven't looked for any yet. Should we just go ahead? :)

    2. I mean, I love posting book covers, so maybe we could work together and come up with our own if they discontinue the meme? But I don't know yet what I'm gonna do this week since I'm just kind of too stressed and exhausted about computer problems to care about making my post perfect lol.

    3. No worries, if I have time I'll put one up and if not I'll just slot a review in. I think that's a great idea though- if they don't continue let's come up with something and keep it going. It's too fun to let it die off. :)

  4. Oh, the art is fabulous!

    If you like time travel, you might enjoy the series that's now on Hulu, based on Stephen King's book 11/22/63. It stars James Franco.

    I've watched a couple of episodes...I'm behind. But I hope to watch some more this weekend.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. The well picture is amazing. I'm with you on wanting to explore! I'm excited about the new Captain America. I hadn't seen the last one but I just discovered the On Demand part on my Tivo and they have a ridiculous number of movies for not all that much. I think it's seriously going to impact my reading! Have a great week!

    1. I liked that too, it definitely makes you want to explore! Ooh enjoy the On Demand! The second Captain America was pretty good if you get a chance. And of course the new one looks fun. :)

  6. I noted a couple of new DVDs at the local rental store when I was there yesterday. Shannara Chronicles and iZombie as well as some others.

    I'm off to read your flash fiction cos I don't really know what that is!!!!

  7. it was nice and sunny here too and now we are having a blizzard IN APRIL!!! how crazy is that????
    Thanks for sharing that Space ambiance mix. I'm using it now to write my Camp NaNoWriMo wrods of today :)
    Off to read your flash fiction story

    1. I know- same here! It snowed half the day then the sun came out. Crazy...

      I'm glad you're using the ambient mix- that music is awesome for writing or just relaxing. Kinda spurs the imagination too I find...

  8. Glad the weather has been good. I caught some of 12 Monkeys. I really need to try Discount Armageddon. Glad to see Moon Called in your new arrivals! Have a fantastic week :)

    1. Thanks Kimba! Looking forward to some urban fantasy reads! :)

  9. I'm caught up on The 100 ... ugh ... the last episode. Whyyyyyyyyyyyy? O is going to whoop some ass. Haha - love the ed of the Captain America trailer. Have a great week!

    1. Oh I know- seriously? That show's getting crazy. O looked pissed- she's gonna go on the warpath now!

  10. I'm interested in seeing your review of Discount Armageddon as I had a Seanan McGuire book (Every Heart A Doorway) as my best pick of March.

    I love the art you post, always makes me itch to get some new pieces. I love the mountain one.

    Have a great week! My Weekly Wrap-Up

  11. Some amazing pictures this week. I've tried several new shows and can't find any I like. Guess I'll stick with my usuals.

    My Sunday Post

  12. Sunnier weather is always better for the mood. We had a great sunny day on Friday and were suppose to have a great sunny weekend as well, but so far that has been a bit dissapointing.

  13. Love that art, especially the last one. Civil War! Have a great week :)

  14. Isn't it just so nice when the weather is milder and we see the sun a bit? Apart from my allergies acting up a bit, spring is great ;)
    Your new books look great! I love the Mercy Thompson series, and I hope you will enjoy Moon Called.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  15. OOOOO, you picked up another McGuire book! That must mean you liked her first one, or at least like the story. I'll have to watch out for your review this coming week :)

  16. Weather has been fairly nice here in my part of Missouri though some nights got a bit cool.

    I got Nightstruck last week and I have had Moon Called for a long time but not read it. Going to try and read that one this I am so not sure about CA: Civil War I don't like my two favorite characters going against each other though I am sure it will end okay, but still don't like

    Week in Review

  17. I really should watch the 100 as I've heard nothing but good things about it. Have a nice week!

  18. Dang, you have a great post here today!

    I love to look at your choices of artwork, so I'm off to check out the DeviantArt site myself.

    I read and "reviewed" your flash fiction. Awesome, but it left me wanting to know more :) Do you do it with a group on a particular site, or just on your own? I'm interested in trying my hand at it.

    Even including the tv and music links is fun. Thanks for sharing all this with us.

  19. Congratulations on the gift card! We had an interesting weather mix this past week and yesterday it even snowed (and it stayed on the ground). I hope this is the last snow we see till next winter!

    I had to laugh at the pulp cover of The Big Sleep. I read that for a detective fiction class at my conservative Christian college. Our book cover definitely didn't look like that!

  20. I just got around to commenting on your Fae, Flash Fiction, and cover spotlight posts. I was such a commenting schlub this week! We got about four inches of snow lasdt night, but half of it is gone already between the sun and the wind gusting. It is going to get super frigid again on Tuesday. Ugh. I love the art images and will be giving Quicksilver a listen. Have a wonderful week. :)

  21. Ohh, I'll have to go read your short story! That's very brave of you to post it xD I'm too nervous to share my fiction. I'm behind on The 100 - it got a lot of attention on Twitter this week? I'm intrigued!

    Here is my Sunday post!
    Molly @ Molly's Book Nook

  22. I've heard so much about Seanen McGuire. I've read her Mira Grant books and LOVED them, so I really want to read her other books too. Have a gr

  23. I’m glad to hear your week was sunny. Today the sun was also shining here.. It definitely made me wish summer was already here.
    Congrats on winning your Amazon gift card! That’s definitely something that will make your week nice!!
    Have a great week Greg and happy reading!

  24. WooHoo1 Nicer weather! Congrats on the gift card win too :D I can't wait to read your discussion post on Time Travel already!! LOVE those fantasy pieces by ninjatic and VanDoren ♥ It makes me want to write. Thanks for sharing those^^ x

  25. We also had a sunny week, but some cloudy days too. Today we have very nice weather, really feels like spring. I heard some good things about Discount Armageddon, so I am looking forward to your review. I haven't watched the 100, but I hope you're enjoying the show. Have a great week!

  26. Congrats on winning the gift card and that cover of The Big Sleep is great! I ended up requesting a review copy of Clouds in My Coffee by Julie Mulhern on NetGalley... purchased the first two, but can't wait until this one is released. My mother and sister both sent photos of the snowstorm this morning, so I guess I'll stay down here in FL for a little longer ;-)

  27. This weather is crazy! I woke up to snow and high winds today, when the day before yesterday was almost 80 degrees! Looking forward to your post on time travel! And your review of Morning Glories, which I picked up a while back because it sounded so interesting. And thanks for sharing all the great art this week!

  28. Sunny sounds good, not so pleasant here but it is at least dry and improvement on snow!

    Thanks for the shoutout, the kids got portable carrot recorders like the bunny in the film and have been annoying me no end with them.

    Have a great week!

  29. I still can't believe last week's The 100. I'm still in shock, but I must admit the show has been getting better each week.

    Have a great week!

  30. Ohhhh I like the sound of Discount Armageddon! Seanan McGuire is such a fantastic writer!

  31. We had a very strange weather week - sunny and warm, then snowy and rainy and gray, then sunny and snowy - I am so ready for this bipolar weather to end!

    Did you read Moon Called? I hope you enjoyed it. :) Her books get better and better, I think. :)

    We need to get started on the new season of The 100 - perhaps we will start this week, especially since we are losing TWD from our lineup! Last week's episode - omg! So crazy!

  32. I hope you have a Pinterest to pin all the beautiful artwork you find. That is where I always post mine so I can go back and look at it later.

  33. Are you just beginning the Mercy Thompson series? I think you'll enjoy it!

    Our weather looks gorgeous but there's a nasty cold breeze that just won't go away. I'm so ready for truly warm weather!

    Enjoy your week!

  34. I'd love to have some cool balmy weather. Here it has been so very hot and dry for weeks now! the grass is always greener on the other side.

  35. The pulp cover made me smile. I see you are going to try Patricia Briggs, I have read this one but just haven't got to the others - yet!

  36. Thank you for sharing my review Greg! Much appreciated. I enjoyed reading your flash fiction and look forward to reading more (if you decide to do it again that is). Have a wonderful week.

  37. Wayward and Morning Glories look great - we have yet to catch up on 12 Monkeys - perhaps once exam season is over for my 14 year old girl. :)

  38. I can't even talk about what happened on The 100. I avoid twitter so don't know the buzz. I am thinking about starting the Mercy Thompson series while on vacation. My niece loves the series.

  39. I liked Nightstruck more than I had expected to. I also need to read more by Seanan McGuire because I've enjoyed the ones I read. Here is what I read last week. Happy reading!

  40. Congrats on winning the giftcard. That is always sunshine during someone's week. The flash fiction is terrific. I'm totally intrigued on who this guy is and why he's on the run. The Quicksilver group has awesome hair.

  41. Glad you are getting some sun and congrats on the GC - always nice to get those. I like the artwork as always.
    I hope you enjoy Moon Called. I am interested in the Seanan McGurie Series every time I see a new cover. I'm eyeing the first book on Audible. :-)
    Have a good week.

  42. I have not watched 12 Monkeys and I think it's coming to an end. I see the commercials lately and think it'd be something I'd like. Hope you have a great week!

  43. It's been alternating between awesome weather and crappy thunderstorms here, but I'm definitely glad it's spring. I needed the warmth badly.
    I hope you enjoyed Moon Called! The Mercy books are one of my favorite paranormal series. I hope you have been having a good week Greg!
