Saturday, February 27, 2016

Sunday Post #131

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This was a good week although it did snow and everything was white again. We're almost to March and I'm ready for it to warm up. The cat was gone for three days, then showed up again. I caught him looking at me through the window like "where's the food?" After I fed him he took off across the street and to a neighbors yard- I think he's making the rounds.   

I'm still watching The 100. I'm recapping the episodes every week and you should check out the recap/ reaction posts at It Starts At Midnight as well- lots of fun. 

The Immortals (Olympus Bound #1)Rebel Bully Geek Pariah

I'm listening to... 



Rebel Bully Geek PariahThe Incident on the Bridge 
The Lifeboat Clique


The Hardcover Lover has another installment of Soundtrack Saturday

Socrates Book Reviews has a reviews up for No Cats Allowed. Looks like fun. 


  1. Boo to more snow. I think we are clear for snow but it went from high 50s to freezing during the week. I am ready for spring in a serious way!!! Hope you enjoy your new books and have a great week!

    1. I know it, I'm so done with it. Spring please!

  2. I would not like snow! I'm already complaining because we had temperatures drop into the high 30s/low 40s and it does not make me happy. I love the Lego book trailer! That's awesome. Have a great week and stay warm!

    1. I am so tired of it. It was wet heavy snow too- I'm so over it! That is chilly for you guys! You have a good week too!!

  3. Isn't winter supposed to be ending??! It got colder here again too! It's so funny when cats give you looks like that, like you're just supposed to *know* what they want and are an idiot for not getting it right lol. My elibrary has Volume 1 of Alex + Ada, so I'll be curious to see your thoughts so I can decide if I want to borrow it or not. I don't think the school in The Breakfast Club really looks bigger than my high school was, but maybe I just went to a bigass school? Lol. It had over 3000 students, but that's what I was used to, so I just assumed all schools were like that and have never pondered whether that's large or not. But their school does seem to be made up of, like, 80% lockers. Not sure how they get any learning done with the lack of classrooms :-P

    1. Yes! I need flip flops and AC and complaining about how hot it is LOL. Alex and Ada was good, I liked the humor and am kinda chomping at the bit for 2 and 3. My school was a bit smaller than that and I never thought about it until that clip...

      I was watching that video and was like they don't KNOW the best way to get somewhere? And they go there everyday? LOL. Plus I think they went down the same steps twice, not sure. I know they just filmed it that way, but still... :P

  4. Wow, having a pet disappear for three days must be nerve wracking. Or does he do that a lot? And it's probably worse during the winter...
    I am ready for winter to be over, too, though ours was pretty mild this year (we can probably expect loads of mosquitoes...). I want the gray days to end so I can ditch my coat and scarves. Spring is my favourite season.
    You know... I haven't seen The Breakfast Club yet. I have it on a list for my "Gone to the Movies" feature I'm doing with another blogger so I'll definitely watch it this year.

    1. He's just a stray. He's been coming around for a few weeks (actually I guess a month or more) and I've been feeding- I have cats too and they're not thrilled when he comes around. Or maybe they are-they stare out the window at him. :)

      You should do The Breakfast Club. THAT would be fun- and I bet you'd crack up.

  5. Immortals looks good to me. Probably will try the 100 again as I'm looking for more shows to watch. Waiting on season 2 of Bosch and Bloodlines still. Finished Longmire, burnt out on Elementary.
    I love that Zodiac Station Lego recreation and look forward to your review of it.

    1. I liked Immortals. The 100 is teen angsty at times in the first season, quite good in S2, and S3 is... interesting, so far. Very watchable though, I think. I'm looking forward to more Bloodlines, too.

  6. I love The Breakfast Club...I have the DVD...for that one, and also for several others starring "the Brat Pack." I think St. Elmo's Fire is one of my favorites, too.

    Enjoy your week...I'm curious about The Lifeboat Clique. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. Oh... I'd love to read your The 100 recaps but can't cos of the whole spoiler thing. Hopefully it'll be out on DVD not long after the season finishes airing!

    And snow... still? We're still have bloody hot weather here in Oz so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm very ready for (our) Autumn!

    1. I know, I wish they'd release these things on DVD sooner. And I'm sick of the snow, we had heavy wet stuff coming down and it was a pain. Most of it meltd though... I'll take the heat (but then I'll be complaining about it). :)

  8. I still have to catch up on the 100. I stopped after the last season ended and just haven't had time to catch up! Hopefully soon though :)

    1. I have a few shows like that... can't seem to get caught up on everything. :)

  9. That's funny about the cat. But yuck about the snow. I'm two weeks behind on The 100, but I'll probably catch up next week. Maybe. I totally knew it was going to go down like that wit the queen. :D

    1. I didn't see the queen coming, but I'm glad they offed her. She was a pain. :) And Pike and Bellamy are sure screwing things up. :)

  10. Ugh, snow. I know how you feel. Where I live, it's here basically half the year. I need to finish watching the 100; I don't really know why I stopped but I really liked it. The Incident on the Bridge sounds interesting -- looked it up after seeing this cover. I'll be on the lookout for that one.

  11. Ah the Breakfast Club --a classic. My husband likes Sixteen Candles too, he is forever quoting it and cracking himself up. I still hope to watch the 100 and read all the books in my tbr

  12. Immortals looks so good will have to check out your thoughts. I like the look of rebel,bully,geek,Pariah I will have to check it out. Have a great week

    Megan @

  13. That cat is smart, it comes to you for food, and who knows what he does at the other houses in your neighborhood...
    I have just started watching the 100, and I really enjoy it. I'm not going to check out your recaps, though, because I've only watched the first two episodes of season 1...
    I loved The Breakfast Club way back when, we used to have the boat conversation at parties when I was younger :)
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  14. I can't imagine having a cat like that! We just have a dog and he is too much of a clinger to go anywhere but our home for longer than an hour!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

    Laura @

    1. This one's a stray so he comes and goes, he might even belong to someone I'm not sure. He's pretty clean but skittish, so I haven't got close. I call him a stray but not sure... :) and my cats don't go out, but they'd like to. :)

  15. Oh yea, that cat is probably being fed by half the street. Who doesn't put food out for a seemingly ferrel cat?
    We haven't had hardly any snow here. It makes me a little sad. Actually we probably caused this heat wave in Connecticut by buying a pellet stove. Heh! I keep hearing about The 100, but all I can think about lately is The Walking Dead.

  16. Phew, I'm glad that your cat comes back eventually! I haven't started The 100 yet but it's on the list to start. Have a great week reading Greg!

  17. I read we are suppose to get snow this week but I ignored it hoping that it wont come true lol
    I might have to check out The 100, I really have a lot of shows I want to check out. I currently am watching Fuller House and it's not as bad as I thought it would be.
    Enjoy all your new books Greg! Have a great week!

    1. Ignore it- me too! I don't want any more snow (all that talk a few months ago about snow- I'm over that). LOL. You should check out the 100, just don't be turned off if it seems like a teen show at first (I guess it is, but it's good for adults too)- it took me a few episodes to get into it, but it rocks!

  18. This week was kind of cool, but then warmed up then is going to go back to being cold...blah. :) I need to go see what you thought of The Immortals and the Incident on the Bridge looks interesting. :) Have a great week and happy reading!

    Week in Review

    1. You too have a good week. The Immortals was good after a shaky start (for me, others didn't seem to have that trouble).

  19. The Breakfast Club is one of my favorite movies. I love that hallway scene.

    We had snow this week but (as usual) not as much as they predicted. Then it all melted the next day and today it's supposed to be 73. We haven't had more than 2 inches of snow at a time all winter. I love snow but if it's going to be like that, then I'm ready to move on to spring.

    1. Me too, love that movie. Bender and Claire- would they be a ship nowadays? LOL. It's supposed to be warm here too although not that warm. I would LOVE 73.

  20. yay the review of Immortals!!! love it. and now the video! thanks Gregg!

  21. I worry about stray cats. Glad yours showed up again and kind or funny if he's making the rounds. Hope he's okay. Snow again, huh? Too bad. We had cold weather here and rain. Spring should get here sometime soon (I hope)

    The Immortals is a book I want to read. Glad you liked it. I love the pulp covers you put up! So funny. I'll have to take a look at the videos you've got. They look great.

    Hope you have a great week, Greg!

  22. Now that March is almost here maybe we can say goodbye to the snow for good. In all honesty though we've had a very good winter where I live. Today it is supposed to be in the 60s though we are supposed to get a couple of inches of snow later in the week.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. I hope so. I'm so over snow (and winter), although I have to say it's been mild here too. Can't really complain. Well I can... :)

      Hope it's nice there today!

  23. This is the second time I have seen The 100 mentioned on a Sunday Post -- I'll have to look into it. Our snow has finally melted and hope the same rings true for you soon. Have a great week!

  24. Omg, snow?! It's been like 80 degrees where I live. I don't know if I could handle snow when it's almost March. I hope it warms up there for you soon!

    1. I would love to have 80's- send some this way! I need summer so bad... :)

  25. Whew you got snow again, that's pretty late in the year to still get snow. We didn't got any snow here this year, but it has been cold these past few years and I am ready for some warmer weather as well.
    I am glad to hear the cat got back after missing for a few days, maybe some other people feed him as well? I hope you'll have a great week!

  26. Yes to spring! I know we didn't get as bad a winter as the last two years, but the cold is still getting to me like it always does in February. Have a wonderful week. :)

  27. Heh, sounds like that stray of yours is on to a good thing in your neighbourhood. I love The Breakfast Club and Rebel Bully Geek Pariah is on my to-read list. LOVE that Jupiter art. Have a great week :)

  28. I wish I could send you some of our warmer temps! It's already too warm here for this time of year! I love The 100 but I haven't started the new season yet!

  29. I'm so glad your cat came back! 3 days is a long time and I bet you were worried. I'm so ready for spring, too. It was actually pretty nice today in my area with sunny skies and in the high 60s. I have The Lifeboat Clique and really want to make time for it soon. The Incident at the Bridge looks great, too. Happy reading!

  30. That really is a big ass school but I still always wished I could have gone there. Haha


  31. I'll try to send some of my spring weather your way Greg. I remember how winter seemed to last forever when I lived in Michigan. Love that pulp book cover. Looks like an old movie poster. Would look great on my wall!

    My Sunday Post -

  32. I'm glad you've had such a good week! I'm SO glad to be out of the snow now though! The Immortals looks really good so I'm definitely going to check out your review of that one. Have a great week! :D

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  33. Brace yourself, more snow is expected Tuesday. I hope it is gone as quickly as last week's snow! The Breakfast Club is my brother's favorite movie. Hope you have a great week.

  34. I love that clip of The Breakfast Club! My high school wasn't that big so its funny to see them running around in the halls.

    The cat sounds just like the one my brother feeds. She also disappears and makes her rounds at other houses. But it is good you are still taking care of her since you just never know if she'll find food.

    The books you read look really good. I hope you have a great week!

  35. The Breakfast Club is one of my all-time favorite films. My high school was large, but not like that one. The hallways seemed endless.

  36. Oh The Immortals sounds good.

    Theresa (The Truth About Books)
    See my answers here

  37. Ha the cat is obviously being attended to elsewhere as well! Good that your TV shows and books are going well.

  38. LOL, so true that scene from The Breakfast Club in the hallway makes it look super long. My hubby has been watching The 100 and says it's not as good as it used to be. Enjoy your reading week!

  39. Thanks for sharing the trailer for The Immortals. I might not have looked twice at it before. Now I am interested.

  40. Awww, I'm glad that the cat came back! That look he gave you for the food is priceless XD And he probably is making the rounds through the neighborhood for treats LOL! That cover for Jupiter is BEYOND GORGEOUS ♥ Oh and thanks to you, The Immortals has made it on to my tbr shelf :)

  41. I have to say I would like on good snowfall before the winter completely disappears. Just to wake up to that blanket of white. Don't think it's going to happen though. Am loving the pulp fiction covers. I feel like they should be printed out and framed.

  42. Breakfast Club will always be awesome. Just introduced my son to Ferris Bueller's Day Off and he loved it. Breakfast Club will come soon. I love the cover of The Immortals. Warming up here in PA. Now I just have to hope the temperatures keep going up. Have a great week!
    My Monday Post
    Laura :)

  43. I am glad the cat is okay after the recent snow. I wish I could share my warmer weather with you. The Lego book trailer is great. :-) I hope you have a good week, Greg!

  44. Maybe you could try to send some snow here?! We haven’t had any here and I would love to see some real snow again!! But I totally get why you don’t want it anymore. After a while it’s not so fun anymore. Summer sounds definitely good right about now!
    That cat sounds like a smart one. He probably is getting food on more places. Maybe he isn’t even a stray?! LOL!! I vote for a little cat cam so we can see what he is up to.
    I also bought ‘The Immortals’ a view weeks ago. I’m really curious about it. I’ll check out your review! ;)

  45. Argh snow is getting old now isn't it!!! I am ready for summer but we are due more of the white stuff tomorrow.

    Zodiac Station looks interesting, off to Amazon it!!

    Have a good week!

  46. This weather is crazy! It can't make up its mind! We have a winter storm warning for tomorrow and the past two days have been springlike! Lol.

    I answered you on my blog, but I will put it here too - I was shocked by Rick and Michonne, but at the same time I guess it was inevitable as they are the two biggest BA in the show (besides Daryl!) I think it really demonstrates though, how normal and relaxed they are beginning to feel - that scene was even like a normal day - before Ninja Hipster Jesus showed up. We are an episode behind, but we will rectify that tonight.

    The Immortals sounds good - and I read your review, so I know to stick with it!
