Friday, September 9, 2022

Sunday Post #469

So the results are in for the sandwich choices. Here are the results: 

The winner by far is the Fellowship of Cheeses. 

Fellowship of Cheeses - 7
The Choice of Master Samwise- 4
Peregrin's Pleasure - 3
Ned Bracegirdle could make a MEAL of this one - 1
On Bagshot Row the hobbits are sensible and down to Middle earth - 1
Ho Tom Bombadil - 2 (ME) 
A Beef in the Dark - 3 
The Old Took - 0
The Return of the King - 1
Conjured by Gandalf himself - 1
Bag End BLT - 1 (ME) Notice I picked two- I can't decide between the Tom Bombadil and the BLT

Like I said, I couldn't pick between the Tom Bombadil or the Bag End BLT. And if you didn't play last week, feel free to chime in now! These are sandwiches from the Bilbo's restaurant in East Lansing, which is long gone now. I included the menu below- plus I found some better versions online. I even missed a few! 

The Faramir's Favorite looks promising. 
Also which pizza would you choose? Anywho- moving onwards. 

Comments on my dream post here got me pondering-  it might be fun to keep a dream journal or maybe even do more posts like that.   


   Song of the week




  1. Love how The Pink Panther managed to zip through the traffic without getting completely squashed at 3:04. 😆

  2. I like a good cheese sandwich so I vote for Fellowship of Cheeses. I love the Pink Panther, we watched it all the time growing up.

  3. No me decido por ningun emparedado. Te mando un beso.

  4. This makes me think of the Robin Hood Sandwich shop from decades ago. Oh, how I miss those grinders (as they would say back east). Cool pulp fiction❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I to have had some rather strange dreams this week. Maybe I should write about them..hmmmm...
    Thanks so much for your comments!

    Carefully Listening
    The Book Group
    Cherry Blossoms
    Better Left Unsaid

  5. The print is too small for me to read, but I love cheese, so I am not opposed to seeing a sandwich referring to cheese as the winner.

  6. Yes! I knew the Fellowship of the Cheese would win. :D
    I'd love to read posts about dreams or in a dream journal format if you want to, those would be awesome to read.

  7. I need a To Bombadil or the Fellowship of Cheeses for my second visit :-)

  8. OMG - Pink Panther, really??? I watched for the smiles and memories. So fun. The Rockton series ends with The Deepest Secrets and the spinoff for New Rockton releases this fall I think. I really enjoy that series.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  9. Conjured by Gandalf is my choice! I must be missing something as I do not see a reference to Pink Panther here (it’s blank under song of the week). The Dead in Bed cover looks a little ahead of it’s time.

  10. For a second I thought on that menu it said fettucine alFRODO. Damn, missed opportunity!

  11. The Faramir's Favorite would definitely be my sandwich choice. For pizza, I'm afraid my respond isn't too exciting--just the BBQ chicken pizza. The Pink Panther video brings back memories. :-) I hope you have a great week, Greg.

  12. I can't seem to make the pictures big enough to read. But I'll take a pizza. Any pizza. :)

  13. Sorry but I am honestly more of a salad girl Greg LOL

  14. Dragon Feast sounds tasty, just needs some pineapple

    Wishing you a great reading week

  15. That looks like some tasty eats! The Pink Panther! I loved him growing up!
    Have a great day and happy reading
    Week in Review

  16. Great menus and how clever are all those sandwich names!

    My ringtone was The Pink Panther for a long time! Still love it.

    Have a great week ahead Greg.

    Elza Reads

  17. I would love to try nearly everything from that restaurant

  18. All those sandwiches sound so good.
    Have a great week.

  19. I love themed things. I haven't ever been to a themed restaurant before, unless you count a chocolate shop that had all sorts of cakes and drinks etc.

    Have a great week ahead!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  20. I don't think I chose one. I just said no to Tom Bombadil. I can't read the menu very well. I'd probably pick the Bad End BLT since I love BLTs. :D

    I love the music for The Pink Panther. I love Henry Mancini, period. He was a fantastic composer. Also, poor Pink Panther. Though, I do love that he gets his revenge in the end, lol.

  21. Such an original menu! Everything sounds so good! I've never been to a themed restaurant but it looks fun.

  22. That menu is priceless. Don't you know they had fun coming up with all of those names? :)

  23. Oo Faramir's Favorite looks delicious!! I would vote for that one this week. And the Garden of Eatin. Lol.

  24. Loved Pink Panther! Have a great week, Greg!

  25. I would work my way through the entire list, if I could *lol* The Lord Of The Rings oh my. I once had a dog called Bilbo. He is long gone but the memories remain. Have a wonderful new week, Greg.

  26. My daughter would have the gluten free crust pizza. I like mushrooms and carmelized onions. Usually when I get a Subway type deli sandwich I like tuna. There was a turkey ranch one with from Quiznos that I LOVED. It's a good thing I just ate dinner.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  27. Oh, how sad! I didn't know it was out of business! I can't see the pizza menu well enough to make a choice, but I love pizza so I'm sure there's one on there that would work.

  28. It's been a while since I watched The Pink Panther. I love the style of the animation. Have a great week!

  29. Hey, I'd chosen Fellowship of Cheeses too! Clearly, people like hanging out in groups, haha. Tom Bombadil sw looks interesting but for the life of me, can't remember which character was that in LOTR!? Thanks for sharing the Pink Panther link, I like those episodes (almost as much as Scooby Doo :D )

  30. The nice thing about a blog is that you can do whatever you want! No rules.

    I think I might pick The Pink Panther as my next pick for our Sunday Movie Club.

  31. So many great sandwich choices! It makes me long for other long-gone restaurants. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  32. I'd get A Beef in the Dark with no onions! lol Love the pink panther video. I loved those cartoons, plus the original movies with Inspector Clouseau! Have a great week!

  33. I'm going for the Health Nut Pizza because I love vegetables. Loved seeing The Pink Panther on your blog today. One of my childhood favorites. Of course, Peter Sellers' Clouseau also comes to mind.

  34. There are so many choices, I would not even know where to start!!

  35. That men is the best! I keep wondering how long it took them to come up with it!

  36. Mmmm Fellowship of Cheeses, now I'm officially hungry and I love pizza lol. They serve a salad pizza slice in one of my fav pizzerias which is delish. The Pink Panther brings back memories, I would always watch that when I was little.
    Happy reading this week!

  37. Peregrin's Pleasure for me mostly because every sandwich seems to have bacon in it which I don't quite like in a sandwich.

    Have a lovely day.

  38. Glad to see The Choice of Master Samwise in the top 3! For a pizza, I would go for the Elven Favorite or Bilbo's Spinach pizza :)

  39. I would probably pick Fellowship of Cheeses too.

  40. Sometimes I want to be Dead In I am loving the pizzas!! Maybe Bilbo's Spinach pizza.

  41. I picked Fellowship of Cheeses! It sounds absolutely delicious. I hope you are having a wonderful week!

  42. Fabulous pulp covers! I haven't watched The Pink Panther in years - he was such a childhood favourite.

  43. Honestly, most of those sandwiches look good but I'm a big fan of BLT's/

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  44. I would pick Old Fatty Lumpkin because the name tickles.

  45. I like the sound of Fellowship of Cheeses. And pizzas taste good IMO so I can't choose one. ;)

  46. Those are some fun sandwich names! And the Pink Panther song is always good.

  47. Yes! The Choice of Master Samwise! I love Sam. 🤗
