Saturday, December 21, 2013

Sunday Post #24/ It's Monday. What Are You Reading?

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

Well I'm writing this on Saturday and yes, still have shopping to do! I kind of don't mind though, as I like the hustle and bustle of being out. Am I crazy? Probably! I probably won't be blogging much next week but I do hope to check in a bit and maybe post a few things as time allows. I hope everyone has a warm and relaxing holiday, with everything that makes the day special for you. 

Merry Christmas!!! 


 Game (HP Pettersson, #1)

This book is a trip! I've seen a slew of reviews popping up for it, and they're right- it's great. The protagonist is not exactly likeable, but he's kinda funny in a slacker, totally self- centered way. He of course gets in WAY over his head when he accepts a game from a strange cell phone. Just say no to strange phones, people! 


  1. Rogue is one of my favorite characters, so I was disappointed that her scene was cut too.

    1. Mine too, I was hoping she would have a big role in the new movie. They didn't do enough with her in the earlier movies, and now not to be in this one... bummer.

  2. We are home too and all the kids are coming for Christmas dinner. We are all taking a road trip to Colorado to watch a Flyers game and sight see in Denver over New Years. I am glad you love the hustle and bustle. I am not a huge fan of crowds. I am done shopping but need to wrap it all..ugh! Merry Christmas

  3. Enjoy your Christmas, it's nice being able to enjoy the holiday at home! My sunday post is over @Got Fiction Blog

  4. I'm done shopping and only have the hubby's stuff to wrap. Must do that today while he's working.

    I found it completely hilarious that you're reading Game when I picked it up at the library this week. I hadn't even heard about it. I just happened to be walking by one of their displays and it caught my eye. LOL

    Merry Christmas!

    1. It's funny, Game caught my eye on someone's blog and I was like, cool! Then I picked it up and this week saw like 3 reviews, maybe more. Guess everyone is reading it all of a sudden. I hope you like it, I'm liking it a lot so far. Good stuff.

      Have a great Christmas!

  5. Now I'm curious about do make it sound very good. Enjoy! And thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I'm really enjoying it so far, it's a contemporary thriller which I don't normally read but it's sucked me in! I'll be reading the sequels right after probably...

      Have a great holiday!

  6. I've never heard of The Game but it sounds interesting. I bet it's addicting and you can't put it down. I will have to go check it out!


    1. It is pretty good, and a little bit addicting! Thank you for stopping by!

  7. I remember Jonny Quest! A movie version would be fun.

    Merry Christmas to you!

    Joy's Book Blog

    1. Yes it would! Used to love that show... :)

      Merry christmas to you too!!!

  8. Have a very Merry Christmas and happy reading!!!

    1. Thanks Sharon, have a great holiday yourself!!

  9. With my little ones I have to finish shopping early otherwise I get stuck with not getting what they want :)
    Christmas is always at my house with the family and I like to cook a big meal it's my favorite thing to do this time of year!

    I love rogue but the comic book version of her not a fan of Anna as her in the movies. Something about how they did her I didn't like. Johnny Quest would be great if done correctly.

    Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Reading!!
    Because reading is better than real life

    1. That's awesome Michelle, I love big get- togethers too. Hope you guys have a great Christmas and an awesome feast!

      I liked comic book Rogue too, was always hoping she'd have a bigger role in the movies. While I liked Anna in the role, she was perhaps played a little young and wasn't a lot like the comic version, I have to admit. And you're right JQ might be great but there's a good chance they'd screw it up. :)

  10. Uh, no way would I go anywhere near big shopping areas for the next few days. I've already been avoiding them for the past 2 weeks - lol. Game sounds interesting! I'll have to look into it.

    1. It is interesting, it's got some twists and turns so far so I'm kinda hooked LOL. I did venture out yesterday and that was a mistake- utter craziness. I'm over it now and glad to be done! Have a great Christmas.

  11. I did most of my shopping online, but after we picked up our daughters at the airport we did stop and have lunch and then shopped in a few small stores. Lots of fun, but lots of people and lots of cars. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  12. That's too bad about Rogue not being in the new X-Men, I've been trying to keep my expectation low for it. I just finished X-mas shopping today, though usually I'm quite the last minute shopper haha. Safe travels, Merry Christmas! Thanks for stopping by Bookmunchies!

  13. I love the dragon list! I was going to say Smaug was my favorite but Draco from DragonHeart takes the cake. I remember when I was little having a crush on the 'guy' who did his voice...then I found out it was Sean Connery and dreams were destroyed, lol. I'm not happy about Rogue being cut either, she's one of my favorite characters and she was the main character in the first movie. It just seems wrongs that suddenly she doesn't even warrant a scene. In all honesty I want the company holding the movie rights to Xmen to just hand them over to Disney so they can give Rogue her ability to fly and smash stuff, and so that there can be more between the two groups. I hope you have a great Christmas Greg!

    1. Michelle, I am totally with you on the XMen movies. We need more Rogue, not less, and just in general I haven't liked what they've done with them. Killing off Cyke, Halle Berry as Storm... I have lots of issues. :)

      LOL about Draco's voice! Draco is a good pick definetly. That was a fun list...

      Merry Christmas to you too, and thanks for stopping by Michelle!

  14. Don't know how I miss the Game, but I will be checking it out. Enjoy your holiday!

    1. You too Jenea, hope your holiday is nice and have an awesome week!

  15. I think we are all crazy at times and can't help but do last minute shopping!! Travel safe and I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and I'll see you in the New Year!!

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

    1. Thanks Naomi, you too! Have a great trip!!

  16. April my blog partner finished reading Game recently and really loved it. I hope you do as well!!

    1. I am really enjoying it, but I'm not getting much reading time with all the holiday stuff going on. It's good though and I'm looking forward to reviewing it!

  17. Nice week for you. I enjoy stopping by to see what you have been up to.

    ENJOY your reading and your Christmas week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I always appreciate it when you stop in. Have a merry Christmas and a great week!!!

  18. You too Heidi, thanks for coming by. Merry Christmas!!

  19. I'm not sure I'll watch the new X-Men movie. Maybe when it is on DVD. I thought Rogue's storyline was interesting and it is too bad they cut her from the film. As far as film dragons, Smaug is pretty impressive but then I don't have a lot of dragons movies to compare except maybe Dragonheart.

    While I don't like crowds, I used to enjoy going to the mall at Christmas to soak up the atmosphere. Now things are a little too crazy. I did go to Wal-Mart yesterday and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it is in a small town so not as many people anyway.

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

  20. I hope you're wrong about the X-Men movie -- not Rogue being out; I've seen that elsewhere. I just hope it is reasonably good. Although I'm behind on watching some of them, so I need to catch up.

    I also hope you're having a wonderful Christmas Day and holiday week, and that you and your family are enjoying your time together. Merry Christmas!

  21. Aw, Rogue's out? I was absolutely looking forward to seeing her story! :/
    I haven't heard of Game previously but I'll check it soon-Hope you enjoy it.

    Those cat GIFs totally made my day-Thanks for sharing! :)

    Happy Holidays!

    1. Thank you! I got a kick out of them too. Yeah kinda bummed about Rogue... liked her a lot and it's a shame they are taking her out.
