Last night my wife and I attended an author event with Jessica Brockmole, the author of Letters from Skye, at Schuler Books in Lansing MI. Letters from Skye is getting a lot of buzz and is an outstanding debut novel. I had just finished the novel a couple days ago and happened to see she was on a book tour through Michigan, so we jumped at the chance to make the short drive over to Lansing. We were very pleased to attend this event. We took our daughters and I think they were just curious to see what book Dad was on about now!
The event itself was very nice. Jessica was very gracious and began the event by providing some background on the book itself and her reasons for writing it. She shared insights into the characters in the novel, as well as some historical details that informed the writing and some humorous anecdotes as well. She also read from several of the letters in the book at important moments in the story. She then opened the floor to questions. Afterwards she signed books and met fans. She signed a book for my daughter and I know that will be a treasure going forward.
I highly recommend Letters from Skye for anyone who loves a good story about love and the human spirit. This book is getting a lot of praise and deservedly so. My review is here.
Thanks to Jessica Brockmole and Schuler Books for hosting this event.
Jessica's website is here.
Please see here for her Events page.
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