Friday, January 12, 2024

Sunday Post #539

So this week we got snow. How is everyone's new year so far? I'm excited because it's an Olympics year. Another year where I try to watch online and bitch about coverage. I was looking at blog posts and I had a little under 200 in 23. Looking back at 2021 I had 271 posts, and 315 in 2019. I had 457 !!! the year before that. How did I do that??    

This week's discussion post is Favorite Book Titles III      

Not Bad Betty Cooper GIF by Lili Reinhart 

Here is this week's lyric. 
See them walking hand in hand 
Across the bridge at midnight  

Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

One very happy warm summer night 
I saw your face what could I do 

   Song of the week



  1. I normally enjoy the Olympics coverage without the commentators.

  2. I never did multiple posts per day, but it seems you were that blogger back in the day with almost 500 posts! Good luck trying to catch the events you want to watch. It really is a challenge with time zones.

  3. Linda música. Te deseo un genial fin de semana.

  4. Okay how exactly did you have more blog posts than actual days of the year!!? Man, I am lucky if I have one per week heh. Even in my heyday, I only did about 5 per week!

    I love the Olympics in theory, and I used to watch them endlessly, but then adulthood and responsibilities came into the mix, womp womp. Sam is obsessed though, so he may make me watch them, we'll see! You can probably watch them all with a Peacock subscription, I bet!

  5. I feel they have changed so much in the coverage of the Olympics. Sure, we need to cheer on our teams, but they don't interview other Olympians like they used too. So sometimes, I feel it is far more commerical. Occasionally, there will be skating I can hardly wait for. But it's not like it used to be when I was a kid.❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️Brrrrr....6 degrees and snowing..and it's gonna get colder. I dunno if I got it in me to clear the driveway. This storm is taking a toll on us. & somebody is home from the hospital..and yes, basically in his own little world.

  6. "I had 457 !!! the year before that. How did I do that??"
    I know! You kept going back in time and write multiple posts for the same day 😂. Seriously though...I'm in awe of that "a little under 200" for 2023...

    Enjoy your snow (I hope! unless you have to dig your car from under it LOL).

  7. I'm excited it's an Olympic year, too! Can't wait to watch my favorite sports...and we complain about the coverage every time, too. They should just let ESPN do it, because they know how to cover sports. We got snow this week, too...with another big storm coming in tonight. I'm glad I can just stay home this weekend.

  8. Happy New Year Greg. I got the lyrics but won't type the answer here and spoil it.
    Hope your blogging goes from strength to strength this year. Last year my reading and blogging wasn't the best but I'm getting back on board slowly but surely and have lots of good books to look forward to this year.
    Lynn :D

  9. This week's lyrics take me back to my teen years. I was in love with them!

  10. No snow for us last week, just the rain on the east coast and the flooding closed the schools. We might get some on Tuesday though, my kids are hopeful!

  11. I don't remember the last time I watched the Olympics. I KNOW that lyric, but the song is not coming to me at all. Have a great week. :)

  12. I did not know it was an Olympics year and I should not admit that I can't even recall if it will ve winter or summer

  13. Ha, that cover. I tried the Mike Hammer books and wasn't a huge fan, but I do love the pulpy covers.

  14. There is no snow here yet, but the weather has gotten quite cold. I hope you have a happy weekend :)

  15. The Olympics is great because my husband and I obsess over one or two new sports each time and by the end sound like we're experts (we're not). Last time it was snowboarding. "Ah, they didn't grab the board that time. They'll be penalized."

    My Sunday Post

  16. I'm thinking of signing up for Sling TV maybe? I think then you can get the network channels for the Olympics. I guess I'd better figure that out, lol.

  17. Generally, I prefer watching the Winter Olympics, but we do fairly well with the good old BBC providing reasonable coverage. I discovered speed climbing last time which was huge fun:). Best of luck with the snow, Greg.

  18. I didn't post as much this past year either; mostly the actual memes I participated in lessened. I plan to change that, though!

  19. The mountain pass video looks pretty, but I think I'm living in that kind of environment right now with the snow and cold, so couldn't watch it, lol. Yep, more Olympics, we'll see how that goes this year! Hope you're staying warm!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  20. I too posted a lot more when I began blogging. I guess it lost its novelty maybe?

  21. I used to blog pretty much every day. Now I struggle to write 2 posts a week. I really think I'm just running out of stuff to say. I've been doing this for 10 years!

  22. It's interesting to look back on the number of posts each year. I'll have to check that out. Love the Mickey Spillane cover. Have a great week!

  23. So much snow. The wind is worse though. We had snow days on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Then Eleanor and I were home sick on Wednesday and Thursday. And if the temps/wind chill stay where they are now, we won't have school Tuesday either.

  24. I think I published less last year than the year before as well. For me, I was putting pressure on myself to post every single day. I finally let that go...mostly, LOL! Have a good week and stay warm!

  25. Lots of snow and cold here - West Chicagoland.
    My experience is Canadian TV (with a VPN) is the best to watch ALL the Olympic competitions, all sports.

  26. great to have post around 200 a year.....
    have a great Sunday

  27. I used to love watching the Olympics. I don't as much anymore because of Corey. He was on a fast track to the Olympics in sailing when he was young. He ended up busting his knee which hosed his dreams. Watching the Olympics is bittersweet for him so I don't really watch them either.

    We also got snow this week. A little over a couple of feet. It's more snow than we've had all winter.

    Have a great week!

  28. I’m a big Olympics fan too so I can’t wait for the games to begin. We have snow expected this coming week. Have a good week ahead.

  29. I got Peacock on Black Friday for $19.99 for the year and NBC is the Olympic carrier, so I should be good for the games? I hope so I do enjoy watching! over 450 posts in one year? That's WILD!

  30. The Olympics always mean I get to have a cable subscription again for a bit!

  31. That is a lot of blog posts! I am terrible about keeping up with mine. I am hoping to do better this year! Have a great one!

  32. Nice to have a bit of snow, as I visit around I see some places in USA really cold. Yes I found out earlier last week the Olympics are coming around again.

  33. Enjoy the snow, I hope you don’t get too much though.

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

  34. We had a little bit of snow and are forecasted to get some more this week! LOL I am also posting way less than I used to! But it's a more manageable schedule for me. Excited for the Paris Olympics!

  35. We've sort of got snow in the forecast tonight? The mountains make forecasting difficult here but our meteorologists have been very wishy washy this season and they're really outdoing themselves about this storm. We've got road crews spraying the roads with salt solution and snow plows on standby but we don't even have any kind of warning or watch and our forecast is "Could be 2+ inches of snow [which is enough to cause a lot of problems in the south], could be rain, could be freezing rain. You tell me." It's all very puzzling.

    I love watching the Olympics too but it's so hard when you don't have cable!

    Enjoy your week!

  36. I stopped watching the Olympics a few years ago. It's just not exciting to me anymore. I post on my blog almost everyday. But I blog ahead by almost two months most times for a lot of posts.

  37. Thanks for the reminder that it is an Olympic year. I feel the same way about it. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental

  38. We got snow too but it's already gone. We're expecting a little more tonight.

  39. I used to love the Winter Olympic and watched it every night (way back when it was on network TV and they put together the best and/or most popular sports into an evening of coverage.) Now that it's on at all hours and you have to figure out where it's streaming, I don't seem to watch as much. But I will try to watch the figure skating and ice dancing, at least.

    I think a lot of us started out blogging strong, and have tapered off. Some of that is probably because (like lots of activities) it's less exciting after you've been doing it for years. For me, some of it is burnout. Every year, I debate whether I should just stop blogging, but this online book-blogging community connects me to people with similar interests, where I have a harder time finding them locally. So that keeps me going.

    We only got rain from the big storms last week, but it's snowing lightly here now. I actually love snow (as long as I don't have to drive in it), so I'm enjoying it!

  40. Good luck trying to catch the Olympics. I never know what channel they're being broadcast on, so for the most part I miss them. Wow, you posted a lot. I consistently post not that much, lol! :)

  41. I still very much love Duran Duran :) Have an amazing week!!

  42. We've been having snow too! I'm not a fan, definitely looking forward to spring haha :) 200 posts is still amazing!

  43. I totally forgot it's an Olympics year!! Wohoo!!!

  44. I'm really looking forward to the Olympics too.


  45. My husband mentioned it was an Olympic year and when I asked my daughter if she was excited, she said she isn't into sports. She clearly didn't inherit the excitement I always felt about the Games. In her defense though, we haven't watched as much of the Games as I did when I was growing up. Coverage is so horrid in general. She did perk up though when we told her the Games are in France this year. I hope you have a great week, Greg, and stay warm!

  46. We got a little snow, too. I'm over the cold temps already, though. I forgot it was an Olympic year.

  47. I'm not feeling excited for the Olympics but I might check out a few events.

  48. We are iced in which I'm not enjoying and wasn't really expecting! I like the Olympics but can never seem to find the events I want to watch. The coverage seems to jump around so much it gets frustrating. I hope you're having a great week!

  49. Is it an Olympics year again? I swear it was only last year we had the olympics but it could just be there were a lot of athletics and gymnastics competitions on TV. Although, I may be getting confused as we had the commonwealth games a couple of years ago. l'm hoping the BBC has all the coverage for me to watch.

  50. My highest post number was 229 in 2016. I only had 50 or so posts last year. 😯
