Saturday, April 14, 2018

Sunday Post #241

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
So maybe it's spring? Temps have finally warmed but only a little. I'm ready for seventies. Anyone have some nice weather they can send over? In other news Lindsey Stirling is on tour and will be coming to Michigan at three different venues- hoping to make it to one of them. I had a good week and recently made a list of all my upcoming reads- to my surprise there are over a dozen coming just in April and May that I have to have. For someone who is a mood reader that's actually planning ahead pretty far for me. 

Let's see Movies That Sucked this week was... Mad Max: Fury Road. That was fun. As always I love the comments- they're the best part. And this week will be The Mist. Looking forward to seeing everyone's thoughts on that movie.     

Last week I reviewed the Tomb Raider movie as well as The Window. And I posted some Avengers fanfiction. It's been a busy one! This week I'll have some mini- reviews (or something) and who knows? Hope everyone has an awesome week!    

Diamond GirlThe WindowRelated image

Song of the week 


Image result for laurent durieux journey to the center of the earth


Hawkeye: Kate Bishop, Vol. 1: Anchor PointsThe Underwater Ballroom Society


And this... just because. I should do a Movies That Suck on this. 

This image is my writing prompt for the week.

The air was thick and alive with insects as he trudged through the fetid water. To all sides rose the crumbling ruins of the ancient city, now overgrown and desolate. The water sloshing as he moved along made him wary- he was making too much noise-  but surely there was nothing left here to fear? At one time, yes, but no longer. Nevertheless he shivered in spite of the heat  as he passed the obscene statue of some elder god- a grim reminder of the city's dark heritage. There was a time when the croakings and chantings would warn of atrocites to come, with the fall of night, but surely that time was past? 


  1. wow everything is so beautiful!

  2. I love the Journey to the Center of the Earth cover. I remember that scene in the book that is shown on the cover. Window looks so intriguing. I can't wait to hear your thoughts.

    1. I like that cover. Maybe I ned to read that???

  3. I'm in the middle of The Underwater Ballroom Society and it's really good! Come to California, Greg, I think it's going to be close to 80 today😊

    1. Ooh I can't wait to get to that one! And I'm on my way- 80 sounds awesome!

  4. Yay for it finally being spring! The weather has started to improve a little bit here as well, and apparently this next week is meant to be nice :)
    I hope you make it to see Lindsey Stirling, and have a good week! :)

    1. Yes! I hope you have a nice week, we have an ice storm!

  5. Under the Ice is a gorgeous picture, Greg! Thanks for sharing it :)
    We have spring, too. It's not exactly warm yet, but we're getting there - thank goodness!
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks Lexxie! Hope you warm up, spring is very slow coming here!

  6. After the flu and the really cold weather even Chuckles the Winter Wolf is looking forward to the temperatures going up! I hope summer will bring a change in reading fortunes as well. We'll see how it goes...!

    1. Ah you know what the Starks say... ha ha. Something about winter :) But yeah I'm ready for a little warmth!

  7. I'm happy to send you some of my weather... it's supposed to be about 84 today. Love the music pick this week. Funnily enough, my sister just texted me this week with news that Thompson Twins are touring with Culture Club and B-52's. Tickets are overpriced (especially considering I don't care about seeing B-52's) but maybe we'll still go. Such nostalgia!

    1. Ooh I'll take it. Although true to form it wouldn't take me long to start criping about the heat lol. And it kills me how all these bands are STILL playing- like don't they get tired??

  8. I'm really looking forward to the warmer weather as well. I'm done with the cold! Hope you have a great week ahead.

  9. Definitely want to read The Window, sometime in the near future!!

  10. It's gorgeous here today, but is supposed to drop back into the 30s this week!! So ready for spring. I'm trying to remember if I've seen all of The Mist. I don't think I finished it. Lol. Happy reading!

    1. Yikes! I watched The Mist and it wasn't BAD- I mean it was a little... :):)

  11. Love that Lies video - blast from the past :-)

  12. Wow! Nice blast from the past with the Thompson Twins. I read a book this week, which featured hits from 1982 and 1983, so I am feeling a lot of nostalgia for the 80s.

  13. I love The Thompson Twins! I can't remember if I watched The Mist all the way to the end or not. Ha ha. Have you watched it before?

    We had one day near 70 and then back to high 40s. I still had the windows open today, though. Have a wonderful week.🌞

    1. Good song huh? I had never watched The Mist before until I did for my post- interesting!

      I'd love to have the windows open- if I could get even one day 70's!!!

  14. I'll try to send some sunny weather your way. It's full on spring here and time to get the pool ready. Looking forward to what you thought about The Mist, Greg.

  15. Oooh The Mist, a shitty movie I have actually seen, this is exciting! Also, I could have shared the nice weather, but apparently it is over? Today it was in the 70s and tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 30s and sleeting, so I have nothing to offer. Sad. Did you obtain Blackfish City? I feel like I am going to wait to hear how it is before I buy it. So let me know hah.

    I'm impressed that you can actually plan out your reading- I stare at my shelves and/or ARC list forever before settling for something. I like the writing prompt- Swamp City is a good picture for it certainly. And I think the thing under the ice is a giant eyeball, which... no thank you.

    1. Ooh you saw The Mist? Whadja think? I'm so jealous of 70's but sorry to hear the weather is turning for you too...

      I don't have Blackfish yet, I'm waiting for it to come out Tuesday. Have high hopes... and thanks!!!!!

  16. Nope, no spring here, but Thursday sort of teased me. Wow, you do have a lot of books you're anticipating. I think I've got one or two more I want to read for April's releases.

    Oh, love the misty figure looking toward the trees picture.

    Have a good week!

    1. Yeah I was surprised how many April/ May releases I'm looking forward to!

  17. Wow, the Against All Odds car chase took me back! I watched a lot of movies back in the day...even more than now, and that one was one I enjoyed.

    I should probably read Diamond Girl before I tackle Shadow Dancing...

    I enjoyed your review of Window.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. I love that car chase! One of my favorite movies f/ the 80's...

      Diamond Girl was okay but I don't feel like it was essential reading? It's from Aggie's perspective.

  18. We had super warm and sunny weather today and tomorrow it will be 45 so who knows. The weather is nuts! Most of my upcoming reads are for June. Totally overloaded. Hope you have a great week!

    1. I know, so yo-yo! I just want some spring

  19. I want to see Tomb Raider, so I'll have to see what you thought. Love all the pics. Enjoy your reads and your week!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

    1. Tomb Raider was pretty fun. Not an amazing movie, but definitely worth seeing!!!

  20. Greg, your post is so cool. I am loving the segments you use here. So, obviously, I need to listen to Lindsey Sterling. Mad Max is a bit out of my league, but I guess I should go back and see what everyone said about it. I do have a friend who is a huge fan of that movie. The pictures you used on here were so epic and just out of this world awesome.

    Dude, speaking of weather, I am getting sick because the weather has been going back and forth from hot to cold here in California. It's not a fun experience. I hope we get nice moderate weather before it gets hellishly hot.

    1. Thank you!!! Glad you enjoy. Lindsey Stirling is awesome. Glad you liked the pics :)

      Bad weather there too? It's been CRAZY here. I hope you get moderate weather too, I hate it when it goes from cool to hot with no in between.

  21. Love the image with the Crow. Yeah, I am ready for some nicer weather. Journey to the Center of the Earth...classic!

    1. I need to read Journey one of these days!

  22. No spring weather worth to send over, sorry. It's still up and down here too.

    I had a blast from the 80s past. Thompson Twins AND Against All Odds? I never saw that movie btw. I only remember the Phil Collins video of the theme song.

    Have a fantastic week!

  23. We are having warm weather already, the high 80s with thunder storms all last night!
    Love the last image. It reminds me of an ancient world dying, most shrouded in twilight unaware of the changes.
    I'm in the middle of changing my blog to self-hosting. When you have time, stop by and see the new look!

    1. Ooh 80's! Sounds awesome. We had a storm last night but it was more if an ice storm! And I like your interpretation of that pic- sounds great!

      I think your new look is great!

  24. I haven't seen The Mist, but I'd be curious to watch that one. Have a great week :)

  25. The Underwater Ballroon Society is one that I am really curious about. Enjoy all the new books. I think our warmer temps are headed your way, can you send them back please? Happy Sunday!

  26. Yay!!! It's finally spring!!! Love the art as always and I hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  27. I love all your pics every week - but this time around, I think you have excelled:)). And I love your writing piece - are you going to expand it? Have a great week, Greg!

  28. It was about 70 and 80 on Friday and Saturday and today is 40...*insert angry face and fist shaking* It's like never ending.

    Love your writing prompt! :)

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

  29. I think Mother Nature needs new meds! It was in the 70's here for three days now it's back in the 40's and as of right now it's spitting snow!!! This is not southeast Missouri weather in April..ugh.

    I hope WINDOW is good I want to read that one!

    I love the pics you have on here today!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  30. Well yesterday it was in the 80's here but now we're back in the 50's again. I've never seen Mad Max Fury Road, and I love Tom Hardy. I need to watch it. Looking forward to your thoughts on The Mist. I've seen the film and watched part of the mini-series too.
    Enjoy your week!

  31. I love Lindsey Sterling!! Hope you get to see her! It was nearly 80 here friday. Monday, they are calling for flurries. UGH!
    Have a great week!

  32. Do you live in MI? I'm originally from Downriver Detroit and went to MSU. Now I live in NJ. :) We got some nice weather yesterday! It was sunny and 80 degrees. Today? Windy and 40. Boo.

    1. Yes, hello fellow Michigan native ! Yay for MSU. And yes the weather is so yo-yo lately, it's maddening. Mid April and we have snow here...

  33. I'm sending good weather your way, Greg, it's waaay too hot here for April XD

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

    1. Oh thanks! We could use it- I want some heat to complain about :)

  34. I’m glad spring is finally coming to you. That “Under the Ice” picture is very cool. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  35. It's finally spring here too :) I was out with a dress today, actually! And sandals! SANDALS! :) that made me happy. I hope you can enjoy some spring soon too :)

  36. We had 90 degree weather then it went to 70 and 62 and 85 today. It's been a little crazy. The winds picked up and knocked out our power for 2 hours, that was fun. lol

  37. I am always amazed by the beautiful pictures you share!

    And spring is finally here too - I actually took a break from the blog to enjoy the sun and go on a lot of walks!

    Enjoy your week!

  38. I have a hard time planning what I'm going to read as well. I am such a mood reader!

    Spring is here . . . ish. We had a few beautiful days but the cooler (40s and 50s) weather is supposed to return this week. We'll see how that goes.

    Have a great week!

  39. I'm starting to think I'm a mood reader. It's chilly here today but it's going to warm up later this week. I want to read the Window, so I'm glad you liked it.

  40. I love Clairvoyance and would love to have a print of that. We've been having some warmer temps here and there, but it's rainy today and then tomorrow is in the 40's. I've enjoyed your movies that suck feature and can't wait to read more.

  41. Before Mars! I have to get to reading that. *goes to make sure I've ordered it*

  42. What amazing images! I used to do writing prompts alot but got away from it. Looks like it's something I should get back to :)

    Megan - Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest

  43. Yes for Spring! It's finally looking like it here too and it's sad that I'm so excited about that, lol.
    Have a great week Greg!

  44. Two movies that *don't* suck in a row! What are we going to do with you Greg?? (Admittedly, I'm a sucker for bleak endings, so...) Hope you have a wonderful week :)

  45. Boudoir, Clairvoyance, and Portrait 03 are my kind of art. I'd like to read books that are about those images. So are you writing a fantasy or science fiction alongside your day job?
    You can have our weather. We've been up and down in the 70's; I think we had 86 Friday. Do your kids read your blog?

  46. Spring is definitely in the air here. I hope you will be able to see Lindsey Stirling. I bet that will be a great show! The Thompson Twins video sure brings back memories. I heard one of their songs on the radio the other day and was surprised I remembered all the words. I hope you have a great week, Greg!

  47. Definitely not spring weather with the freezing rain this weekend! I think we will see it warming up by the end of the week.

  48. Great writing Prompt. Wow you are doing good for a mood reader. I am a mood reader as well.

  49. I will make sure to avoid watching Mad Max: Fury Road, never been a fan of any of the Mad Max movies. The Mist, I want to watch. I could never make a list of upcoming books to read, I'm a mood reader also and this past week I've read a lot of thrillers/mystery. Good luck sticking to your list :) Have a wonderful day Greg.

  50. Oddly enough, I was just watching some of Lindsey Stirling’s videos last night and everytime I do I am in absolute awe of her talent! She definitely would be a great musician to see live, so I hope you get the chance! Have a great week :)

  51. Good job making a list of all the books for the next couple of months that you want to read! Hope they will all take their turn at matching your mood!

  52. I love the clairvoyance picture! Something about it is really haunting.

  53. It's great when you have books that you are looking forward to reading in the next few months. I've been making a list and it's sooooo long.

  54. The seater has been crazy up north all winter! One of the high schools at home had to postpone their Junior Prom last weekend because of an ice storm. It's not safe for us to leave Florida yet, lol. I'm falling behind with Julie Mulhern's series... I have jury duty this week, so may download the next one. It might be a nice diversion while I sit around and wait.

  55. We are back to winter! We broke the April 15 record by getting 12.7 inches of snow. I am so sick of snow! Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  56. The Thomspson Twins are coming in concert near me (with Boy George) and I considered going to see them but $177 for a ticket! So

    (with Boy George)

  57. This weather has been SO crazy. Saturday was almost 80, Sunday was 40 and today it's torrential rain. The dog is not amused!
    Jen Ryland Reviews

  58. oh yes don;t get me started with the weather Greg! SO LAME this sprig! LOL I LOOOOVED Mad Max: Fury Road! hummm I Think I liked The Mist too! Oh I guess I don't have the best taste in movies LOL

  59. Ugh, I hear you on the warmer weather dreams. Snow again?!? It's hard to believe...though in northwestern Vermont, I guess it shouldn't be!

    Regarding the movie, "The Mist": do you know if the storyline is the same as the new Netflix series? I tried the series but couldn't get into it. I didn't connect with any of the characters and some (the old woman in the church and the teen boy with the eyeliner) were driving me nutty so I quit watching. Should I try the movie instead?

  60. The Lord of the Rings images are always a hit with me. Ohhh I had forgotten about The Mist! good choice.

  61. Oh no, not The Mist lol. I'll save my thoughts for when you write that post, not that I actually watched most of it. Glad you got some warmer temps! It's hot here now. I'd send you some of the heat, but sadly I cannot control weather. It does seem like there are A LOT of great sounding books coming out in the next few months, right?!

  62. The grass is always greener on the other side. Wouldn't mind cold weather here.

  63. We finally got our first taste of spring last week and I really hope it's here to stay. We had 80s and enough sunshine that I actually got sun burn because I just didn't want to come back in the house, lol. I look forward to reading your review of The Mist. I can't remember if I even made it all the way through that movie when I tried to watch it, lol.

  64. Spring has finally arrived. It is warm, sunshine all day and reading is a real pleasure. Have a great week.

    Best wishes

  65. I love Lindsay Stirling! How fun that she is coming to Michigan!

    I really enjoyed the story The Mist so much - it scared the crap out of me. But then the movie...I will leave my comments for your post! :)

    We had one 70 degree day here. I hope that wasn't our only nice day. Lol.

  66. I am a bit of a mood reader myself. I make plans but don't always keep them :) I don't think I have seen The Mist. Maybe I have and just don't remember? Bring on the warmer weather!

  67. Things have been a bit crazy here too weather wise. It's been in the 70s the last few days but for some reason tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 50s. At least it's not snow I guess! Yay for Lindsay Stirling! I'd love to see her in concert. I imagine she's even more amazing in person. Hope you're having a great week!
