Saturday, October 10, 2015

Sunday Post #112

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Fall is in full swing now, with lots of trees turning now here in the upper Midwest. And the air has a bite to it, although we've had some nice warm days too. Won't be too many more of those though... and the autumn nights have been cool. It's the time of year for cider and donuts, and all the fun fall activities.

This week was busy. I reviewed Bloodline, a great show on Netflix, and also participated in the Frightfall readathon. I also discussed S2 of Continuum and participated in Beyond the Books, a fun meme by KissinBlueKaren. Lots of posts this week... next week I'll have a discussion post- Blogging vs. Real Life- have another A Dance with Dragons post on Wednesday, and of course Bookcover Spotlight.


  1. This weather is amazing! I am really loving it. I would be happy to have it year round. Lol.

    It does look like you were busy this week!

    Happy Star Wars Reading Day!

    1. I am too- I love these milder temps and the crisp air It could stay this way year round!

    2. Oops, forgot to say... I didn't know it was Star Wars reading day! How cool... thanks for letting me know!

  2. It's been gorgeous fall weather here in New England too and I'm loving it. Bloodline is on my watch list. This week I caught up on fall premieres and binged on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. all the way up to the current season. Since you like cozy mysteries, have you ever watched Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries? NetFlix has all three seasons and I'm hoping there's a 4th.

    1. I love this time of year. The crisp air, all the color- I think spring and fall have become my favorite seasons in a lot of ways. LEt me know what you think of Bloodline- I thought it was quite interesting.

      What did you think of S.H.I.E.L.D.? I gave up on it last year but I've heard it got better. I've been watching Continuum and LOVE that show. The characters are awesome. And I have not seen that mystery show- but I'll check it out!

  3. Same weather here, comfy during the day, but fresh at night. We're seeing apples and peers everywhere on trees, trees that are slowly changing colors and the vines are turning a beautiful red. Continuum, you said ? I"ll be checking it up, as well as Bloodlines. I remember that asteroid field and that particular cave, lol ! Enjoy your week-end ;)

  4. Bloodline hasn't started here (in Australia) yet, but I expect it'll start this week. We've had various states' school holidays and our TV ratings period halts during that time but LOTS of new shows seem to be kicking off in the next week or so!

    Off to check out your Continuum s2 post.

  5. Deviant Art is just so brilliant, thank you for sharing those pictures. They really get you thinking!

    Have a great week!

    1. I love that I've found some cool art there. Those image are so imaginative...

  6. I loved Bloodline...and I am eyeing your cozy mysteries. Great art, too.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. I saw Vicarious and it looked good! I'll have to see what you think about it ;)

    Thanks for sending the warm weather my way tomorrow - Have a great week!!!

    1. Enjoy! We're supposed to be 70's tomorrow- I'll take it!

  8. You know drinking cider sounds so friendly and warm, and I've never even tasted it. I wonder do we have it here, must check. Blogging v Real Life sounds intriguing!

  9. The art you find is always amazing. Have a great week! :)

  10. I am so glad to see fall weather. I love the sci fi pictures there amazing. Have a great week

  11. That's the kind of weather I like! I look forward to your discussion post, it sounds interesting. And I love the video on Fonts, that youtuber is fun and she picked some great examples too.

    1. Me too! I wish it would stay nice like this for a while. Have a great week Trish!

  12. The Chess Queen Enigma has such a nice cover. Looks interesting.

  13. I am IN LOVE with this weather, Friday was way to hot here but this weekend is just amazing, I love sitting by the open window while on my computer the air just has that fall smell.

    I am font obsessed, that was a fun video. Sometimes the wrong font can throw off everything.

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading! ox

    1. It's been nice here too. I like the crisp air- there is something about fall!

      Agree about the font video.

      I don't watch a lot of booktubers but her posts are usually fun.

  14. Several of your new books have me curious...enjoy them all and the lovely weather.

  15. I don't have an issue with the new Wonder Woman: her boobs aren't bigger than her head and her arms have some muscle. If I had those legs I might even wear those shorts!

  16. I have to laugh because all of the NYS fall foliage maps say my area is "near peak", but all of our trees a still mostly green. LOL. I love the Beyond the Books feature. I read Katherine P.'s every time she posts one, Now I will be reading yours, too. Maybe one of these weeks I will decide to do it too. Have a wonderful week.

  17. Our leaves are starting to turn as well and we had some days in the 70s so it even feels like fall here! I have Guaranteed to Bleed coming up and am really looking forward to reading it. Have a great week!

  18. This is my first fall in a place where the leaves actually turn. I am really appreciating all the colors, even my kids are excited about it.I love all those pictures you found on Deviant Art. That site is pretty amazing, I have found so many brushes for Gimp there. I am looking forward to your blogging discussion this week.

  19. I really need to make time for the Netflix Original stuff. It all looks pretty good. We're definitely in Fall weather here in NC, too. Nice to leave the A/C off and have the windows open even when it gets down in the 50s at night. :)

  20. It's still warm here so I'm jealous with your weather. I'm getting really excited for Star Wars and want to do a movie marathon before watching. Your new books look interesting and I hope you enjoy them. Have a great week!

    1. I think a movie marathon would be fun! Watching the originals back to back- just need popcorn! :)

  21. I am enjoying the nice temps as long as it stays this way and doesn't get colder I would be just

    Enjoy your reads,
    Week in Review

  22. Curious about Blogging vs Real Life ... I'll be back. I couldn't resist Continuum and I'm still watching Blindspot. Your weather sounds gorgeous, hope it hangs around for a bit longer. Have a great week and happy reading :)

    1. How did you like Continuum? I think S2 is the best, S3 went in a different direction but is still good... and I'm looking forward to seeing how they wrap it up. S4 is underway but I haven't watched yet. And I hope you're liking Blindspot. :)

  23. The weather has been wonderful! Gorgeous artwork. Haven't watched Bloodline yet, so many shows I've got to get to soon! Looking forward to your Tuesday discussion post. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks, you too! Isn't this nice weather? I could get used to this... :)

  24. Glad you're enjoying your books, your tv shows and your weather. Good week for you! I also watched and loved Bloodline.
    Guaranteed to Bleed looks like my style, but all your books seem appealing. Have a good week.

  25. Night of the Comet is one on my list for Halloween viewing. I can hardly remember it now and thought it would be fun to watch again. Nice haul of books again this week. Vicarious looks killer.

  26. I can't wait for the Jessica Jones show. You sure did get up a lot of posts this week. I am so slow on posts... and I haven't done a Sunday Post in a long time. I suppose I should start up again... I always enjoy reading yours!

    1. I'm looking forward to it too. It looks good. Thank you about the SP... I do enjoy it every week. Yeah you should start up again- your posts were always fun too! And your comic reviews- I've been checking out some more DC stuff...

  27. The trees haven't started changing color here yet, even if some leaves are falling. I love fall with the crisper, clearer weather, and even more so when nature shows us all the colors that are possible as well!
    Sounds like you had a ver good week, Greg, I hope this one will be good too.
    Happy reading :)
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  28. Hmmm...blogging vs. real life...I think real life wins. Not sure when reading is pitted against real life....

  29. We're having the same type of weather and I'm loving it. I'll enjoy it for as long as we get it, which I'm sure won't be for long.

    Death Sits Down to Dinner looks really good. I have Guaranteed to Bleed next on my list.

    I'll definitely be checking out your Blogging vs Real Life post. That sounds interesting.

    Have a great week!

  30. Some good looking books and I love the scifi art. Very cool. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is always nice to see you. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  31. The temperatures dropped here as well, the days are still cool but nice, but the nights can turn pretty cold. The leaves are very pretty this time fo the year and I love being outside and seeing all the colours. Granteed to Bleed looks good, I hope you enjoyed it. Looking forward to hear your thoughts about that one. Have a great week!

    1. I am looking forward to reading it, as I really liked the first one. Have you found any cozies that you like?

  32. Cooling weather is lovely. You always seen so busy on your blog. I like some of the SciFi art. I think my DH and I have to get back to watching some of Continuum.
    Have a great week.

  33. What a busy week of blogging you've had! I'm totally enamored with those Country Club Murder covers... so gorgeous. I'm loving fall, but was horrified when I saw wet snow in our forecast next weekend. No way am I ready for that!

    1. I like those covers too- something about them.

  34. I'm really bad at trying to catch up with Netflix shows, but I'll have to try watching Bloodline. Thanks for reviewing!

  35. Very curious to find out what you think about Need and Vicarious! I am on the fence about Need, because I didn't love the author's last series, but I am willing to give it a shot! And I loved Paula's last book, so I am quite excited for Vicarious.

    Those DeviantArt prints are gorgeous, and so realistic looking! Thanks for sharing them! As for fall weather... no. I am not ready. I will never be ready! Hope you have a wonderful week :D
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight
