Monday, June 12, 2017

Cover Characteristics Clocks

Cover Characteristics is a meme by Sugar and Snark- every week a characteristic is selected and we post 5 books with that week's theme.    

This week's pick- Clocks

This week the topic is clocks. I immediately thought mysteries for this one- there's just a plethora of covers with clocks in that genre, so this one wasn't too bad.      

The Secret of the Old Clock (Nancy Drew, #1)The Skeleton in the Clock (Sir Henry Merrivale, #18)The Clocks4:50 from Paddington (Miss Marple #8)

The Secret of the Old Clock (Nancy Drew, #1)

The Skeleton in the Clock (Sir Henry Merrivale, #18)

The Clocks

4:50 from Paddington (Miss Marple #8)


  1. I like the cover for Ice Blue with the blueish look to it.

  2. Oh wow, those old Nancy Drew covers bring back some good reading memories from my childhood. Loved that whole series.

    1. I know, I love those old Nancy Drew (and the Hardy Boys too). I've thought about doing a post of my favorite Nancy Drew covers...

  3. Mysteries and clocks seem to go together... loved Nancy Drew when I was a kid. The first non-mystery clock cover that popped into my mind is Saturday by Ian McEwan.

    1. They do! I love some of thos old covers...

  4. Yes, love that Nancy Drew cover! I loved those books when I was a kid (although, I'm not quite that old, I was reading my aunts' old books!).

    1. Yeah they're classic. I re- read a few Hardy Boys a few years ago...

  5. I still have that Nancy Drew book packed away somewhere!

    1. Ha do you? I don't have that one but I have a few of the other ones...

  6. Great covers that manage to make clocks look interesting. I wouldn't think that was possible lol

    For What It's Worth

    1. I know! Who knew clocks and mysteries??

  7. Ah the Nancy Drew cover bring back so many memories! And I love that particular kind of Agatha Christie covers :)

    1. I do too. There are so many Christie editions with those kinda covers, I've got a post coming up that collects a bunch of my favorites. It was SO fun to put together- and yes to the Nancy Drew as well.

  8. Really like the Agatha Christie covers! Can't say I have read any of these books, though, but they look interesting!

    1. I've never read agatha but I LOVE some of those covers!!

  9. I remember reading The Secret of the Old Clock in third grade and loving it; I was obsessed with Nancy Drew for a while haha. I haven't read the others, though; but they look great! I'll have to check those out. I do love covers with clocks! Awesome post, Greg :-)

    1. I read the Hardy Boys books so many times, and then when I needed something new I read the Nancy Drews- not all of them, but a few. Ah memories...

  10. I like the Agatha Christie clocks! They're like, retro but in a good way. The Nancy Drew one is so old school, I love it! I had one of those as a kid because Claudia from The Baby-Sitters Club loved Nancy Drew, but I could never get into it haha.

    1. I do too! Love that retro look. In fact, obsessive as I am, I just did a wHOLE post on retro Christie covers. I need a life...

  11. Ah, I was going to say I couldn't really think of any clock covers off the top of my head...and then I saw the one with Big Ben and suddenly the floodgates were opened. Never a shortage of famous landmarks on book covers!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. True! And clocks were surprisingly common- once I started looking. And the Nancy Drew one I thought of right away.

  12. You have so much patience rooting these out!

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Maybe too much! Some of these posts go up quick, and others... take more time.

  13. Ha! You know when I saw this topic I immediately thought of Nancy Drew!

  14. Darn it I had this post ready, but I've been so discombobulated with blogging lately that I didn't even realize it was this week. Oh well, I'll post it tomorrow or next week or something lol. I love the Agatha Christie covers! And I like the colors on the last one.

  15. I love those Agatha Christie covers! 4:50 from Paddington is my favorite I think though I love a Nancy Drew cover too!

  16. I of course immediately thought of the Nancy Drew one myself! Great picks! I didn't have quite as many as I thought I would find.
    Check out my Cover Characteristic Post.

  17. Nice selection, I do like the cover for Ice Blue the best :)

    Thanks for stopping by mine.

  18. Yay for all the Nancy Drews!! Thanks for joining in last week :)

    Sugar & Snark

  19. I have a weakness for clocks! the AG's ones are my fav :)
