Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Top Ten Summer Freebie 2017


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten Summer Freebie! I decided to go with books that have a summery feel or have a summery cover. Who doesn't love summer? Weeeee!!!

Girl Out of Water

Summer in California surfing or summer in Nebraska? 

Since You've Been Gone

Looks like summer.

The Vacationers

I mean just look at this one.


Summer on an island off New Hampshire.

What I Thought Was True

I don't know too much about this one but it has a summery vibe.  

Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories

Need I say more?   


Not a summery cover but this one took place during the summer.   


This looks like summer also.   

Dangerous Girls


Eight Hundred Grapes

I really have no idea if this is set in the summer or not, but I like the cover and the Sonoma wine country setting sure felt like summer.  


  1. It looks like summer in that last one so :)

  2. I love summery covers :) Morgan Matson always has those summer covers! Also love the Girl Out of Water and What I Thought Was True covers.

    1. She does, her books always seem to have those summery, bright covers. Makes me want to read even though they aren't my kind of books!

  3. Summer Days and Summer Night sounds like the ultimate summer read.

  4. I don't really do summer, for books or in real life...Winter is Coming!!! *grins*

  5. I love summer covers! All of these are fantastic!

    1. Thanks, I like the summery covers too even if it's a book I don't normally read!

  6. The cover are so summery. Panic and Dangerous Girls sound great. I've heard about Dangerous Girls for a while. The reviews has been good.
    Anyway, thanks for sharing, Greg. Awesome list. :)

    1. I need to read Dangerous Girls! I have it on my Kindle waiting to go...

  7. I love the cover of Summer Days and Summer Nights. It's always fun to see what the tiny people are doing. Great list!

  8. I'm such a sucker for a great cover! So many great ones on your list! Summery covers always get me even more excited for Summer. Great list!

    1. I am too. I look at summery covers even if it's the kind of book I don't read lol.

  9. I'm not the hugest fan of the hot summer weather, but these covers definitely make me think of the things I do love about summer - the beach, long days, and doing things outside!

    1. I like it warm but not hot, but yes these summery covers definitely get one in the mood for summertime!

  10. I loved Dangerous Girls! These do all scream summer to me!

  11. Ohhh I love this prompt! Very timely.

  12. I need to read Summer Days and Summer Nights - I liked the winter collection. LOVE Dangerous Girls.

    1. I liked the winter one too. A little more I think, but the summer one had some great stories too. And Dangerous Girls I have to read- I've heard it's GREAT!

  13. I have Summer Days and Summer Nights - I guess this would be a good time to read it lol

    For What It's Worth

  14. I enjoyed Vacationers!

    Lisa @ https://hopewellslibraryoflife.wordpress.com/2017/05/23/top-10-tuesday-favorite-books-ive-read-in-the-summer/

    1. I haven't read that one! Love the cover though...

  15. I keep seeing Girl Out of Water today among other books and I might have to check it out, thanks for sharing!

    1. Girl Out Of Water is a pretty good summer read. :)

  16. So many amazing summer-y covers. I especially love the covers for Girl Out of Water and Since You've Been Gone :)
    Megan @ http://wanderingsofabookbird.blogspot.co.uk/

  17. "Sand." - LOL!!! That's my favorite caption. Short, simple, and to the point. I love all of these for summer. I think beautiful sunsets, swimming, ice cream, and pink for summer and these fit perfectly. Although I do love ice cream in the winter too since it doesn't melt as fast. Winters in Texas aren't really terribly cold though.

    1. Ha ha thanks! I know it's kind of a murder mystery thriller but IDK the sand on the cover makes me think of summer. :)

  18. Summer covers are the best! The Vacationers was just as much fun as its cover.

  19. Dangerous Girls was so good, it totally blew my mind!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/23/top-ten-tuesday-108/

    1. I have it to read and just need to get started on it!!

  20. You picked such great covers! You have me in the summer mood. What I Thought Was True is one of my favorites; that and its predecessor, My Life Next Door, are books I highly recommend. Awesome TTT! :)

    1. Thank you! This whole prompt this week is definitely getting me in the summer mood as well, with all the choices. There are a lot of summery themed covers!

  21. The Vacationers definitely screams summer as does Since You've Been Gone. Eight Hundred Grapes feels summery though I haven't read it. Great list!

    1. It does, doesn't it? I'm not sure The Vacationers is my kind of read but the cover always jumps out at me.

  22. Juniors looks cool. I haven't seen it before. Dangerous Girls is supposed to be really good. I've only read Since You've Been Gone which was great but another summery read as well as book be her called The Unexpected Everything and it's AMAZING.

    1. I've heard the same about Dangerous Girls. I need to tee that one up and jump in. I think I've seen The Unexpected Everything around and it does look good! And all her books look so summery. Juniors looks summery too I thought...

  23. Haha, I love all the short captions for each picture. Let the covers speak for themselves! I love the beachy ones, for some reason beaches are so symbolic of freedom and tranquility, it's great! ^.^

    My Top Ten Tuesday

    1. Thanks! Exactly. And I agree- love books with beach/ summery themes, even if it's not a book I'd normally read.

  24. I love summery covers! The Vacationers is my favorite of this lot.

    1. I love the cover of The Vacationers, so relaxing. And I want a big pool now lol. I like summery covers too...

  25. I haven't read any of the books on your list. I do have a few of them on my tbr list though. The Morgan Matson book really feels like summer to me.

    1. I agree, Morgan Matson's books always seem to have that summery vibe.

  26. I really want to read Girl Out of Water. I can't believe I left it off my list!

  27. Love the summery feel of those covers.

    My TTT is all about the sun: http://www.fellowship.community/six-great-ends-study-series/

    1. Oh no! Wrong link... that was for a client. Here is my TTT: http://books.thetechchef.net/top-ten-tuesday-26/

  28. Pretty covers! I especially like Juniors, since I love the beach and palm trees. I read The Descendants by the author, I should check this one out too!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  29. I'm more of a Fall/Winter girl actually. I spend a lot of time in the AC in the summer! ;)

    These covers SCREAM! Summer. Awesome job with the covers! I have seen you mention a few of these. Great List!

  30. These are definitely summery! I mean, what's more summery than sitting outside eating an ice cream cone? Or the ocean? And that Juniors one with the silhouettes and the palm tree and those colors, it just SCREAMS summer!

    1. Right? I could keep going with the summer covers, I love em even if they're not books I'd normally read!

      And yes Juniors totally looks like a beach get- together, I don't even know what it's about and I want to read it lol.

    2. That's exactly what it looks like. I feel like there ought to be a bonfire there somewhere lol. Although, oddly enough, I've never been to a bonfire on the beach? I've only been to bonfires in completely beach-free areas. But for some reason, that cover looks like a beach bonfire hangout.

    3. I feel like the bonfire is behind those people, it clearly has to be there. :) You can almost hear the booming surf too... and I don't think I've been to a beach fire either? All the bonfires I've been to are like in neighborhoods...

  31. These are great! They all feel very summery! I love the cover of Juniors, it screams summer. I also love the cover of Summer Days, which I still haven't read and probably should. (Well, that's like half the books on your list, tbh.) Great choices!

    1. Me too, Juniors makes me want to go whereve that is. lol And Summer Days has the most awesome cover! I liked the winter themed one more but there are some nice stories in that one...

  32. I thought Summer Days was pretty good, I liked the winter themed one more but there are some good stories there.

  33. What lovely, sunny covers! The only one I've read is Since You've Been Gone, and yes, that cover just screams summer!

    1. It does, doesn't it? I love covers like that that just summery...

  34. I think Juniors looks like the best summer cover to me. :)

    1. It definitely has a summer vibe! You can almost hear the surf and the seagulls...

  35. I love that most of these have water on them:-) It's definitely feeling like summer where I live, and tomorrow is the last day of school, so these books are really inspiring me!

  36. Oh wow, ALL of these look very Summery - I just love the colour schemes for them all ♥ GREAT list!

  37. That first cover! If I could get my arms to look like that before summer I would be really happy. Now to keep the cookies out of my mouth while reading.... life is hard!

    The handcuffs under the sand. That seems like an interesting read! I'd buy most of these just based off the covers <3

  38. I already have The Vacationers and Since You've Been Gone in my summer TBR but I will be adding Summer Days and Summer Nights. The cover is sooo beautiful! I wish summer would come fast enough!

  39. I love Dangerous Girls. It's such a good book, so I'm always happy to see it on a list! :-)

  40. I definitely want to try Since You've Been Gone - happy reading! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier. :)

  41. oh my fav has to be Tides! That cover is so cute! AND it's about marine biology! AND I love mermaids AND it's set in New England! yay!

    1. Tides is awesome! And yeah the guy is a marine biology interning on some islands off New Hampshre. Cool setting!

  42. Ironically, I don't actually like summer 😂
    I just reeeeeally do not like hot weather, and since I live in Michigan, if it's hot, you can bet on the fact that it's humid. So humid that it makes it feel like it's actually 20 degrees warmer than it actually is. Talk about sticky!

    1. Aww, I know what you mean. And you're from Michigan too *waves* I've actually run across quite a few Michigan book bloggers, it's kinda cool. :) And I so agree- I love nice 70's weather, but the humidity- no fun!

  43. Great picks! The Summer Days novella collection is PERFECT, and did cross my mind, but then must have escaped my notice when it was time to put my Top Ten Tuesday together. I also love Huntley's for this list (it LOOKS super summer-y) and meant to add Morgan's too (picture perfect summer vibe). Great choices!

    Thanks as always for the Finding Wonderland visit. :)

    1. I saw Summer Days and thought I HAVE to use that one lol. And those Morgan Matson covers all look so summery, don't they??

      Thanks for stopping Rissi!

  44. You sure do love that Tides cover, and I do too. :)

  45. Great picks! I can't wait for Summer! I have The Vacationers, but haven't gotten to it yet!
