Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Top Ten Most Anticipated Books Second Half of 2017


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

Top Ten most anticipated reads for the second half of the year. There are a lot of books coming out that I'm looking forward to, so this is a pretty easy list. 2017 has been a great reading year so far for me, and that looks to continue if some of these are half as good as they look. On to the list.  

A Map for Wrecked Girls

Wilders (Project Earth, #1)

The Pack (The Wanderers, #2)

The Lake Effect

Into the Drowning Deep

Killer. mermaids. 

One Dark Throne (Three Dark Crowns, #2)


Star's End

Looks kinda dreamy 

Two Roads from Here

What if you could see both paths when making a decision? 

Brave New Girl (Brave New Girl, #1)

Clonage and dystopia. 

There's Someone Inside Your House


Barbary Station (Shieldrunner Pirates, #1)

SF on a space station w/ mercenaries & stuff

The Secret History of Us


  1. Ooh, I'm intrigued by Barbary Station! I like the cover for Wilders too.

    1. I am looking forward to Barbary station too!

  2. So many there I want to read too! The Secret History of Us, Perkins' new book, Brave New Girl, Two Roads from Here, One Dark Throne!, A Map for Wrecked Girls. So many good ones on this list. I am hoping ODT drops at BEA, then I can read it sooner. =)
    Sam @ WLABB

    1. The Secret History Of Us is one I'm really looking forward to!

  3. None of these are really my kind of reads sadly! A couple of interesting covers though. Hope to get to grab them when they come out!

  4. Whaaaat?! I didn't know there was a new Mira Grant coming out! Adding to wishlist now.

    1. I know, right? Have you read Rolling in the Deep???

  5. I've heard that Stephanie Perkins is a fantastic author! I haven't even got through Anna and the French Kiss yet, but this horror book really has me intrigued.

    Also, killer mermaids? Sounds pretty awesome!

    1. I haven't read Perkins yet, but I'm looking forward to that one.

      And I know, killer mermaids right??

  6. Oh, There's Someone Inside Your House NEEDS to be added to my TBR! Also, The Pack sounds intriguing, must check it out :)

  7. I still have to read Three Dark Crowns but that cover of One Dark Throne is looking epic

  8. Wile they didn't make my list today I am interested in The Lake Effect and Two Roads From Here. I have The Secret History of Us to get to. ope you get to and enjoy all of these!!

    1. The Lake Effect I'm especially interested in because it seems to be set in Michigan.

  9. I'm so excited about The Lake Effect! I can't believe I didn't put it in my list! I'm also excited to read There's Someone Inside Your House and The Secret History of Us. Great list!

    1. I know! I can't wait to read all of those!!!

  10. I think The Lake Effect for me! I think all of the covers look good!

    1. The Lake Effect is set in Michigan I believe (where I'm from), so I'm looking forward to it for that reason.

  11. The Secret History of Us is on my list this week too. I am curious about The Lake Effect. That Stephanie Perkins book looks so different from the light contemporary YA stuff she usually writes. Hope you enjoy these!

    1. The Secret History of Us looks good to me too. And I'm curious for a Perkins slasher novel!

  12. There's Someone Inside your House is such a contradiction in a way -- it's an ominous title, but the cover is such a bright, luminous sign, is the last thing I would have expected on something with such a dark titel

    1. I know? I'm not sure I like the cover, but I want the book!!

  13. I've added some of this to my list :D


  14. One Dark Throne, definitely! Can't wait to find out what happens next!

  15. These do look good and some of them are new to me as well so thanks for letting me know about them. I really hope you get copies of them all and like them!

  16. Rachel Vincent is a newer author to me (I know she's been around a while but I just discovered her and can't read enough). That cover for Brave New Girl...So going to be reading that one!! Wilders caught my attention as well. Love a good sci-fi/dystopia :) Great list!!

    Here's my TTT.

    1. I've never read Vincent but that looks like a good place to start. And I'm keen for Wilders...

  17. Well I need There's Someone Inside Your House. The cover and title remind of the old R.L. Stine Babysitter books that scared me half to death when I was a kid! I'm really curious about Two Roads From Here. Sounds like an interesting concept. Great list!

    1. I do too. Give me that book!! And Two Roads does sound intriguing, doesn't it?

  18. Great list! I am intrigued by so many of these books especially Brave New Girl and Jessi Kirby's new book. I'm going to have to add to my already bulging TBR! Thanks for stopping by my blog, as ever, Greg! :-)

    1. Ha ha I need those too. Brave New Girl looks really good, and so does Kirby's book.

  19. This is a very interesting list! Rachel Vincent is an author I've always liked, so I'm particularly interested in reading her dystopian book. However, I have Mira Grant and Kendare Blake on my list as well ;)

    1. I've never read Vincent- looking forward to trying. And grant and Blake- I want BOTH of hose books!!

  20. I am so behind on what is coming out when . . . You've got a great list here, Greg. So many great sounding titles. A Map for Wrecked Girls looks like it will be good. And The Secret History of Us really appeals to me too. Here's to a great second second half of the year in books!

    1. I am too. I actually added to my TBR compiling this list. I only had like four initially... lol

  21. None of these have been on my radar yet, but Two Roads from Here sounds interesting, and so does Star's End. Good list, and it looks like you'll have plenty to enjoy this fall and winter!

    1. I think I'm looking forward to both of those!

  22. Oh, I have the first book in that Kendare Blake book in my to be read pile, so I'm glad you liked the first enough for the second to make this list! I'm also looking forward to The Secret History of Us!

    Nice list! :)

    1. The Secret History Of Us definitely looks good. and the Blake book was good- it definitely makes you anxious for the next one!

  23. Looks like some good ones. I really want There's Someone Inside Your House like ASAP. haha

  24. I'm waiting on One Dark Throne too! Great List!

  25. I'm looking forward to One Dark Throne. Haven't seen The Pack before but it looks like something I need to check out.

    1. The Pack is a sequel to The Wanderers. And One Dark Throne- can't wait!

  26. Hi, I'm looking forward for the pack too. Have a nice week.

  27. What great picks! Several new-to-me books up there and some that I am really looking forward to (Brave New Girl, There's Someone Inside Your House, and The Pack). Awesome TTT! :)

    1. Thank you! I discovered a few of these getting ready for this post lol. Brave New Girl and The PAck both have me really curious.

  28. Love that Map for Wrecked Girls cover. Into the Drowning Deep looks good too.

    For What It's Worth

  29. I'm intrigued by the Mira Grant, for sure. I feel like I have heard of Brenda Cooper and want to read her, but I can't actually pin her down - I'll have to go do some research...

    1. I've never read Brenda Cooper, but that series looks promising. Can't wait to try it! And the Mira Grant too...

  30. I've only heard of a couple of these. But One Dark Throne look pretty interesting, and the cover for Brave New Girl has me intrigued.

    My TTT: http://books.thetechchef.net/top-ten-tuesday-27/

  31. That reminds me I still need to read the first killer mermaid story. I also want to start the Kendare Blake series.

    1. Oh I liked it so much. When I saw she was doing a sequel I was like YESSS!! And the Kendare Blake series has potential so far...

  32. Gahhh I can't believe that I forgot Two Roads From Here on my list! That one looks so good. So many of these do! Brave New Girl was really fun- there was a bit of cheesiness, but the story sucked me in anyway. Definitely need One Dark Throne, A Map for Wrecked Girls, Lake Effect, and The Secret History of Us. I want to look a few of these up too, they seem quite intriguing! Great list!

    1. I wasn't sure about Two Roads at first, but now I want it. Good to know Brave Girl was good- the cheesiness gives me pause, but I'll try it. Can't wait to talk One Dark Throne after we all read it. And Map for wrecked Girls I want for the cover- if the story is good then bonus!!

  33. I haven't heard of A Map for Wrecked Girls, but I love the sound of it! Thank you so much for sharing. Hope you enjoy all of these titles.

  34. A lot of these are new to me. I do want to read Brave New Girl and the Mira Grant book looks great. Great list!

  35. One Dark throne! I really need to read the first one! Awesome list, Greg!

    1. Yes read the first one, would love to see what you think!

  36. Most of these are new to me so thanks for putting them on my radar :)

  37. Many of these looks so cool! I am always up for some killer mermaids! Isn't Stephanie Perkins the author who wrote Ann and the French Kiss which was all charming and delightful? That books of hers up there looks TERRIFYING! Apparently she contains multitudes. Finally, the cover of Wilder is just gorgeous - totally judging it based on that!

    1. Killer mermaids are the best. Did you read Rolling in the Deep? That's the first one (a novella) and it's pretty bloody! And yes Perkins is known more for her brighter reads, this is quite a departure!

  38. Absolutely loving the cover for A Map for Wrecked Girls, it's so eye-catching and unsettling at the same time. Star's End and Barbary Station are both on my TBR for this year too, which is good because I've been in a bit of a sci-fi drought lately. Gotta get back into it!

    1. I love that cover too, I WANT it so bad. Even if the story isn't any good. lol And Barbary station I just discovered as I was working on this post and it has me REALLY curious...

  39. Oops, I think blogger ate my comment. Here we go again! Agreed that 2017 has been an awesome year for new releases so far! Of the above, I'm really looking forward to Wilders, Into the Deep and Barbary Station. I made a few new discoveries as well, so thanks!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Oops. Wilders and Barbary Station- I have high hopes for both. I feel like I haven't read a lot of SF this year, and would like to correct that!

  40. This is the second list I have seen with the book 'There's Someone Inside Your House'. I really love that cover! But...I probably don't want to know what the book is about, so it does not ruin the cover for me :)

    1. I think it's quite a departure for that author to write basically YA slasher fiction, which is what I guess it is? I'll probably try it even though that's not my genre of choice! But I do love that cover!!

  41. Love the cover of that first book! You've got a couple of other books I can't wait for as well, especially One Dark Throne! I loved the first one so much! I need to see if there will be any ARCs available of it, I'd love to have one to match the first book! Awesome list!

    1. One Dark Throne- I can't WAIT to read it. Did you have a fave princess?

  42. It seems like a departure for Perkins, doesn't it? Looking forward to it though!

  43. The Lake Effect looks really cute although I've not heard of it before now. And, WOW! That cover for 'Throne' is dark... and creepy... and great. Despite not loving the "horror" genre, I *might* have to keep an eye on Stephanie's (which BTW has a fabulous cover!) because it's STEPHANIE PERKINS! :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Greg.

  44. Oh my, I never saw this particular cover of One Dark Throne!! I'm REAAALLLLYY excited for it too!! :) Hope it's as good as Three dark crowns :)

  45. Wow - you put all of these on my radar for the first time. Thanks! :) the one that caught my eye the most was the one by Rachel Vincent. I loved her Shifters series.

    1. This is Niki from the obsessive bookseller btw - my google signin is different lol.

    2. Hi Niki! Thanks for sharing, I would have wondered who that was! :) And yes- I have the Rachel Vincent book and I think it might be my next read. Cloning and SF always get me!

  46. they're almost all new to me, only heard about one

  47. Great list! I am so excited for Jessi Kirby's latest as well as Lake Effect. I forgot to add it to my list! I am intrigued by Stephanie Perkins's newest novel, too.

    1. I am too! And Lake Effect has me interested because it takes place on Lake Michigan- my neck of the woods. :)

  48. Ahhh. This TTT has been AWFUL for my TBR - I tell you!

    A Map For Wrecked Girls has an awesome cover. For some reason it calls to me, I can't say why.

    One Dark Throne - Yes, Yes, Yes. Total Yes.

    2017 has been a great year for books actually!

    1. Wrecked Girls has an AMAZING cover, doesn't it? And yes- this weeks' TTT has ballooned my TBR lol!

  49. Wow! These all look soooo good! The Two Roads one is especially intriguing. And The Pack! Adding those (and all of the suspense-type reads) to my TBR for sure. :)

    1. Two Roads and The Pack are two I'm very much looking for!!

  50. A Map for Wrecked Girls looks BEAUTIFUL. WOW. I'm excited to check these out - it gives me some new reading material to look forward to:)

  51. Replies
    1. Barbary Station in particular I think looks good. I NEED more SF as I've been kinda slacking this year... :)

  52. Killer-Mermaids? Sign me up!! :D

  53. Great list, Greg! A Map for Wrecked Girls seriously looks amazing!!

  54. OMG why haven't I seen The Pack before. I'm sooo going to Goodreads right now to add it to my wishlist. Ok, guess it's book 2 but at least book 1 was also on my wishlist. I love the cover of the Kendare Blake book if it was't for that snake!

  55. There's someone inside your house looks good, a definite don't read in the dark book!

  56. I haven't heard of ANY of these books! Aaaah! Seriously, WHAT is happening?! I'm so out of the loop :O I need to look up some of these and get it together haha
