Friday, April 7, 2023

Sunday Post499

This week I want to talk about The Secret Life of Bots. You can read it hereIntroverted Reader mentioned it last week and reminded me how much I loved that story. Honestly... check it out. 

In other news I have not gone out to eat for my birthday yet. Just haven't had time. I did go to dinner with my mom to Logan's Roadhouse and the steak was awful. Hers was better though. We're just waiting to do the birthday thing when everyone's around. I got lots of good ideas last week though... Texas Roadhouse, Fridays, and lotsa people seem to like Outback. I like Carabba's a lot. 

1980s, 80s, and 80s movies image

Here is this week's lyric. 

I was born to run
I was born to dream 

Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

Well on a train I met a dame  
She rather handsome, we kinda looked the same    

   Song of the week



  1. Oh, we all need a little Aerosmith! Well, I had kind of a hectic Friday, but I have my margarita all is well. I did get a burger at the local diner which is now managed by a charity and all the folks there are getting work in cooking and managing the cafe. They even have free bread for those in need. Boy, I would have liked to have had some of that sour dough, but oh well. My burger and onion rings were very tasty. I finally made it to the doctor's appointment which I felt was a waste of my Good Friday time, but all is well. I have to be thankful for that. I did get to catch up with a dear friend who I have liked to craft with..just to find out she has an auto immune disease and has to wear a mask and gloves everywhere. She has lost her hair.

    Hope you guys get together soon for your birthday. I know we still waiting to go out with someone in our family who had a birthday at Christmas. Time can really get away from you.

    Thanks for the tunes and of course, this vintage mystery cover!

    I hope to make banana pudding too..I gotta get busy.

    1. Even a little ham is over 12 bucks these days. Oh, it's unreal how much it all cost and it's terrible too. Hope you are having a great Saturday.

      I just found out gelato doesn't mix well with a soda (raspberry and Starry). Here's hoping you fid a lot of Easter Eggs🐰🌸🐰

      Carefully Listening
      The Book Group
      Cherry Blossoms
      Better Left Unsaid

    2. I got the cheese ball made. Now when I was sampling the pickled jalapenos they had a I put in close to half a cup, but as I was tasting the cheese ball afterwards..well, I couldn't tell.. we shall see tomorrow. Meanwhile I finished off that Starry with some tequila and that isn't bad at all.

      It's up to 73! Wow, although, we are in grass fire alert already. Dang, this is one of the saddest droughts I've been in since I moved here. When we got here ..a very long time ago, there was so much flooding on the Missouri along the way. I had never seen such a plush summer in my life. It really gave you that GOOD LIFE Nebraska feeling. It's been said nice people live here and that might be true, but of course, we have our domestic disputes and angry youth as you can find just about any other place. Although, I hear we support our musicians on the street much better than they do in L.A.

      I checked out YOU KNOW HER. I think you would like it.

  2. I went to have a steak in the local steak house last week. The steak was terrible too. That night was one of the mediocre nights as the result feeling quite down. I echo that experience of yours

  3. Sorry dinner with mom was subpar (the food, not the company). I hope you are able to round up the troops for a proper celebration and some good food.

  4. Me gustaron los videos y espero que tengas un genial cena por tu cumpleaños. Te mando un beso.

  5. I'm not a steak girl at all (I'm a seafood one LOL). Then can a "simple" steak be awful? Was it overdone? I hope you'll get to celebrate your (belated) birthday with great company...and better food 😂.

    Now I have "Born to run" stuck in my head thanks to your lyrics of the week, and it's not even the right song 😂.

  6. I think we ought to incorporate birthday WEEK. Celebrate all week! Haven't been to Carrabas in ages but that sounds good.

  7. unfortunate birthday with awful steak....
    love the lyric: "I was born to run .... I was born to dream .."
    Thank you for sharing videos

  8. I hope when you do get to your birthday dinner you have a wonderful time! Happy Easter! Have a great week.

  9. I’m sorry that your dinner was disappointing and hope that your birthday dinner is much better Greg! Have a great Easter!

  10. Steak is so expensive (it is here) that it's disappointing when it's not perfect. Have a great week :)

  11. Well I really hope that your birthday party at the restaurant will have better steak or food than the one you had this week Greg!

  12. The Secret Life of Bots looks really interesting, I love the fact that there is an audio version available too. Hope you have a great birthday party, It's frustrating when you pay lots of money for food that isn't up to standard.
    Charlotte Burt's Books

  13. We used to live in Wichita, KS before moving to PR and had heard that the Texas Roadhouse near our airport was the busiest Roadhouse in the US. I could believe it. It was usually packed by 4:30 each afternoon and stayed busy until closing. We ate at Outback instead, lol. Happy reading this week.

  14. I'm sorry the steak wasn't good, that's disappointing when you spend time and money on going out then it's a letdown. Hope it's good steak next time. I've had Texas Roadhouse in New York and it was awesome, then we went to one in New Jersey and it was awful. I love Aerosmith!

  15. That is such a bummer to place and pay so much for food that isn't good. Hopefully you have a good week though!

  16. Happy birthday 🎈
    I’m sorry the meal was disappointing, hopefully the next will be better!
    I’ll be celebrating my 50th this weekend.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  17. I had a pretty busy week too, kept me from doing all the reading I wanted, but with it being my family in the hospital, I didn't complain too much. Hope you get to have a good birthday meal soon! I've never been to Logan's before, so have nothing to compare to. Have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  18. Your pulp cover has '2 complete novels' for 35cents!?? Ah for the good old days. :) Thanks for stopping by Greg. Hope your 'official' birthday dinner is more enjoyable. Hope you have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  19. Never heard of The Secret Life of Bots, but I guess I'll take a look!

    Have a great week Greg!

    Elza Reads

  20. Sounds like you have something to look forward to with your birthday celebration. Of the restaurants you mentioned, I think Carabba's is my favorite. I haven't been there in years, though. Have a great week! :-)

  21. This week we went to Longhorn for my husband's birthday. It was really good. I hope you have a great week!

  22. Never heard of Logan's Roadhouse. Maybe it's only in your neck of the woods and not out west? Sorry to hear your steak was terrible. Never heard of Carabba's either. Hope you actual birthday dinner is excellent!

  23. When it comes to steak I like to just cook my own. I like mine well done but not murdered and they never get it right. lol

    A very Happy Easter to you.

  24. I just had a steak at Logan's Roadhouse that was pretty good. I ordered medium rare and they actually cooked it that way. I'm glad your Mom's steak was okay. Here's my SP:

  25. Aerosmith was the first band I heard in concert. Wild! There was lots of smoking and drinking there. I was 16. My daughter loves the pasta at Carabba's .

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  26. I love the cover of the week. :)
    Also, happy easter. :)

  27. The last time I enjoyed a steak was over twenty years ago, and no, I am not a vegan or vegetarian *smile* Happy Easter, Greg.

  28. It sounds like your mom is doing better. That's great! 😊

    I still haven't gotten over my Covid phobia, so I haven't been out to a restaurant in ages. Ha ha. I haven't been to a franchise restaurant since they closed Ruby Tuesdays! I loved that place. 😌

    Have a wonderful new week. ☀

  29. Sometimes we just get busy. Train Kept A Rollin is a great song. Hope you have a great week.

  30. Happy Easter, Greg! I hope you eventually have a fantastic birthday dinner😁

  31. Happy Easter Greg and hope you find that time for your birthday dinner out and that the steak or whatever is tasty.

  32. Happy Easter! You should definitely check out Texas Roadhouse!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    And my Sunday Watch for movie and TV fans!

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  33. I haven't been to a Logan's in years (there's not one very close by). That's a shame about the lousy steak. At least there's still your birthday dinner to look forward to.

  34. Hope you enjoy your birthday dinner when you get to have it!

    Happy Easter

  35. Hope you get to celebrate soon! All of those restaurants sound like good choices.

  36. I'd love to go to any of those spots for my birthday! I hope you get a chance to go soon.

  37. We're heading to Texas Roadhouse tomorrow to celebrate my brother's birthday. I am so looking forward to steak. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  38. We don't go out to eat often, so I hate it when the food is disappointing. My husband is an excellent cook, though, so I am also spoiled! ;)

  39. I hope you get to celebrate soon! Carabba's is one I've been wanting to try.

  40. Mmmm so many delicious birthday options! Can't wait to hear which one you chose and what you ordered to eat! Happy Birthday!

  41. I'm not a steak eater but my husband loves Longhorn Steakhouse. I order the firecracker chicken wrap appetizer as my meal and love those too. So many option! Isn't the anticipation delicious itself?

    Enjoy your week!

  42. Hope you'll get to celebrate soon, with a great steak this time!

  43. I like Carraba's quite a bit too. The last time we went to Logan's I wasn't a big fan. We did end up eating at Outback the other night and enjoyed it though come to think of it neither of us had steak! I hope you're having a great week and happy belated birthday! I'm a believer in celebrating my birthday for at least a month so you are still in birthday season.
