Friday, January 19, 2024

Sunday Post

I was thinking this week about my comment last week- about how much I posted in previous years. Take 2018. 457 posts! I did sometimes post more than once a day. I had certain memes I did, stuff like Bookcover Spotlight and Comic of the Week. And the comments! I got 21 comments on a Bookcover Spotlight, and 50 on a Waiting on Wednesday. No wonder I posted so much! Granted some of that is comment for comment, but still. The community was still so vibrant then! 

In other news I'm in search of a good cover artist. A little early, perhaps, but I want to preview various artists before I get there. Whether I only post on Patreon/ Royal Road/ Wattpad or actually publish via Kindle Unlimited, I'd like to identify a few possible artists. Long time readers know I used to post art on my Sunday Posts every week, so I have favorite artists. I'll have to check in with them on Artstation and whatnot. UPDATE: I found this site. 

I did a little looking and I'm not sure now that Wattpad or AO3 (for that matter) are good fits for what I'm writing. I hear so many different things. Wattpad is more for writing and Ao3 for fanfiction, but Ao3 has original work too. I'm not sure anyone's reading it though!    

This week's discussion post is Game of Thrones Alys Karstark      


Here is this week's lyric. 
Well the first time that I saw ya 
You looked down and out  

Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

See them walking hand in hand 
Across the bridge at midnight 

   Song of the week



  1. I feel like there are just SO many people posting on AO3, and like- not that no one posts original stuff, but it would likely get lost in the sea of fanfic? Just because I think when people head there, they're most likely looking for something specific, I guess. What happened to that other site? That seemed the most fitting for your sort of writing. I also stumbled on Inkitt, which I do not know a ton about but it seems in a similar vein to wattpad, but less... romance-y.

    I still have no idea how you posted- and commented- that much! That is dedication!

  2. Mucha suerte con la portada. Linda música. Ten un buen fin de semana. Te mando un beso.

  3. Blogging has fragmented. With the advent of goodreads, that fragmented the book community from straight blogging. With facebook that fragmented the social community. And the fragmentation has simply proliferated with every new "thing" that people can spend their time on.
    I don't think it is so much that blogging is dying because people aren't online, but it is dying because they are choosing to do other things online instead. That is sad to me :-(

  4. I give people credit for multiple posts per day. I am one and done, but if you have something to put out, good for you. Good luck with your book journey. It's sounds pretty exciting.

  5. I read someone's post today about the blogging community not being as active or vibrant as in past years. I guess people use Instagram or Twitter or have some other way to post about their reads. At least I hope so.

    Harvee at

  6. Yes, I definitely feel like the blogging community has changed some, certainly a lot of blogs that I used to visit and interact with are no longer running.
    Lynn :D

  7. I still like blogging even if many have moved on to more TikTok vibes. Looking for something to skim through. I haven't found a community of writers I've like on Watpad, either. And a few other places I have posted have came and went over the years. There was a time I had several Diaries on Diaryland. Honestly, that was a great place to find your voice. Anyway, I just keep going. And I am thankful for the people I have met here and for the readers I have too.❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ -11 at the moment..just staying in today. It might hit 22 tomorrow! Thanks for all the music here today! And what a killer bookcover! I best she could set the bed on fire!

    1. BRRRR...still so cold. I didn't do a lot today. Sure, I wrote a little. I had big plans on all this baking stuff..then did nothing. Oh, I feel bad I had turn down some girl who wanted to make money to buy her brother a birthday shoveling the drive. It's just too cold to do it today. Thanks for your comments. Oh yeah..Wade and his twin. & getting in good with to speak. Maybe even Elvis might figure him out.

  8. There did used to be a lot more of us blogging back in the day. So many of the first book blogs I followed aren't even up any more. It's sad. I'm just glad the rest of us are still around. Good luck with figuring out your writing project!

  9. It's interesting to see how things go in waves. I'm definitely getting more hits and comments since I started participating on these Sunday Posts, which I started a couple of years ago. The down side is, it's cut into my Saturdays quite a bit with the drafting and commenting.

    Always a trade off, isn't there?

  10. Honestly I have never been to Wattpad or AO3 either so I can't help you :-(

  11. I definitely think blogger engagement is way down these days. I used to get more "likes" on my posts a few years ago than I do now. Oh well, times change I guess! Good luck finding some cover artwork, that sounds like a fun task:-)

  12. B.C. Johnson had all the covers for his Deadgirl series done by an artist called Andi Garcia: here's a recap of her covers for him so far (on the right) and a preview of the new one:
    and here's her Deviantart link:

    Have a nice week, cold permitting...😉

  13. I know that the Pandemic took the wind out of my blogging sails! I was stuck in isolation most of the time, and I would read some, but mostly watched movies online.

    I want to get back to blogging more!

  14. Inkitt is another place I think you can do your writing like on Wattpad. You might look at that. I agree about the blogging world. I used to do tons of posts too, but the last few years have been trying to not do more than one a day, and even not having to have my blog post every day. It makes me feel a little less overwhelmed. But I still love blogging even as it might slow down a bit. Good luck on your cover search! Covers are always fun for books! I always have fun making my own on Canva even if I don't know that I'll ever finish the books or publish them. Have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  15. My comments have gone down since I have started blogging too. Some of that is that I have also stopped doing posts like "Can't Wait Wednesday." I hope you have a great week.

  16. Some weeks are harder than others for me to post on my blog. I used to do multiple posts per day, but now I limit it to one a day and not always everyday. We do what we can. As always, I love your pulp cover. Have a great week!

  17. Good luck for your writing endeavor.

  18. My comments are strong but I am doing about 400+ posts a year. I have a review post every day and sometimes a challenge, or Sunday post, also. I host 2 challenges Library Love and Thrifty Thursday plus my Read-along so I tend to get some interaction. I also have 4 co-bloggers who have been with me since the beginning, starting our 7th year now. Before blogging I was on and A03 quite a bit but now I read new releases more and I blog.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  19. That's awesome that you're looking for a cover artist. :D That has to be exciting!

    Yeah, I remember when the community was bigger. I loved the camaraderie we found in meeting other book bloggers. Utah used to be riddled with book bloggers. We'd have monthly get togethers. It's how I found my current friend group. It's sad so many of them as well as other bloggers I followed stopped blogging. I do miss those days, but I'm glad the community doesn't seem to have the same types or level of controversies it did back then.

  20. As a reader I only go to Ao3 when I'm looking for a specific fan fic realm. I think wattpad is a better fit for original writing. I've been blogging since 2007. Now back in the early aughts that was a time for blogging! Not even facebook was really around! I've always looked at my blog as a place for me to document my life so if people read it great, if not oh well. Have a great week Greg!

  21. I do think at times that the blogging community was much more active in years past than at the current moment. Oh well! Glad some of us are still around :)

  22. Yes, the blogging community has shrunk, but I like the platform the best for books. More than Instagram and I won't do TikTok. Good luck in finding an artist. :)

  23. It does feel like the blogging community has shrunk a lot in the last ten years... it takes real work to keep in touch with everyone, too. I kept my blog ticking over while I wasn't really able to participate, and replied to comments and such, but didn't have a lot of time for linkups and the like. My audience really shrank!

    But in the end, I came back anyway, 'cause I miss how it was, and at least I'm adding my voice back to the chorus.

  24. I hit a high number of posts in 2017 and 2018, as well. Nowadays, a lot of my calendar is actually filled with posts from my sister! If she didn't contribute, I'd only be posting like once a week.

  25. I struggle with 1-2 posts a week sometimes so imagining more than a post a day boggles my mind. :) I remember that Duran lyric/song so well. And one version of the video got banned from MTV. Naturally that made us want to see it even more.

  26. Personally, if you post it anywhere I vote for AO3 just because I already have an account and hate Wattpad. There is original fiction on there and it would be easier for me to keep track. But I get you want to try and find something that works for you and you're likely to gain a good audience as you post it.

  27. I used to be a much more prolific poster, but never got beyond one post a day, and I usually took at least one or two days off a week. I always admired those who were able to post so frequently--and keep up with comments and make the rounds blog hopping. With life changes and all that, it wasn't sustainable for me. I try to post once or twice a week now, but even that I don't always manage. I am not active on social media, although I try to make an appearance now and then on Treads. Some of the book bloggers I started with no longer blog and are on Facebook, so I follow them that way. But I've lost touch with so many.

  28. This is the worst I've ever been about posting. I've taken breaks but never just not cared lol

    I want to write a New Years post because I have been doing some fun things, watching great shows but the energy it takes to get going....

  29. These days I'm lucky if I post once a week! Have a good one.


  30. Ahhh sorry I haven't visited in a while! I guess I missed something because you're writing a book? Maybe publishing it? That would be so cool, wherever you post or publish it! But idk if you noticed that site you linked to uses AI art instead of real artists :-(

    I used to get more comments, but a lot of them for memes just felt hollow. I figured I got less now because I'm just not as active, but I wonder if maybe the community in general got less active.

  31. Woah, that is a lot of posting back in the day. I'm sure I posted a lot too because blogging was definitely more popular. It's hard to muster the energy and time but I'm here! haha

    Lauren @

  32. If you find something better than Wattpad let me know. 👍
