Friday, August 18, 2023

Sunday Post #518

So this week I've been watching World Cup. My team Sweden lost to Spain, so Spain plays in the final today- well, Sunday. I'm going to miss the matches- I love the atmosphere. 

The other thing this week was gearing up for the Renaissance festival. Although I may not go. I love it, don't get me wrong, but I see they're charging $10 for parking this year. I guess last year was a mess, with hour long waits to get parking, and muddy conditions so I get why they're trying to handle parking more professionally, but $10? It's already $26 to get in. 

And they don't improve the grounds. They run out of soap and hand sanitizer. I am sorry I missed the Great Lakes Medieval faire though, down by Cleveland. I went there years ago and loved it. I guess I thought it started in August but it's over- ran through July and early August. Next year. Time to move on from the Mich one.  

This week's discussion post is Cloning- Yea or Nay   

Image result for anne bonny black sails gifs

Here is this week's lyric. 
I hear the wolf howl honey     
Sniffing around your door    

Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

Have you seen her, so fine and pretty?     
Fooled me with her style and ease        

   Song of the week


Carey, Donnell - Kisses Can Kill! (Hanro, 1951)


  1. I guess cloning depends on are we talking a whole person, or just parts? I'm all for parts.

  2. Love that book cover..oh, these festivals are fun but so expensive. It's like there is a tax for everything on top of everything already being expensive. You really have to find ways to make shortcuts. I always want to go to the indie music festival in Omaha but they always have it at the hottest time of the year. And I'm not as young as I used to be. Also some of the classic rock concerts are sponsered over in Iowa by the cassinos. Still all that mugginess and too much Barefoot wine can really make you just want to jump in the river as soon as possible.

    I'm sure there is so much we don't really know about cloning. Yet, we needed it so we can figure it all out. Still, there are some strange happenings about way people are using it. Of course, they have the money to do it, but still some strange things that are a bit twisted. ❤️🧡💙🧡💙🌈Happy Weekend! Hope it's a good one.

    Carefully Listening
    The Book Group
    Cherry Blossoms
    Better Left Unsaid

    1. Oh man, did we get a whammy on the heat! It started out pretty cool yesterday. Like a reminder Fall is coming (YEAH) but by eleven with no wind it just felt we were saturated in heat and humidity. doesn't feel like a cold, but...on top of that I got a couple of mosquito bites recently..although, it was the little spider bites happened at night that showed up that were the most unexpected. At least, I slept no matter what last night. & I have a cold brew this morning from Trader Joe's.

      Hope you are keeping cool. Maybe you're reading a thriller!

    2. Gotta margarita right now! Oh, it was getting hot at the library in the worst way! And it was busy! A few of our characters were there to make us miserable at the computer too. I think something is happening to the AC there. But all is better to be home now! It's pretty hot out there. 90 with humidity too! Hope it's cooler there.

  3. It's the extras that sometimes discourage me from going places too. It really adds up. I hope you do something fun this weeend.

  4. The kisses can kill poster is so good!

  5. El domingo es la fina del futbol y espero que gane Inglaterra. Ten un buen fin de semana, Te mando un beso.

  6. It's crazy how you end up not being able to afford anything, or you have to make sacrifices in order to go somewhere fun. There's a lot of speculation out there, I'm sure. Of course, I can't go anywhere anyway, but it's a shame for those who don't have my problems and want to enjoy something...

    I was expecting Ch. 38 of The Sands of Time to resurface?

    1. I saw your post at the top of my Blogger Reading List tonight, so I figured you added the chapter and reposted. Yay! (I keep you on your toes, don't I? 😉).

  7. That's pretty steep for parking, especially if they charge $26 to get in!

  8. Your lyric this week is from Whitesnake, isn't it? I love that band! I even saw them in concert once. And $10 for parking on top of $26 admission does seem pricey. But Ren Faire's are always so much fun. There's one near me at the end of August that I'm looking forward to going to. Enjoy your weekend, Greg! :D

  9. I think it depends with cloning. Who are you cloning and what intent is behind it? I know people cloned their pets and I have mixed feelings about that.

  10. $10 for parking may seem high but what isn’t these days, right? Parking for a 2 hour medical appointment is this much in my area so I guess it just depends how important it is for you to go.

  11. everything gets expensive nowadays.
    love music from second video. Have a nice weekend.

  12. I need to catch up on your story. That's too bad about the Ren Faire parking. Prices for everything are crazy lately. We were bummed they officially permanently canceled the Ribfest we like to go to every August. They hadn't opened up since covid hit and now with the prices for the meats/ingredients/etc. so high they said they couldn't keep costs at a reasonable range for the vendors and patrons.

  13. No vi el capítulo ayer así que lo leí. Genial fragmento. Lo dejaste muy interesante. Te mando un beso.

  14. I think I went to one medieval fair ever, and it was fun watching people in their costumes. Parking is often a problem at popular events.

    Harvee at

  15. Love your vintage cover this week, particularly the title. Read an interesting novel recently around cloning that sure gave food for thought: The Echo Wife.....a woman scientist that creates short term human clones for specific purposes. Worth a read....
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  16. I've only been to one Renaissance festival years ago, and I remember it being really hot and dusty. $10 with a $26 entrance fee seems like way too much!

  17. That sounds like a lot for parking and just getting in! Have a great week.

  18. Fairs sound fun in theory to me, but when it comes to actually going I'm not as keen. I just can't take the crowds. $26 to get in? That's pricey if they run out of essentials.

  19. Even though I'm a medievalist I've never been to a renfair.... *hides in shame* But some of my new colleagues go to them so maybe I'll join then for a visit, as long as they're not too pricey! And I agree with an earlier comment that I'm on board for cloning parts, but I'm not entirely on board with an entire human. There's no way we're prepared for all the ethical and legal implications of that if we can't even let people use the bathrooms they want. I hope you have a lovely week :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  20. Aww sorry your team didn't make it to the finals! Kisses Can Kill, what a great title lol.

  21. I still think I'd pay to get to the Renaissance festival but it's probably because I never attended one!

  22. I own a house in a tourist town and they are suddenly starting to charge for parking everywhere. It'd be fine if I were a tourist, but I live there. I like your pulp fiction cover. Here's my SP:

  23. I haven't been to a Renaissance festival in over twenty-some years.

    Nice Black Sails meme! I need to rewatch the series.

  24. I might skip the Ren Fest this year just because of money and time. I went last year and bought a whole outfit with real corset, etc. But don't feel like going this year for some reason. So far they haven't charged for parking fortunately. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  25. Yes... everything is so much more expensive, with inflation still running unacceptably high. I was astounded when our latest trip to Brighton meant we paid over £20 for the car parking alone... Have a great week, Greg:).

  26. Be a shame to miss something you enjoy. Maybe you can carpool to split the parking fee, or get dropped off instead?

    Wishing you a great reading week

  27. I've never been to a Renaissance festival but they always look fun.

  28. I haven't been to the ren faire here in many years. But I remember thinking they needed to do something to improve. Parking was a mess and in their desire to keep things "old timey" there were some potential issues with safety and hygiene.

  29. I love festivals :D Well written :D

  30. Sorry about your team's loss. The Renaissance Festival is fun, but $10 for parking for a $26 event is a lot! Have a great week. :)

  31. Bummer about the Ren festival and it costing so much for parking that is crazy.

    Week in Review

  32. I went to the one in Minnesota a couple times. It was end of August and September. It was out near a rural area and parking was included with the fee to go but it was fields and ditches full of ragweed and I was miserably sick both times I went.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  33. That's expensive for parking. So your lyrics each week are taking me back to my college days. I know just who sings this weeks lyrics and without spoiling anything, I saw them in concert too. Of course I saw Van Halen too! Have a great week and thanks for the flashbacks!

  34. I've always wanted to go to a Renaissance Festival but it's always so expensive and there's always a big charge for parking for everything here. I hope you have a great week!

  35. Why is Sweden your team? Do you have Swedish ancestry or just a fan? Just curious what drew you to them! I was backing Canada :(

  36. Gosh, when you add everything up, it's a lot. Parking, admission, whatever you'd spend while you're there, etc. Just make sure to have tons of fun to make it worth it :)

  37. That is pricey. Some of my family enjoys those fairs. My step-mother used to sew her own clothes for them.

    Van Halen is a great band. Dance the Night Away is one of my favorites.

    Hope you have a nice week.

  38. I remember getting one of those gigantic turkey legs at a renaissance festival thingy.

  39. Parking is always a problem whenever there's an event going on; and shopping malls too!! Things are just getting more expensive nowadays due to inflation.

  40. Wow, it sounds like the Ren festival might be pricing themselves out of attendees. Between admission, parking and then food... that's a spendy outing. I feel like I should know this week's lyrics but I'm stumped.

  41. Parking is a killer. My daughter took her children to World's of Fun. It was $69 each to get in and then they charged $30 to PARK. Seriously?

  42. Paying for parking when you already have to pay to get in somewhere drives me nuts. Same for paying for parking at the hospital.


  43. Running out of hand soap and sanitizer in this day and age is just wrong! I also hate paying for parking at events. It feels like a money grab.

  44. I could not believe how much parking was at a recent baseball game. I think it was fifty dollars!

  45. I'd love to go to a renaissance faire one day, though I completely agree that $10 is so much!

  46. Renaissance faire! I always wanted to go

  47. I really want to go to a Renaissance Faire! I never have and my son has been talking about wanting to go. That's too bad about the parking charge - especially since there is no extra benefit. I hope you're having a great week!

  48. Cloning of animals and body parts, but not full human beings. That's just creepy. Ha ha. 😏

    I hope you've been having a good week. ☀
