Wednesday, July 12, 2023


A strange craft is approaching the Earth. Marie (from the Survivors cycle) is graduating as a special UN agent. It's three years, I guess, since Return to Aldebaran, where she and Kim became co- main characters. 

So here Marie is recruited to be part of the team that is going to board the ship. The actual boarding is tense. And oh, it's probably wise to let sealed doors stay, you know, sealed? 

Anyway- spoiler alert- two dead humans are found aboard, and they were killed by nanobots. We are also introduced to some old friends as Kim makes her appearance. Kim is making contact with a mantris- those alien creatures that go all the way back to the first Aldebaran book. 

So nice to see iums again. And iummy! 

I love the shot of the iums watching Kim from within the tree. 

Meanwhile the mothership is found near Neptune, and appears to be a worldship. I of course love worldships. 

Kim's interview with the mantris doesn't go very well- it considers humans petty and primitive. A little swipe at religion here, perhaps, which I've noticed before from Leo. 

Anyway Kim shows up to help Marie when they make contact with the mothership. The attempt to make contact with the mothership goes poorly. Kim has to make a decision.

For spoiler reasons, it appears that Kim- and Marie- will need to board the vessel. 


  1. Your writing style suddenly changed here. Not so much suspense here but more narrative instead.

  2. This feels like a prelude..or maybe a recap. Very interesting. Oh, and I left you a reply at

  3. Me gusta mucho la ciencia ficción. Así que me encnato el fragmento. Te mandó un beso.

  4. Love your writing style and love the cover too.

  5. Every time you post one of these, I think "gahhh I REALLLY need to read them!" and then every time... I do not. Well, that isn't true, I read... the first one of one of them? And really liked it? But they are so pricey in print and I don't want to read them on my laptop so here we are. One of these days when I have won gobs of money or something.

  6. Ooh mysterious ship boarding! I love when space books get tense.
