Saturday, May 20, 2017

Sunday Post #195

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This week was pretty awesome- we got temps in the 80's. In fact the high tomorrow (I'm writing this on Tuesday) is 87! Woot! Bring it- summertime. Why am I writing this on Tuesday? Well not the whole post but you know, I gotta get it started. :) So yeah a good week. Reading took a back seat though, I didn't read a lot mainly because I'm waiting for some new releases. I did read Refuge for Masterminds though and it was excellent- my thoughts will be up on Tuesday. Thanks to Kathleen Baldwin for the ARC!  

Last week I posted a flash fiction and thanks to everyone who stopped by. Flash fiction is fun and challenging too because it's so short, you don't have a lot of room to work with. The 100 is winding down (and getting very intense in the process) and Riverdale is done- I thought the finale just a bit underwhelming, but all in all a fun show. And 12 Monkeys started up again. One of the best shows on TV  is back.  

I reviewed Girl Out Of Water this week. Next week will be Refuge for Masterminds, as I mentioned above, and something else... not sure what yet!   

Girl Out of WaterRefuge for Masterminds (Stranje House, #3)

Song of the week



What She SawOne Of Us Is Lying



  1. The book for this coming week looks good. I hope it is too

  2. We went from stuffy heat to cold spell during the week and today it is a bit brr! Weather can't seem to decide what it's doing. Winter is coming...heh!

  3. Hot Hot Hot here this week in the Northeast but today is on the cool side. Hope that you have a great week ahead!

    1. Thanks Cindy! Hope you get nice weather but not too hot... :)

  4. In Nc, it was dang near the 90's and I was dying! Give me 50-60 degree weather year round with 2-3 snow days and I'd be a happy camper. Melissa McCarthy is a woman I'd love to meet. She's funny, talented, committed to family, and a great business woman. Hope your weekend is amazing! Hugs...

    1. Yeah 90's is too hot. I'd love those temps too, or even just mild 70's. Love McCarthy!

  5. Summertime, for sure! It's going to be 101 (real feel, anyhow) where I live! A little too hot, but good pool weather.

    What She Saw looks interesting. And I do love historical romance so I'll check out your review for Refuge for Masterminds.

    SNL is so stinking funny, but they have some excellent material to work with, lol! Love the Tropical Hideout pic! Great post, Greg! :)

    1. It does feel nice to get some nice weather, although 101 is too hot for me! Isn't it funny how we often get too hot or too cold, where's the happy medium? :) But yes that would be nice pool weather!

      I am looking forward to What She Saw. And Refuge for Masterminds is just fun, it's book three in the school for Unusual Girls series and I highly recommend them.

      Yes they do, it must be like a field day for SNL some of these weeks. And I love the Tropical Hideout too! Hope you have an awesome weekend.

  6. I love Melissa on SNL. She's so good! I'm curious about One Of Us is Lying!!

    It's been a fairly warm week where I live too, but also lots of random storms!


    1. She is! And we've had some storms too, quite a bit actually.

  7. Hysteria and What She Saw both look good. We've had warm temps as well - almost too warm for this time of season but it's supposed to be back to normal next week. I just purchased the Dorothy CD last week on itunes but haven't had a chance to listen to it all yet. Hope you have a great reading week.

    1. I can't wait for both of those! I hope you like the Dorothy! I am loving their music...

  8. It's already boiling hot here and we need rain very badly.

    Refuge for Masterminds looks awesome! Looking forward to your review this week!

    1. Aw, I hope it cools down.

      Refuge for Masterminds is awesome. I love that series.

  9. It was 94 here on Wednesday, and that is a little too hot for my taste. I want to go live somewhere where it's like, 75 all year round? Low humidity, never snow, not a ton of rain. Does this exist? Idk. But I would give that Tropical Hideout a shot.

    Riverdale is on Netflix now, so I will probably start it at some point. After I rewatch The 100 several times, because that will obviously happen. I think I am too attached? Ha. I am curious about 12 Monkeys too. It is on Hulu though so that's annoying. Guess I could use the Syfy app? And I am so excited for One of Us is Lying. Quite curious about Hysteria, as I have enjoyed some of the author's other books, so I hope they are (or were?) good!

    1. I don't like 90's. And yes that sounds perfect. 70's year round, nice breezes... and I think that Tropical Hideout looks pretty good too. :) We need more tropical fantasy settings...

      Riverdale is good but don't go in with too high expectations. :) It's a little corny at times, but I like how they take a dark tone. And Cheryl rocks. 12 Monkeys you have to watch. Yeah it's on Hulu not Netflix which sucks, but if you ever get a chance to watch it... would love to see what you think. It's almost on a par with The 100 to me.

      One Of Us Is Lying I NEED to read, and Hysteria too. I've heard good things about Miranda but this will be my first book of hers...

  10. Man, I love those ruined machine pics. I just love the atmosphere of them, reminds me very much of Horizon Zero Dawn.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I love those pics! There's just something about 'em...

  11. Oh my goodness, I've been seeing Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer all week! So great. That's awesome that you got an ARC of that book from the author. I may binge-read the series some day. Have a great week, Greg!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. She's hilarious! And I love that series and hope you get a chance to read 'em!

  12. I've got What She Saw on my list. Some good books this week and I kind of went over my book budget. LOL Been hot and muggy here on the coast and I'm loving it. Spent time in the pool and did some reading on the back patio.

    My Sunday Post

  13. Enjoy your books and shows....What She Saw looks tempting.

    I always enjoy the SNL clips....if we can laugh at what's happening, maybe there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog. Looking forward to Bloodline.

  14. Yay warm weather! But haha, I didn't question why you were writing it on Tuesday, I start mine early too and then just keep adding to it and changing things throughout the week. I worry that I'll forget what books I got and things I wanted to say if I don't lol.

    I ended up looking at that artwork that inspired your flash fiction for a while that day I commented. Those images were GORGEOUS!

    1. Yeah, finally! And glad I'm not the only one who does that. I couldn't do it all at the last minute. In fact I've got up through #200 more or less started, at various stages...

      I LOVE that artwork. True confession- I actually bought one, The three of the Three Million Islands it's called, and I bought it framed... it's frickin huge! But it looks awesome and it gonna be so awesome on the wall.

  15. Same with you, I didn't read much. Only two out of my weekly goal, three. I'm waiting on some new releases too, Greg. This week will be awesome.
    Glad to hear about the good weather. I'm planning to write posts in advance too, Greg. I'm starting to get overwhelmed with blog posts. Having some posts ready a few days before will help.

    Have a wonderful week and enjoy your books! :)

    1. I hope your new reads are awesome. And planning ahead really does help- I couldn't post as much as I do without a certain cushion.

  16. Yea for good weather we had lovely weather here for 11 days in a row which felt like a miracle now it's back to rain and misery lol. I love all the images you always post with your Sunday post. Have a great week.

  17. How organised to start your post early...jealous! Sounds like the start of a good week though.

  18. It was like 90 for three days and yesterday and today was in the 60s. I feel so confused, I might actually just put all the clothes in the closet and not sort summer and winter because at this point I don't know what tomorrow will be!

    I plan to do a lot of binge watching this summer, if I can stop watching Bones. :)

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

    1. Same here. Warm then cools off... you never know from day to day what you're gonna get.

      I took a break from netflix because I felt like I had watched everything I wanted to, but now there's new stuff lol and I'll be binging this summer too. :)

  19. I wish I was that organized to write my Sunday post on a Tuesday but that won't happen, I do write it on Friday/Saturday and add things on Sunday. Melissa McCarthy as Spicer is a gift, honestly. Have a great week!

    1. I used to do that too but with art and videos I just kinda add them as I go during the week as I discover stuff. Don't worry though I'm not really that organized!

  20. I feel happy if I get anything written at all for a Sunday Post! Tuesday, eh? Good job.

  21. Sounds like it's warming up your side of the world! That's awesome.

    Sometimes it's good for reading to take the back seat and I hope you'll enjoy your new releases when they come out! I have SOOOOo many books that I want to read (said every book worm ever) but I also need to take a minibreak every now and then. You know - only an hour or so at night. :)

    I need to go and check out your flash fic! I didn't read that one! I'm still trying to catch up with everything and I just haven't had a chance to get around to all the blogs that I would like to. I'm only checking out a couple of posts per blog at the moment but I definitely want to come back during the week to catch up properly!

    Your pics (the first couple made me think Star Wars) have made me want to go back and re-watch episode 7... Plus can I admit that I haven't worked up the courage to watch Rogue One yet?? Yikes. I need to do that!

    Will catch up properly in the week. Hope you have an awesome weekend (what's left of it) and a great week ahead!

    1. It is warming some, but then we get days like today where it's cooler. No rhyme or reason. :)

      There's only so much time and now that I follow so many blogs I've found it almost impossible to keep up with everyone. I just do the best I can. Don't feel too bad. :) Although I would love to see your thoughts!

  22. It has been SO hot here (just outside of Nashville)! I feel your pain. We hit 90 a couple days last week already. It's going to be a LONG summer.

    I'm new to your blog, and I really love all the music you posted! I'm a big music fan, almost all genres, and I always need new music to check out. I'll for sure be coming back every week to see what you've posted!

    Have a great week!

    1. I know the heat is coming and it sounds like you've got it already. We did almost get 90, it hit upper 80's here a few days last week but then it cooled off again.

      Thank you for visiting, and nice to see your blog as well. :) I'm glad you liked the music, I try to post a song of the week every week and it does vary, from moody stuff to rock.

  23. It was super warm here too. Maybe too warm but I will take it!! It as already cooled down so. I think I might binge Riverdale over the summer. Love those SNL videos. Have a great week!

    1. Yeah we went from high 80's to 50's- where is the happy medium?? :) I hope you like Riverdale if you watch- it is fun.

  24. Oh my goodness! We are having temperatures in the high 50s and maybe 60s if the sun is out... *sigh* Temperatures up in the 80s are rare and never so early in the year. Ah well, I can but hope July and August are kind! Love the guitar solos and awesome pics - thank you! Have a great week, Greg. My Sunday Post -

    1. I think I might like your weather! Or at least the moderate temps. We get so humid here in the summer...

      Thanks for stopping by!

  25. I always start my Sunday Post draft early in the week too, and just add to it as the week goes by. Seems easier! I might try and give Riverdale another chance.

    1. Same here. It helps if I start it early, or I'd never get it done.

  26. It was pretty warm for us this week too....with some rain sprinkled in. lol! This week it's going to be a little cooler but not cold enough for me to start complaining too much. Love all of the art you posted and the SNL videos are sooo good! Hope you have a great week!

    1. Same here- we got warm, then it cooled off, and we did get sprinklings of rain.

      Love the SNL videos!

  27. Melissa McCartney as Sean Spicer is hilarious!!!!! Our temps here got warm this week as well. Then Friday, Saturday, and today-rain. Oh well, we had a nice week! Hope you have a great week as well!

    1. It's been raining here too, we've had some storms roll through.

  28. You start writing Sunday posts on Tuesday :D okay, THAT is impressive. I should learn planning from you :D
    And an amazing artwork collection as always :)

    1. It's kind of a new thing, I used to do everything at the last minute but now yeah I do start the template early and just fill it in through the week.

  29. I agree with you about The 100. Last week's episode was a real nail biter and I think the season finale will be insane. Wondering if there will be a time jump when season 5 starts up.

    1. I agree, it's going to be intense. And I keep hearing about that 5 yea gap!

  30. One of Us is Lying. I like that title. :)

  31. We've gotten warm temps too which is nice. I don't like being cold! Looking forward to your thoughts on Refuge of the Masterminds. This series sounds like one I'd really love - especially given how much you enjoy it. Have a great week!

    1. I'm ready for warm temps too. As long as they don't get TOO hot. :) I liked Refuge for Masterminds a LOT- I hope you get a chance to it.

  32. Glad you're enjoying the hot weather and have had an awesome week!!

    I've been watching some of The 100 on YouTube recently - don't know what's going on or who's who or anything, but I'm enjoying the snippets I'm seeing ;)

    Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. Yeah I'm ready for nice weather. :) And I can imagine watching snippets of The 100 it could be confusing- it is a good show if you get a chance. Very fast paced!

  33. happy reading and have a nice week!

  34. Yay for warm weather! We are getting actual sunshine here next week and I am very excited. I'm not normally one to be excited about the sun but we've just had a week of constant rain so anything is better. I can't believe you start your Sunday post on a Tuesday, I madly put mine together on a Saturday and it's a routine I will never get out of.

    1. A week of rain is definitely no fun. And yeah I have to start it early although it's not really together until Fri night or thereabouts... lol.

  35. Great post as always! I loved your flash fiction this week and have read your others in the past. I have a suggestion.. if you don't feel up to writing a novel at the moment, how about a novella-length collection of flash fiction essays all in one book... slightly different chapters of dystopia, but somehow connected. For example, a shared running theme about being in a "gilded cage" or having one shared off-stage character, etc. Just a thought. I would read it and I'm sure all of us here would too! Have a good week ahead and stay cool...

    1. Thank you Rita! I'm glad you liked it. And I love that idea- a novella or collection might be a lot of fun. Also linked chapters with a common ingredient. I'll be thinking about that... :)

  36. Oh my gosh, that artwork is everything. It is so fracken g o r g e o u s . I am a huge video game art nerd, so these are resonating with my soul :P

    1. I'm glad you liked it! Thank you. And have you seen the upcoming game Rime? I like the concept art and game art for that one.

  37. Not sure about Girl Out of Water. I get to the part in the synopsis about fish tacos with wasabi balsamic something and that just stops me cold....
    Is that weird? Probably...
    Riverdale is really weird too but I still like it!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics

  38. Great week you had! I really need to watch Riverdale and the 100 someday!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  39. I'm glad that it's starting to get warm, but it needs to stay that way. This flip-flopping is making me sick. Boo!

  40. Hope you enjoy your new arrivals as they look good! :)

  41. The setup for One of Us is Lying sounds very promising - enjoy!

  42. SNL has been hilarious lately---it's just sad that they have such good material to work with!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  43. I was loving the warm weather this past week as well. Felt like summertime! I like the sound of Masterminds and the cover--will have to check that one out. Enjoy your books and have a great week!

  44. I really liked that Dorothy song, I had to go watch the regular video after the live performance, that was a fun one!

    Refuge for Masterminds looks up my alley, I'll have to be on the lookout for that.

    I seriously considered and may still tonight, start my Sunday Post for next week today! Just so I can try to stay on top of things and add them as they happen, so I totally get that!

    Have a great week!

  45. Good to hear your summer is upon you to enjoy! Yes getting planned ahead with a post is a great idea, when you can do it. Had a small peek at Refuge for Masterminds on GR and seems very readable.

  46. It's hot here too but I prefer it in the 60s or cooler. There's no escaping the heat. We don't have AC.

    My husband is home. My daughter had two pieces in her school's art show. And we got new cement poured at the bottom of our stoop. Come see what I'm reading.

  47. Our temps are all over, had some high 80s but then got really cold again for the weekend.
    Really like the cover for Refuge for Masterminds and also for What She Saw.

  48. Our weather is finally warming up too! Unfortunately it's brought the mosquitoes in full force, so we're now on a rampage to get rid of them! I'll have to go find your review on Girl Out of Water - that one grabbed my eye.

  49. SNL has been hilarious lately. Melissa is so funny. Glad your weather is so delightful. I am getting excited about the summer line up with The Mist by Stephen King and Midnight Texas.

  50. I'm sure SNL is just loving this political climate -- they have so, so much to work with. It was slow reading week for almost everyone.

  51. SNL has become so much better lately, but I'm sad to hear of some of the cast leaving. :(

    It's still raining over here, but at least we don't have to water any plants.

    Hope you have a great week! ~Aleen

  52. Ooh, Hysteria looks creepy! Have you read it yet? Was it any good?

  53. We have one episode left of Riverdale; the last episode we watched was a doozy! Sad though the finale is lackluster!

    I need to read Refuge for Masterminds - it sounds really good!

  54. It is really weird that you posted the Menn videos because I was talking about her in a guitar group on Facebook last Saturday. I had two bad experiences with some sexist buttheads in two different guitar groups last week end. Geesh. I was saying that her dad who heads Guitar Player magazine wouldn't be too happy with his readers calling all female guitarists clueless posers, and whiners. Thanks for more awesome art, too. I hope you are having a great week. :)

  55. We had a random BOILING hot two days last week with crazy humidity - it was really unseasonably warm but since it's taken a drastic turn into cooler temps again. Weather is so strange in the recent years, it's random and erratic.

    I always look forward to your Sunday Post - I love reading about what you're reading, watching and the fantasy/sci-fi art is always a treat ♥ I hope you're having a lovely week! xx

  56. Amazing weather and great week last week. Hope this week is going as well for you. :)

  57. SUMMER!! It's actually warming up here too - it's about time!!

    I've never tried my hand at flash fiction, sounds like a good challenge to get the old creative juices flowing!

  58. Yup it kinda feels like summer. Sometimes. UGH New England. It's rainy and cloudy again :( Glad you do have good weather! :) I should check 12 Monkeys@! I'm afraid that if I start another TV show I won't have time to read though LOL!

  59. We've had the worst weather, which I love, but we were in the middle of a heat wave so I literally had no winter clothes to wear! Your new arrivals look great, enjoy!
