Friday, June 12, 2015

Sunday Post #95

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

It's been nice week, with temps in the 70's for the most part and sunshine. A nice start to summertime. I got a bot of reading done too. It's funny I usually know in advance what I'm reading, more or less, but lately not so much. I'm kinda winging it, but then I'm a mood reader anyway. This week I read The Deep End and loved it. Lots of humor and a great story. My thoughts will be up on Tuesday.

The Deep End A 1,000 Mile Great Lakes Island Adventure (A 1000 MILE ADVENTURE #3)

Last week I reviewed A Killer Plot, the first in The Books By The Bay mysteries.

In addition to the return of Bookstore Spotlight (hopefully soon), I'm going to start spotlighting favorite book cover, starting on Friday. I'll cover all genres but it will probably skew towards fantasy/ science fiction, at least initially.


The Deep End


Heir to the Jedi Time Salvager

The Attic is sadly closing down, but she is posting her scheduled blogger interviews- check them out here.  Some of the bloggers featured include Downright Dystopian and Reading Away The Days. Caroline will be missed.

The director of Jurassic World responds to Joss Whedon's sexism comment- but not in a bad way.

Somewhere Only We Know reviews Paper Towns.

Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies has a great Thursday Quotable on the Everglades.


  1. The book about the Great Lakes Islands looks interesting and you've got some great new arrivals! I'm excited about reading the Ellery Adams series and Butter Off Dead looks fun thought that title does make me giggle a bit. Gotta love cozy title puns. Have a great week!

    1. I think that Great Lakes book looks interesting too. I haven't cracked it open yet but I'm looking forward to it! And Butter Off dead- I got a kick out of that too. Those titles are awesome. :)

      Have a fabulous weekend!!

  2. Oh, The Deep End looks good...thanks for sharing. And I am off to check out the Paper Towns review, as I have that book on Pippa...waiting to be read.


  3. I really really really need to read The Martian before the movie comes out so must get onto that. I remember when Point Break came out and I fell a little in love with Keanu. I saw it a few times back then but then tried to watch it years later and realised the acting was quite atrocious. Keanu was still cute though! ;-)

    Keen to hear what you thought of The Deep End.

  4. YES to the Martian I cannot wait. The Time Salvage looks interesting. I am usually reading from books scheduled for the next month and treat it like a bookshelf that I pick from based on my mood. Enjoy your week and happy reading!

    1. That sounds like a good system. I have t omood read as I can't make myself read something I'm not into, LOL. Have a nice week.

  5. I noticed The Martian trailer too this week, so looking forward to it - better be good! Loved the audio of it. Enjoy the warm weather.

    1. Thanks Kathryn, I'm looking forward to several movies as well. I've been seeing more altely, for whatever reason. For a while there I wasn't seeing any movies- but there's a lot of good stuff coming out this year. At least we hope they'll be good. :)

  6. I've seen The Martian trailer too, but since I read the book before and built all those images in my head, I'm not sure about how I'd feel seeing it turned into a blockbuster. Still, I'm sure I'll be too curious to stop myself from watching the movie ! And that Twitter incident with Joss Whedon reminds me why I never set foot on Twitter - too fast, out of context, not a minute (and not enough space) for reflexion. Have a great week ;)

    1. Yeah Twitter can be funny- I like it (after an initial reaction of- 140 characters? How can I say ANYTHING???)- LOL. It takes some getting used to, for sure. But I definitely know what you mean- the drama can be enough to turn one off. And I haven't been as active there for some reason lately.

  7. My husband loved THE MARTIAN and will be psyched about the movie. THE DEEP END cover is a great design!

    1. I think so too. Loved that cover, and the next one coming out in a couple months has a very similar cover. Think I'll be picking these up... :)

  8. I need to find that book about the Great Lakes, Greg. And I love the cover of The Deep End. Glad to hear it's good, too. I haven't read The Martian yet, but am excited about the movie and want to read the book before the movie comes out. Sounds like you had a great week. Summer is wonderful!

  9. A great collections of books, and yay! Star Wars, love it! I cannot wait to see the Martian, I really loved the book, it was sooo good! Have a fantastic week!

    Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings

    1. My first Star Wars book in a looong time- and I loved it. Not perfect, but really enjoyed it. It was nice reading from Luke's perspective.

  10. The weather has been very hot here. My poor garden is getting so dry no matter how much I water it. Hoping it cools off this week.

    I wing it all the time, I can never figure out what I want to read first and what I am in the mood for! :)

    I hope you have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

  11. Other than deadline-related books, I usually wing my choices too. Like the look of all the mysteries you've posted. The Deep End sounds like a perfect summer starter!

    My recap:

    1. The Deep end was very good, and I'm looking forward to the enxt one. Ellison was a fun protagonist, and there's a lot of humor too. I highly recommend it.

  12. I have to see both of those movies. Matt Damon is perfect for The Martian! Tima Salvager looks good. I love all the Star wars books. Happy reading!

    1. I'm looking forward to Mockingjay. And I hope Time Salvager is good, I love that cover.

  13. I still need to read The Martian. Better get to that soon before the book becomes even more popular because of the movie!

    I'm a mood reader too. Sometimes I plan to read certain books but later change my mind because I am in the mood for something else. Heir to the Jedi and The Deep End both look good to me. I am hoping we'll see a new trailer for the Star Wars movie before long.

    1. I haven't read it either, but reviews seem to be very positive. The Deep End was very good, liked it a lot. And I just finished Heir to the Jedi, and that was good too. It's from Luke's perspective and I really enjoyed it. It's a fun Star Wars tale.

  14. The Deep End looks like a fun summer read and I'll check out more about it. Ditto those bookstore cozies, so much fun! I'm taking note of these titles now.
    Glad your weather is decent and you've been getting reading done. I look forward to your highlights of indie bookstores again this summer. A great feature. Enjoy the week, Greg!

  15. The Deep End sounds good and I hope you are enjoying it. I can't wait to watch MockingJay 2. The trailer shows all the parts I've been looking forward to seeing. It is so good! Have a great week!

    1. I haven't read the books, but I'm looking forward to the movie. I enjoy watching them. And The Deep End was very good, the first of a series.

  16. The book on the great lakes sounds really interesting, I'll have to keep my eyes out for it. Have a great week!

    1. I think it will be interesting, and since it's local to me I have a special interest in it. Now I just need to find time to read it! :)

  17. You have some good looking books and the cover for Heir to the Jedi looks good. Being a mood reader keeps things interesting I think, reviewing to a schedule is more like work. Enjoy your reading this week and the weather. :)

    1. I just finished Heir to the Jedi and liked it a lot. It was nice reading from Luke's perspective- I saw a reviews on Goodreads where they didn't like that, but I was fine with it. I don't read a lot of Star Wars books but this one was good. And yeah I have to read what I like or it wouldn't be fun. :) Have a good one.

  18. I haven't watched the Martian trailer since I haven't read the book. I can't decide if I am going to read the book or not... hummmm... I have heard a lot of good things about it.

    1. I probably won't read the book, I've heard the raves but just not really interested in the story. I may see the movie though.

  19. I'm glad your week was a good one, Greg, both reading-wise and in general! Your new books look good, too, so hopefully if you keep winging it, you'll keep being happy :)

    The Mocking Jay II looks like it will be a good one! I haven't watched part one yet, because I want to binge.

    Have a great week ahead and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  20. I loved The Deep End too. Great book and I have those cozies waiting for me to read too. Hope you have a great week!

  21. The cover of the Deep End makes me think of travel posters from the 1920s. I'm going to hit GR and see what it's about. Thanks for visiting, and have a good week.

  22. You have some interesting sounding books there. I hope you enjoy them and the rest of your week.
    Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook!

  23. Some great books you going to be reading! I put in for the audio books of Murder in the Paperback Parlor from Tantor..fingers crossed I get it. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  24. I got Time Salvage too! can't wait to get to it. Thanks for the trailer, loved it! Funny you mention you will featuring favorite book cover because I was thinking I wouls like to participate in something like that. Some book covers are amazing, especially fantasy books. I'll check it out Friday!

  25. I've got The Martian on audio to get to before the movie. Enjoy your reads and the lovely weather!

  26. I saw that trailer for the Martian a few days ago, it looks really good! I can't wait to see it. It sounds like you've had a good week filled with lots of Sun :D excellent! I'm a mood reader too really, I can't enjoy a book if it's forced.
    Have a great week,
    Amy x

  27. I can't wait for the Martian to come out! Such a fantastic book! I have Heir to the Jedi sitting on my Star Wars shelf, and I need to read it soon. I only have Lords of the Sith and that one to read before the new ones come out in July. I hope you have a great week Greg!

  28. I'm a planning reader too but sometimes it's nice to just pick up whatever strikes your fancy! Is Heir to the Jedi part of the new set of stories that they are publishing?

  29. I need to get the Great Lakes book. The only one I haven't visited (do you visit Lakes?) is Superior. I've got to see Mockingjay #1 before part 2 comes out! Have a great week.

  30. Ah, thank you for giving me another excuse to watch the Mockingjay trailer! I will take every opportunity, of course! Also, I didn't realize that The Martian was so close to being released! Guess I had better read that one, no? And I always wing it. ALways. So no worries, it usually ends up being fine ;) Hope you enjoy the books and have a great week!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  31. I loved Jurassic World!!! I am such a dino fan. Lol. I am looking forward to seeing Paper Towns as well. Hope your week was a good one!
