Saturday, December 3, 2016

Sunday Post #171

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

December huh? I guess, if we have to lol. It warmed up for about one day this week, got into the 50's, and then cooled off again. So all of you in warmer climes- enjoy! It's been rainy and cold most of this week, and we're not supposed to get more than low 40's for the foreseeable forecast. So yay! Good time to get a book out.    

SciFi Month wrapped up and I think was a great success. There was a ton of posts this year and a big thanks goes out to Rinn Reads and Over The Effing Rainbow for being awesome hosts. This event gets better and better every time.  

This week I reviewed Love and Gelato (short version: it was good) and I also wrapped up my SciFi posts with my Top Ten Holiday Gift Guide. That was fun and this week my discussion post will ask Are Some Authors Too Big To Fail? I'm also reviewing The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet and I have to say it's the most fun SF book I've read in a bit.   

Love & GelatoThe Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers, #1)

Song of the week- I love this remix.   


Image result for no luck for a lady pulp cover


Dead Girls SocietyWeregirl


Did you see this? Might be the most fun thing I've seen all week. 

I don't remember if I've posted this before or not- if so just watch it again. :) 


Now that we're in Christmas season I thought I'd share a little holiday cheer. 


  1. Great wrap-up :) Love the pics. And those books look fantastic. Have an awesome weekend :)

  2. I like the werewolf art! Werewolves always fascinate me and I used to want to be one-longer life without having to suck blood sounds like a better deal to me than being a vampire!

    1. I thought that was good too! I also like werewolves and I thought that one was different with it being bright day and everything- plus they look pretty nasty! And yeah I'd rather be a were than a vamp any day lol.

  3. Gahhh I can't wait for Rogue One! I love Felicity Jones and I really, really hope the movie will be good.

    And now I'll have to read Big Little Lies, the cast alone is fantastic.

    And while the idea of space travel is interesting in theory, I'd be too freaked out by the harsh environment of the space to really go for it (I never wanted to be an astronaut).

    1. I am so geeked for Rogue One. Like I want to watch it right now. lol and Big Little Lies is awesome. I don't know what it is about that book, I mean I'm not the target audience but I just loved the MAdeline character. Can't wait to see the show (although I'm a little bummed they're changing it to California instead of Australia, but I guess that's Hollywood).

  4. I have heard a lot of good things about The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. I may have to pick it up. OMG I didn't realize there was a trailer to Big Little Lies. I love it!! I think I need a reread/listen before it comes out. Have a great week!!

    1. I am a convert to The Long Way. I've seen it around and thought yea hyeah but finally a blogger recomendation got me to read it- and I loved it. And I can't wait for Big Little Lies!

  5. I wasn't a huge fan of Big Little Lies. I mean I enjoyed it but there was so much hype I expected to be blown away. What an amazing cast though.... I love that more and more big names are doing TV and mini-series, web series etc...

    1. I can't wait to see what they do with the show, but yeah it was very hyped.

  6. I know, right? I can't believe it's December already. Cheers to another great Sci-Fi month and it was cool being able to share all kinds of sci-fi awesomeness with you :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Likewise, thanks! SciFi Month was so fun and I had a great time. And yes I can't believe it December...

  7. Our weather has been crazy, right??! And I love the Peanuts Christmas Soundtrack!!! I actually own the cd :) Love that snare drum...

    Have a great weekend!!! Stay warm, I hear we're getting wet snow :(

    1. Yes! I listen to that soundtrack all the time at this time of year. So relaxing...

      I heard snow too! Ack. Stay warm over there... :)

  8. I am excited about the HBO miniseries, Big Little Lies. Great cast, too, with Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, etc., and Shailene Woodley (she's come a long ways since she was in that TV series, The Secret Life of the American Teenager).

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. That pic of Human tats, reminds me of someone I saw at a food store with a bar code on the back of their neck. One day I could see it happening. Did you see Doctor Strange? I cannot remember. We are thinking of going and wondered if you'd recommend it.

    1. Hey Kimba! I've seen those barcode tats on people's necks too, what is up w/ that??? I haven't seen Dr. Strange yet, I want to. I've only seen one blogger review but it was positive.

  10. The nights here have been about 42-ish, and the days in the low 60's. I can live with that, but for us that's a form of cold. The winds the last two days have upped the chill factor. I broke out my warm coat. I think my Pennsylvania relatives would laugh at me. Haha

    I love the cover for No Luck for a Lady. Dead Girls Society sounds good. I'd better hurry up and read Big Little Lies so I'll be ready. The trailer looks good!

    I hope you have a great week, Greg! Stay dry and warm.

    1. I think I could take your temps. :) It's snowing here, so yeah... I like that cover for No Luck for a Lady as well. And Big Little Lies looks good but I think it's going to be quite different from the book. The book is set in australia and the show is changing that to California. Also the plot looks a bit different... but if it has the charm of the book it should be good. :)

  11. Those werewolves in the snow, in daylight! Awesome. Love the Human Being pic too. It was cool this week but the sun was warm so not too bad. yeah, we have to do December. LOL

    My Sunday Post

  12. The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet is on my radar - it does sound awesome. Have a great week.

  13. Weregirl looks great! I really love that cover.

    1. I just started Weregirl so hopefully it will be good. I like the premise a lot! Thanks for stopping by Jade!

  14. I can't wait to see what you think of Weregirl Greg. I really enjoyed your review of Love & Gelato and I really do love your choice of Pulp Fiction Cover for this week. Thank you for stopping by my Sunday Post.

    1. Thank you, I liked Love and Gelato a lot and hopefully Weregirl is good too. I just started it so we'll see. :) Have a great Sunday!

  15. Great post, here's mine! :-P jk

    You're right about that werewolf picture, I love it! And don't worry, I am enjoying my warm weather :-D

    1. Lol I've even had 'em where a commenter says "Come check out my *whatever it is* here- and that's like the whole comment! Yeah, I'll get right on that :P. Thanks though- this cracked me up.

      I love that werewolf pic. It's kinda spooky with all the blood everywhere but the fact that it's in broad daylight makes it worse? And yeah, sure, enjoy your nice weather. :)

  16. So hoping I can get The Long Way for Christmas *stares at husband to get the hint* It is on and off really cold here. Should only be above 0 degreen Celcius in the afternoon. But then the rest of the week will be warmer again. Weather is so strange.

    1. I hope you get it too. It was good! We're getting snow now... :(

  17. Ooh! I love that Sebastian Shield photo! Glad you had a great time with Sci Fi month! I need to join that next time!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

    1. I liked it too! And SciFi Month if you get a chance...

  18. That's a great idea for a discussion post Greg! I will check it out this week!
    Its been pretty cold here too.. But I love it!! I'm hoping for snow, but I seem to be the only one. LOL!!
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  19. I died when Sebastian posted that pic OMG you have no idea! Well, he always did say he had to get one of those, so I guess he did. Thank you for posting the Big Little Lies trailer, I didn't know it was out, that was super fast! And I just loooove Felicity ♥♥♥

    1. I know? If Chris Evans moves on I need Bucky to take the shield (er, he has one now) and do the Cap thing. Yes!!!

  20. You always find awesome stuff-vidoes, pictures, pinterest finds. Its all just so cool! Have a great week!

    1. Ha thanks, I try. It's time consuming but fun. :)

  21. The temps have been up and down here. We get snow but it hasn't stayed. Awesome pictures as always. I really liked the werewolf one, you don't see many in the day time.

  22. It's going to get really cold here next week and I am not ready!!! :( Couple days might be in the teens at night. :( Is it spring yet? :)

    I am almost done with Dead Girl Society and it's been interesting, so curious as to who the Society is and why they are doing what they are Can't wait for you to read it to see your opinion! :)

    I don't get HBO but that show looks good, hope you enjoy it. :)

    Happy reading,
    Week in Review

  23. I'm curious about The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet - love the simple cover. And our weather is all over the place but seems to be evening out now to 30's at night and high 40's during the day..but it'll get colder soon.

  24. One day Hamsters are going to rule the world...and space ;)

    It was very cold this weekend and next week doesn't look any better..I am so excited!!! I am PRAYING for a little snow.

    Charlie Brown Christmas Album is my favorite!

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

  25. I have heard such good things about a long road to angry planet. I am looking forward to your post are some authors too big to fail. Have a good week.

    Megan @ reading away the days

  26. I have to drop back around to see what I missed on your blog this week. I bought The Long Way To a Small Angry Planet. It was still $1.99. When I read what you said at the top of this post I left, bought it, and came back. Ha ha. Thanks again for the art. The the 100% organic human meat is a hoot. Have a wonderful week. :)

  27. I'll take 40s and 50s weather any day this time of year. I woke up to a collection of snow on the ground. Although, it was only a matter of time before Wisconsin succumbed to a colder climate. Have a great week Greg!

  28. I am really off the grid as far as movies/shows go. Big Little Lies looks good though. What a cast.
    I am glad that sic-fi month was a success. I just completed Nonfiction November, and it was a great success as well.

  29. December is definitely here, no avoiding it. I want to watch Big Little Lies. Can't wait for it..looks so good.

  30. A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet is so good! I listened to it on audiobook, which is a great way to experience the book!

  31. We've been having cool weather the last couple of weeks and are even using our heat. After this summer I never thought I'd say I felt cold, ever, ha!
    I like how the pulp cover says a fortune in dope. That must be from the 60s-- I remember people called it dope then. And I like your werewolf pic also-- but perhaps they're wargs? In which case they could be out during the day, lol. You have me intrigued with the Little Planet book, though SF is not my usual thing, I don't know.


  32. I have not yet read Big Little Lies, but I'm looking forward to the show. Have a great week, Greg! - Obsessive Book Nerd

  33. It's crazy that it's December already! I don't mind the month for the most part though. I think we're supposed to get some snow this week, but we'll see. It's been cold and raining a lot lately. :)

    Glad to hear that sci-fi month went well!


  34. You've packed so much in here it will take all day just to go through it all. The Felicity Jones clip is awesome.

  35. Oh, cool. I didn't know Big Little Lies was coming to HBO.

  36. I've seen good things about Love & Gelato, and Dead Girls Society! I've not read either of them though. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous week, Greg. :)

    Check out my STS post!

  37. I love all the images! That clip of Felicity Jones was great and I can't wait to see the movie. I also can't wait to watch Big Little Lies. I hadn't read the book but the cast is amazing. Have a great week Greg!

  38. The temperatures have been going up and down here as well. Warmer one day and then colder again, it's a bit annoying. That first Cyber Punk picture is really pretty, I like all the details and the overall feel it gives of. Have a great week!

  39. I've heard good things about Love & Gelato. I want to read Dead Girls Society, too! Hope you enjoy it, and that you enjoy the mild weather while you still can!

  40. I am not loving the colder temperatures and despite listening to Christmas music I am not ready yet for Christmas. This month is just here too soon!

    Glad you liked Love & Gelato. I hadn't seen the trailer for Big Little Lies but I am looking forward to seeing what HBO does with it. Hopefully it will feel true to the book.

  41. I swear my tolerance for cold is getting worse. Lol I love the cyberpunk images. Hope you have a great week.~Aleen

  42. Oh no! That weather sounds much too cold! I hope you enjoy it though, or at least make the best of it! XD I'm really interested in Dead Girl's Society so I'm excited to see what you think of it. Have a great week!

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  43. Glad you loved the Becky Chambers, as well - I loved it and am hoping to add the sequel to my TBR pile in early 2017. Sci Fi month looked great and as it's my favourite genre I'm hoping to join in next time around. Have a great week, Greg.

  44. Love the art. I keep seeing The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet everywhere. I’m trying to think up excuses not to read it. My TBR list is huge.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  45. I absolutely cannot wait for Big Little Lies to come to the screen, I also sing its praises. So good this is by an Aussie author too.

    A Small Angry Planet looks good, I do like the cover.

    Sounds like you have some good reading weather where you are. Enjoy!

    Thanks also for visiting my blog last week :-)

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Yeah I'm pretty happy to be in a warmer climate because any little chill is freezing for me.
    lol. Well, I'm happy the overall thing you got out of Love and Gelato that it was good.
    That remix reminds me of something that would be in Final Fantasy for some reason.
    Ah! So excited for Felicity Jones in Rogue One. The new series is much better than I could hoped for.
    Have a wonderful week!

  48. For me, December 1 is my official start of Christmas music season, so it's all Christmas music, all the time around these parts (much to my poor partner's chagrin...)! :-)

  49. I'm really looking forward to watching "Big Little Lies" as well!

  50. I better read Big, Little Lies before it comes to the screen as always prefer to read the book first. I don't know but I think at Christmas time it is perfect for the weather to be cold and all cozy then inside!

  51. The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet sound like my kind of catnip: a road trip, even if it takes place in space.

    Happy reading!

  52. The highs have been in the 50s here and I hate it. I need at least 80s in order to function properly. :D I'm totally avoiding BLL trailer until I read the book. Have a great week!

  53. I got stuck on Big Little Lies -- loved the trailer! I've been seeing the ads on HBO. Can't wait.

  54. Yea, I can't believe it's December already too! Crazy how time flies by. Hope you stay warm!

    Some great pictures there with the videos. Thank you!

  55. I've been able to avoid the beginning of the cold weather by leaving for Florida before it hit. Only a week reprieve since I can't stay forever! Such cool things you shared this week.

  56. LOVE the cat silhouette in that one sci fi art - you don't often see cats in sci-fi so that made my cat-loving heart happy LOL! It's been quite cold here and there's even a bit of snow which made the trees really pretty! Happy reading my friend! xx

  57. Hmm, I haven't read Little Big Lies but now I need to! And I'm excited to see that HBO is doing it... Definitely on my TBR.

    I just managed to watch the Capt America the other day and loved it - of course! I'm excited to see why the Winter Soldier now has his own shield!

    Hope you've been having a great week and I look forward to visiting more regularly again for the rest of the year.
