Friday, September 15, 2017

Sunday Post #212

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer    
Well the reading slump seems to have subsided- I'm back in the swing of things. It's about time too- I went through a week or so where I hardly read. Maybe the release of Warcross loosened the logjam, since I wanted to read it so much. It's starting to feel more like fall around here, with cooler temps at night. I've been opening the windows and letting the night sounds in, the cats seem to be enjoying it. 

On the Run continues, this week will be Part XII.  

For those of you saying ewww to the Dany & Jon love scene on Game of Thrones- I found this fun article about the first time (possible) incest appeared in fandom. Well maybe not first, but remember Luke and Leia? There were some kisses and shipping going on before it was revealed (gasp) that they were siblings! And since I'm shameless I'm going to point out that I did a post on this a while back. 

Last week I reviewed One Dark Throne (this story is getting good) and I jumped into Warcross as soon as I finished The Breakdown. My review of Warcross should be up soon.   

Warcross (Warcross, #1)

Song of the week


Robert Maguire


Wild Bird


Game of Thrones music

This is an awesome cosplay from Supanova, the Australian convention. I like how supportive she is of the teens and others just getting into their cosplay. 


  1. I think I might need to have a Star Wars weekend before the end of the year as an excuse to finally get these new films watched. I don't know that I'll include the second trilogy. I liked The Phantom Menace except that bloody Jar Jar but didn't much like the other two.

    1. I hated the prequels so I just pretend they don't exist!!

    2. I'll second that, Greg. I'm not big on the prequels either.

  2. Yay I'm so glad you're out of the reading slump! AND AHHHHHHH IT'S WARCROSS <3 Can't wait to read your review of it - I am DYING to get my hands on that book.

    Hope you have a great week, Greg :)

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. Warcross!!! And yes thankfully the slump is over... :)

  3. Glad to hear you are reading again! I've seen SO MUCH incest in blockbusters and bestsellers that I don't even wince now LOL the first I can remember is definitely STar Wars and then shortly after the Flowers in the Attic Saga. OMG that brought incest to another epic generational level. Great writing btw!
    Love today's videos. I HAD to add the Fire dancing to my bucket list. It's right there now with the Burning Man :)

    1. It is SO nice to get over the slump. Ugh I hardly read for a week. And yeah that article got me thinking about the incest thing, and why are we seeing so much of it now???

  4. Yay for no more reading slump!

    Incest still bothers me in my books and movies/TV. I vividly remember my shock and disbelief when we found out about Luke and Leia; that was a heck of a twist!

    Have a good week. :)

    1. Yeah for surs. I remember being shocked by Luke and Leia too!

  5. I'm glad you're out of your reading slump! Those are never fun! I feel like I've been doing really well with my reading lately, so *fingers crossed* it keeps up!

    1. I am so glad to be back to reading, it was a tough week although Netflix helped a little lol. And yes good luck with your reading!! :)

  6. I do feel it is ewww, but at the same time the Targareyens have always done incest so *shrugs* No biggie- It is more creepy with the Lannisters

    1. It is creepier w/ the LAnnisters. Totally agree.

  7. Oh I agree! One Dark Throne was sooo good. I am dying for a conclusion. I have to hop over and read your review. I am super behind as always. Kind of my motto now ;) Have a great week!

    1. I can't wait to see where she goes next with One dark Throne. I liked this one more than the 1st. And don't worry about getting behind- we all do!

  8. Glad to hear your reading slump is over! I am also enjoying the autumn weather here, I've been opening the windows when possible to let some of the cooler air in. I haven't watched Game of Thrones, but I did recently read a series where the characters were cousins that slightly touched upon that topic. That forest picture looks so pretty! Have a great week!

    1. You too Lola. And yes opening the windows is nice, I love hearing the night sounds and having cooler air wafting in. Great time of year. :)

  9. I am really jealous that you can open your windows. It's been in the 80s and humid here, putting the kibosh on my autumnal joy. Right? Blake really made some excellent decisions in ODT, and I cannot wait to read the next book. I trying to patiently wait of read Warcross (I need it for a challenge), but man! It sounds awesome. Did you buy it and get the Legend short story? I need to know what happened!

    1. I hope you get cooler weather soon and can enjoy the windows opening! I'm not a fan of humidity either. I bought ebook version so I didn't get the short story, but I did just start it and I can't wait to get further into it.

  10. Glad you are out of your reading slump. I am kinda in one this week. I have some books I am waiting on from the library and some new releases in October that I pre-ordered. I am interested in Warcross. I have seen it around and it sounds good. Looking forward to your review.

    1. Hope your slump doesn't last! Mine was a good week or so. Warcross helped. :) I was same way, I had books I was looking forward to but the ones I had were kinda... meh.

  11. I am a new follower of Book Haven. Thank you for being a loyal commenter on my blog.

    1. Thanks Anne! I always enjoy stopping by your blog. :)

  12. Ohhhh, so I see you are reading (or have read?) Warcross! I'm reading it this week, and I'm excited. I really thought it was an October publication. :O Happy reading, Greg!

    Have a great weekend. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I just started Warcross so I have a ways to go, but so far so good!

  13. Glad you've gotten out of your slump! I have been in one since... Idk, sometime in the winter? Like I have read some good stuff, but it hasn't had an impact like books usually do. Kind of sad. I hope this means that Warcross is good! I have it too, and I am excited!

    The video of the cosplay girl is nice- I loved watching the people's faces light up when she wanted to take pictures and such with them, especially the kids! Adorable. And I want to live in one of those mountain houses. SO pretty. But like, how would you get places? There's the conundrum.

    Glad the weather has been nice. It's been cooler here some days, some days not, but I can't sleep with the windows open because frankly I am freaked out by hearing shit from outside hahah. No worries, my AC will be in til November ;) Yay for more On the Run! Last week's was so exciting, I can't wait for whatever comes next!

    1. Yeah so glad to be over the slump- and since winter? Yikes! I feel ya there though, sometimes books just aren't getting it? Until that special one comes along. Yay for Warcross- I hope to devote a chunk of time to it today!

      I liked the cosplay video too. She seems really cool.

      I like to have the windows open especially when I'm at the computer, since it's right by a window and I can listen to the night sounds. Not as crazy about sleeping with them open though- I don't want bugs to get in ha ha! And glad you're reading On the Run.

  14. I am glad your reading slump has subsided, Greg. I am feeling the itch to start a new audiobook and am trying to decide between Warbringer and Warcross . . . Decisions, decisions. I am glad you are enjoying Warcross so far, even if you are not too far in. :-)

    Wild Bird sounds good. I hope you enjoy it!

    I hope you have a great week, Greg!

    1. Me too! I hope whichever one you pick, you enjoy.

      Wild Bird I kinda have high hopes for!

  15. I won a copy of Warcross and preordered the audio so I'll be starting this soon. I hope you enjoyed it. I love that cosplay video. My daughter has done 2 cosplays of the d.VA character. We've been to a lot of conventions and all the cosplayers have been friendly and supportive. It's good to see this happening at other conventions too. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Yay! It's nice to see the cosplayers being so supportive!

  16. So it was incest with Dany and Jon. I kept telling my son it was! I know incest went on back in the day. Makes you wonder how there weren't more mad kings and queens.

    1. Well as far as we know. Seems pretty sure tho !

  17. Glad to hear you've got out of reading slump, Greg. I know the feeling. We all have been through and might be in the future. I hope you have awesome books this week. Happy reading and have a wonderful week. 😁❤️

    1. I know, it was frustrating not being able to get into any books! Luckily that's passed. Have a great week too!

  18. Interesting visual images, as usual. Design Demo definitely caught my eye.

    Glad the reading slump is over. For me it usually passes if I change my genre, sometimes radically.

    Have a great week! Someday I hope to watch Game of Thrones.

    1. That one caught my eye too! And thanks, sometimes a genre change is a good thing!

      You have a great weekend too!

  19. Glad you enjoyed Warcross! I really want to read that book myself!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  20. I was in a kinda slump for a few weeks there but am glad am now out of it. Am glad for you two, I always feel bad not reading lol I really need to read the Kendare Blake series I have the first book and have heard great things about it. Have a good week.

    1. I know, slumps are the worst! I hope you enjoy Blake's books.

  21. The cover for Morals Squad caught my eye immediately -- I love your pulp cover choices! And then I almost scrolled past Wild Bird! It's arresting in it's own way. Nice choice!

    1. I liked that one also! I was searching for covers and when I saw that one I had to use it. :)

  22. I'm still refusing all things GoT on principle (down with GRRM!!). I'm such an old curmudgeon.. sorry / not sorry :)

    Did you see they're running Blade Runner on SyFy (or whatever acronym they're using now, I can't keep up) again?? I've started having Rutger Hauer nightmares. You're pictures triggered some PTSD ;) I still don't know if I can see the next one.

    Warcross, huh?? I'll have to check out your review on that one :) Have a great week!!

    1. Hey curmudgeon- lol I get it though. I'm pretty sick of waiting too.

      I did not see that! Rutger Hauer lol- I used to love that guy! And oh I'm looking forward to the new one- imagine the music with new visual effects and more REPLICANTS. You must go!! :)

  23. I'm glad to see you're out of your slump Greg! I think once I've finished by October ARCS, I have some really good ones to look forward to in November, ones which I'm really excited about too, so hopefully they'll get me out of my slump! And I'm so excited about Warcross too, I haven't got myself a copy yet, but I'll be on the lookout for your review! I hope you have a great week!

    1. It is nice to look forward to promising ARC's or upcoming books! That sometimes helps with the slump too. I know Warcross for me was highly anticipated, so that helped when it arrived. My review should be up Thursday- if all goes well lol.

  24. Yay, for being out of your reading slump. I don't watch GoT, but eww to incest Not much cared for that no matter what it's in but it's not so bad when they didn't know they were kin but if they do...ewww. :)

    Great bunch of pics on here today!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

    1. I know right? Creepy subject. Ha ha no doubt. :)

  25. I didn't know about the Luke/Leia thing ! I was very young when I watched Star Wars and I was much more interested in Anakin than anything else ~
    We see a lot of incest these days: ASOIAF, The Mortal Instruments (it's not technically incest but everyone thought it was at first and a lot of fans were cool with it. If I remember correctly, Clary said in the movie "I don't care if you're my brother" or something like that.) Even in Falling Kingdoms (to be fair, there are a lot of similarities with ASOIAF so that's maybe the reason.)
    What's crazier is how people react to it. It's cringy but some people call it "romantic" and talk about "true love".

    1. Yeah I always thought Luke and Leia made a pretty good couple lol. But nope- they went a different way. I do think it's pretty awkward they went with them being siblings, but who knows? I didn't know about those other examples as I haven't read those, although Falling Kingdoms is a series I was seriously considering.

      Yeah I'm not getting the true love thing there. ewww.. :)

  26. I thought it was odd that people were freaking out about Jon and Dani when there are LOTS of examples of incest in stories. My first thought was Luke/Leia! I remember as a kid freaking out about it! Hahaha! And while in the mortal instruments it turns out they AREN'T related (and the reader knows it), the characters don't care which is pretty scandalous.
    Then again, I have never seen an episode of GOT so maybe I don't really understand at all!
    Glad your reading slump is over. Have a great week!

    1. I know right? Luke and Leia??? I was like shocked. :) I haven't read the Mortal Instruments but the fact they didn't care IS kinda cringey!

  27. I remember the night as a young girl that I plucked Flowers in the Attic from my grandmother's shelf. That was a lesson in incest I never asked for. Haha. I *love* Jon and Dany, but really... that's gross. I feel soooo bad for them. Ew.

    1. Ha ha I've heard SO much about those books! A wake up call for many? And yeah Jon and Dany- sigh. I just don't know, how will they handle it? I hope they do it better in the books, or don't sleep together at all.

  28. Glad to hear your reading slump is over. Our temps have been crazy high, it's like now that it's supposed to be fall, summers here. Love the artwork, thanks for sharing.

    1. You know it's kinda lke that here? We're xpecting mid to high 80's next week!

  29. Looking forward to hearing what you think of Wild Bird.

    For What It's Worth

  30. That's great you're out of your reading slump. I hate those and have been fairly lucky that I've avoided a big one so far this year. Warcross is on my TBR though with some reserve so I'll be waiting for your review. Have a great week!

  31. I'm glad you're over your reading slump. There's nothing more frustrating than not being able or in the mood to read. I hope you enjoy(ed) Warcross. I've heard about it but haven't seen any reviews yet, so I look forward to yours.

    At least in Star Wars, any hint of incest disappeared pretty much the instant each found out they were related. It still leaves that kiss in The Empire Strikes Back—but then, that was always much more about Han than it was about Luke. He was just convenient.

  32. Yay for not being in a slump anymore! We had some nicer fall temps and then it has been really warm and somewhat humid again. I want to wear long sleeves!! Happy reading and have a great week!

  33. I love that it is cooling down at night. I love fall weather (although I hate winter). Glad Warcross got you out of your slump. I was slumping hard for the past couple of weeks, too, so I feel your pain. Happy reading!

  34. Glad to hear you're coming out of your book slump. Warcross seems to be getting good reviews. I'm wondering if it's part of a series. I would probably wait to pick it up if so. I love fall weather! I'm glad we've finally cooled down a bit here. I was getting so tired of the triple digit heat!

    1. I am hearing good things about Warcross, I'm not very far into it yet but so far so good! I'm not sure if it's a series, I guess I was expecting a standalone, but maybe it is? I kinda hope so! And I agree- fall is the best. Cool breezes, the colors... glad to hear you guys cooled down!

  35. Yay, the reading slump is done! They are the worst. I hope you have a wonderful week. :)

    Thanks for stopping by.

  36. We have made a start on our marathon watch of Game of Thrones after I bought the first 6 series for Himself for his birthday. The final episode of the first series is amazing... Glad you are over the reading slump - I love the look of Warcross:). Have a great week, Greg - I'm glad you're enjoying the cooler weather - autumn seems to have arrived very suddenly here in the UK:(. My Sunday Post -

    1. Ooh hope you enjoy Game of Thrones! And cooler weather is great, isn't it? I'm very much enjoying it. :)

  37. I have also gone through a week of almost no reading! But not a slump this time, rather just not enough time to read! I do hope next week is better. Cause my ARCs are totally going to get me :D but I'm glad you're out of your slump! Have a great week reading.

    1. Thanks! Hope you get more reading time this time. I know how it feels to feel like you're behind!

  38. I've just cracked 100 books for the year (low for me) so I'm still moderately slump-y. Eager to see what you think of Warcross. I posted a GR review and - under spoilers - I have some theories about where I hope things are headed.

    Thanks of stopping by! Jen Ryland

    1. That's great, I wish I was at 100 books lol. Hope your slumpiness goes! And ooh I'll be checking out your review- I love seeing other people's theories. :)

    2. Ha - it might be controversial. Finally found one person on Twitter who agrees with me!

    3. Controversial is good! Now I really need to go read it! :)

  39. Ooooh, Warcross sounds good! Have a great week :)

  40. I honestly don't feel too eww about Danny and Jon. Maybe because Cersei desensitized the hell out of that or because they don't know they're related? Also, the time period it takes place in (I know fantasy, but clearly a historical fantasy) that kind of relationship would have been pretty normal. But such a good point about Luke and Leah!

    Glad your slump is over - those are the worst! Hope it continues :) Have a great week Greg!

  41. I just posted my review of Warcross, I look forward to your thoughts so we can compare notes! And lovely art picks for this week, a few of those remind me of the Lich King expansion zones in World of Warcraft, just mesmerizing and stunning!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Ooh I'll be over to check out your review, I must see what you thought!!!

  42. After the initial ewww, with Jon and Dany, I am so curious to see how their story continues. I'm slowly climbing out of a ready slump as well. Enjoy your recent addition.

    1. I'm curious too! And thanks! Hope your reading slump is behind as well!

  43. I have to get back around and read the last two installments of On the Run and prepare myself for part XII. The fire dancing was fab. Thanks for sharing it. I will also have to read your Luke and Leia post. We got a bump up in temperature and humidity the last couple of days, but the nights have been cool and the air is really fresh. You need to post pictures of your cat's again sometime. Have a wonderful week.:)

    1. Glad you liked the fire dancing! I did too. :)

      I love these cool nights, with all the night sounds! And I hope you like On the run...

  44. Sup, Greg? :D I've been slow in the reading department lately, even though I feel like reading. Haha - Dany & Jon ... shrugs. It doesn't bother me much because I just think how that kind of stuff was done a lot in the past, and it's fantasy.

    1. Hey! I hardly read last week. :) Yeah anything goes in fantasy I guess- and I guess it wasn't rare (or at least unheard of) in the past too.

  45. Many great things there! Happy reading and have a nice week

  46. Oh, One Dark Throne! So jealous. I can't wait to read that book. I hope you enjoy your books.

    My It's Monday! What Are You Reading? post.

  47. I'm glad to hear you've come out of your reading slump. I can't wait to read your review for Warcross! Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. I'm reading Warcross right now and while the beginning didn't wow me, I have a feeling I'm going to like it. All things considered. You have a great week!!

  48. Glad you got out of that slump. As you know, Game of Thrones isn't my thing, but it's always great to hear about the popularity of the show, and what gets everyone talking at the water coolers. The Morals Squad book looks so neat! Hugs and Happy Monday! RO

  49. Ha ha, I *did* remember Luke and Leia! I need to get to Warcross. Maybe later this week (or not)

    1. I'm trying to Warcross now and Luke and Leia was a bit of a surprise!

  50. Glad to hear your reading slump has ended. They do suck but sometimes all you need is a good book you've been looking forward to to help kickstart your reading again.

    I wasn't a shipper of Dany and Jon on GoT but the whole incest aspect wasn't what put me off from it. I just didn't think the whole romance part of their relationship was necessary (I do love me a slowburn and I would have liked for them to meet and there to be more of a slowburn). I forgot the whole Luke/Leia incest thing, though. It's true, it's not the first time it's happened and won't be the last.

    1. So true. I think I was waiting for a specific book and anything else just... wasn't working!

      I'm not sure I'm a Jon/ Dany shipper either. I mean I don't care either way, but I'm not super fond of some of Dany's decisions in the books, and I'm not sure they'd be good for each other? But I could be wrong too you know??

  51. Just reading the article about Luke and Leia now. Glad to hear you're slump has ended. Hope the books you pick up will please you. Great art as usual :) Happy week!

  52. I need to branch out with some new Marie Lu series. I enjoyed the first YA scifi series she did. I should check out her newer stuff.

  53. I love the picture which is untitled. You always feature the best art. Glad the slump is over. Have a wonderful week!

  54. We're "enjoying" some cooler weather too. I already miss summer. I'm looking forward to reading Warcross one of these days. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  55. Glad to hear you're out of your reading slump! I've heard great things about Warcross, so I'll be interested to read your review.

  56. I'm not watching GoT but incest isn't a new plot point for fantasy or history for that matter. Or horror. Or pretty much any other genre. Come see what I'm reading

  57. Glad you're out of your slump. I did zero reading over the weekend and need to stop slacking. As for the incest? It didn't bother me. I grew up reading Flowers In the Attic :)

  58. I loved One Dark Throne and I need to read Warcross soon!

  59. So glad the slum is over! Since I liked Marie's Legend series, I plan to read Warcross. Looks like we will have a little bit more of summer weather yet! Yay.

  60. I can't believe we have to wait so long for the next season of GoT. It was so good this season. :(

    The music you posted is amazing!

    Have a great week!

  61. Ahh - finally getting here!

    WARCROSS! I'm going to read your review as soon as I'm done here. And then I want to catch p with On The Run. :) And of course One Dark Throne! Gosh I've missed so much!!!!!!!!!
