Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Can't Wait Wednesday #22 / Midweek Stuff

 So here's a midweek round up of what I'm reading watching, etc. Plus Can't Wait Wednesday, hosted by Wishful endings. So sit back, raise a cuppa, and see what's new! And share what you're up to.  

This week my Can't Wait pick is Two Can Keep A Secret by Karen McManus - author of One Of Us Is Lying.   

What I'm Reading

Strange New World (Brave New Girl, #2)

What I'm Watching

Image result for the 100 image

Related image


Misc Stuff

 This week Movies That Suck will feature Before I Fall.    


  1. Ohhh I can't wait for you to review Before I Fall. Have you read the book yet?

    Keep on Reading

    1. I have not read it, but I've been thinking about it- I like Lauren Oliver, and I liked the movie.

  2. Echo Ridge sounds like a creepy little town, yes please! Great pick.

    Isn’t The !00 awesome so far this season?!?!?

    1. Doesn't it? And yes, The 100 is killing it this season!

  3. I haven't done much this week. The temperatures have gone up and my south facing bedroom overheats while I'm sleeping so I wake up too warm and feeling sick! That's why I generally prefer winter!

    1. It's gotten warmer here too. I hate being hot when sleeping...

  4. That's a new to me one. Can't see the cover for some reason so I can't say for sure if I know it. Regardless I hope you love it once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Of course as the page reloaded it brings the picture and I discover there's no cover art yet! Lol!

    2. Ha ha I'm hoping it gets a good cover!

  5. Two can keep a secret sounds delicious and so good with all the secrets!

  6. Strange New World looks great - I like Vincent's writing and that cover is fabulous! Thank you for sharing, Greg.

  7. I mean, even without the cover art, I can tell you I'm already intrigued by that Two Can Keep a Secret! Hehe, great pick, Greg ;)

    Here's my WoW!

    1. Yeah that title gets me right at the outset!

  8. I read the book Before I Fall and didn't hate it but never saw the movie. Looking forward to your review. Your book title sounds intriguing. I haven't read anything by that author. Only a couple weeks until summer and I can start Riverdale!!!

    1. Yay R'dale!! And I haven't read Before I fall but I'd like to- I thought the movie was good!

  9. I can't wait for Karen's new book either, I really loved One of Us is Lying!

  10. The movie trailer really makes me want to watch Before I Fall, I'm curious to see if you actually think it sucks!

  11. Yes!!! Two can keep a secret is my pick of the day, too! lol

    I love the 2nd book you mentioned, it's totally new to me. Love that cover. Strange New World.

    Here is mine, if you'd like to check it out ; http://bit.ly/WOWfeat

    Happy Hump Day!

  12. I like your can't-wait title and am curious about the Vincent books. Happy reading (and viewing), Greg!

    1. Thanks! I'm kinda liking Vincent's stuff.

  13. Oh I haven't read One of Us is Lying yet but have it but excited to see a new book by her. I have heard that movie really does suck but haven't seen it.

    1. I hope you like One Of Us Is Lying, it was actually one of my favorites of last year. And I just watched Before I Fall and you know, it wasn't too bad!

  14. I liked both the book and movie Before I Fall, but I can see where there may be some snark!

    1. Yeah I'll find snark. :) But to be honest I liked the movie!

  15. Strange New World is on my TBR list, it looks so good!

  16. I need to catch up with The 100 NOW!! I wish I could watch the past episodes on Hulu or Netflix so I could watch while I work out, but it looks like I can only get them on CWTV.com.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Oh my gosh The 100 is so good! I do think Netflix has the previous seasons? But yeah I end up watching on CW too...

  17. Gold Dust Woman is one of my favorite songs. I need to listen to more of this band. All I could think of when I saw "Two Can Keep a Secret" is Pretty Little Liars. Hope the book is good though.

    1. I love that song, and Halestorm's cover was surprisingly good! She can cover a lot of stuff... and I hope the book is good too, her debut last year was one of my favorites!

  18. It's not fair when the cover isn't available. LOL I have been wanting to give McManus a try. Two Can Keep a Secret sounds good! I hope you are enjoying Strange New World. Have a great rest of the week, Greg.

    1. I know! I hate featuring a cover that's not available, but when I saw this one I had to feature it- her first book was !!!.

  19. I'm very curious about Two Can Keep A Secret. And I love that Halestorm cover of Gold Dust Woman.

  20. Strange New World looks intriguing and for some reason I think Rachel Vincent = Victoria Laurie who is a cozy mystery author. I wonder if that'll come through. Two Can Keep a Secret sounds good - love the title!

  21. I am too, I like what I've read of Rachel Vincent so far! And One of Us Is Lying was quite good!!!

  22. I read Before I Fall a while ago and liked it; hopefully i'll get to watch the movie soon. Can't wait to see your review of Strange New World

  23. Wow, I had no idea that Karen McManus had a new book out soon, added that to my TBR! I have to convey my jealousy once again about Strange New World. I hope it's going well. Before I Fall... I mean, the movie wasn't the worst ever or anything, but the book was definitely better!

  24. I was intrigued by Two Can Keep A Secret so I went and looked up the description. Sounds good! I'm going to have to keep this one on my list of thrillers and mysteries to watch.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  25. Oh cool, I didn't realize Karen McManus had another book coming out already. I really liked One Of Us Is Lying so I'll definitely be looking out for the new one. Great pick!

  26. Great CWW pick I have heard a lot of great things about Karen McManus books, I hope you enjoy the book when you get the chance to read it Greg.

  27. I keep coming across Karen's new book today. Must put it on my list.

  28. Ah! I didn't know about Karen M. McManus new book!😱 I'm so behind! I'm also behind on TV 😂haven't seen the 100 or Riverdale but hear amazing things about it, I need to catch up. Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you have a great day💋

  29. I haven't read Brave New World even though I love Vincent's other series. I also haven't watched either one of these shows but have seen so many good things about both

  30. I love love love that cover of Strange New World. That must have been a fun photoshoot and design. Happy reading and watching, Greg!

    Have a lovely week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  31. oh two can keep a secret. Didn't know about this one and I added it immediately. Also Strange new world. I have this but haven't read this yet. I need to asap.

  32. Hope Two Can Keep a Secret ends up being a really intriguing read. Love the title for that one. Happy reading!

  33. I've just started seeing this. I haven't read One of Us is Lying yet though I am excited to get to it eventually I wonder if this is a sequel.
