Thank you to everyone who commented well wishes to my mom. Last week I mentioned she was in the hospital and she is home now, thankfully. She has follow up to do but is doing well at the moment. I meant to reply to everyone this week but just never seemed to have time (nor did I post anything). I did finish my current book and wow. I'll be sharing it this week.
I happened to mention in a Top Ten post a couple weeks ago that I could start a pulp blog and never run out of stuff to review, and someone commented they would read it. It got me thinking. I don't actually want to START another blog, but... what if I reviewed more pulp stuff here? Or vintage stuff generally? Instead of just highlighting pulpish covers what if I actually reviewed some or spent more time in general? It's a possibility.
In other news, I wanted to talk about something else I ran across this week. It's been discussed before of course, but how much do your family or friends know about your blog? I saw a discussion this week and numerous people were saying their family doesn't even read their blog, or knows about it... sorta. That seems really common- like book bloggers find their tribe but they keep it separate from their regular life?