Friday, April 26, 2019

Sunday Post 295

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
So this week was glorious weather- wise. High 70's to start off although the rest of the week was milder. Still, it's nice! Anyone seeing Endgame this weekend???

This week I saw that a professor at Lewis & Clark studied the Billboard Hot 100 to get a look at cultural trends. He found that songs about love and romantic relationships seemed to peak in the 60's and 80's, and songs about sex and desire have been on a steadily upward trend. And instrument use has dropped and the decline of rock bands has had a huge impact on where music is today. But... love is still mainly what we sing about. 

What does this have to do with anything? Well I was working on a Sexy Song Lyrics post and it got me thinking- maybe it might be fun to look at some serious lyrics. Not that sexy can't be serious, but you know what I mean. So I might do a series of posts looking at song lyrics! How much fun could that be? 

Anyone watching Black Summer? That show is a trip. I'm not really into zombie shows (even though I watch the Walking Dead) but this show makes TWD look like a trip to Disney World. I love the style of filming-it's like you're there- and that last episode was intense. It's only eight episodes too, and some of them are fairly short. 

You Owe Me a MurderAfter the Lights Go OutThe Robe: The Story of the Soldier Who Tossed for Christ's Robe and Won

Song of the week 


We Claim These Stars (Dominic Flandry)


They All Fall Down



  1. The decline of rock bands is making me sad too, but I have faith that these things work in cycles. Maybe in the next decade or two, we'll see the re-emergence of rock and more instrument use in music! Lovely art pieces today, especially the the last four. And nope, no plans to see Endgame, I think I'm burned out on superhero movies and this one is looooong. I'm glad people are enjoying it though!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I think you're right, about things being cyclical. Like the way fashions come back, or the 80's are back, etc. And LaLa below makes a good point that rock is still alive, but it's more in smaller venues now... still around tho. And I'm glad I'm not the only one- everyone I know has seen Endgame, and from what I hear I can wait a bit!

  2. Tangerine Dream! 👍✨

    I love the rain gif 🎍💦

    I think there are a lot of things that would skew those Billboard research numbers, such as the popularity of Rap and its propensity for having sexual lyrics. I also think there is no decline of bands in general, just on the Billboard charts. YouTube and the internet music sites/apps like Spotify have have made it possible for more bands to make a decent living playing smaller venues, but there are less big rock bands... the ones who would have album sales large enough to be on Billboard. For me it's been nice seeing a resurgence of rock bands on the local and regional level. It's like the scary stories about the decline of guitars, but the sales decline was because guitars had gotten so expensive that people were buying used or repairing the guitars they already had, not because less people were playing guitar. 🎸✨

    Glad your weather has been decent! Have a wonderful new week.🌞

    1. That's a really great point. We may not have arena acts touring constantly but rock is alive in smaller venues. And great point about Youtube- that's where I discovered Dorothy after all!

      And yeah it kinda goes into that too, how rock and instrument use has declined as rap and hop hop have increased what they called Poetics- more of a spoken word kinda music than an instrument- driven one. But again, like you say, rock is there if u know where to look!

  3. Yay for nice weather!!we have been up and down - it's warm, it's cold, it rains. I just want steady nice weather. Excited for BLL season 2!!! Have a great week!

    1. The weather has been crazy- we're supposed to get snow tonight ( a little)- but then 50's next week. I can't WAIT for BLL 2.

  4. Gotta love nice weather! I've been getting it all here in Puerto Rico.
    If BLACK summer makes TWD look like a fun ride, I don't think I can watch it. I scare easily lol have a good week!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Ooh I bet your weather in Puerto rico is nicer than here lol. Enjoy!!

      I could use a beach about now :)

  5. I think music of the 60s and 80s are my favorite. Same with my teenagers except they like the stuff of today too. I like some music of now but tend to listen to older music.

    1. I like everything (well except rap) but 80's music has a definite place in my heart. :)

  6. Love the Winter is Here artwork❤ Its been really warm here too, maybe too warm for April (in the 80s). I'm not quite ready for summer weather!

    1. Is that amazing or what? Especially with, um, tomorrow's episode :)

  7. I'm all over the place this weekend waiting for the next GoT episode-I have fears for all my favourites and WHAT is lurking in the crypts!!!

  8. We're going to see Endgame tomorrow morning, so I've really been trying to avoid spoilers! My husband just mentioned Black Summer and how he wants to try it out.

  9. I am so excited for the new season of Big Little Lies!

  10. I am not surprised to hear people often sing about love. They also write a lot of books about love. It's one of those timeless themes, and definitely one of my favorites. I am like the only person in the world, who has not seen any of the Avengers films. I hope the ending is satisfying for everyone though. Ooooh. Season 2 of Big Little Lies is definitely something I will be watching. I am curious as to the story behind this new season.

    1. I am too, especially since Liane Moriarty was involved!

  11. Woohoo I can comment on blogger blogs again! I haven't been able to for ages Greg, but have been reading most Sundays. A post on song lyrics would be SO cool!

    1. Aw thanks! I didn't know that but I appreciate your stopping by. :) And I think I might do it!

  12. I've been eyeing Black Summer, I might watch it. I'm not going to see Endgame anytime soon but a few of my coworkers have been raving about it. Posts about sexy song lyrics sound like a fun idea!
    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. I'm waiting on Endgame too, but then I spoiled myself so I know what happens anyway! lol I'm in the minority that way. :)

  13. I'm definitely excited for the second season of BLL, but I'm always at least slightly wary of second seasons that weren't originally planned. I haven't watched Black Summer, but it sounds worth checking out! Happy reading!

    1. Black Summer's good, and I agree about second seasons...

  14. Um seriously, how are we supposed to go back to TWD and its meandering zombies after THAT!? Like okay let me get my Morgan Stick, wander out to where the zombies have barely moved, and leisurely kill them at my own pace 🙄

    Also you neglected to mention The 100 coming back on Tuesday which. Wow. Are you seeing Endgame? Or have you already?

    1. I know! How could I forget the 100??!?

      TWd will be hard to go back to after Black Summer :)

  15. Ooh, I hadn't seen that teaser for Big Little Lies -that's going to be good!

  16. I love TWD! So I need to check out Black Summer ASAP. Posts on song lyrics sound like a fun idea!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. If you like TWD then Black Summer may be just your thing :)

  17. I'm trying to go see Endgame but every single movie theater is sold out

    Elle @ Keep on Reading

  18. I still even haven't seen Big Little Liars Season 1. Should I? I also really need to catch up on GOT! I just had so much going on I didn't get to it yet!
    Have a great week Greg and happy reading!

  19. Glad you've had some great weather! That's cool about the study on the Billboard hits! I guess it's not surprising that songs about love are so popular though. I mean, just look at how much romance is in books and movies and TV shows too.

    1. It's beautiful today. They keep changing the forecast though, first it's supposed to be nice, then all rain, then... you know, meteorology is inexact, I get it, but... gah! And yes great point about books and such too- romance is everywhere!!!

  20. The song lyrics post really does sound interesting!

  21. You already know it's a big fat NO when it comes to zombie movies, but I did see that over on Netflix. Yay on your good weather. We were in the 70's, and all this week will be in the upper 80's which makes me cringe because of the bugs. Give me your snow from Instagram, Gorgeous Greg!(lol) I think music was better in the 70's 80's and 90's, and agree that it seems like the focus is more on sex and even violence these days. I used to sing in a band back in the day, and there was always ads in the classifieds for musicians or singers, but I don't see that these days. Ought to be a fun post! Hugs and Happy Sunday! RO

    1. I love 70's. Upper 80's eh not. I know, the snow is like a distant dream haha! And I have to agree- I think the songwriting in the 70's in particular was awesome (sure some seems hokey now) buy by and large- amazing. I'm amazed how much he culture has changed music wise.

  22. Glad you're having wonderful weather - we've been having consistently warm weather, until the last handful days when a bitter easterly is drying everying out and bullying all the new growth... Thank you for the lovely pics, Greg - love that rainy-day scene:))

  23. Yay for some nice weather. Our nice weather lasted a weekend and then it's been cold and raint since. I'm hoping it passes, though. And I lvoe that raining pictur from this weeks post! I think that represents the weather I've seen this week.

    1. I loved that when I saw it! Why do I like rain images when ACTUAL rain irritates me lol? Well not always- I mean I DO like a good relaxing rain. But give me some spring weather!!

  24. I am gonna look up on that study on the Billboard 100 trend, it sounds super interesting. We seems to have started wth the summer in Dubai already. I was hoping it would be a long spring.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. The first part I saw in Smithsonian magazine, it may be on their website whenever they upload latest issue. Also this was cited

  25. Dad and I are going to go see Endgame sometime this week as he is a huge comic fan so we normally go see them. I am kind of sad that this one is from what I hear the last Avengers movie though I am sure there will still be spin offs of the individual characters (or at least some like Black Widow).

    I don't know much about music as I don't listen to a lot, I usually listen to audiobooks If I do listen to music it's really old as in 40's-60's type. I am not into anything modern. :)

    I need to try Black Summer as I heard it was good but I am not into zombies much either.

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

    1. Aw have fun! And I love older music, especially as I hear more...

  26. I love your idea of posting about song lyrics. That is a really interesting insight! It makes me think of troubadours of old who sang about war..and love, right? Hmm. I'd be interested to read your posts! I'm into more 60s/70s folk singers these days. And some new bands like The National Parks and Lord Huron. But I can't help get nostalgic and listen to the music of my wild youth, all those alternative grunge bands of the 90s!

    After the Lights Go Out looks good!

    1. Thanks! And great point- I've always loved the idea of troubadours and minstrels. I love 70's music, especially the plethora of amazing songwriters- I mean there's the AM Gold (lol) stuff that actually I think a lot of it has aged well. Wanna hear relationship songs- I always say those were primo!

  27. I love song lyrics, and would totally read posts about them! It's fun that the 60s-80s was more about love, and that now it's more about lust and sex... I am kind of sad a lot of popular music these days use less instruments (and this might make me sound old, but some songs sound so similar I have no idea who's singing...)
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading!
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

    1. Thanks Lexxie. A few songs immediately came to mind, so I may take the hint! And I also! The distinctiveness of rock and the variety of like 80's music is what I miss!

  28. I was just thinking the other day about how different lyrics are now to what they used to be (even in the 80's). Like Sound of Silence is such a deep song. Nothing like that today exists.

    1. Great point. There was AMAZING songwriting a few decades ago, and where is that now??

  29. Ooh, great trailer of Big Little Lies, Season II. I can't wait. Meryl Streep! I don't have HBO on my TV channels, but I'm planning to add it to my Prime Channels just in time for the show. Can't miss it!

    Enjoy your reading and your images. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  30. I loved both the book and adaptation of Big Little Lies, not sure how I will feel about the second season but I'm excited to watch it!
    Still need to catch up on a lot of Marvel movies but I hope to do so soon so I can watch Endgame. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. I'm the same- I felt like the story was told? And there's no sequel book wise, so if they're just going their own way that could be iffy? But then I heard the author was writing, and I saw the teasers- I'm in haha!

  31. Just watched the trailer for Big Little Lies! I might have to get HBO for that! I wonder what the author thinks of her story continuing and if she had any input in the story line.

    As you know I'm at Stagecoach this weekend and the think the love song is alive and well with most of the singers and bands that play, and I think country music sort of sounds like rock now. Definitely not my grandpa's country music, thank goodness!

    I'm going to check out Black Summer. Stopped watching The Walking Dead a while back, it just seems to go on forever, but I might get back to it someday. Usually I binge watch. I like that Black Summer is only 8 episodes. Is that it, or is there another season coming?

    Glad to hear you're enjoying some great weather, Greg! :)

    1. I heard that Liane Moriarty was involved and was writing the second season? I should look to make sure, but that gives me hope.

      You know I've noticed that country has taken on a rock flair lately, seems to me. I love it! And I love outdoor festivals- just all that energy!

      Black Summer might have another season, they haven't announced it yet tho. I thought it was amazingly fast paced compared to TWD, which I'm also on the verge of giving up.

  32. It's already ridiculously warm here. It was 95 yesterday but tomorrow should be 79. Summer heat is just about here to stay.

    1. 95! Wow. Too hot for me, but it beats cold? Ha ha . Hope you have an awesome week.

  33. We've been in the 90s this past week (minus Monday and Tuesday with rain). I walked Little 1 to school and ended up with a tan lol. If it's that hot in April, I think summer will be a lot hotter than normal.

    I'm excited to see about your lyrics post! When I listen to my playlists, it is so crazy to see how much lyrics have change.

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

    1. Haha what a way to get a tan huh? Summer sounds like it'll be a scorcher though!


  34. I love Winter is Here. Appropriate timing as I'm already dreading tonight's episode. I love music so I'm all down for your music related posts. We really enjoyed Black Summer. I wished it had been longer. I ADORE Sun and read a fun article about why they didn't subtitle what she was saying and how it made the show that much more intense. In polls she's also a lot of people's favorite character. Pretty interesting. Hope you have a wonderful week.

    1. I thought that was amazing! Will we see a showdown like that on the show???

      I liked Sun too, and I agree about the subtitles. We're multi cultural now and in real life- that might happen that we're running from monsters and don't understand the person next to us! i like how they portrayed that. They had to go off nonverbal cues a LOT more.

  35. Aaand that's why I said that romance should not be overlooked as a genre two week ago Greg LOL It seems that music is the same! Happy Sunday

    1. Exactly?!? I think I'm going to have to look into these lyrics. :)

  36. That would be a fun post looking into song lyrics. Hope you do it.

  37. Ooh, a zombie show. I might have to watch that. Have a good week.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  38. Jealous of your nice weather, we got snow in Chicago yesterday. Bleh!

    I just saw Endgame and cried VERY hard!

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

  39. I saw Endgame and wow. Just wow. I need to see it at least another 2 times to process everything, lol.

    Both looking forward to and dreading tonight's GoT, lol. I'm sure we'll be talking after the episode airs! :D

  40. A song lyrics post sounds pretty cool to me.

    And wow on that BLL trailer. I can't wait for the show to be back!

  41. It has been nice here as well. Have a great week Greg!

  42. It was nice weather here too and then the temps are now back in the 40's and 30s WTHeck...Ughh I am now a bird feeder woman too. I started and can't stop because I love watching them fly in and out of the yard. =)


  43. We just binged Black Summer and loved it. It was super fast moving and intense. Great storytelling too from such short stories.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  44. I really miss the instruments - sax, trombone, trumpets etc in bands. I played sax in high school and college and loved Spyro Gyra, Flim & the BBs, Chicago, Tower of Power all the ones with horns.

    It's supposed to be even warmer here this week. Have a good one!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  45. I can't sing and have very little musical appreciation of the music or the lyrics, it sort of washes over me. But... I know songs do have great sentiments and ideas, hope you do enjoy researching them.

  46. My youngest son is at the movies watching EndGame with his friends right now.
    My husband is convinced there hasn’t been a real rock song since 1990. He sometimes watches those lists on YouTube and mutters about their loose definition of what a rock song is.

    Have a great reading week Greg

  47. I just watched Endgame the other day (we went for my dad's bday!), so I'm thinking of writing a post about it soon. The song lyric posts sound cool!

  48. Aww, dude. I need to check out Black Summer. Still have to see Endgame too. Happy reading.

  49. I saw a cover image of The Robe and it brought back memories of high school for me. I read it then and it is still a strongly remembered book. Come see my week here. Happy reading.

  50. I'm not sure Billboard is a good source for the big picture in music. As radio has become less of a driving force it has become more insular in what it plays and pushes. I'm also reading You Owe Me a Murder. I hope to get to finish it soon. What I read and posted last week.

  51. I am really depressed about the lack of instruments and where music has been heading for a while now... :'(

  52. I'll have to put Black Summer on my list. Your image for Winter Is Here -- OMG that last episode was intense.

  53. Love that pulp cover! I'm totally seduced by old covers like that. Maybe that's why I like reading old scifi?! ;) Have a good week!
