Thursday, January 19, 2017

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter is a trip. Literally. A trip through what if- decisions that you might have made differently, choices that take you in a different direction- the road not taken. It's fascinating and I can't say enough good things about it. Jason Dessen is a guy who gave up his dreams of being a top physicist when he married Daniela and had Charlie- now he's a professor at a small college. Daniela too has given up dreams but they're happy. Aren't they? 

One night on the way home Jason is abducted and given a drug that screws up his senses, and when he comes out of it he's somewhere... else. Same Chicago... but in a parallel universe. Turns out Jason had an idea to build something that would allow humans to access the multiverse- the infinite parallel universes that spring up every time we make a decision. Change your major? Decide not to get married? Every choice creates a new reality where a version of you lives that life. And the Jason of this reality never married Daniela, was obsessed with his work... and succeeded in building the device. 

That's about all I can say without spoilers. Suffice to say that this is a mind blowing, very thought provoking- and thrilling- read. I was on the edge of my seat pretty much all the way through. 

Jason has a hard time coming to grips with what's happening, and he makes some decisions that I disagreed with. For such a smart guy he seemed a little slow on the uptake- but then again it is kind of mindblowing. And the whole premise of it- the scientific underpinning behind alternate realities- is a little iffy to me. The book doesn't get too into the weeds but a large idea here is that observation defines reality, or affects it- you may or may not agree with it based on how it's presented. But regardless it's fascinating and there are moments when I was just like- whoah. 

I've read Blake Crouch before with his Wayward novels and this one is even better. It's fast paced, scary and hard to put down- I could barely stop reading. I had to know what was coming next, and there is a twist that blew my mind. Jason was sympathetic and went through a gut wrenching experience, there's a side character Amanda that I loved, and Daniela is awesome. Even Charlie kinda kicks ass. And it was fascinating to see Jason and Daniela come to grips with- are they really happy? What do they want? And how far will they go to get it? How far would you go? 


  1. I've heard a lot of good things about this title, and it definitely sounds like the kind of book you need to experience yourself. On my library wishlist. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  2. I am waiting on the audio for this from the library. It is a little out of my comfort zone but sounds awesome and everyone has loved it.. Great review!

    1. I think you'll like it. It almost reads more like a thriller- I mean the sF element is there but it's tense and more thriller- ish.

  3. This is next on my to read list!!! I am so excited to be reading it.

    1. I hope you like- I thought it was fantastic!

  4. I love this book. I'm not a fan of parallel universe but this one somehow worked out for me.

  5. I've heard really good things about this one. I don't read a lot of sci-fi but I'm definitely really curious about this one.


    1. You should give it a shot. Like I said above it's almost more like a thriller...

  6. I've seen this around but never picked it up. Interesting plot as long as it isn't too technical for my tiny brain!

    1. It's not bad technical - wise, just some discussion of alternate universe theory which you can skip over- it's like just a few lines. It mostly feels like a SF thriller and is fantastic!

  7. I saw this one here on your blog the other day, and was intrigued. Now that I've read your EXCELLENT review, I DEFINITELY want to read it!! anything having to do with parallel universes will absolutely get my attention! I'm adding this to my GR shelves NOW. Thanks for your interesting thoughts!! <3 :)

    1. Oh you should read it- then tell me what you think! This is a book to talk about. lol I hope you read it!!

  8. I hope I can make time for this one this month. I honestly don't think I've ran into anyone who hasn't liked it. Great thoughts and thanks for sharing them!

    1. Same here, and that's one of the reasons I picked it up. Seriously I think you would like it!

  9. This book sounds good; I'll check it out.

    1. Oh definitely read it Stephanie if you can. Good stuff!

  10. Great review! This one is next up on my Ipod.

  11. This sounds fantastic, Greg!! Have you read Dissonance? (It's young adult, but with a similar worldbuilding where multiverses are made with each decision made by every person ever...) I loved that one, and am pretty sure Dark Matter would work really well for me, too!
    Great review!
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. I have not read Dissonance, but I will go check it out. After reading this one I'd love to take another parallel universe trip. :)

      I hope you like DM- it's great!

  12. Another book I did not request because I was given wrong information. I saw a not so great review on someone's blog, actually it was a scathing review, and I mentioned that Michelle was liking it and they told me what she was reading was not this book. When Michelle posted her review and I saw the cover and it was this book it was already archived. Boo hiss. If I ever see it on special I will grab it. Heck, I might just borrow it from the library if they have it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. Ergh- that's annoying. I highly think you should read this, however you can get it- it's quite good/

  13. I think everyone's reviewed this but me. Lol!

    1. Well you need to read it lol! I think you would like- thought provoking, exciting and a page turner!!

  14. *happy dance* I am so happy you loved this too. I totally agree this is stronger than Wayward and that twist got me! I meet him at BEA. He was a little shy with a sense of humor.

    1. I did. I thought it was awesome and he has a way of keeping the tension ratcheted up. I felt the same way with the Wayward books, but like x10 here. :) I'm tempted to try more of his thrillers.

  15. Yay! I'm so glad you read this and loved it. You're right, it's a trip.

  16. The idea that there are an infinite number of universes out there, that a new one is formed every time we make a decision, is definitely an interesting but trippy one. I had no idea that's what this book was about though. I might have to put this one on my TBR since it sounds good!

    1. You should read this I think you would like it? It's SF set firmly in the here and now but he has a way of keeping you tense. I love the idea that each choice creates a new reality.

    2. Obscura Burning explored this idea a bit. When he was jumping between realities, new ones started forming based on different decisions, and he started jumping around to a whole bunch of different ones. And I'm starting to get more of a taste for trippy books I think lol.

  17. Definitely a trip! I'm glad you enjoyed the book, I had a lot of fun with it too. I remember starting it right before bed, and what a mistake that was - I was up to the late hours because I was just so addicted.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. It is! And yes- don't start it before you have to do something, like sleep or go to work! I HAD to keep going. :)

  18. The premise on this hurts my brain a bit but it sounds like quite a ride! I like that it sounds like the characters are fairly well fleshed out. While I don't read much science fiction a lot of what I have read has kind of flat characters. I'll have to take a chance on this book though it might make my head explode!

    1. It is a ride- I describe it as a thriller with an SF premise. It's not too SF'ey. The characters are fleshed out and it's got a lot of tension, I was on the edge of my seat!

  19. I knew you'd like this. I love that it used the Schrodinger Cat Theory. It's the first sci-fi book that I read that has, which is a little surprising. But dude, I kept thinking about the ending. Just think how many would end up stuck in that world, because they'll keep coming through. Creepy.

  20. This thriller seems really fascinating. We've never heard of a premise like this before. It's not usually a genre we read, but we do love this genre when we try it. Great review!
    ~ Pendragons 

  21. I love books with alternate realities---I just find the whole idea fascinating! I'm definitely adding this one to my TBR!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  22. This has been on my tbr for a while. Sadly my library doesn't have a copy yet. Definitely will pick this one up soon!

  23. Okay, I'm definitely interested in reading this now! Greg, you gotta stop doing this to my TBR! Haha. I love parallel universe stories, and the sound of not just one but two kickass female characters just makes me even more intrigued.

  24. I recently read this, too, and loved it! I was a little skeptical at first, since I'm not a huge science fiction fan, but it really drew me in.

  25. Wow, that sounds complicated. Interesting though. Great review, as I probably wouldn't have picked up this book but now I'm adding to my TBR list.

  26. That sounds so interesting! Multiverse theories are fascinating. When I first saw you reviewed this, I thought it would be a book the TV show Dark Matter is based on.^^

  27. Hmmm... I'm not sure I'd love the book but I'd love to watch this so love the idea. Perhaps I would like the book...

  28. I love the concept and will keep a lookout for this - many thanks for your recommendation, Greg:).

  29. So I never made it through Pines, but then watched the show and would like to try it again. So I am really curious about his new book Dark Matters. Great review! :)

  30. This sounds pretty interesting. I'll admit to having similar thoughts about how my life would differ if I'd made different choices.

  31. I have heard that this book is hard to put down. I am so glad to see that you liked it and felt the same way. I hope to read it before winter's end.

  32. I remember seeing this cover somewhere and thought it was interesting. Your review is great, I am definitely going to have to pick this one up.

  33. I am not a fan of parallel universe stories, but this one does sound intriguing. And it sure sounds like a book that makes you think about the what ifs. There was a stargate episode we watched recently with parallel universes that had the same premise with the infinite different universes based on different decisions.

  34. Oo this sounds so good. I wasn't that interested before, but I think you have me sold on reading this one sometime!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  35. I've heard nothing but good things about this book. I think I need to add it to my wish list. Great review!
