So I thought I would discuss this a bit because it's kind of fascinating. We relate to fandoms so differently now than in the past, with social media and the internet and the 24/7 entertainment news cycle. There's shipping now and Twitter wars and the whole diversity/ SJW debates. How do you feel about headcanon? Do you have a fandom or interest where your own view differs from the official canon? I think having a canon of one's own can be a bit comforting. If you hate the new Star War movies like I do, you can take refuge in the fact that the three original movies are still there, and can be enjoyed regardless of what Disney is doing now. In my mind of course I have my own version of what happens after Return of the Jedi, and I like mine better!
What I'd really like to do is generate some discussion on this, and also start off by sharing some headcanons of my own. Let me know what you think in the comments!
Star Wars
I'm not a fan of the new Star Wars movies, so in my headcanon they don't exist. Some of the deaths of major characters that have happened- nope. While I may not have my own extensive history worked out, I have ideas where those characters would go, and they don't correspond with Disney very much. They track more with the old Expanded Universe stuff, initially at least, but I don't subscribe fully to that either. And that's alright. It works for me.
The 100
Bellarke is canon to me! Because of course. :)
The Lord of the Rings
Now here's an example of a canon that I have no issues with. Tolkien's world is perfect to me as is, probably because no one else has written in that world. Often (but not always) once other people start playing in the sandbox, you soon have disagreements about whether they understand the setting, or share the creator's vision. Luckily that hasn't happened with Tolkien, other than the films.
In my headcanon Clone Club gets together every Friday night for dance party weekend.
Orphan Black
In my headcanon Clone Club gets together every Friday night for dance party weekend.