Saturday, February 10, 2018

Sunday Post #232

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
It's been in the 20's, more or less, all week. The cold is just hanging on! But I had a good reading week. I'm reading The Vault of Dreamers and This Fallen Prey, the latest Kelley Armstrong book. Let me tell ya, her City of the Lost is starting to feel kinda like home. :)    

The Olympics started on Friday and as usual I'm pretty excited for it. Too bad NBC's coverage sucks. As usual. I'm watching the opening ceremonies as I write this and I think they have more commercials than anything. 

Last week I reviewed The Woman in the Window and will be posting my thoughts on The Wolves of Winter on Monday. The Wolves of Winter has kind of stayed with me, so I guess that's a sign that I really liked it! A good dystopian. And Bad Girl With Perfect Faces- which is maybe my favorite of the year so far?- will be up on Thursday.       

The Woman in the WindowBad Girls with Perfect FacesThe Wolves of Winter

Song of the week  


Related image


What Alice Knew



  1. Our weather has been a lot colder, too. We even got some snow - not that it actually stuck to the ground, but it fell down pretty heavily one afternoon.
    Can you believe I haven't watched a single thing from the Olympics yet? I used to be glued to my TV for the opening ceremony, the downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, speed-skating and figure skating. Not sure if I'm going to watch any of it or not. We shall see.
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading, Greg.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. It's been freezing here. And we have a ton of snow!

      I'm a little less enthused about the Olympics this time as well. Not sure why. I'll still watch some skiing and ski jumping but the rest... *shrug* The opening ceremonies were nice but the way they show it here... too many commercials. :)

  2. The only events I get excited about at the winter Olympics are the ice-skating and the ice-hockey. Sad to say I missed the opening ceremony. :(

    1. I saw some of the opening but there were so many commercials I stopped paying attention after a while. I do like ski jumping and some of the skiing events though.

  3. I'm taking a 15 minute break from the coverage to grab lunch and write a few comments! I've been recording the luge, biathlon and cross country skiing so I could watch the shiort track speed skating and catch up with last nights snowslope! I'm tired already!

    1. Ha ha I like the speed skating too. And the skiing events are fun. Sounds like you watch quite a bit, I usually do too.

  4. AH, Greg, I always enjoy looking at the pictures you post! I'm glad you had a fruitful reading week, mine has been a bit meh. I've read a new series by Tara Thomas which I haven't enjoyed much. Plus, my work has been keeping me very busy this week, and I haven't been able to visit blogs like I wanted. Hopefully next week will be different. :)

    1. Thanks, glad you like them. I enjoy finding them. :) And yeah I know how weeks like that are! Hopefully this week wil be a little more relaxed for you!

  5. Ugh cold here too. I am ready for a little warm up. I agree the Olympics were so many commercials last night and breaks and stuff. I am excited for the events and have checked out the streaming schedule. Have a great week!

    1. Yes, it's freezing here! I guess you can watch everything streaming online but you gotta have a cable subscription and we don't. We just watch Netflix and stuff. So we were stuck watching the network and yeah, the coverage sucked.

  6. I'm looking forward to watching the Olympics too. Your books sound good. And yes, winter is stubborn this year. We had an ice storm this week.
    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Ice- no fun. We have snow and it's hanging on, and I'm pretty much over it. :) Hope you enjoy the Olypmics!

  7. I'm really looking forward to hearing about The Wolves of Winter. And I love the Chasing the Wind artwork! Stay warm, Greg!

    1. You too! I can say The Wolves of Winter was great!!!

  8. oooh, love the Agatha Christie-inspired artwork! I love that retro feel. Not sure how much of the Olympics I'll be watching, I think I like the summer games more then the winter games! But since nothing else will be new for the next couple weeks, I'll probably watch a little. Or get a lot of reading in!

    1. I love that too! I definitely like the summer games more, so even though I grumble about the coverage, I'm not THAT upset this time, but for the summer games I'll be a lot more invested!

  9. I've been eyeing Wolves of Winter and Bad Girl With Perfect Faces!! I'd love to read what you think of them (mostly for Wolves of Winter just because it really sounds like my type of read) :D

    1. Both are excellent. I would say if you're intereste in The Wolves of Winter, give it a read. I loved it!

  10. I’m reading The Women in the Window right now and it’s immersing me so completely that I’M starting to feel groggy headed and crazy!

  11. I whined about how cold FL has been and now it's in the 8-0's and humid. I just want a cooler but not cold that so hard to do?? lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Right? Can't the weather cooperate? Although your 80's sound pretty goods right now...

  12. The 20's? Wow. I live in Las Vegas and it was in the 70's all week. I actually had to turn my AC back on while cooking dinner one day because it was 80F and there was no breeze.

    1. I know. we're freezing. Although the sun's out right now. 70's sound pretty nice...

  13. UGH SOLO! Nope nope. He looks nothing like him. At least try people!

    1. I didn't think he looked right either, although the guy playing young LAndo- I think he may steal the show!

  14. I missed the opening ceremonies, argh! Oh well :) I have missed the reruns too, before you ask xD xD

  15. Our weather warmed up here today so I hope it's the beginning of the end of winter. I was sick with the flu and a sinus infection all week and got nothing done but watching The Crown. :)

  16. Today it was in the mid 50s here in New England CRAZY! Glad to hear you are enjoying the Olympics and City of the Lost. I personally can't wait for the World Cup! I can't wait to read The Wolves of Winter. Dystopians never get old for me :)

  17. I really enjoyed your review of The Woman in the Window and I can't wait to read your review of The Wolves of Winter.
    I am so happy about the Olympics. I am a huge fan of both summer and winter, but I prefer the Winter Olympics. :)

    My STT

  18. I did see the trailer for Solo! I'm excited for the movie even though I love the mystery of Han Solo exactly as he is from the previous movies. But it looks like a fun one to come. I'll definitely be seeing it when it hits theatres. :D

    Have a lovely weekend, Greg. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  19. I am so used to watching shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime these days that any type of regular TV with commercials feels weighed down by them. The Olympics coverage even more so. :-( I did like the opening ceremonies though. I look forward to your thoughts on What Alice Knew. I hope you have a great week, Greg.

  20. Our weather has been cold, but today we went in the high 40's. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, but much better than snow. It's weird how the temps fluctuate between 20's and 40's within a matter of days.

    Enjoy your books and have a great week!

  21. The weather has been SO cold but of course today is in the 50's and it's raining. *angry face* I missed the Olympics opening ceremonies! I have such a hard time watching them since NBC and social media keeps ruining who is winning.
    I love those Pulp Covers!
    I hope you have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading! :)

  22. I’m glad you had a good reading week. It’s freezing and snowing here, so that’s a good excuse to stay inside and read. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  23. I don't even know what the weather is doing anymore. One day it's snowing, the next it's raining, ugh. I'm over all of it, honestly. Is it April yet? I think I have decided against bothering with the Olympics. The only thing I ever watched in the winter was skating, and nothing will ever be funnier than I, Tonya hah. So... meh. Not worth the hassle. Especially if they're being so crappy about commercials and such! Glad you have read so many good books lately. I need to obtain Wolves of Winter ASAP, and Bad Girls is on my list, too!

    I see our Cthulhu friend has made an appearance! I love that one- so creepy! I love the house in a tree in water thing- I could live there. The mermaid one is great too, she looks so happy and free.

    1. April we need. For reasons- obvs TV as well as weather. :) And you know I'm not nearly as much into the winter games as I am the summer- if it was the summer games I'd be al over it. I don't think you're missing a lot- I mean there's no Tonya.

  24. It's been in the 80's here in Southern California, which just feels wrong for February but I'm thankful it's not in the 20s here.

    So thrilled you enjoyed This Fallen Prey! It shaping up to be a phenomenal series, right? :)

    1. Oohh I could use some 80's right about now!

      And yes I love that series! I just finished This Fallen Prey and totally loved it! I need the next one!!

  25. I'm sorry that the cold weather has been sticking around for you! Not to brag, but we hit the 80s this week. Come join us, Greg, it's warm here. XD

    Have a great week! :)

  26. I hope there's some respite soon from the cold! Han Solo is my fave character from Star Wars along with Leia, so I am extremely apprehensive about this movie. I don't even know the guy that is playing him. Vault of dreams has such an intriguing cover!!!

    1. I'm a little leery too, I don't feel like we NEED Han Solo's backstory, but we're going to get it so I hope they don't screw it up. :)

  27. Yes on the Olympic covers, 98% commercials! I am loving Armstrongs series although I don't think I could live in Rockton without internet. People maybe, internet no. LOL Stay warm, we've been hovering in the low teens all week.

  28. 20s! Oh my goodness! It's finally back to the 80s here lol, but who knows how long it'll last w/ all the weird weather changes. Tbh I don't even watch Winter Olympics, but the TV coverage is just awful for all of them! Watch online :-)

    1. Right? I need 80's!! And yes streaming is the way to go, although you need a cable sub. Typical. Although when the summer games come around I'll have to figure something out, since I DO watch them a lot more.

  29. Love the artwork this week. Have a great week! :)

  30. Hi Greg, I like the cover of Winds of Winter. At least it fits the kind of weather we've been having. Lots of snow! I didn't know about the Olympics starting. I used to love watching.

    1. Oh sorry that is Wolves of Winter :/ lol (my bad)

    2. Right? Somehow The Wolves of Winter seems appropriate!!

  31. 20s?? Burrr! It has been unseasonably warm here - high 70s. I love it! I usually love the Olympics but I'm just not feeling it this year. :( I remember bitching about stupid NBC coverage with you during the last summer games. :D

    1. Oh I'll take 70's. *dreams of sun* And yes we did! In fact I'll be bitching again in about two years lolololol

  32. It's gonna get warm at some point, I'm telling you. And I'm excited for the Winter Olympics, I probably won't get to watch all that much with a lot of it being on earlier and me being at work but I'll get to see the highlights being put on the BBC I think and that's good enough for me. You've got to read This Fallen Prey already? I'm dithering what format to buy because there's only a US publisher doing the hardcovers so my set won't match but I could get a kindle copy... but my set won't match. I might just say screw it and buy the hardcover, I deserve that book to read and on my shelf.

    Enjoy the Olympics and happy reading.

    1. Do you think the BBC does a good job? I've heard it and the CBC do a lot better than what we get here in the states, although I'm sure nobody does it perfect. I did read This Fallen Prey and it was phenomenal. Not perfect but I liked it a LOT.

      And yes you do deserve it! Although I totally get that, mismatched editions are a pain!

  33. How are you finding The Vault of Dreamers? I remember feeling a bit flat after reading it and not reading on. But thinking back now, I kind of what to know what happened next, so I might pick the series up again. I did love the setting!

    1. It's not bad so far! A little slower for me than the other book I was reading- This Fallen Prey- but I like it enoug that I'll keep on. I do like the premise!

  34. I just saw the Murder in the Oriental express last night and I am glad to have seen that picture here. I am looking for the Olympics but I guess I should only stream it online somewhere.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. I should stream online too, a lot easier that ways!

  35. You certainly are reading a lot of alliterative books...what is with all the w's?!

    Enjoy your week.

    Here's my reading week:

  36. I've heard good things about The Wolves of Winter. Glad you enjoyed it.

  37. It's been frigid here, too, and we got some significant snow this last week. I remember many Valentine's Days (and St. Patrick's Days for that matter) where there were early springlike temps, but it seems like that doesn't happen anymore. We used to get a final snow storm the first week in March and by St. Pat's Day the weather was solid spring temps. Now around here we are still cold two or three weeks into April. I hate it. :/

    Now that I've been a whiner, ha ha... have a fabulous week. 💜

  38. Oooh Bad Girls With Perfect Faces sounds like something I would LOVE! I am going to have to look into that one for sure. I can't wait to read your review!

  39. We seem to have many similar books this week. I love the City of the Lost series and read and loved that book too! Also I read Woman in the Window and enjoyed it and The Wolves of Winter, too.
    Wow, Bad Girls with Perfect Faces, never heard of it but it must have been a good one for you. Look forward to your review.

  40. I don't know why we aren't glued to the Olympics the way we usually are at my house.

  41. Okay so does The Woman in the Window pick up cause I am bored, I have made it to about 20% and I am struggling. :(

    It iced here and is super slick! :( Though tomorrow is suppose to be 45! Go

    Have a great week!
    Week in Reviews

  42. YAY for good reading weeks! I want to read The Wolves of Winter. It sounds like a good one. I especially love books that stay with me.

    I haven't watched any of the Olympics. I hope to this week. We'll see.

    Have a great week, Greg!

  43. Yes! I saw the Solo trailer. So excited!!!! I also saw the trailer for the new Marvel movie in May with all the characters. That looks amazing. I love the Agatha Christie art with the red robe with the dragon in the suitcase. Murder on the Orient Express right? Have a great week.

    1. Solo has me cautiously optimistic? Plus I kinda trust Ron Howard to hopefully pull off a good one? And a young Lando can't be all bad right? :)

      I liked that one also.

  44. I've also been super frustrated by the NBC coverage of the Olympics. The app is confusing (I can never figure out when stuff is on?) and the stream kept cutting off last night; eventually I had to just give up on watching the figure skating because it just refused to play =/

    1. Yes. Drives me nuts. That would be so frustrating with the stream, I mean you watch that to get better coverage and then it doesn't work either? Yikes.

  45. Look forward to reading your thoughts on Wolves of Winter!

    1. My review will be up tomorrow, and I loved it!

  46. I don't like watching sports of any kind on TV...the commercials are the least of it.

    But...I heard you could stream some of the events on Hulu. Do you have Hulu?

    I hope you enjoyed The Woman in the Window. Off to check out your review.

    Thanks for sharing...great pictures, as usual.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  47. The weather has been all over the place here. Yesterday, I went out in just a sweater. It always gets a little warmer before the deluge of rain begins. I agree, too many commercials. I always struggle when the games are in a far off time zone too, because with the internet, everything becomes so anticlimactic.

  48. Love the star wars trailers!! So exciting! I have been disappointed in NBC's olympic coverage for years now. But, I will still watch because I love the olympics!!

  49. I miss being able to watch the Olympics. I always enjoyed it. My parents are lucky because where they live they get NBC (and CBS, ABC, FOX) for free without cable.

    I looked at the weather forecast and saw some 50 degree weather supposedly headed our way (before it gets cold again). Hopefully that will take care of the ice and snow we got this past week.

    I am curious about the Han Solo movie. Rogue One was a good standalone so maybe this will be too. We shall see...

    Have a great week!

  50. I need to find the Agatha Christie art in poster size so when I actually get around to my reading room I can use them to decorate. They're amazing! I loved your review of The Woman in the Window and What Alice Knew looks great! Have a fantastic week!

  51. Fabulous post. I can't decide what think I like the post. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  52. The illustrations are great! Have a lovely week and happy reading!

  53. Your Sunday Post posts never cease to amaze me. Happy Reading!

  54. I haven't watched nearly as many events as I would like already. It is really hard for me to watch anything that is full of commercials. I seriously need to get on Bad does sound really intriguing. Happy reading!

  55. The weather has been all over the place here this week, I've been leaving my house with a huge coat and scarf and then when I arrive at work I'm boiling hot! And then today it seemed really nice and then just started snowing, that's British weather for you! Can you believe that I've never read a book by Armstrong before? I need to sort myself out right? I hope you have a great week Greg! :)

  56. YES, Han Solo. Gotta go. See it. I plan to embark on an Agatha Christie book trip next month. Starting with the first Poirot tale. I'll probably watch highlights of the Olympics that are posted on YouTube. Happy reading!

  57. We suddenly had a cold week here as well, it was weird as it was getting warmer and then suddenly the temperatures dropped back down again.

    I can't believe I still haven't read the second City of the Lost book yet. I'll have to get to it soon and order book 3.

    I am curious about the solo movie. And you picked some nice artwork for this week's post! Have a great week!

  58. It is definitely winter around here. It did warm up just a bit on Friday but we are back to being cold. I loved This Fallen Prey which I finished yesterday. Armstrong has done such a great job with this series. Have a great week, Greg!

  59. I hope the weather warms up for ALL of us very soon! I am sick of winter! I want to get hold of The Fallen Prey as I very much enjoyed City of the Lost. Thank you for the pics - I particularly like the one with the mermaid jumping with the pod of dolphins as well as the tentacled horror emerging from the sky - how magnificently Lovecraftian:)). Have a great week, Greg.

  60. Can't wait for your Wolves of Winter review! It's been quite cold all weekend here, but we may get up to 70 in the middle of next week?? Texas weather is ridiculous, I tell you. Hope you stay warm!

  61. I've been watching the Olympics too and it does seem like there's a lot of commercials lately. Have you seen the ice skating and snowboarding competitions? I thought those were awesome!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  62. It's been almost 60 here today and I'm loving it. I've got The Wolves of Winter on request from the library but I swear it's been in processing for over a month. I'm kind of confused. I love that artwork of the house on the island type things. Hope you have a wonderful week Greg.

  63. I hate this darn cold weather and it seems when it's not snowing it's raining. Wacky weather everywhere I think. Have a good week reading!

  64. I think the actual opening ceremony was cool, but yeah, commercials over and over are awful. I like watching certain things like ice skating and ice dancing a lot!


  65. We have more snow coming down as I visit. Finally had a snow day on Friday. I've been recording the Olympics so I can skip the commercials. Glad you enjoyed This Fallen Prey. I hope to get to it soon!

  66. That's funny you mention the endless commercials on NBC during the Olympics. My son and I were watching the opening ceremony together and practically screaming at the TV every time it went to commercial, lol.

    I'm glad to hear you enjoyed This Fallen Prey. The blurb sounded so good so I was really hoping it wouldn't disappoint.

    Hope you have a great week!

  67. Hope it warms up for you soon. My Hubby watches mostly movies and programs he saves so we can skip the commercials. Glad you had a good reading week. I am interested in Wolves in Winter so I'll check your review. Hope this week is a good one for you. Happy Reading!

  68. Sounds like you had a good reading week. And your winter hangs on like our summer is doing. All too soon you'll be into the warm weather. Hang in there!

  69. I love the illustration of the sci-fi woman with gun. Also looks like you had a great reading week and I hope you're well!

  70. That last image is really good! I read Wolves of Winter too (reviewed it today too) -- yes, I think it's one that will stick with me.

  71. I really like Bye Bye Love. I've been fascinated with the snowboarding and ice dancing so far. I didn't watch the opening ceremony, but I do keep hearing on the news about some guy who carried the flag shirtless for the second time.(lol) You know that I think stuff like that is funny, when you consider that people are racing the luge down icy roads at 78 mph, or flipping over in icy 0 degree weather in hopes for a gold medal. It was 72 here in NC yesterday, and 65 today. I sure wish you could send some of that 20 degree weather this way. Hugs...RO

  72. Hi Greg. I missed the opening ceremony. Sunday watched a little here and there snowboarding and curling.

    Have great day. Enjoy Your Books

  73. I do like that I can watch most of the Olympics live in my Prime Time. I agree that there are too many commercials. I enjoyed Vault of the Dreamers and Kelley Armstrong's new one. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  74. I haven't watched the Olympics since NBC took over coverage. Come see what I'm reading this week.

  75. Bad Girl With Perfect Faces - such a great name for a book, especially for a favourite)))

  76. 20’s? Geez. This winter has been absolutely crazy. We’re now having unseasonably warm weather - almost 80 today. What the heck?! The Cars... classic. :) I’ve been hit or miss with the Olympics. I basically slept the weekend away (I blame NyQuil) so I just caught bits here and there. I watched a bit of the biathlon. Skiing + shooting? Seriously, who decided these went together? It’s like gymnastics + baking. I don’t it.

  77. Bad Girls With Perfect Faces was so good! I kind of feel like we're getting too much Star Wars after decades of zero Star Wars, I still haven't seen the latest which is so weird.

  78. In the tropics, it is hot and humid anyway. No interest in the winter olympics at all. Sorry. Like the olympics though!

  79. Hey Greg! Hope you're well. I have to say, I feel like Star Wars has lost some of it's charm since Disney picket it up *hiding*. I don't know! I just haven't felt the pull! Too much too soon? Too much like trying to make money? I DON'T KNOW! I'll have to catch up with all the movies and see what I think....

  80. STRONGLY AGREE!!! The coverage of the Olympics just feels off, and I think we spent more time watching anchors talk about the opening ceremony than actually watching the thing? I was like you and gettin' a ton of blogging done!

  81. Woohoo! Thanks for sharing my post, Greg!

  82. I am loving the Olympics - but hating the coverage! We were just talking about how the Olympics used to be on like all day when we were kids, and now it is neatly packaged for us from 8-11 or whatever. :( My friends have been watching the Canadian Broadcast of it.

    I really want to read Wolves of Winter now!

    Have a great week. :)

  83. So much gorgeous art! All of the book covers are amazing too. The Vault Of Dreamers used to be on my old Goodreads wishlist before I had to make a new account.

    Vee @ Under The Mountain
