By The Light of the Green Star - I read the Green Star books ages ago, as a kid, and loved 'em. Not sure they'd hold up today, but a world of immense trees, lit by a green sun- what's not to like? Of course these were pastiches of Edgar Rice Burrough's Venus books, but I do love the concepts.
Never heard of these books, but this cover sure has lots going on to rab our attention. Hugs and Happy Friyay! RO
ReplyDeleteI like the vintage look, and there's so much to look at!
ReplyDeleteI'm not familiar with this book at all, but I can see why you're highlighting the cover, it's pretty cool!
ReplyDeleteSuch a cool looking cover!
ReplyDeleteThere are so many sci-fi-y books that I've never heard of and this is one of them! It does sound fun and I really like the cover.
ReplyDeleteThis is completely new to me. There is a whole lot going on with this cover but I must say that I like it!
ReplyDeleteMine was really boring! Lets out a breath, sigh, so boring
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is the guy on the top right riding. 😂
ReplyDeleteI love those moon pics. I'm trying to keep my days chill too but there's always so much going on. Reading keeps me sane. :-)
ReplyDeletewell it does looks very adventurous and action packed! :)