Mermaid Project was a pleasant surprise. Set in the late 21st century, in a world ravaged by war and environmental catastrophe, it tells the story of Romane Pennac, an inspector in the Paris police force. The world has changed and white people are now a minority in many places- including Paris. Romane therefore experiences racism and dismissiveness from her colleagues as Europe and the United States have declined amidst dwindling resources and poor decisions. So it's against this backdrop that we begin our tale.
Romane is chosen to accompany a special agent to New York to investigate a company called Algapower, a leader in genetic engineering and methane production. Methane derived from algae is a big deal now with the decline of fossil fuels, and Romane's brother happens to work there as a scientist, which explains her inclusion in the investigation. The ostensible reason for their trip to New York is a missing body that may or may not be simply a morgue error, but there's a connection to the company in that the family of the deceased received a letter telling them to see Romane.
It's not clear why someone would send such a letter, but given that her brother works there and the fact that the special services want to investigate Algapower anyway, Romane finds herself on the case. Her partner El Malik is a gruff, no- nonsense sort but they soon find themselves working well together, and Romane soon learns that there is more to Algapower than meets the eye. I love stories like this that extrapolate on current trends and explore near- future possibilities. Genetic engineering, environmental decay and a tantalizing mystery all add up to a pretty entertaining story.
Ok, so this sounds interesting, but also like it could be challenging for me.
ReplyDeleteIt is a graphic novel, right?
It's got a great cover!
ReplyDeleteI love the concept for this! You don't see too many stories that have white people as a minority. Very few have experienced racism, so I think this offers a unique and interesting perspective. Glad to hear you liked this one! Did you buy a physical copy or read it online?
ReplyDeleteLindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬
oh I like that this is environmental catastrophe and racism. Two very relevant themes!
ReplyDeleteStories that explore near-future possibilities can definitely be interesting and thought-provoking, maybe even a little eerie cuz what if it actually happens that way? Glad you enjoyed this one!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds pretty good! Would you say it is appropriate for high school students? I'm always looking for new ideas of graphic novels to buy for our library.
ReplyDeleteI love the art and the concept! Thanks for the heads up. 👍✨
ReplyDeleteI do like the cover. I like that it has an environmental aspect and the depletion of fossil fuels. I have to check this one out. Great pick.