
Friday, June 24, 2022

Sunday Post #458

This week I have lotsa stuff. First of all, it's 2022 and I just realized this is the year Soylent Green was set in! So okay maybe the world is not as bad as that movie (close, perhaps) but... see below. Anywho, I also had some comments last week on Movies That Suck and it occurs to me that many have probably not seen those posts. I was looking back and there are some fun movies I've watched/ lambasted, so here's an early one. Tremors   

In other news, I have a cool walking tour of Seoul.            

   Song of the week


Frank Frazetta was an iconic SF/F cover artist. I was scrolling through wasting time on Twitter and saw these. I used the cover for Savage Pellucidar recently on a post. 


  1. Oh wow. I remember that H.G. Wells book and cover.

  2. I hadn't realized that Soylent Green is set in 2022! That's kinda crazy, lol!

  3. That's wild that Soylent Green is set in 2022! George Jetson was born this year, too. Ha ha. 🚀

    Have a wonderful new week! 🌞

  4. Thanks for the link to your movies that suck. I didn't realize it was your own little blog series. Definitely looking forward to more then :-)

  5. It's weird how we're living in "the future."

  6. That is an old motorhme and what awesome artwork!

  7. Great post Greg! Love the graphics! I’m going to check out the Walking Tour of Seoul on my TV later. Have a great week!

  8. Oh, I hope it won't get that bad. Love the art! Such a slice of Americana..somehow..which makes it even more great. Thank you so much for your comments. I hope you are getting in some writing and finding a spark in what you read and watch on TV. Thanks for the YOUTube too!

    Carefully Listening
    The Book Group
    Cherry Blossoms
    Better Off Unsaid

  9. I just read the synopsis for Soylent Green. Sounds like a depressing film.

  10. Oh, come on, Tremors isn't that bad, though some of the sequels are silly. I've never heard of Soylent Green.

  11. That cover for War of the Worlds is awesome. Tremors, ha ha! Such a horrible movie, lol. I haven't watched Soylent Green, but I know what it's about thanks to Futurama, lol. And, the cherry blossom season is my favorite. I usually focus on Japan instead of South Korea, but either way, さくら (sakura, cherry blossom in Japanese) is the best.

  12. I love these vintage pulp covers for Wells and Burroughs! Take care and happy reading. 🙂

  13. The artwork on the RV is pretty impressive. And the clip from Soylent Green... Pretty wild that is was set in 2022.

  14. That's great that you found your blogging mojo again Greg!

  15. Tremors is one of the first few posts I read on this blog. I just re-read your post when I realized that. Great times.

  16. Vintage pulp covers aren't my favorite, but you have to give all the artists credit for brilliant artworks!

    Have a great upcoming week Greg.

    Elza Reads

  17. I need to read War of The World at some point. I've seen the film. The artwork is great!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  18. That camper with the pic from that book is so awesome!! Not heard of that series by Edgar Rice Burrough, but have one of his Tarzan books I need to

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  19. Wow, I sure had a time signing in here! I have never had that problem before, but I'm guessing that Google has made some changes!

    Great visuals!

  20. Soylent Green is new to me. Never heard of it *smile* Has Google/Blogger changed something again? Every time I want to comment on one of your posts, I have to sign in before I can write a comment... Have a great weekend and new week.

  21. Wow! I didn't know this was the year Solent Green was set in. That movie creeped me out so much. Tremors was a fun, cheesy movie. :)

  22. I've seen Soylent Green, but I didn't remember that it's set in 2022. That's funny. :)

  23. It's been a long time since I saw Soylent Green but how weird it was set in 2022. Those pictures are great. Hope you have a great weekend!

  24. I know the ending to soylent green so I'm glad we're not living that movie.

    I saw Tremors a while back and I enjoyed that movie and I might have seen the sequels or were there sequels? I used to watch a lot of movies like those - not quite scary and yet, on the verge.

    Have a lovely day.

  25. I'm enjoying the magic library music. Thanks for posting it!

    I have to admit that I've never been a big fan of Frazetta, but he certainly did a lot of iconic covers back in the day.

  26. That's so funny about Soylent Green! I love when we catch up to the year an old sci fi movie was set in. Have a good week Greg!

  27. I haven't thought about Soylent Green or even the George Jetson stuff I saw others mention. We are on the verge and will we improve and grow or destroy and regress?

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  28. Now that is an eye catching RV! Interesting that we have made it to the future in Soylent Green.

  29. Now I want to re-watch Tremors. Have a good week.

  30. Very cool collection of the cover art AND I always enjoy your pulp covers (very vintage!). Thanks for the visit!

  31. It is certainly interesting to look at SF books set in this time by previous writers of times past. I am always fascinated by J D Robb set in 2070's and they are always eating food that's not very real as we would see it, and now it looks more and more like it happening.

  32. Wow! The art reminds me of Tarzan and Jane covers.

  33. I am just loving the walking tour that you shared there. One day I want to see it live. There are have been lots of mixed thoughts on the newest films that have been released.

  34. Isn't if funny though, that wherever those movies that suck are on we stop and watch a bit!!

  35. I hadn't ever seen (or heard of) Soylent Green so I had to go look it up. Yeah, I'm thankful we haven't reached that point (yet) but GAH things have gotten bad :( I always find it interesting when older SciFi intersects our time! Have a great week!

  36. Yes, thank goodness we don't live in Soylent Green times!

  37. Oh my gosh! I didn't realize Soylent Green was set in 2022! How funny! I love that RV with the image on it. So cool! Have a great week and thanks for visiting my post earlier!

  38. I watched Tremors for the first time just a couple of years ago after we happened to visit the area where it was filmed. We were distracted by the location and the fact that both of us had forgotten Reba McEntire was in it. It was a fun sucky movie!

    Enjoy your week!

  39. Haha, I agree with some of these comments, don't knock Tremors too much, that's one of the "best bad movies" every made :D And ah, I remember the first time seeing that Frazetta piece, it's a classic.

  40. I don't know my movies so can't appreciate how bad Tremors is, but I have seen Soylent Green and the clip you shared makes me want to watch it again.

  41. Love that RV! It's always weird when the fictional future becomes the present. I'm glad we are at least coming out ahead even if it's only a little bit. Have a great week!

  42. Thanks for the video of Seul. I had no idea it was such a beautiful city. We were supposed to be heading off to Korea in September of 2020, but Covid.... My daughter in law has been hoping to take our two grandchildren to visit their grandparents there, but having to remain for two weeks in a hotel in quarantine with them just doesn't work. The grandparents haven't seen the youngest yet who is almost 2 1/2.

  43. I love War of the Worlds and those book covers are amazing.

  44. OK, I was scrolling down the post too quick, and it legit. looked like the lady with the panthers had a tail! Lol.
